Steve Osborn, B.Sc (Hons), M.Phil Director, Technology ... · September 2019 report - By 2030 the...

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The ones to watch: forecasting the emerging ingredients, trends and product innovation on

the horizon

Steve Osborn, B.Sc (Hons), M.Phil

Director, Technology Scout, Trendwatcher

The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd

Propagating Sustainable

Innovation and Growth in the food

industry since 2015

Delivering technology, innovation and scouting projects to global client base; Including 5 of Forbes’ Top 25 food, drink and tobacco companies, 2017.

Aurora Ceres®An international food and drink innovation agency.© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Food industry experts

Technology scouting.

Technology solutions.

Innovation management.

NPD Project management.

Business process analysis.

Innovation Road-mapping.

Open Innovation.

Challenge to Prototype

Network development.

Innovation opportunity.

Enabling the trends through technology and technical insight.

Technical advice

Nothing Exists in Isolation

Cross-Over Opportunities

Holistic Wellness

Science and Efficacy

Positive Language

Sustainable Supply chain


Look Good, Feel Good

Positive processing

From ‘Marmite’ to ‘Toast’

4© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

trendACTION from Aurora Ceres®Answering the Food and Beverage industry’s most challenging questions.

Trends only become a reality when they achieve a critical mass. This is dependent on;➢ The challenge itself (The market need)➢ Who wants it (The market desire)➢ Technology being available

GenZ/iGen/CentennialsBorn 1996-2010


MillennialsBorn 1981-1996

© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Want truth from food manufacturers

Wider perception of ‘healthy’; natural, organic, provenance and sustainability as important as macro nutrient content.

Open-minded, and receptive to new ideas and like to ‘customise’ to express individuality.

Adventurous tastes, love ethnic cuisine and embrace vegetarian and vegan options.

Snacking, convenience and ‘easy’ options are important purchasing traits as seen with meal kits and delivery options.

Shopping is smartphone influenced and peer to peer engagement drives purchase behaviour

Global, tech-savvy multicultural generation.

They value (and expect) diversity and inclusion and respect organisations will similar outlooks.

Confident and curious, and expect high standards.

Frugal, which because of environmental issues means they have a stronger conscience regarding their spending.

Self-confessed screen-addicts, with an acute awareness of on-line risks making them wary and untrusting, even cynical

They are looking for organisations who are honest and transparent who can earn their trust.

‘Traditional’ techniques are the future of ingredient formulation…….

Big-Data analysis, AIHigh throughput screening identifies specific compounds with specific functionality

• Fermentation. • Synthetic biology.• Bio-catalysis. • Green chemistry.

Tailored processes to produce tailored ingredients for tailored diets.

© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Positive Processing

“The evolution of these types of technology platforms must be embraced as truly

sustainable alternatives. Ingredient production will no longer be limited by the availability of

the resources, or held back by the environmental impact of their farming or


© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Positive Processing


2013 Andras Forgacs, Co-Founder Modern Meadows© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Positive Processing - cellular agriculture

September 2019 report - By 2030 the US dairy and Cattle industry will have collapsed as microbial protein factories dominate.

Afineur, a biotechnology company using controlled natural fermentations to make better, healthier and more sustainable food products; the microbes remove the bitter notes of coffee, resulting in an ultra-smooth drink.

Using innovative processes found in nature (fermentation) to brew sustainable alternatives to palm oil.

Vegan collagen peptides and other novel proteins for nutritionally superior functional food and nutraceutical formulas. Bio-designing collagen peptides with zero animal inputs, powering advanced, next-generation nutrition formulas that are both sustainable and healthy.

Using in-house facilitated expression methodology, to ‘naturally’ customize a range of ingredients from a single fermentation batch.

© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Positive Processing – Precision fermentation

Using ‘dairy flora’ fermentation to convert plant sugar into milk proteins — whey and casein — nutritionally identical to those that come from cows, but without the downsides. They call this flora-based dairy protein, since it comes from flora instead of animals.

From Marmite to Toast

© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Globally around 1/3 of food is wasted – regardless of ‘wealth of nation’ – but its complex‘Where’ the food is wasted shifts from field to home.

Engels law – proportional spend on food decreases with wealth.

Bennet's law – increased wealth sees shift away from starch staples.

Food production has tripled since 1954, and average food availability has increased by 40%. *(FAO 2014)

We are getting richer, food is lower value, it has a shorter shelf life, and there is more of it.

Nutrient ‘surplus’ from production processes will be increasingly challenged by the environmentally conscious younger generations.

The desire for increased transparency is challenging ‘false virtue’.

It will be enabled by evolution of new technologies.

Sustainable Food Ingredients from By-Products

Nutrient and functional ingredient recovery presents a significant commercial opportunity to industries with excessive ‘waste’.

Bioactive – Fibre – Colour – Flavour

Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions (RESS)• Micronization is achieved through placing raw material between two fast rotating rotors of unique design,

creating an effect of ‘vacuum bomb’ and bursting the particles with centrifugal forces.

• RESS obtains particles of average grain size between 1 and 200 μm from different materials – an opportunity for waste recovery.

© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Sophie’s Kitchen

• 'Food Grade Protein from Microalgae’; an alternative to animal-and plant-based protein

• Food waste such as spent grains and okara (by-products of breweries and soy manufacturers) to feed microalgae, growing in a fermentation tank.

• The food-grade microalgae protein can be used as an ingredient in plant-based burgers and seafood.

© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

“Consumers are looking for products that are personalised and well-evidenced, which offers holistic self-care, yet considers its impact on the

wider-world in terms of true sustainability.”

© The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019

Thank you for your time.w:

Tw: @Aurora_Ceres /@ACP_SteveO

Linkedin : The Aurora Ceres Partnership Ltd- creating value and excellence in the food and beverage industry

Steve Osborn B.Sc. (Hons), M.Phil. 07956144188

Naomi Diaz B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc. 07852307204 © The Aurora Ceres® Partnership Ltd 2019