Story board planning

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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In the first scene we want a close up shot of each band member, one-by-one. This way we can identify who is who in the band and see what instruments they play. That way the audience can identify who is the lead singer, drummer ect to feel closer to the band. The lighting will be high key, this way we can have the grungy feel that we want from the



This scene is focused on the instruments. This gives the feel of a performance based music video. It also makes it seem

more indie due to the fact they can play their own instruments and sing themselves, unlike mainstream pop bands that have people playing the instruments for them and also use auto-tune. The lighting will be the same as

scene 1, high key.


In scene 3 is the start of the narrative part of the music video, this is the first scene were you get to see the girl

who the song is about, it is important that we see her full on so the audience get a clear idea of who she is. We will

also see the back of the band member who is the main singer, at first the audience don’t get to see who he is. The

lighting will be natural as we will be filming it out in the street.


In this scene we go back to the performance part where you get to see the whole band together rather than just one-by-

one. This way you get to see what the band looks like together as a group. The lighting will be high key again.


In scene 5 we are still keeping focus on the performance part. In this one we want a low to high shot of the whole band. This way you get to see more of the band playing

from different angle.


In this scene we are having flashbacks of the lead singer and the girl and their time spent together. Are main shot is of them two sitting on a bench together. The lighting will be

natural but we will edit it so it will have a dream effect.


This scene is also going to have the dream effect as it is still flashbacks but the main part of this scene is to have

them walking hand-in-hand so the audience know they are together. The lighting will be the same as the scene before.


In this scene we will go back to the performance based and have a pan shot to give it the effect of a performance video.

We will also have high key lighting.


For our final scene, there will be the band performing but at the end of the song when they finish playing the girl will walk over to the boy, this way, we have linked the narrative and performance together. The lighting will be the same as

all the performance parts and be high key.