Stop Thinking and Start

Post on 16-Jul-2020

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Dr. MaryJo Wagner,

The UnStuck Coach

Stop Thinking and

Start Moving

For Business Transformation

and Financial Abundance

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© Copyright 2016 * All rights reserved * The MJWagner Company * *

What I Need to Know about My Business

My business success is not built on how ______ I ________. My business success is not built on how _____ I ________. My business success is not built on how ____my ___________ or _________ _______ ___.

The Top Three Business Zappers

The number 1 business zapper is ____________ _____________.

To correct the number 1 business zapper, I can do ________.

The number 2 business zapper is ____________________ into __________________.

To correct the number 2 business zapper, I can do ___________ ___________.

The number 3 business zapper is ____________ with ______ _____ my _________.

To correct the number 3 business zapper, I can do _________ _________.

____________ is the ______ to a successful business!

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© Copyright 2016 * All rights reserved * The MJWagner Company * *


(Squelch Negativity Action Points)

An Inspired Action SMART Move

How t o do SN AP:

T o d o S NAP , p lace y o u r finge rti ps l ig ht ly a b ove th e

ce nte r o f ea c h eye brow a n d h al fw ay to yo ur

ha i r l in e. Y o ur finge rs wi l l be o n t he f ro nta l

em in en ces , th e s l ig ht b um ps on y ou r fo re hea d.

Gent ly p lac e t h re e finge rs o f ea c h ha n d ove r th ese

po ints . No w p la ce y ou r t hu mbs o n y o u r temp les .

C lose y ou r eyes a n d take t en dee p b rea ths . ( I f yo u

do t h is w ith k ids , th ey ca n leav e t he i r e yes op en i f

c los ing th ei r ey es is t o o s ca ry . )

Ofte n y o u ’ l l fe e l a s h ift su c h as a b ig s igh o r

d ro p p ing y ou r s ho u lde rs . T he s h ift lets yo u k n ow

yo u’ re fin ish ed do ing S NAP.

Wha t SN AP doe s:

SNA P to u ch es ne u rov asc u la r t r igge r p o ints . Gen t ly h o ld ing th ese n eu rovas c ula r

ho ld ing p o ints im p roves b lo od c irc u lati on. I n th is case fro m t he ba ck o f t he b ra in t o

the fro nt o f t he b ra in.

Ho ld ing t hes e p o ints k ee ps t he b lo o d in t he f ro nt o f th e b ra in. A nd re le ases t h e ba ck

b ra in fig ht - or - flight re fle x .

In he r bo ok Ene rg y Med ic ine , D o nn a Ed en c a l ls t he m t he “ O h My G o d Po ints . ” Bra in

Gym ca l ls th em “P os itive P o ints .” I n ot h er m o da l ities , t hey ’ re s im p ly ca l le d

“ne u rovasc u la r ho ld ing p o ints . ”

Whe n t o do S N AP :

Y ou wa nt t o c a lm d ow n a nd fee l pea ce f u l

Nega tive th o ugh ts a re getti ng in th e wa y of pro d uctiv e , ins pi red w o rk

Obsess iv e t h o ughts a re d r iv ing y ou c raz y

Y ou ’ re fee l ing pa n icky , ove rw he lme d, o r f r ig hte ne d.

Stop Thinking Start Moving 4

© Copyright 2016 * All rights reserved * The MJWagner Company * *

Wayne’s Cross Over

An Inspired Action Smart Move

How to do Wayne’s Cross Over

Start with your left foot over right knee. Now place your right hand

around the front of your left ankle and your left hand over the ball of

your left foot.

Inhale slowly as you pull your body to sit up straighter. Now pull your

leg toward to stretch the tendons and muscles. Exhale and relax your


Now reverse the position, starting with your right foot over your left

knee and repeat as you did above.

Now bring your hands together, fingertips touching.

What Wayne’s Cross Over does:

Wayne Cook, a pioneering bioenergetic researcher and kinesiologist,

invented this exercise for helping with stuttering and dyslexia. Relaxes

the central nervous system to help us become emotionally centered

and grounded. Gets meridians running in the right direction.

Also crosses the center mid-line to activate both left and right

hemispheres of the brain and helps the back brain and front brain

work together to lower stress and promote clear thinking.

Now bring your hands together, fingertips touching.

When to do Wayne’s Cross Over

When you feel stressed out, over-whelmed, or confused. Want to calm down and relax.

When your kids are upsetting you

If it's hard to make a decision

Before settling down to work at a task

When you want to focus and concentrate

If you're feeling sad or angry

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© Copyright 2016 * All rights reserved * The MJWagner Company * *

Cross Crawl

An Inspired Action SMART Move

How to Cross Crawl

While standing or sitting “march” in place, alternately touching

one hand or elbow to the opposite knee. It’s most effective

when you do cross crawl slowly. Be sure to raise your knee as

high as you can and twist your body as you cross crawl.

What Cross Crawl does

Cross crawl helps you not only use both the right and left sides

of your brain but also helps you integrate both sides of your


After a few weeks of cross crawl, you’ll see an improvement in

your posture, balance, and your sense of where your body is in

space. This is called “proprioception.” Lack of it can cause you to

trip or stumble. Makes learning and sports easier too.

Cross crawling helps you think more clearly and improves focus.

It gives you more energy and improves coordination. You’ll want

to do it with your kids several times a day! It’s an exercise for

the whole family.

When to Cross Crawl

When you’re scattered, overwhelmed, and can’t seem to


When you’re tired even though you got plenty of sleep.

(If you didn’t get enough sleep, take a nap.)

If you’d like to improve your coordination.

Try cross crawl before dancing, playing tennis or golf. Helps with

any activity that involves spatial awareness.

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© Copyright 2016 * All rights reserved * The MJWagner Company * *

Discover More about How to

Stop Thinking and Start Moving

for business transformation and financial abundance

Stuck and wondering why your business isn’t growing?

Working hard but not seeing the results you’d like?

Overwhelmed? Confused? Not Sure What to Do?

Got decisions to make but not sure what’s right? Wish

you just had a plan of action? Struggling to get clients

and customers? Afraid to charge more?

Now You can Get the Results You want!

The Results You Deserve!

Discover how to stop the negativity that can kill your business.

Find out how to control the overwhelm to make right decisions and take action.

Limit distractions to focus on growing your business (and get more done).

Discover and squelch limiting beliefs before they limit your business.

Learn how to bring more abundance into your business and your life.

Find out more about getting the results you want

with Dr. MaryJo Wagner, the UnStuck Coach.

Call me at 908-799-3388 to schedule your FREE 45

min. Get UnStuck Now consultation or email

Can’t wait to chat with you and help you on your

path to business or career success and abundance.