Strategies for Greater Staff Stability by Engaging Today's Workforce

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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The ability to hire and retain employees in senior living is challenged by caregiver shortages, high employee turnover and an aging population with increasingly sophisticated care needs. These factors can form a vicious cycle as providers rely on current staff to fill additional shifts causing burnout, dissatisfaction and ultimately more turnover. Examine the senior living workforce and detail how to turn around turnover by adopting employee-centric practices that improve staff satisfaction and retention. Discover strategies to keep staff engaged and how a balanced approach to staffing improves employee satisfaction, quality of care and service, resident and family relationships, and financial performance. You will learn how to proactively identify hiring needs, recruit high quality candidates, and attract best fit employees for long-term retention. Blair Minton, President, RPM Management; Ben Thompson, VP of Special Projects, Senior Living Communities; Mark Woodka, CEO, OnShift.


Strategies for Greater Staff

Stability by Engaging

Today’s Workforce

Blair Minton


RPM Management

Ben Thompson

VP, Special Projects

Senior Living Communities

Mark Woodka



Employee Turnover in Senior Living

Industry Turnover Rate

AL – all 30.2%1

AL – nursing 31.4%1

Hospitality 62.6%2

Manufacturing 23.3%2

High tech 11%3

Municipalities 9%3

Utilities 8%3

1: 2014, VRT, NCAL, LeadingAge, ASHA, ALFA

2: Annual total separations rates by industry and region, not seasonally adjusted, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014

3. National Business Research Institute

Who is an Engaged Employee?

Engaged employees:

► Don’t just show up for work– Perform tasks well & with


► Go above and beyond

► Are committed to the organization

► Want to be at the organization

► Are fulfilled by their job

Senior Living


3 critical desires

of employees

1. Being heard

2. Being valued

3. Being


Why is Employee Engagement Important?

► Higher quality care & service

► Better resident & family relationships

► Better financial performance

Engagement wins: 147% higher earnings

per share (Gallup)

The Problem with Disengaged Employees

► Emotionally disconnected from their workplace

► Less productive

► More likely to:– Steal from their


– Negatively influence co-workers

– Miss work

– Drive customers away

70% of American

Workers are Not

Engaged or are



Gallup: State of the American Workplace

Improving Engagement: Where to Start?

► Assess engagement

– Employee satisfaction surveys

► Are surveys leading? Or


► Key questions to ask…

– Gallup: 12 predictors of

employee performance

► Leading indicators

► Are they mission-driven?

Management Support

► VP of HR primary responsibility is employee


– 85% of time is devoted to employee engagement

– Train, consult and advise managers on engagement

and conflict resolution

– Employee appreciation meals, celebrations, nurse’s

week, etc.

– Continuous staff feedback sessions

Employee-Centric Practices

► Comprehensive


► PTO policies

► Volunteer opportunities

► 401k with matching and

60-day vesting

► Coaching and


“Worker-centric policies

contribute to engagement and

profits.”- Workplace Options


Senior Living


PTO Program• 21 days – yr 1

• 26 days – yr 2

• 31 days – yr 5+

• PTO cash out


• No max or carry-

over limits

Role of Technology

► Electronic scheduling

– Mobile

– Employee work preferences

► Electronic health records

– Touchscreen documentation

► Online learning


“With the influx of

younger workers

and the

proliferation of

technology at work,

the whole

environment has to

be more flexible

and transparent.”-Forbes

Hiring Right

► Identify hiring needs early

– Continuously recruit

► Look for attitude

► Employee referral with cash


► Partner with local

educational institutions

► Behavioral interviewing

► Peer interviews

► Profile assessments

“If you only

recruit when

you have

openings, you

can’t get the

best.”- Monster

Career Development

► Design career tracks for

each position

– Show them that they have

the potential to move up

– Identify measurable goals

► Scholarship opportunities

► Performance reviews

► Self-assessments

Generation % Engaged

Millennials 28.9

Generation X 32.2

Baby Boomers 32.7

Traditionalists 42.2

Younger Workers are

Least Engaged

US Employee Engagement, Gallup, January 2015

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Blair Minton

President, RPM

Ben Thompson

VP Special Projects, Senior Living Communities

Mark Woodka

CEO, OnShift