Straton. the Fancies of the Evolutionists (1926)

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  • 7/26/2019 Straton. the Fancies of the Evolutionists (1926)




    TN this paper thewell known - ^ | H E assertion th at evolution is

    pastor of Calvary Baptist ^ ^.w " a r r e n f e H " h v a l l r ea l

    Church in New York City main- " W , ^ C C e p te a D y a U r e a l

    tains that in view ofthefact that a K J S i scholars IS Wide of the m ark.

    very large number of intelligent

    Th ere is a general acceptanc e, in th e

    people believe the theoryofevolution p h i l o s o p h i c f i el d , o f s o m e S O rt o f

    to be whollyunproved tt ts only fair f . . f ^ , . , ,

    that a public


    receiving principle of development or unfold-




    such as ment, which is fully as compatible

    the American Mu seum of Natural ^^^^

    c r e a t i o n i s m aS w i t h e v o l u t j o n -

    Htstory, should gtve space to an . , y /


    of ne

    Bible Story


    is^ , but any universal acceptance of


    in its Hall


    the Age of evolution, in the Strict Sense, either


    Dr.Straton describes


    i whole or in any of its branches, has

    tail the exhibit which headvocates.

    _ . . i ,

    .. T> \


    simply not come about. Real scien

    tific facts hav e nev er yet been br ou gh t toge ther sufficient to pro ve

    the theories of organic evolution in a single one of its many

    branches, let alone the main theory that all life has so arisen.

    Furthermore, i t is s ignificant that many who at first are

    fascinated by the plausible generalizations of evolution turn

    from it after further examination of its profi^ered evidences and

    more mature consideration of i ts claims. Disil lusionment came

    to the present writer when he discovered that evolution is not a

    fact of science, bu t a dog ma of philosop hy; th at bo th its histo ry

    and i ts essential nature prove that i t belongs in the realm of

    subjective speculation and not in the field of objective fact.

    Let us undertake, first , a frank consideration of The Hall of

    the Age of M an in the Am erican M useum of N atu ra l His tory in

    New York City. This is the great popular feature of the museum

    and the especial interest of Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn, the presi

    dent of the museum, and of others of the


    Yet the exhibit is

    schematized and doctored to the last degree. The old bones there

    are made to say things which ordinarily they would not say

    at all.

    In the introduction to his book describing this exhibit Professor

    Osborn uses the following words:

    The Hall of the Age of Man is designed to show what we


    of man and his environment during the long period of geologic time in

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    246 T H E F O R U M

    which man rose from a coridition of limited intelligence and subordi

    nation to the animal world, to his present condition of great intelli

    gence and mastery both of the animal world, and of many of the

    principal forces of nature. The exhibit is arranged in an educational

    manner so as to present very simply, very


    and very



    actual knowledge,

    and no t to confuse th e visitor with

    theories or speculations. (The italics are mine.)

    Notice his str iking statement that they are going to show only

    what they


    of man, that they are giving in The Hall of

    the Age of Man "ac tua l knowledge" and not " theor ies or

    specula t ions" .

    Now, what is the t ruth about tha t exhibi t? The bald naked

    truth is that there is not one single, indisputable/ec^ proving the

    truthfulness of the exhibit . The so-called "ape-men" in the

    exhibit are figments of the enthusiastic imaginations of evolu

    t ion 's devotees . T he "P i l tdo w n M a n " , for example , was no

    " m a n " at all . All th at was found in the gravel pit in Sussex,

    England, near Piltdown Common, included two or three bits of

    skull-bone, a piece of jaw -bo ne, and a canine too th. Th ese frag

    ments were scattered in the gravel pit; one piece was picked up

    one year, another in another year, and sti l l another the third

    year. With these few little scraps, that one could conceal in the

    palms of the hands, the scientists first assumed that they all

    belonged to the same individual , and then they "reconstructed"

    the "P i l tdo w n M a n " and proclaimed i t as a new genus, which

    they ca l led Eonthropus or "Dawn Man" .

    But after the f irst reconstruction by Dawson and Dr. A. Smith-

    Woodward of the Bri t ish Museum, Professor Arthur Keith ,

    Curator of the Royal College of Surgeons of London, took up

    these same fragments of bone and made a reconstructed man

    much higher than the ape-like creature which Dr. Dawson and

    Dr. Woodward had produced. The c l imax was capped when the

    American anthropologist Dr. Ales Hrdlicka reached the conclu

    sion that the Pi l tdown jaw and tooth did not belong with the

    fragments of skull but really "belonged to a fossil chimpanzee."

    Yet, in the face of all this, the exhibit in the Hall of the Age of

    M an is para ded as bona fide; as founded only on rea l " fa c ts "

    and not on "specula t ion". I f tha t Pi l tdown Man, reconstructed

    from such little scraps gathered in such a haphazard fashion, and

    the subject of such divisions and disputes among the scientists

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    T H E F A N C I E S O F T H E E V O L U T I O N I S T S 247

    themselves , if tha t i s no t a "s pe cu lat ion " , then I wa nt to ask

    what under Heaven is i t?

