Strategic Management: The Ultimate Goal of Strategic Planning

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Developing a strategic plan is the first step in leading a strategic organization. The efficacy of the plan is judged not by how many goals you achieve, but in how well you utilize the plan to strategically lead your organization. According to the Balanced Scorecard Institute, strategic organizations implement processes to “systematically coordinate and align resources and actions with mission, vision and strategy.”


Strategic ManagementThe Ultimate Goal of

Strategic Planning

Kathy Brandt, MS

the kb group

Why Plan Strategically?

• Engage in facilitated strategy debates and discussions

• Involve employees in setting and implementing long-term goals

• Develop data-driven guestimates and then test them

• Create a framework for future decisions

Why Plan?

• Create synergy and buy in regarding strategy among leaders, staff and board

• Teach and encourage the leadership team to think strategically

• Identify gaps in what you have and what you need to meet goals

Why Plans Fail

• Planning sessions focus on minutiae

• Anecdotes used as a proxy for data

• Looking backwards instead of forwards

• Letting the actions of competitors drive strategy

• Focusing on tactics rather than strategy

• Once finalized, the plan is ignored

When is it Time to Plan?

• Every X number of years

• Major shifts in the environment

– Funding

– Competition

– Policy/regulatory

• Changes in leadership

Which Process?


• AI

• Dots /refining priorities

• Scenario planning

• All of the above

• None of the above

KB’s Strategic Planning “Essentials”

1. Engage “content experts” and staff in the process

– Creates buy in

– Provides input from the “implementation team”

– Results in a more well-rounded strategy

– Identifies champions

– Teaches strategic thinking

KB’s Strategic Planning “Essentials”

1. Engage “content experts” and staff in the process

2. Establish a framework for decision making

– Develops questions that can be used to evaluate future initiatives

– Communicates the process for future decisions

– Helps leaders say yes (and no)

– Informs budget, staffing and other priorities

– Defines the data needed to make informed decisions

Strategic Planning “Essentials”

1. Engage “content experts” and staff in the process

2. Establish a framework for decision making

3. Set stretch goals that are realistic given your resources

– Challenges the organization to grow and evolve

– Identifies champions for new initiatives

– Creates opportunities for staff be creative

– Establishes the organization as an innovator

Strategic Planning “Essentials”

1. Engage “content experts” and staff in the process

2. Establish a framework for decision making

3. Set stretch goals that are realistic given your resources

4. Assign responsibilities and a time line

– Involves staff, teams, board members and volunteers

– Establishes milestones

– Prioritizes initiatives

– Informs the annual budget and staffing plan

Strategic Planning “Essentials”

1. Engage “content experts” and staff in the process

2. Establish a framework for decision making

3. Set stretch goals that are realistic given your resources

4. Assign responsibilities and a time line

5. Develop a monitoring process

– Facilitates accountability

– Establishes the metrics to measure

– Engages the governing body in oversight

Strategic Planning “Essentials”

1. Engage “content experts” and staff in the process

2. Establish a framework for decision making

3. Set stretch goals that are realistic given your resources

4. Assign responsibilities and a time line

5. Develop a monitoring process

6. Communicate regularly with everyone– Provides the opportunity to ask questions

– Helps staff understand the context of their work

– Allows leaders to showcase their team’s successes

– Celebrates “wins”

Start Big, Define the Descriptive Vision

• As a result of our work we will __________

• If we do not succeed, then ___________ (what we are trying to prevent, avoid, eliminate, improve – helps to clarify the vision)

• We’ll know we are successful when _________

• Incremental progress will be measured by __________

Use Data, Not Hunches

• Be sure you know what the organization and community needs, don’t rely on hunches

• Ask stakeholders

• Remember that the past isn’t an indicator of anything regarding the future

• Look far and wide for best practices

• Bring questions, not answers

Strategic Planning Questions

• What was our biggest failure this year? How can we fix it?

• What was our biggest success? How can we repeat it?

• What internal forces stood in the way of success this year ? What can we do about that?

• What internal force was most responsible for success? How can we create more of that?

Leadership Questions

• What single data point did we least want to hear this year?

• What is the single metric you/we will measure success by ? What are you/we doing about it?

• If you fired yourself today, and came in tomorrow with a clean sheet, what would you do?

More Questions

• What is our organization passionate about doing?

• What are we best in the world at?

• Within our mission, how can we build a sustainable resource engine?

• Who will our customers be five years from now?

• What do we need to do to meet their needs?

• What do we want to put in place to evolve and better serve our stakeholders?

• What do we need to concentrate on to dramatically exceed our goals and objectives?

What Format?

• Narrative

• Visual

• Tables

• Hybrid


Objectives KeyInitiativesQtr/Yr


1. ·

2. ·


Monitoring and Managing Essentials

• Everyone and anyone should be able to access the work plan

• The plan is used to establish staff annual goals

• Performance reviews are informed by participation and progress

• Leaders rely on the plan to guide decisions

• The governing body is never surprised at the end of the year

Staff Engagement with Finished Plan

• Review goals

• Ask (or assign) each department to work with one goal

• Devote time at each staff meeting for department report on a goal

• Present quarterly updates on progress towards goals

• Solicit feedback related to changes in plan

Is the New Strategy…

• Relevant to and built from our vision, mission values?

• Does it improve the experience of our patients/families, community, staff or volunteers?

• Could it significantly change the way people think about us? If so, how?

• Does it necessitate a fundamental change in how we do our work? If so, is that good?

• Will it significantly change our financial profile?

Strategic Planning Checklist

• An engaged organization develops the plan

• Data is used to develop the plan

• The plan includes stretch goals or BHAGS

• The plan is actionable

• An annual work plan based on the strategic plan guides the work of every team

• Each initiative includes specific indicators to measure progress

Resources and References

• The Balanced Scorecard Institute

• The Bridgespan Group

• Strategic Planning Doesn’t Have to Kill Creativity

• 10 Questions to Jumpstart Your Strategic Planning Process

For More Information and the Handouts -- blog