Strategic Plan

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2009-2010 Strategic Plan



Mission Statement and General Goals for 2009-2010

As the primary Democratic Party organization in the county, the Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee (AACDCC) seeks to maximize the coordination between Democratic elected officials, Democratic candidates, and Democratic clubs for the purpose of winning elections in 2009 and 2010. AACDCC will utilize all of its resources, whether monetary or organizational, to that end. As such, AACDCC has set forth the following general goals to achieve in 2009 and 2010:

1. Retaining all Democratic incumbent seats in the 2009 and 2010 elections.2. Winning both the County Executive and control of the County Council in 2010.3. Ensuring that every Republican faces a challenge by a Democrat in every race.4. Raising close to $40,000 in cash on hand to spend in the 2010 election.5. Helping first time Democratic candidates that challenge Republicans in the

development of their campaign strategies.6. Coordinating with state and local party organizations, Democratic candidates, and

Democratic elected officials to achieve victory in 2009 and 2010.7. Developing a comprehensive Get Out the Vote (GOTV) plan for the 2009 and

2010 elections.8. Creating a long-term Democratic Party organization countywide via a precinct

organizing program.9. Strengthening the AACDCC’s relationships with existing Democratic clubs and

elected officials for long-term political gains.10. Promoting Democratic values through visibility at events and enhanced media




1. Continue to maintain a Democratic Party presence at local visibility events, including fairs and festivals.

SUMMARY: The Central Committee, in conjunction with Democratic clubs, has had a physical presence at local visibility events throughout the County, including the County Fair. This participation should continue and grow to provide a Democratic Party presence for the citizens of the County.


CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE: Develop a list of events, including community events, as well as provide any necessary funds and materials for Democratic Party presence. Participate in events to provide a Central Committee presence.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE: Inform Central Committee of events and participation at events. Assist other clubs in promotion of Democratic club presence as well as staffing events.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Attend events and make appearance with volunteers at events.

2. Precinct organizing

SUMMARY: The Party needs to develop a long-term structure for promotion of the party and for party building overall, one that does not merely spring up from election cycle to election cycle. The club structure can help build a layer of party participation at the precinct level to ensure coverage of every precinct in the County that provides not only for Election Day GOTV activities, but also a front line contact for the party as well.


CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Provide funds for training of precinct organizers. Provide training of precinct organizers. Develop precinct organizing plan. Coordinate the plans of various clubs, as well as with MDP.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Encourage all members to be precinct captains. Develop precinct organizing plan for each club and geographic area. Recruit volunteers for precinct work.


Communicate specific precinct organizing plan to club membership and to the Central Committee.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Endorsement of long term precinct organizing structure that can be at their disposal during election years.

MDP ROLE : To be determined.

3. Centralized volunteer database

SUMMARY: One of the major challenges for party organizing is that each club and candidate has volunteers and volunteer lists, but this information is not centralized in the VAN or another source for party activity. As such, all of the potential activists and volunteers should be correctly coded in the VAN by having each club and candidate share with the Central Committee their volunteer lists from Anne Arundel County.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Ongoing, but initial coding in the VAN should be complete by November, 2009

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Coding in the VAN of all activists countywide. Work with MDP to develop codes and enhance VAN for organizing purposes, in particular using the “My Campaign” function of the VAN. Include volunteer tasks that specific volunteers prefer in the coding process.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Providing names of activists to Central Committee for coding. Assign one member from each club to be contact to develop codes for each club to suit the individual club’s needs.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Same as club role.

MDP ROLE : To work with Central Committee on VAN project.

4. Town halls/issue forums/candidate forums

SUMMARY: As each Democratic club has a set meeting time each month, these meetings times can and should be used to host town halls, issue forums, and in 2010, candidate forums to gain a wider audience than their traditional club membership. This can be done in conjunction with the Central Committee, who can provide promotion of the events as well as funds for hosting said events.



CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Agree to co-host events with clubs. Provide promotional support for event. Develop potential issue areas for debates.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Agree to host one event, potentially a debate on an issue of club or local interest, a year at regular meeting time and place. Broadly advertise event/debate to enhance and build club membership.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Agree to attend event as necessary.

5. Communications plan and integration of internet tools

SUMMARY: Critical to any successful party building effort, as well as any election year effort, is a coordinated communications plan that puts forth the Democratic Party message and responds effectively to any attacks on Democratic candidates. In addition, use of the internet and the various tools available (e-mail, web pages, blogging, social networking like Facebook) can help in spreading the word quickly about events, news items, and action items for the Party.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Ongoing, but communications plan should be written and developed by July, 2009.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Develop and write a communications strategy, including message development, rapid response, information sharing, etc.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Be willing to adhere to communications plan. Set up web presence if not already there. Set up Facebook page if not already done so. Be willing to write letters to the editor, e-mails, etc. when asked by party.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Communicate with Central Committee on issues present in their races that require a party response, and what that desired response should be.

