Stratigraphic Harmonization in West Africa, a multi ... · Interpret and correlate stratigraphy...

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Tim Gibbons

Stratigraphic Harmonization in West

Africa, a multi-country exploration


Manager of Business Development5th March 2015

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

I saw a crane outside

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

What if we call the same thing by a different name?

Formation Fred Formation George

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

And that’s just in English





©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

The Problem

Data exchanges are of great importance for petroleum research as they allow for a

correlation of the geological characteristics of the basins.

Unfortunately, in Africa, data exchanges are hardly useful to the countries because

each country has prepared its stratigraphy by using its own nomenclature. This

situation does not allow for an easy recognition of formations even of same

geological age.

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The Problem

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The Solution

The African Petroleum Producers' Association (APPA) included in its 8th

Programme of Actions (2012-2017), the elaboration by 2015, of a study on the

harmonization of the stratigraphic nomenclature of sedimentary basins in four

geographical zones namely North Africa, West Africa, Gulf of Guinea and the

Intracratonic Zone.

Tender issued in November 2013:

• TGS responded to all three zones that were issued and won all three.

• Three other companies requested to tender.

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Structure: Continental Intergovernmental


Created: 1987 in Lagos, Nigeria,

Purpose: Serve as a platform for African

petroleum producing countries to cooperate,

collaborate, share knowledge and

competences in matters relating to oil & gas

exploration and production.

Current Membership: 18 Countries - Algeria,

Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Democratic

Republic of Congo, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire,

Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea,

South Africa, Libya, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria

and Sudan.

Head Quarters: APPA Secretariat located in

Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo

African Petroleum Producers Association [APPA]

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Well Positioned in the Seismic Value Chain

2D Seismic

3D Seismic

Wide Azimuth (WAZ) Seismic

M-WAZ Seismic

Full Azimuth Nodal Seismic

Electromagnetics (CSEM)




Seismic processing

Complex depth imaging

Proprietary technology

Ongoing R&D investment

Contract business model

Geophysical Data

Digital well data

Directional Surveys

Production data

Seabed / Seep studies

Regional geologic


Facies Map Browser

Interpretive services

Geological Data Imaging Services

S E R V I C E SM U L T I - C L I E N T


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TGS Interpretation Products Around the World

FMB Studies DSDP Projects Interpretation Studies

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

TGS Interpretation Experience and Expertise




Field Geology,

Geophysical interpretation,

2D & 3D seismic interpretation,

Regional seismic interpretation,

Depth conversion,

AVO analysis,

Play fairway analysis,

Lithology interpretation,

Seismic facies analysis,

Synthetics generation,

Exploration geology,


Integration of potential field data,

Seismic processing,

Prospectivity studies,

Sequence stratigraphy,

Salt interpretation,

Basin modelling,

Prospect risking and evaluation,

Prospect and field economics,


License round applications

TGS experience includes:

TGS has over 60 clients throughout the world who have licensed our products in

the last four years.

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Harmonize the Stratigraphic

Nomenclature of the

Sedimentary Basins by


Compile and correlate data at sub-regional

level for a better

understanding of the

geological characteristics

of the sedimentary

basins in Africa.

Conduct any additional

study that may add value to the project.

Improve technical skills and expertise

of professionals in the oil and

gas industry of the concerned


Project Objectives

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.




The Gulf of

Guinea Zone

The West Africa


Basins and Zones Niger




DR Congo





Eq Guinea




DR Congo


W Nigeria




Cote d’Ivoire

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Project Scope


1. Build a data set of digital well and seismic data

2. Interpret and correlate stratigraphy across each basin, country and zone

3. Propose a harmonized stratigraphic column for each zone

4. Compile all results in a report

Associated Studies:

1. Petrophysical interpretation of all wells used

2. Seismic interpretation

3. Enhanced sequence stratigraphic study with gross depositional environment


4. Play Fairway Analysis based on all other studies

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

15 stage process to complete the work:

1. Literature Search

2. Data audit

3. Scanning and digitizing

4. High quality well log creation

5. Preliminary paper interpretation

6. Core descriptions

7. Lithology interpretation

8. Biostratigraphy analysis

9. Interpretation of tops

10. Synthetic seismograms

11. Interpretation of seismic data

12. Build basic litho-, chrono- and sequence

stratigraphic scheme per country

13. Correlation between basins per country

14. Correlation between countries

15. Build final scheme and reporting

for each Country

Harmonization Project Processes

for each Zone

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Project Deliverables

All data used in the project will be supplied as a deliverable – subject to

agreements with each of the countries involved.

All of the interpreted data will be delivered including:

• High quality logs

• Interpreted tops (Chrono, Litho and Sequence)

• Correlations

• Cross sections

• Synthetic Seismograms

• Seismic correlations

• Stratigraphic columns for each (sub) basin

All deliverables will be referenced to the final harmonized stratigraphic columns.

All well data deliverables and stratigraphic columns will be delivered through TGS’

Facies Map Browser.

The final version of the report will also be issued to all clients.

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Facies Map Browser (FMB)

The FMB is a visualization interface for reviewing depositional systems models

derived from a comprehensive, interpreted well database, tied to reference seismic..

The FMB provides all of the well data, well interpretation and GDE maps over the

entire basin in a unique visualization environment.

The FMB is a known and trusted application, developed by TGS, to deliver the

results of sequence stratigraphic studies and play fairway analyses.

