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POPEIProvincial Outreach Program for Early Intervention

Strategies & Interventions to Support Primary

Literacy Development

November 21, 2016

Sasha Žekulin - Teacher Consultant

Workshop Objectives

POPEI co-planned this workshop's objectives in consultation with your POPEI District Partners.

Sharing resources and strategies for:

• examining the classroom environment & strategies used for optimizing literacy learning ‣ including collaboration & coordinated supports for students

• strategies and interventions to support the successful development of foundational literacy skills ‣ examining specific aspects of reading and writing processes

Your Professional Learning Journey

Take a couple of minutes and think about what you would like to get out of today.

Today will be a success if_____________________.

✓Now turn and talk - share your goals with your group

Reflect on your own…

Setting the Stage

Examining Beliefs & Taking Collective Responsibility

Key Questions

We believe that all students can learn at high levels.

in our school/district…

We believe that we must take collective ownership for ALL students to reach their potential

Reflect on your own…

Key Questions

We believe that all students can learn at high levels.

in our school/district…

We believe that we must take collective ownership for ALL students to reach their potential.

Secret Vote…

1.We strongly believe this is true2.We believe this is true3.We believe this is true, but…4.I am not sure if we believe this is true5.We do not believe this at all

Key Questionsin our school/district…

We believe that all students can learn at high levels.

We believe that we must take collective ownership for ALL students to reach their potential.

1.We strongly believe this is true2.We believe this is true3.We believe this is true, but…4.I am not sure if we believe this is true5.We do not believe this at all

Table Chat

Do your practices align with your belief statements?

Concept formed by Julian Rotterwww.psych2go.netimage adapted from -

Locus of Control

Why Work Together?

ALL students belong to ALL teachers

Collaboration is KING (or Queen)

Adapted from: Everyone’s In - Inclusive Education - Edmonton Public Schools

ALL students benefit in receiving the expertise of many educators working together to ensure student success.

A TEAM is looking at assessment results, planning for appropriate interventions, executing the interventions

and monitoring progress to decide next steps.

One of the principles of effective instruction & intervention is that it's a

collaborative effort.

Working in a Team

Giving Students Access to Supports

images & concept courtesy of Shelley Moore


Identify Content



what do they need to


what do we need to plan & teach?

how do we meet them where they're


what do we need to re-teach

or extend?

where is everyone at?

Collaborative Planning &

Teaching Cycle

Classroom Environments That Support Inclusive Intervention - Literacy In Learning Exchange

Classroom Strategies to Optimize Learning

Tier 1 - Effective Classroom Instruction

Word Work Concepts of Print

Phonemic Awareness Phonics

Vocabulary Spelling & Word Study

Oral Language


Read Aloud

Shared/Interactive Reading

Guided Reading

Independent Reading


Modelled Writing

Shared/Interactive Writing

Guided Writing

Independent Writing

Adapted From - Guided Reading Basics - Jamison Rog

Balanced Literacy Framework

UDL Framework

Adapted from

multiple means of representation

the "what" of learning

– how we gather facts – how we categorize

what we see, hear and read

– identifying letters, words or an author's style are recognition tasks

recognition networks

multiple means of expression

the "how" of learning

– planning & performing tasks

– how we organize & express our ideas

–writing an essay or solving math problems are strategic tasks

strategic networks affective networks

multiple means of engagement

the "why" of learning

– how learners get engaged & stay motivated

– how learners are challenged, excited or interested

– these are affective dimensions

Differentiated Instruction - Learn Alberta

Adapted from -Differentiated Instruction Strategies to Promote Student Learning & Differentiated Instruction in Action - Tomlinson

teachers differentiate:

content process product

based on student:

readiness interests learning profiles

growth motivation success

to increase:

respectful tasks that are:

authentic challenging engaging

powerful combination of strategies to meet the needs of all students


UDLlearning needs



student characteristics

teacher customizes instruction

learner profile

content process

productframework of

flexible curriculum



designed for a broad range of students

equitable use

appropriately designed space




Adapted from - OISE - Differentiated Instruction & UDL

CAST - UDL & Differentiation

Buddy Book Walk

Mentor Text Read-Aloud

image from

Adapted from - An Easy Activity to Promote Growth Mindset - Create, Dream Explore

What Do These Words Mean to You?

