Steve Chou

Post on 15-May-2015

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Presented to you by my Daddy, Steve Chou

What You Will Learn Today

The psychology of selling An actionable strategy you can take

with your email autoresponder to…• Increase affiliate revenue sales• Increase sales of your own product

A peek into how I have my own autoresponder sequence setup

Species: Wifis Quitticus

My Wife’s Retirement Plan

My Retirement Plan

Making Money With A Blog

Pay per click ads like Adsense, MediaNet etc…

Pay per action ads like Commission Junction, ShareASale etc…

CPM Advertising Selling your own products

Unless you have a lot of traffic, affiliate marketing and selling your own products are going to be your big money makers!

Problems With My Blog Early On

The money just wasn’t there.

Is The Money Really In The List?

I had a decent sized list at the time (about 8K)

I had a nice autoresponder sequence set up that pointed my readers to my best content

But the money simply wasn’t there. I wasn’t getting many affiliate clicks The ad revenue was marginal

Leveraging My Email List

Another Dilemma

No strategy for getting more customers in the door

No time to hold webinars on a regular basis

Didn’t want to turn into one of those Internet email spammers

20000 Ft View Of My Blog

I have over 500 posts on the blog Very few posts actually make money

from affiliate revenue. If a reader isn’t reading one of these

posts, then the chances of making more than a $1 from an adsense click are extremely slim

If you aren’t bringing readers to your money content, you aren’t going to make any money

The Funnel

The Best Kept Secret In Marketing

The Best Salesgirl I Know

Ok…What Do You Want?

The Setup

Social Proof

Finishing Me Off

Your Email Autoresponder

Your Lead Magnet

“Long ebooks and time-consuming giveaways might hurt you. Most people don’t read them”

“Something short and sweet is more likely to be read” Clay Collins, Pat Flynn

Setting Up Your Autoresponder

Customer gets awesome content in bite sized chunks

The click through rate for email is way higher than a PDF

People get used to opening and reading your emails

Click Through Results

Compared to giving away an ebook as a lead magnet…

• A large percentage (as high as 68%) of signups read and click on my links in every email

• This is orders of magnitude better than when I gave away an book.

Your Giveaway

Needs to be extremely valuable and teach something

If you sell a product, give away a portion of it Everything you teach must be step by step! Take advantage of both text and video

mediums to steer readers towards your calls to action and links

Use video to show off your personality

People need to get value from your free giveaway!

Step 1 - Introduction

Short video which introduces myself and gives a high level overview of selling online

I tell my story• I made over 100K in my first year of business• I had no experience at all before I began• I had never run a business before• I had never sold anything in my life

Try to be sincere and relate to your targeted audience and show off your personality.

Don’t sell at this step

Step 2 – The Tutorial

Here’s where you put out your best content

Here’s what I teach in depth• How to find products to sell online• How to sign up for hosting (affiliate op)• How to setup a shopping cart (affiliate op)• How to accept credit cards (affiliate op)• How to get a great shopping cart design (affiliate op)

Each and every step has a tutorial video and links to blog posts

Each step has aff links for the products I’ve used

Tutorial Tips

In general it’s harder to get affiliate clicks for videos

I use the Pat Flynn patented method for video clickthroughs and it works well

On video, people like to follow you step by step

Take advantage of this fact! Start the tutorial by having the

customer click on one of your banner ads

The Outcome Of The Tutorial

In my giveaway, I teach people how to setup an online store from scratch

Some people will take this info and run with it

• These people usually purchase my recommended services.

Some people will want to learn even more…

• These people are candidates to buy my course at $599

The Follow Up (2-3 days later)

What’s left to do? Explain why the current tutorial is not

enough• We made a ton of mistakes in starting our

store• Mention that I go into much greater depth in

my course• How to bring in customers etc…

Give a light sell of the course

Frequently Asked Questions (2 days)

Reader is likely overwhelmed and still has a bunch of questions

Preemptively answer them with a FAQ email

Here’s what I address• How much money does it take to start?• What equipment do you need?• How hard is it to start a website?• How much time does it take?• How much does it cost for marketing?• Can I really make money doing this?

The Hard Sell (2 days later)

If you’ve been running your course for a while, you probably have followers

Show off your testimonials and success stories

I have many students in my class making 4 figures or more per month with their shops

Try to include as much “real” proof as possible that your product works

The Ultimate Resource (2-3 days)

I send out a compendium post of all the products and services I recommend

This email converts extremely well for me

Most people aren’t willing to read through a large doc but they love to have a resource.

If you have established yourself as an authority, people will listen to your recommendations

What You Need To Do

On a typical blog, only a small fraction of webpages will make you money

Find out what these pages are! Make sure you tag all of your

outbound affiliate links to see which get the most clicks

Use a plugin like pretty link so you can change your links in one central place

Compile A Mini-Course

Take all of those posts and come up with a common theme

If you make money off of credit cards, make a tutorial on selecting the best card for you

Make a course on how to get your finances in order

Make sure you put out great content that includes step by step tutorials!

Step By Step Is The Key

People like to follow directions verbatim without using their brains

Use video if possible in addition to text

Tell people where to click in these tutorials

Do not leave it up to chance

My Autoresponder Performance

My email funnel converts between 2-4% of my signups for my $599 course

I’ve raised the price of my class 3 times and it has not affected sales

Of the remaining 96% 4-5% go on to convert some sort of affiliate offer

The payout varies from $10 all the way to $1000

Sometimes, the payout is recurring

Double Whammy

People who sign up for my $599 class then go and sign up for my recommendations as well

Every course signup has the potential to generate over $1k

Most everything is on autopilot via the email autoresponder

Maximizing Signups

Try to steer all readers of your blog to your newsletter

Make sure there’s a signup form on every page

Use a popup – Aweber or popup domination

Use a scroll triggered box Place forms in your sidebar and at the

bottom of every post Make sure every visitor has an

opportunity to get on your list

Key Takeaways

Set up your lead magnet as a series of emails that teach something

If you sell a product, include a followup email

Include a FAQ email Include a testimonial email Include a resource email Make good use of both video and text and

instruct readers to click on your aff links Please signup forms every where


Email me Twitter @mywifequit Websites