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Petrophysical Analysis

Petrophysical Analysis of all wells included in the harmonization study, assuming

that sufficient data exists to permit this analysis.


• Environmentally corrected log data

• Individual CPI’s

• Shale / clay volume

• Variable grain density

• Porosity Ø (total and effective)

• Permeability k where cored

• Connate water resistivity Rw

• Water Saturation Sw

• LAS files

• Documentation of Methodology adopted. Reference will be made to individual

wells where appropriate, for example, where there have been data problems, or

where an alternative interpretation methodology has been required.

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Seismic Interpretation


1. The project will review all seismic data available but only a selection will be

interpreted, covering the available area / country

2. 10 time horizons will be interpreted as standard

3. Fault picking

4. Depth conversion – depending on velocity data

5. Gravity and Magnetic modelling, subject to available data, for interpreting

basement and definition of main structural elements


1. Seismic Database of all available data in SEGY

2. Nav available as GIS project

3. Seismic Interpretation along each line used (horizons). ASCII format

4. Maps in time and depth (GIS)

5. Fault polygons/patterns (GIS)

6. Documentation/ report (Word/pdf) Incl well tie panels

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• Logs

• Tops

• Environment and facies

• Burial history

• Paleobathymetry

• TD tables/synths

• GDE maps --- all 3rd order sequences subject

to sufficient areal and well control

Enhanced Sequence Stratigraphic Study


1. Uses additional wells from the harmonization study

2. Interpretation of depositional environments and facies in each well

3. Gross Depositional Environment mapping


All data is delivered in the Facies Map Browser, including, where available:

• Biostrat

• Core/casing intervals

• Shows

• Lithologies

• Geochem if available

• Documentation/ reporting (Word/pdf)

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Play Fairway Analysis


1. Leads catalogue

2. Thermal modelling

3. Seismic Facies analysis utilizing modified Macurda nomenclature (seismic facies

type with amplitude and continuity qualifiers)

4. All horizons that could be source, seal or reservoir

5. Common risk segment mapping

6. Revision to FMB GDE maps if required


All maps are delivered via an updated FMB

1. Seismic Facies Maps

2. Reservoir Distribution Risk Maps

3. Top Seal Distribution Risk Maps

4. Reservoir Temperature Risk Maps

5. Common Risk Segment Maps

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Well and Seismic numbers

Wells Seismic

Cote D'Ivoire 90 10,000

Ghana 70 10,000

Togo 7 2,000

Benin 14 2,000

Nigeria 240 50,000

Cameroon 100 10,000

Equatorial Guinea 100 10,000

Gabon 200 20,000

Congo 120 20,000

DR Congo 100 5,000

Angola 200 50,000

Niger 50 5,000

Chad 50 5,000

Total 1341 199,000

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Project Time Frame

Project is anticipated to be formally approved by the APPA Council of Ministers in

April 2015.

TGS anticipates that work will start by July 2015, subject to sufficient pre-funding.

The Harmonization stage will be complete for all zones within three years.

The remaining projects will be delivered over a further three years.

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Project Time Frame – Commercial Actions

Clients who are interested to support the project are requested to issue a Letter of

Intent to TGS indicating their desire to participate.

Formal License Agreements will be issued once the Council of Ministers approves

the project.

License Agreements will need to be signed before the project starts.

Payment will be due within 30 days of the project starting.

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

TGS will adopt a multi-client approach to funding this project

Work on all deliverables will commence once pre-funding target is reached for a


Project sponsors will enjoy a lower preferential early participant price

Licensing will require an initial payment followed by annual subscriptions until

project work is completed

Initial payment increases year on year and includes all missed subscription


Minimum commitment is three years

Individual country products will only be available once the whole project is


Project Commercial Proposal

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Client Benefits

The project will save exploration companies time and money through the following


1. Rapid access to a regional dataset and interpretation for future decision making

2. It provides a homogeneous framework for play modelling and exploration work

3. It consolidates understanding of regional geology and therefore fast tracks

understanding of basin development and shortens exploration cycle time

4. Provides a standardized nomenclature to improve the effectiveness of cross-

border data exchanges and new ventures analysis

5. Allows in-house technical resources to concentrate on high value prospect

definition work

6. Means to technically evaluate new opportunities throughout the region

7. It integrates of all data in a single environment to improve productivity

8. Provides a consistent framework for tracking and coordinating exploration efforts

thereby reducing exploration risk

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Early Participation Benefits

Initial sponsors benefit from their involvement by:

1. Helping to guide the final selection of data used in the project

2. Annual participation in reviews of project progress

3. Involvement of staff members in the technical work

4. Access to the product sooner than their competitors

5. Lower cost of the finished product

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Involvement in technical work

TGS would like to invite one person from each sponsor to spend a month

working in our London office during the harmonization project.

TGS will:

• Provide the necessary logistical help for visitors

• Provide the necessary office space and facilities

• Provide the necessary training and support

Client will:

• Pay all salary and expenses involved

Client benefits:

• Further involvement and direction to the project

• Understanding of TGS methodologies

• Early view of the results

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.


TGS proposes to hold a workshop in our London offices in Q2 2015 to present

more technical and project details of the project to interested parties.

We would be delighted if you could join us.

To register your interest or to ask any questions, please contact

Thank you

©2015 TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA. All rights reserved.

Tim Gibbons

+44 7766 024602