Stevie Rumney's evaluation

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Stevie Rumney 1

AS Media Evaluation.

Stevie Rumney 2

Front page.

• Name of magazine (Masthead).• Cover lines.• Cover girl and story lines.• Colours chosen and why.• Who’s the magazine is featuring.• Why the words that I have used.


My masthead is called TEMPO, it is large and bold, this is so the audience can see it nice and clear.

They are many cover line stories on my front cover, there are big famous names on there, for example, Simon Cowell has on of the biggest record labels available at this moment in time, and Pharrel Williams has just released one of the best selling songs, therefore, he has a big name.

I have used the same colour, for her lips, her name, and her story line, this is because the audience can then see that the story line is about her because it is all the same colour, if it was all different it may confuse the audience, it will also look too much with many different colours.

The Banner at the bottom is black, white, and red, this is so the colour scheme is the same through out the magazine, and so there is not many colours on the front page. I have added the Celebrities names on there because they are who the audience would want to read about, I know this because as the genre of the magazine is chart music, the names on the magazine, are all chart music singers.

The barcode is only very small so its no taking much space up, and it has also got the price of the magazine, the issue, and the magazine web address.

I have put ’20 must’ in bold and red so It attracts the readers attention. And also to promote the songs them self's, like I’m telling them that the SHOULD have the songs.

As Kim Kardashian is one of the most famous girls of all times, and she had had a baby to one of the biggest rap starts going, everyone wants to see what there baby looks like, so this will want the audience buy the magazine, I have, again used the word ‘unseen’ bold in red so this will grab the viewers attention, I have used the word unseen and only tempo can reveal, so that the audience think they cant see them anywhere else.

Stevie Rumney

Stevie Rumney 4

Contents page.

• What is inside the magazine• Why I used the images I did.• Colour scheme.• Why I used the month and issue number.• Why I used the fonts.

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I have used the same Masthead again, to show which magazine it is.

I have used the same colour scheme through out the contents page, also I didn’t use much grey on the front cover, it sill works with the contents page.

I have write contents page large down the side so it is clear what it is, that its not just a page on the magazine. I have used the same font to write ‘Contents’ and ‘Features’ this is so there is not many different fonts on the magazine.

When I was designing my contents page, I thought it would be a good idea to put the page numbers in a different colour. This is so they stand out from the text. I have also but the subtitles in full capital letters, this is so the audience can clearly see what they will be reading about.

Underneath, I have come up with a small sentence, explaining in a little more detail what the article will be about. I have put that In small text so it doesn’t take too much room up on the page.

I have put the issue number, the month, and the web address all in the same compartment because then people can get all the information in one, for example, it could be the same month but a different issue number, and people will tend to buy the most up-to-date version on the magazine, if the audience is still unsure on which is the most up-to-date one, they can visit ‘TEMPO’s web page, that is why it is important that they are all together.

I have added numerals pictures of the same person on the magazine, so the audience gets the effect that ‘TEMPO’ have followed the person around to get all the inside gossip, the pictures that I took are also very interesting, because in one there are two boys fully covered in sludge, and in the other, the two girls are sinking in the sludge.

Lastly, I have added a page at the back on the magazine which you can see what will be in the next issue on the magazine. This is so if the audience enjoyed the current issue that they have just read, they can see what will be in the next issue, to see if they is anything they may want to read about.

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Double page.

• Colours chosen and why.• Font used and why.• Image used and why.• Summarisation paragraph. • Explaining page numbers.


I have used the font Edwardian Script ITC. This is because the picture I took of Leah, is a very elegant picture, and the font represents this. I have used the gold because it is the same colour had her dress so it stands out nicely. I have also used the words ‘Leah’s Back’ because in the image shows, her back is showing.

In my double page spread I have used a questionnaire because if I was reading a magazine, I would most likely to enjoy interviews, also In my public questionnaire, I asked people what they most prefer, and that was the most common answer.

I have changed the writing style as well when different people are talking, for example, when Leah is talking I have used the italic, and when the interviewer was talking, I used bold. This is so it is more clear when its different people talking.

I have added a summarisation paragraph onto the end of the interview, in this paragraph it has a taster of what may be in the next issue of the magazine.

At the bottom of each page, I have put a page number, the month issued, and the website, this is to show what page it is, and where to look for more information on this article.

In the middle of the article I have put a quote used in the article its self, this is to show the audience what they are talking about if they don’t want to read it, and it is also to try and make the audience want to read it. I have also used the same colour that I did for my title, this is so it keeps it plain and simple, but so it still looks really good.

The image that I have used is just the back of the artist, to show the detail of the dress she id wearing, I have cut the background out so it is plain, this is because the image doesn’t need much detail because it needs to look simple for it to work.

Stevie Rumney