•reflect - what does this word mean to you?

•with a marker - write or draw what that word means to you

‣ this could be a silent activity so that everyone can really think about each word

•move to different tables and repeat - reflect & share, write/draw

several words have been placed around the room

• if you finish, and others are still writing, grab some sticky notes & provide feedback about what others had to say

Our Diverse Classrooms

learning stylescognitive abilities

readinesssocioeconomic & family factors

learning pacegender influences

cultural/ethnic influenceshow students value learning

confidence in learning

A combination of DI, UDL and RTI is needed to reach and teach these diverse groups of learners.

Readiness to Learn

Students who experience difficulties can have emotional barriers to learning.

The focus on what they can’t do, rather than what they can do, can also cause emotional challenges for students who may be struggling.

From - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

Effective interventions and adaptations/modifications can help these students develop a more positive attitude and increase motivation.

Strategies to Increase Readiness to Learn✓providing tasks that will increase pride, satisfaction & a sense of accomplishment

✓planning for & providing consistent routines

✓providing all students with choice and opportunities to take responsibility for learning

✓providing students with opportunities to discover, discuss & explain their learning strengths

✓providing daily positive reinforcement - through positive statements & behaviour

✓highlighting students’ strengths & interests

✓encouraging appropriate amounts of risk taking

✓planning for & involving students in intervention plans - starting with strengths

✓planning discussions that focus on student strengths & provide a positive plan for growth

Adapted from - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies continued…

Strategies to Increase Readiness to Learn✓encouraging self-evolution

✓encouraging students to focus on their own progress - not the progress of peers

✓charting progress - sharing benchmarks, goals & achievements

✓modelling & practicing how to ask for help & support

✓modelling effective problem-solving strategies

✓modelling & promoting self-advocacy

✓modelling & discussing mistakes - showing them how it’s a normal part of the learning process

✓having open discussions when students make negative statements

Adapted from - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies


✓celebrating successes

Fostering a Growth Mindset

Adapted from - The Motivated Brain - Gregory & Kaufeldt

✦ encourage risk-taking - "have a go!"✦ take on challenges✦ provide opportunities for feedback✦ learn from and share your failures✦ promote positive "self-talk"✦ learning can be sloppy - it is okay that it takes some time✦ encourage "do-overs"✦ power of "yet" - you might not have this yet - and that's okay

What Can I Say To Myself?

I’m not good at this. What am I missing?

I’m awesome at this.

I give up!

I’m on the right track.

I’ll use some of the strategies I’ve learned.

This is too hard. This may take some time and effort.

I can’t make this better. I can always improve; I’ll keep trying.

I can’t do math. I’m going to train my brain in math.

I made a mistake. Mistakes help me improve.

I’ll never be as smart as them. I’m going to figure out what they do & try it.

It’s good enough. Is this really my best work?

Instead of… Try Thinking…

Discovering Students’ Strengths and Interests

Adapted from - The Motivated Brain - Gregory & Kaufeldt

our learning profile is as unique as our thumbprint

image from here

unlike a thumbprint, our learning profile will evolve and change over time

the best route for teachers is to offer choices in lessons and activities: • engaging • have variety

POPEI’s Reading & Writing Interest Surveys

✴ this will help students to learn

Strategies and Interventions



Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered system of support for all learners, particularly those in need of support. Ultimately, RTI is a school-wide prevention system that focuses on identifying, teaching and monitoring students experiencing difficulties.