6. Host one central Election Night party in 2010

SUMMARY: In an effort to promote party unity, and as a reflection of the coordination between the candidates, clubs, and Central Committee, this year the Central Committee will host an Election Night party for all candidates in the County at one central location. The Central Committee will pay for the party, and every Democrat and Democratic activist, candidate, etc. will be invited.


TIMELINE/DEADLINE : November 2, 2010 (Election Day).

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Organization and promotion of Election Night celebration.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Show up and celebrate a victory!

CANDIDATE ROLE : Same as club role.



1. Events

SUMMARY: Traditionally, the Central Committee has hosted one major fundraiser a year in the form of the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in the spring. This should continue with the goal of growing the event. In addition, however, the Central Committee should investigate the possibility of hosting a fall fundraiser, smaller in scale than the JJ Dinner, to encourage another revenue stream.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Ongoing. Ideas for fall fundraiser should be developed by the Finance Committee by September, 2009.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Continued organization and promotion of these events.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Encouraging members to attend events.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Attendance at and sponsorship of events.

2. Continuing donor program

SUMMARY: Many local parties across the country have found continuing donor programs effective in raising funds for the party. Essentially, donors that give small donations on a monthly basis buy in to the activities of the Party and are recognized as continuing supporters. The Central Committee already has the mechanisms in place (i.e. ActBlue account) to allow for continuing donors, and these mechanisms should be utilize to provide an ongoing source of revenue for the Party.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Program should be developed no later than July, 2009.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Finance Committee should develop program, including donor levels and recognition for continuing donors.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Once program is developed, encourage all members to be continuing donors at a given level.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Same as club role.



1. Identify candidates for challenges to Republicans

SUMMARY: In order to win, we must have candidates. In all races for offices currently held by Republicans, a Democratic candidate should file to run against that Republican, throughout the whole ballot. This applies both to the 2009 city elections in Annapolis as well as the county elections in 2010. As such, the party will work to identify candidates for each of these offices, particularly in races in which no candidate has yet declared.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : July, 2009 for City of Annapolis elections; December, 2009 for 2010 elections.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Outreach to all activists, civic organizations, etc. to identify potential candidates for office.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Working with the Central Committee to identify potential candidates from their membership.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Current Democratic elected officials should actively work with the Central Committee to recommend potential candidates as well as recruit potential candidates. Provide critical advice and early support for potential candidates.

2. Candidate training sessions

SUMMARY: Too often, candidates declare to run for office without knowing the “nuts and bolts” of running an effective campaign. One or more candidate training sessions, particularly for new candidates for office, can be extremely effective in outlining the process of running for office as well as what to expect when they do run.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : First training session to be held by February, 2010. Multiple sessions as necessary.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Recruit trainers, as well as provide materials for training. Find location for training. Communicate to candidates existence of training. Research and development of issue areas common to all candidates for education and training.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Promotion of trainings to member. Assist with training as necessary. Provide trainers as necessary.


CANDIDATE ROLE : Attend trainings. For current elected officials, be willing to attend training to speak with new candidates about running for office.

MDP ROLE : Provide training for candidates. Other roles to be determined.



1. Sample ballot mailing

SUMMARY: A full sample ballot, with a listing of every Democrat running in each district and county wide, should be considered. The ballot could be targeted to every Democrat in the county, or to those Democrats most likely to vote in the general election. The ballot would provide Democrats with something that could be taken to the polls with them when they vote.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Development of ballot should be done immediately after 2010 primary. Mailing of ballot should occur no later than mid-October, 2010.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Pay for ballot printing and mailing. Identify target mailing audience.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Provide assistance with development of sample ballot.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Provide funds for offsetting costs of sample ballot if they wish to be included in program.

MDP ROLE : To be determined.

2. Targeted canvassing and phone banking (new voters, new registrations, drop off D voters)

SUMMARY: Often times, campaigns are stretched thin in terms of voter contact, only being able to target the most reliable voters. As such, new voters and so-called “drop off” Democratic voters (those who vote in Presidential election years, but not in state or county elections) do not get contacted by campaigns. By increasing the Democratic performance among these voters, all Democratic candidates benefit, as studies show that these voters will vote for the Democratic candidates up and down the ballot, so long as they get to the polls. Party resources can be used to target these voters when campaign cannot.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Plan must be in place by July, 2009 for the City of Annapolis elections, July, 2010 for the 2010 elections, in order to reach these voters to get them to vote in the primary election, as well as the general.


CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Provide the targeting of precincts in which the improvement of Democratic performance would yield the most benefit. Coordinate canvasses and phone banking as necessary. Coordinate with MDP as necessary.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Provide volunteers as necessary.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Coordinate with Central Committee to ensure no duplication of efforts.

MDP ROLE : To be determined.

3. Voter registration drives

SUMMARY: The more Democrats registered, the more potential to increase turnout. The Party can take on the critical role of continuing to register Democratic voters throughout the county.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Ongoing until the voter registration deadline.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Get materials from Board of Elections to register voters. Identify key precincts for voter registration.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Hold trainings for those willing to register voters and certify volunteers for voter registration.


MDP ROLE : To be determined.



1. Early Voting and Absentee Voter Program

SUMMARY: In 2006, the margin of victory for many county and delegate races in Anne Arundel County came down to the absentee ballot count. In many cases, Democratic candidates watched slim leads evaporate with the absentee ballot count. In 2010, the party must be stronger in terms implementing a comprehensive absentee ballot program, as well as an early voter strategy, is bank more votes than Republicans prior to Election Day. As such, the party should work to target newly registered voters, new voters from 2008, and traditional “drop-off” voters from other Presidential years to encourage them to vote early. In addition, prior absentee voters should be identified and targeted for absentee voting. Finally, previously IDed supporters for Democratic candidates through candidate voter contact should be encouraged to vote early.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Ongoing through Election Day

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Development of an early voting/absentee voter plan, including: targeting of voters via the VAN, seminars and training to core Democratic voters on early voting, seminars and training to candidates on how best to utilize early voting, and potential transportation/rides to early voting polling places for those that wish to vote early. Providing money and resources for the program. Coordinate program with MDP.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Providing volunteers to help with voter contact, including potential phone banking and mail programs.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Providing voter IDs of supporters for voter contact.

MDP ROLE : To be determined.

2. Poll watching and Voter Protection

SUMMARY: In prior years, candidates, clubs, and the Central Committee participated – in varying degrees – in a poll watching program on Election Day. In addition, the Central Committee has worked with campaigns and MDP to provide voter protection services on Election Day. To that end, poll watching and voter protection must be an integral part of any Election Day effort. Roles for each will need to be defined in conjunction with our Democratic clubs and candidates.


TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Poll watching and voter protection plan must be completed by late September, 2010.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Development of poll watching and voter protection plans and procedures.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Identify willing participants for each program.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Communication of expectations and needs for the program by each candidate to the Central Committee.

MDP ROLE : To be determined.

3. Election Day Activities

SUMMARY: Election Day activities, in particular the turnout of identified supporters, is critical to any successful campaign. As such, in 2008, the Central Committee worked with both the Obama and Kratovil campaigns to develop a monitoring system for key precincts to determine Democratic turnout throughout the day to help each campaign determine where to allocate resources to maximize turnout. A county “war room” was established, and roving poll watchers reported turnout numbers at given intervals throughout the day. That information was communicated to the campaigns to allow them to make decisions with respect to phone banking and voter “flushing” where needed. This program should be duplicated on a county wide basis in 2010.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Plan for Election Day activities and monitoring should be developed no later than mid-October, 2009 for City of Annapolis elections; mid-October, 2010 for 2010 election.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Development of plan, as well as overall oversight of the Election Day monitoring, including indentifying key precincts and providing centralized communications operation to campaign and volunteers.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Identification of volunteers willing to serve as roving poll watchers.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Same as Democratic club role, as well as communicating to the Central Committee their willingness to participate in the program.

MDP ROLE : To be determined.


4. GOTV Phonebanking

SUMMARY: The Central Committee now has a physical office, as well as several cell phones, that can be used to encourage Democratic voters to the polls beginning three weeks out from Election Day. A full fledged GOTV phonebanking effort using those resources should be considered, not only to get voters to the polls on Election Day, but to encourage early voting as well. These resources will be made available to Democratic candidates for their use.

TIMELINE/DEADLINE : Scheduling for phone banking resources should be completed by late September, 2009 for City of Annapolis elections, late September, 2010 for 2010 elections.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROLE : Provide office space and phones. Provide voter lists via the VAN. Develop GOTV phone script. Schedule use of the office.

DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROLE : Adopt one night during the last three weeks of the campaign to staff the phonebanks. Can be done to call into the various geographic districts represented by the clubs.

CANDIDATE ROLE : Same as Democratic club role, except candidate specific.



Registration Numbers

Democrats: 129,991Republicans: 109,748Unaffiliated: 50,572

Number of Precincts: 189

Federal Elected Officials

President Barack ObamaSenator Barb MikulskiSenator Ben CardinRepresentative Steny HoyerRepresentative John SarbanesRepresentative Dutch RuppersbergerRepresentative Frank Kratovil

State Elected Officials (Democratic)

Governor Martin O’MalleyLt. Governor Anthony BrownAttorney General Doug GanslerComptroller Peter Franchot

County Elected Officials (Democratic)

State’s Attorney Frank WeathersbeeSheriff Ron Bateman

Democratic Clubs (countywide)

Democratic Women of Anne Arundel CountyAnne Arundel Young Democrats

2009-2010 Proposed Goals

1. Win County Executive’s Race2. Win control of County Council3. Challenge every Republican with a Democrat in county races4. Assist in effort to retain Congressional District 15. Recruit and retain precinct captains




Registration Numbers

Democrats: 5,702Republicans: 2,991Unaffiliated: 2,196

Number of Precincts: 8

State Elected Officials (Democratic)

Sen. Jim RosapepeDel. Barbara FrushDel. Ben BarnesDel. Joseline Pena Melnyk

County Elected Officials (Democratic)

Councilman Daryl JonesCouncilman Jamie Benoit

Democratic Clubs

West County Democratic Club

2009-2010 Proposed Goals

1. Retain all current Democratic state and county seats2. Increase overall Democratic turnout for county and state races3. Recruit and retain precinct captains



Registration Numbers

Democrats: 31,281Republicans: 27,176Unaffiliated: 12,993

Number of Precincts: 47

State Elected Officials (Democratic)

Sen. John AstleDel. Mike Busch (Speaker of the House)Del. Virginia Clagett

County Elected Officials (Democratic)

Councilman Josh Cohen

City of Annapolis Elected Officials (Democratic)

Mayor Ellen MoyerAlderman Dick IsraelAlderman Sam ShropshireAlderman Classie HoyleAlderman Ross ArnettAlderman Sheila Findlayson

Democratic Clubs

District 30 Democratic ClubCity of Annapolis Central CommitteeSouth County Democratic Club (part)

2009-2010 Proposed Goals

1. Retain all current Democratic state and county seats2. Win 3rd Delegate Seat3. Keep control of Annapolis City Council and Mayor’s Office in 20094. Increase overall Democratic turnout for county and state races5. Assist in electoral efforts to win Councilmanic Districts 5 and 76. Recruit and retain precinct captains



Registration Numbers

Democrats: 30,534Republicans: 23,199Unaffiliated: 10,376

Number of Precincts: 42

State Elected Officials (Democratic)


County Elected Officials (Democratic)

Councilman Daryl Jones

Democratic Clubs

Stoney Creek Democratic ClubRoland Terrace Democratic Club

2009-2010 Proposed Goals

1. Win District 31 Senate Seat2. Win at least 1 delegate seat3. Win Councilmanic District 2 and 3 seats4. Increase overall Democratic turnout for county and state races5. Assist in electoral efforts to win Councilmanic District 56. Recruit and retain precinct captains



Registration Numbers

Democrats: 31,203Republicans: 19,759Unaffiliated: 11,005

Number of Precincts: 41

State Elected Officials (Democratic)

Sen. Ed DegrangeDel. Mary Ann LoveDel. Ted SophocleusDel. Pam Beidle

County Elected Officials (Democratic)

Councilman Daryl JonesCouncilman Jamie Benoit

Democratic Clubs

West County Democratic Club (part)District 32 Democratic Club

2009-2010 Proposed Goals

1. Retain all current Democratic state and county seats2. Win Councilmanic District 23. Increase overall Democratic turnout for state and county races4. Recruit and retain precinct captains



Registration Numbers

Democrats: 31,271Republicans: 36,623Unaffiliated: 14,002

Number of Precincts: 51

State Elected Officials (Democratic)


County Elected Officials (Democratic)

Councilman Jamie BenoitCouncilman Josh Cohen

Democratic Clubs

District 33 Democratic ClubSouth County Democratic Club (part)

2009-2010 Proposed Goals

1. Win at least 1 delegate seat2. Win Councilmanic District 7 seat3. Increase overall Democratic turnout for county and state races4. Assist in electoral efforts to win Councilmanic District 55. Recruit and retain precinct captains