    The first page of Professor Osborn 's book, on the Hall of the

    Age of M an , pictures three of these ima ginary m en w hich hav e

    been "reconstructed" by the scient is ts f rom data so meagre that

    it has been, from the beginning, the subject of the widest division

    among the scientists and is s t i l l being hotly debated. Yet Pro

    fessor Osborn, under these three pictures of the Java or Trinil

    Ape-Man , the Neander tha l Man , and the Cro-Magnon Man ,

    labe ls them "Three Grea t


    of Prehis tor ic M a n " . Th is

    sounds as though they were all fully accredited and as though

    everything were adequately proved.

    L et us glance at one of these specimens, T h e Trinil Ape-

    Man. Dr. Eugene Dubois , a Dutch physician , c la ims to have

    found these bones in th e Island of Ja v a in 1891. Th ere are only

    three fragments of this gentleman, who has been given the name

    "Pi thecanthropus" . There is a part of a skul l , a part of a leg

    bone, and one molar tooth . As with the Pi l tdown Man, these

    bones were no t found at th e same t im e or al togeth er in one place.

    When Dr. Dubois discovered these pit iful bits of bones he

    announced his belief that they belonged to a being between the

    apes and men. Other scientists who examined these bones

    asserted, however, th at the fragments did not belong to the sam e

    individual at all.

    Concerning the Neanderthal Man and the Cro-Magnon man,

    it is sufficient to say that many conflicting opinions have been

    given their bones by such men as Blake, Vogt, Hoelder, Kitdell ,

    H uxley, Dw ight , Price , and others . I t can be shown, fur thermore,

    that the scientists not only disagree among themselves, but that

    Professor Osborn contradicts in one place his own statements in

    another place. Upon this same first page of his book is a para

    graph w hich admits th at the evidence is scan ty and th at the

    remains of al leged ape-men are scarce. He writes:

    A series of cases in the centre of the hall are devoted to the story

    of man. That i t can be compressed into so small a space is an indi

    cation of the scarcity of his remains, for here are displayed repro

    ductions of the m ost notab le specimens th at ha ve been discovered.

    And further on in the same work he refers again to the fact that

    " the actual specimens are few in number."

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    248 T H F O R U M

    In ano ther of his books, th at on Evolution and Religion^

    Professor Osbo rn says th is :

    The chain of human ancestors was totally unknown to Darwin.

    He could not have even dreamed of such a flood of proof and tru th .

    In one of the books the evidence is admitted to be "scarce"

    and the specimens "few". In another, this same evidence is

    referred to as a " flood "

    In addition to the utter inadequacy of these individual ex

    hib its in the H all of the Age of Ma n stan d th e very significant

    facts that the dependabili ty of the entire scheme of rock strati

    fication, upon which the time element and transformist principles

    of man's alleged evolution rest, is now being seriously and suc

    cessfully called into question and even dismissed as entirely

    artificial and arbitrary by qualified scientific men.

    Yet these unproved theories are being used to-day to lead our

    children away from the Bible revelation. The mere statement of

    the real facts in the case shows how absurd is the alleged "evi

    dence" on which the faith of our children in the Bible account of

    creat ion is be ing destroyed. During the many vis i ts tha t I have

    made to the American Museum of Natura l History I have seen

    literally thousands of school children pass through the Hall of

    the Age of Man and look at the exhibits of those old bones with

    the re-creations of alleged "m e n " . In watchin g them , I was

    overwhelmed with the conviction that i t was nothing short of a

    crime against the human race to f i l l the immature minds of these

    little children with the debasing idea of the brute origin of man

    on such flimsy and tr icky "evidences."

    In the l ight of all this, I submit that i t was not at all an un

    reasonable request when I suggested to the museum authorities

    th a t they roll all of th e show-cases contain ing these gruesom e old

    bones to one side of the Hall and put on the other side another

    row of show-cases setting forth the Bible teaching concerning the

    creation of the world and man and the Bible philosophy of life.

    Certainly if one of these conflicting and competing theories is to

    be shown in the form of an exhibit, then the other ought in fair

    ness to be shown also.

    I suggested that at the centre of the first show-case of the

    Bible exhibit there might be an open Bible, with a red line and a

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    T H E F A N C I E S O F T H E E V O L U T I O N I S T S 249

    hand pointing (after the manner of the marking of the old bones)

    to the first verse of Genesis:

    In the beginning, God created the

    heavens and the earth.

    Th en I suggested t ha t , on either side of

    that central Bible, there might be reproductions of the historic

    manuscripts and versions of God's word, thus giving an outl ine

    history of how the Bible came down to us.

    In the next show-case, I suggested that there should be another

    Bible in the centre, with a red l ine and a hand pointing to the

    verse where i t is writ ten that

    God created man in His image, in

    the image of God


    He him, male and emale


    He them.