System of Support who

all students what

effective core instruction for all children classroom teachers use the Provincial Curriculum and

evidence-based instructional practices, including differentiated instruction


classroom assessment

universal screening ongoing progress monitoring, including formative and

summative assessment

Tier 1 - High Quality Instruction Tier 2 - Targeted Interventions who

students experiencing difficulties meeting outcomes identified through screening and/or progress monitoring in the

classroom setting (Tier 1) what

targeted, supplementary, frequent instruction delivered in small groups where

classroom or another location in the school (as appropriate) how

classroom teacher or additional educator in the school/district collaboration between educators to align curriculum and goals assessment

ongoing progress monitoring diagnostic assessments (as necessary)

Tier 3 - Intensive Interventions who

students not responding to Tier 1 &/or Tier 2 instruction what

intense, frequent, fast-paced, systematic, supplemental instruction in very small groups &/or individual where

classroom or another location in the school (as appropriate) how

classroom teacher or additional educator in the school/district collaboration between educators to align curriculum and goals assessment

ongoing progress monitoring diagnostic assessments (as necessary) Sources:;;

Simplifying Response to Intervention - Buffum, Mattos, Weber


When Readers Struggle - Fountas and Pinnell

We will be using three main POPEI resources for this next section:

Before We Get Going!

K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

Language Games to Support Phonological Awareness

K-3 Literacy Centres

Take some time and examine these resources, become familiar with them & chat with your colleagues about what you notice, what you

wonder & what excites you…


Activity Packs

From - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

Learning how to read is one of the most complex tasks we learn. A wide range of knowledge and skills are needed to read


Students need: • oral language skills • ability to activate prior knowledge and experience • understanding of concepts of print • phonological awareness • understanding of letter-sound relationships • vocabulary

Learning to Read

phonological awareness

phonemic awareness:sound level of words

rhyme awarenesssyllable

awareness:onset & rime

word awareness

sentence awareness

Adapted from: When Readers Struggle - Fountas & Pinnell & Building Speech and Language Capacity - CCSD

Effective Techniques for Developing Phonics & Phonological Awareness

‣ read-alouds ‣ shared reading ‣ independent reading ‣ shared writing ‣ interactive writing ‣ independent writing ‣ games, songs, poems, word-play activities

Daily experiences with literacy-based activities such as:

Comprehensive Literacy Resource for Kindergarten Teachers - Trehearne

✦ word awareness✦ rhyming & alliteration✦ segmenting sentences into words✦ segmenting words into syllables✦ segmenting words into phonemes

Adapted from - Building Speech and Language Capacity - CCSD &

Emergence of Phonological Awareness

The Development of Phonological Skills - Reading Rockets

general order for emergence of phonological awareness:

Strategies to Support Phonological Awareness✓direct instruction in working and playing with words to discover how language works

Adapted from - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

✓ instruction and ongoing use of rhymes and rhyming words

✓playing language games that focus on:✦ sound segments in words✦ revising words✦ removing parts of words✦ adding sounds to words✦ rhymes

✓ identification of the beginning, middle & ending sounds in words

✓breaking up of words into smaller words and syllables

✓having anchor charts and visuals of various phonics skills throughout the learningenvironment

✓active use and display of word walls

You are going to help me draw monsters

Phonemic Awareness - Playing with Sounds - Fitzpatrick

•After we figure out which word matches the rhyme - draw your monster’s new body part

•I am going to read a story about a monster

Draw A Rhyme

•You will fill in the missing words by saying them out loud


Activity Packs

Strategies to Support Decoding Skills✓direct instruction in Word Work (phonological awareness, phonemic awareness & phonics)

Adapted from - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

✓building phonemic awareness through games that focus on:✦ sound segments in words✦ reversing words✦ removing parts of words

✓using “say it and move it” - sliding letter manipulatives around as they blendletters and phonemes

✓using “seek the part you know” - students look for familiar, smaller words - withina larger, unfamiliar word

✓ identifying speech sounds through tapping - tap as they segment and say eachsound

✓ identifying, teaching & emphasizing use of prefixes, roots and suffixes

✓ teaching roots words that can help link meaning to spelling✦ ‘ex’ - means out of the way - extract, exit, explosion

POPEI Activity Packs

Digraph Delight

•spin each spinner in order, and write the letters on the paper

•say the sound of each letter, blend them, and read the word orally

•determine if the word is real or nonsense - cross out nonsense words

•take turns so everyone has at least one chance to spin/write a word

FCRR - K-1 Student Center Phonics Encoding & Decoding Activities

From - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

A variety of different factors can contribute to a student experiencing difficulties with reading comprehension.

• making meaning from text• interaction with text in order to understand it‣ by combining information from personal experience and

background knowledge

Comprehension includes:


Strategies to Support Comprehension Skills

Adapted from - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

Develop Vocabulary by:

✓direct teaching of the meaning of prefixes, suffixes and the roots of words

✓providing illustrations of words - to help students learn definitions through visual representations

✓having students explain word meanings to each other ✦ oral explanations ✦ discuss topics of learning

✓pre-teaching important vocabulary through pictures, stories and synonyms

✓having students look up key words or vocabulary in the dictionary

Strategies to Support Comprehension Skills

Adapted from - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

Develop Understanding of Text by:

✓model & help students relate to texts and make connections through: ✦ personal experiences ✦ knowledge previously acquired ✦ previously read text

✓modelling how to visualize text by forming mental images to represent ideas

✓ generating questions about a text (before, during & after reading)

✓ teaching the “think-pair-share” strategy ✦ thinking independently ✦ partner with another student to discuss ideas ✦ then share with the larger group

✓modelling & teaching predication skills ✦ using prior knowledge ✦ what has already occurred in the text ✦ using illustrations

✓modelling & teaching how to summarize a text - in manageable chunks

✓ practicing retelling by reorganizing sentences strips that contain the summary of a text

Strategies to Support Comprehension Skills

✓modelling how to summarize

Adapted from - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

Help students analyze understanding by:

✓teaching students to stop periodically and check for understanding by summarizing

✓prompting students to talk to peers about texts they’ve read

✓prompting students to notice: ✦ when they get lost in the text ✦ when to stop and re-read for clarification ✦ when to stop and ask questions ✦ how and when they should adjust pacing

•We're going to read a story about popcorn and dragons

popcorn dragons

•With your partner, make a list 8 words - 4 about popcorn, 4 about dragons.

•Write out the words that you think will be in a story about popcorn and dragons

Bubble Wrap

Adapted from - Nancy Updegraff - Learning Sciences International

•Everyone should take 1 piece of bubble wrap - butplease wait to start popping!

•While I read the story - you are going to pop the bubblewrap any time you hear a word that is on your list‣ either about popcorn or dragons

Bubble Wrap…continued

Book read - The Popcorn Dragon - by Jane Thayer

From - POPEI K-3 Literacy Intervention Strategies

Writing and Expression

Students need: • vocabulary skills• expressive language skills• formulating ideas in a way that will make sense• spelling and mechanics• planning and organizational skills

Writing is a fundamentally complicated task.

Adapted from - A Quick Guide to Reaching Struggling Writers - Cruz & POPEI Intervention Strategies

Strategies to Support Motor Control

✓provide pencil & pen options, pencil grips & writing surface options

✓daily printing practice ✦ separate from writing workshop time

✓monitoring posture during various writing tasks

✓providing manipulatives & various materials ✦ popsicle sticks for space makers ✦ shaving cream, play-doh, sand, etc - for forming letters ✦ blocks, unifix cubes, etc - to act as individual markers for words ✦ pencils, fat markers, scissors, chopsticks, clothespins, tongs - for fine motor games &


✓providing opportunities to practice & acquire technology skills ✦ with a stylus or chopsticks for mobile devices & appropriate apps ✦ practice and use keyboarding skills ✦ use of audio recording devices prior to physical writing ✦ use of voice to text software or mobile apps

Strategies to Help with Spelling (Encoding)

Adapted from - A Quick Guide to Reaching Struggling Writers - Cruz & POPEI Intervention Strategies

✓ teach how words work ✦ word structures ✦ meanings of words ✦ word families ✦ variety of techniques to acquire a base of high-frequency words (including tactile

letters and use of technology) ✦ making words ✦ using ‘box’ words that mirror the shape of letters (i.e. - ) school

✓ teach how authors & writers work to spell words ✦ using margins of paper ✦ underline & move on ✦ question marks ✦ spell-checker

✓consider your spelling curriculum ✦ is it memorization based?