    On either side of this Bible, there might be grouped an exhibit

    sett ing forth the original dignity of m an as a child of Go d and the

    tragic disasters that came to him through his disobedience to

    God; his fall from his high estate, and, therefore, his need of a

    Messiah and Saviour. I suggested, also, that the teaching of

    Genesis concerning God's rest in the creative era and the insti

    tution of the Sabbath Day could be indicated with a proper

    exhibit showing the great economic, social, and religious value of

    reserving one day in seven for rest and worship.

    In the next case, I suggested that a Bible-be shown with the

    words marked which tell of Eve being given to Adam as his wife,

    and which declares: Therefore shall a man leave his father and

    mother and shall cleaveunto his w ife and they shall be one flesh."

    On one side of this Bible could be shown a picture of the marriage

    alta r a nd models of homes, sett ing forth the fact th at th e

    Bible teaching h as been the source of the sanc ti ty of the ma rriage

    vow and the foundation of our American home-life. On the other

    side of this case could be shown an exhibit of the terrible increase

    of divorce, the wrecking of home-life, the breaking of hearts, the

    sett ing adrift of l i t t le children without anyone to guide them

    upo n the sto rm y seas of hum an life, all this because of loss

    of faith in the Bible and in its teachings.

    I suggested, also, an exhibit of the Bible as the real source of

    the principles of l iberty, equali ty, justice, fraternity, law and

    order upon which our American commonwealth was founded.

    I suggested that a replica of the historic Bible of the United States

    Supreme Court , on which our Presidents have been sworn since

    1801, be used in this exhibit , and th a t this Bible be opened a t the

    Ten Commandments ; that a p icture be shown of the scene in the

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    250 T H E F O R U M

    cabin of the Mayflower, where the Pilgrims drafted the First

    Charter of their new community with nothing but an open Bible

    before them, embodying i ts principles in their document; that an

    exhibit be prepared showing the influence of Bible religion in the

    Revolutionary War, in the prayer-l ife of George Washington, in

    the resolutions of the Continental Congress, in the meetings of

    the C onsti tution al Con vention, and in the whole progress of our

    history , through the pray ers of A bra ham Lincoln in the Civil

    War t imes to the avowed dependence upon God of Woodrow

    Wilson during the troublous days of the World War, down to

    this pr ese nt hou r whe n the re is still enoug h faith left in ou r

    beloved land to engrave upon our coins the great motto: "In

    God we t rus t . "

    And over against the portrait gallery of the "cave men", I

    would suggest that at least one wall of the Hall of the Age of

    Man be given to a series of portraits of some of the great men and

    women who accepted and believed the Bible. Such a series would

    begin, naturally, with a picture of Moses, beneath which could

    be printed these striking words:

    K e e p , therefore, the words of this coven ant, and do the m , th a t

    ye may prosper in al l that ye do. (Deut. 29:9)

    And then I would suggest a picture of Paul, who said:

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable.

    And Martin Luther, who took his stand on the open Bible,

    and said:

    I stand here; I cannot do otherwise; God help me, Amen.

    And Queen Victoria, who said:

    T he op en Bible is the secret of the gre atness of th e British

    Empi re .

    And Keppler, who said, in connection with his great discoveries

    in as t ronomy:

    I have been thinking God's thoughts after Him.

    And Daniel Webster, who said:

    I believe th a t t he Bible is to be unde rstood and received in the

    plain and obvious meaning of i ts passages; for I cannot persuade

    myself th at a book inte nde d for the instru ction and conversion of th e

    whole world should cover i ts true meaning in any such mystery and

    doubt none but cri t ics and philosophers can discover i t .

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    SANCTA 251

    And President Coolidge who said:

    Religion is the foundation of states.

    And in the centre, and above it all, there should be a picture of

    the Divine Chris t , wi th His prayer to the Father:

    Sanct i fy them through the t ru th , Thy Word is Truth .

    I contentmyself in closing, with pointing out that while these

    fancies of the evolutionists come and go, while there is scarcely a

    scientific book that is ten years old that is not already out of date,

    the Bible, after all these thousands of years, is still doing business

    at the o ld s tand

    Measured by i ts age-long and continuing influence upon the

    habits and faiths of the human race, the remark of Jean Paul is

    well founded. He said:

    The first leaf of the Mosaic record outweighs all the folios of the

    philosophers and men of science combined.

    S A N C T A

    H fijHROUGH endless change the record runs

    * ^ Confused by all succeeding suns.

    "Our Lord was r ich; our Lord was poor;

    In meekness bowed; in state secure."

    And so our life is glibly shriven

    And dul l ear th r immed by a bas tard Heaven.

    But rich or poor are still but one

    And high and low are scarce begun.

    While you and I must seek alone

    The rugged path to the ancient throne.

    Herbert H. Longfellow