✓ongoing participation in phonological activities to reinforce letter-sound correspondence


Strategies to Help with Spelling (Encoding)

Adapted from - A Quick Guide to Reaching Struggling Writers - Cruz & POPEI Intervention Strategies

✓ensure correctly spelling words are easily visible by: ✦ having a word wall ✦ providing students with personal dictionaries ✦ brainstorming lists of vocabulary prior to writing instruction ✦ providing technology available to assist in word prediction

✓ focus on quality - not quantity for high-frequency words &/or vocabulary words

✓using of partial words or word shares to encourage mental imagery ✦ i.e. __oa__ or b----- t)


✓allowing students to record their ideas for writing by using an audio device

✓practice challenging words in a variety of different ways

Strategies Develop a Strong Writing Identity

Adapted from - A Quick Guide to Reaching Struggling Writers - Cruz

✓create a community of writers who struggle & succeed together

✓share stories of author struggles & successes

✓create opportunities for students to feel both challenged & supported ✦Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development

✓vary the volume of writing students create ✦more for some, less for others

✓connect to areas of student passion

✓partner students with younger writing buddies

✓use student writing as exemplars

Buddy Book Walk

Mentor Text Read-Aloud

image from Fred Koehler


Activity Packs

•brainstorm ideas for the middle part of one of the stories, including drawing/illustrating, if you choose

Write the Middle

reflect on the beginnings/endings that intrigued you from “One Day, The End”

list of beginnings/endings in the Blue Folder in the Activity Packs


•write/illustrate your own “One Day, The End” story

Write the Middle

One Day, The EndStory Starters

One day…I went to school._____________________________I came home. The End

One day…I lost my dog.___________________________________I found him. The End

One day…I hid from my brother._________________________He found me. The End

One day…I ran away.___________________________________I come home. The End

One day…I made something._______________________I gave it to Mom. The End?

One day…I wanted to be a spy._________________________________I was. The End

One day…I felt like stomping._________________________________________. The End

One day…I took a bath._______________________________ So did my dog. The End

One day…I wanted to write a book.___________________________ So I did. The End

Reflection & Goal-Setting

✦ What strategy, idea or activity (or more) will you plan, try & implement?

✦ How will you plan, implement, and organize your next steps, both individually and as a team?

As you head back to your role/classroom tomorrow and in the days/weeks ahead:

✦ What will be your first step related to today’s work?

✦ Who will your accountability buddy be?


Sasha Žekulin

Find Us At…

Sources Cited

more info links are available on our website

BC Ministry of Education - English Language Arts Curriculum

unless otherwise noted, images from:

Posters created with:

Educlips Presenter Media

Poster My Wall

Classroom Environments That Support Inclusive Intervention - Literacy In Learning Exchange

Learn Alberta - Differentiated Instruction

Strategies for Special Education & Inclusion Classrooms: Scholastic

OISE - Differentiated Instruction & UDL

CAST - UDL & Differentiation

The Development of Phonological Skills - Reading Rockets

Differentiated Instruction Strategies to Promote Student Learning

more videos are available on our website

Locus of Control - Stuck on An Escalator

Working as a Team - Minions

Long Story Shortz - UDL Overview

Everyone’s In - Inclusive Education - Edmonton Public Schools

Yoda & Growth Mindset from - Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Hungry, Hungry Rhyming Monster

Thank a Teacher - Takepart


Phonemic Awareness - Playing with Sounds - Fitzpatrick

Guided Reading Basics - Jamison Rog

The Continuum of Literacy Learning - Fountas & Pinnell

When Readers Struggle - Teaching that Works - Fountas & Pinnell

Teaching to Diversity: The Three Block Model of Universal Design - Katz

The Many Faces of Collaborative Planning and Teaching - Thousand, Villa & Nevin

Common Formative Assessment - A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work -Bailey and Jakicic

Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children - Fountas & Pinnell

Comprehensive Literacy Resource for Kindergarten Teachers - Trehearne

Comprehensive Literacy Resource for Grades 1 & 2 Teachers - Trehearne

Building Speech and Language Capacity - CCSD

Differentiated Instruction in Action - Tomlinson

A Quick Guide to Reaching Struggling Writers - Cruz

The Motivated Brain - Gregory & Kaufeldt

Extra Information & Resources

Story Segmenting Word Wall I Spy Word Segmenting How Many Beats Break It I Half Head/Waist/toes Guessing Game - Onset & Rime Make a Silly Word Hot Potato Rhyming Game Tap & Sweep Animal Fun Circle Around the Sound Word Chain Making Words/Alphabet Soup

POPEI Activities to Support Phonological Awareness

Language Games to Support Phonological Awareness Literacy Centres

Letter Sort Make Letters ABC Puzzles

Letter Dance Word Sort

Illustrating Words Playing Word Games

Word Wall Chants Word Hunts

Be a Mind Reader Rainbow Words Memory Game

Word Sort Break the Word

POPEI Activities to Support Decoding Skills

Language Games to Support Phonological Awareness Literacy Centres

Break It I Half Head/Waist/toes Guessing Game - Onset & Rime Make a Silly Word Hot Potato Rhyming Game Tap & Sweep Circle Around the Sound Word Chain Making Words/Alphabet Soup

Letter Sort Make Letters ABC Puzzles

Letter Dance Word Sort

Illustrating Words Playing Word Games

Word Wall Chants Word Hunts

Be a Mind Reader Rainbow Words Memory Game

Word Sort Break the Word

POPEI Activities to Support Comprehension

Language Games to Support Phonological Awareness

Literacy Centres

Guessing Game - Onset & Rime Word Wall I Spy Bubble Wrap

Illustrating Words Word Hunt

Be a Mind Reader Word Sort

Break the Word Looking at Pictures & Telling the Story

Read Around the Room Being a Detective

Musical Theatre Buddy Book Walk

Favourite Parts of the Book Book Review

Book Recommendations Sticky Questions Musical Theatre

Rereading Familiar Texts Listening Station

Reading to Stuffed Animals Retelling Books

Reading a Familiar Play Performing Reader’s Theatre

Reading a Student Authored Play Recording Performances

Guess the Book

POPEI Activities to Support Writing SkillsLiteracy Centres

Word Sort Making Words Making Words Illustrating Words Playing Word Games Chat the Word Wall Word Hunts Be a Mind Reader Write Everything! Write About Everything! Tell Your Story You’re the Expert Show Me Your Story

Technology to Write Silly Sentences

Snail Mail Writing ABC Books

Book Review Book Recommendations

Sticky Questions Reading a Student-Authored Play

Create Advertisements for Plays Musical Theatre

Storybooks to Build Word Awareness

Where's My Teddy? - by Jez Alborough It's the Bear - by Jez Alborough Lilly's Purple, Plastic Purse - by Kevin Henkes Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type - by Doreen Cronin Tough Boris - by Mem Fox Dog Breath - by Dav Pilkey The Giving Tree - by Shel Silverstein

Storybooks to Build Syllable Awareness

Sheep in a Jeep - by Nancy Shaw Sheep on a Ship - by Nancy Shaw Hurry, Hurry, Mary Dear - by N.M. Bodecker One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish - by Dr. Seuss Summer - by Alice Low A Fly Went By - by Mike McClintock Elinor and Violet - the Story of Two Naughty Chickens - by Patti Beling Murphy Silly Sally - by Audrey Wood The Mixed-Up Chameleon - by Eric Care Officer Buckle and Gloria - by Peggy Rathman

Storybooks to Support Rhyme AwarenessGarbage Delight Poems - by Dennis Lee Alligator Pie Poems - by Dennis Lee Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash - by Sarah Weekes Just Around the Corner - Poems About the Seasons - by Leland B. Jacobs Boodle Dandies: Poems That Take Shape - by Patrick Lewis Chicken Soup with Rice - A Book of Months - by Maurice Sendak Anna Banana - 101 Jump Rope Rhymes - by Joanna Cole Across the Stream - by Mirra Ginsburg Animal Homes - by Brian Wildsmith At the Crack of the Bat - Lillian Morrison Bears - by Ruth Krauss Bears in Pairs - by Niki Yektai Carrot/Parrot by Jerome Martin Drummer Hoff - by Barbara Emberley Each Peach Pear Plum - by Janet & Allan Ahlberg Father Fox's Pennyrhymes - by Clyde Watson The Foot Book - by Dr. Seuss

Storybooks to Support Rhyme AwarenessGoodnight Moon - by Margaret Wise Brown Have You Seen Birds? - by Joanne Oppenheim Hide and Snake - by Keith Baker Hop on Pop - by Dr. Seuss Horton Hears a Who! - by Dr. Seuss A House is a House for Me - by Mary Ann Hoberman Hunches in Bunches - by Dr. Seuss The Hungry Thing - by Jan Slepian and Ann Seidler I Can Read with my Eyes Shut - by Dr. Seuss I Was Walking Down the Road - by Sarah Barchas I Wish That I Had Duck Feet - by Theo LeSieg In the Tall, Tall Grass - by Denise Fleming Is Your Mama a Llama? - by Deborah Guarino Jamberry - by Bruce Degen Jessie Bear, What Will You Wear? - by Nancy Carlstrom

Storybooks to Support Rhyme AwarenessThe Lady with the Alligator Purse - by Nadine Westcott More Spaghetti, I Say! - by Rita Gelman A Mouse in My Roof - by Richard Edwards On Beyond Zebra! - by Dr. Seuss One Sun - by Bruce McMillan Pickles have Pimples and Other Silly Statements - by Judi Barrett Possum Came-a-Knockin' - by Nancy Van Lann Red Dragonfly on my Shoulder - by Sylvia Cassedy The Shape of Me and Other Stuff - by Dr. Seuss Sheep in a Jeep - by Nancy Shaw Sheep, Sheep Sheep, Help me Fall Asleep - by Arlene Alda Silly Sally - by Audrey Wood Strawberry Drums - by Adrian Mitchell Street Rhymes Around the World - by Jane Yolen There's a Wocket in My Pocket - by Dr. Seuss Tickle-Toe Rhymes - by Joan Knight To the Moon and Back - by Nancy Larrick The Wind Blew - by Pat Hutchins

Storybooks to Support Phonemic Awareness Animalia - by Graeme Base Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom - by Bill Martin Chicken Soup with Rice - A Book of Months - by Maurice Sendak Chimps Don't Wear Glasses - by Laura Numeroff The Adventures of Taxi Dog - by Debra Barracca and Sal Barracca Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type - by Doreen Cronin The Cat in the Hat - by Dr. Seuess The Cat in the Hat Comes Back - by Dr. Seuss A My Name is Alice - by Jane Bayer ABC of Monsters - by Deborah Niland Alfred's Alphabet Walk - by Victoria Chess Alligators All Around - by Maurice Sendak Alpha Beta Chowder - by Jeanne and Williamm Steig Animalia - by Graema Base Aster Aardvark's Alphabet Adventures - by Steven Kellogg Faint Frogs Feeling Feverish - by Lillian Obligado Have You Ever Seen...? - by Beau Gardner Six Sick Sheep: 101 Tongue Twisters - by Joanna Cole