STRESS ANALYSIS OF ORTHOTROPIC AND … Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013...

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Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013



Ramanpreet Singh1*

*Corresponding Author: Ramanpreet Singh,

In this study simulation is conducted on a model of connecting rod of a single cylinder fourstroke engine. The main objective of this paper is to develop a new insight for the use of compositematerial in connecting rods. Finite element analysis was done to compare the conventionalisotropic material and the orthotropic Composite Material. Modeling of connecting rod was doneusing software CATIA V5 and for stress analysis it was imported to MSC. PATRAN. Linear staticanalysis was carried out for both isotropic material and orthotropic composite material withmesh TET4 to obtain the stress results. Comparison of both the material was done, keeping theboundary conditions “samefor” both materials. For future research, the same analysis can bedone with the MESH TET10 and the same can be compared to obtain varied results.

Keywords: Connecting rod, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Orthotropic material, Isotropicmaterial, Patran analysis, CATIA V5 modeling

INTRODUCTIONConnecting rod also known as conrod is usedto connect the piston to crankshaft. It forms asimple mechanism that converts linear motioninto rotary motion. These rods are subjectedto the alternating loads of order 108 to 109

cycles. These alternating cycles are of highcompressive and high tensile loads due togas pressure and inertia respectively. Themaximum stress occurs at the small end ofthe bearing due to piston thrust. This is the

ISSN 2278 – 0149 www.ijmerr.comVol. 2, No. 2, April 2013

© 2013 IJMERR. All Rights Reserved

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013

1 Lovely Professional University (LPU), Phagwara, Punjab, India.

reason connecting rods are designed asstruts.

Pal et al. (2012) have done finite elementanalysis for tensile and compressive stresses.The study considered two cases for each case.In first case load was applied on the crank endand in other case load was applied at thepiston end. Ultimately results were comparedfor optimization purpose. On comparison itwas found that weight of connecting rod wasreduced by 0.477 g, due to which shear force

Research Paper


Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

was also reduced. Also, stress was maximumat piston end so to reduce stresses, materialwas increased. Shaari et al. (2010) presentedthe optimization technique to minimize massof connecting rod and reduce the cost ofproduction. Modeling of the connecting rodwas done in SOLID WORKS and analysis forthe same in PATRAN. Firstly crank end wasfixed and secondly pin end was fixed for sameaxial load in tension and compression. Thestudy analyzes TET4 and TET10 mesh typeunder the same boundary conditions. It wasconcluded that maximum stresses are muchlower than the initial design and alsoconnecting rod becomes 11.7% lighter. KumarSudershn et al. (2012) performed modelingand analysis of two wheeler connecting rod.For the analysis three materials viz. aluminumboron carbide, aluminum and carbon steelwere taken, and results were compared on thebasis of selected parameters. The resultsshowed the percentage increase in stiffnessof aluminum boron carbide was more,percentage reduction in weight is same foraluminum 360 and aluminum boron carbide.Kumar et al. (2012) also performed theoptimization of the connecting rod parametersusing CAE. The study shows that onmodification of different parameters ofconnecting rod there is improvement in theexisting results. Stress which was maximumat the pin end can be reduced by increasingthe material near the pin end. Weight was alsoreduced by 0.004 kg which was not significantbut there is reduction in inertia forces. ThomasGeorge Tony et al. (2011) performed theanalysis to improve the fatigue life cycles ofconnecting rod. Connecting rod was modeledin CATIA and its static analysis was done using

ANSYS to understand the fatigue locations inthe connecting rod. It was concluded that shotpeening significantly improve fatigue life of theconnecting rod. Pathade et al. (2012) analyzedthe two most critical areas of the connectingrod. Specified dimensioned connecting rodwas modeled in PROE which was laterimported to ANSYS. In their problem statementthree different loads were applied at pin endwhereas the crank end was fixed. Whentheoretical and FEA results were compared,it was found that stresses were maximum atthe small end.Ranjbarkohan et al. (2011)studied a case of high rate of damage ofconnecting rod of Nissan Z24 vehicles in Iran.The study was divided into two parts,First wasthe kinematic and kinetic analysis and the otherwas static analysis. In kinetic and kinematicanalysis MSCADAMS software andexperimental data was used to obtain acombustion chamber pressure. In staticanalysis connecting rod was modeled inSOLIDWORKS and its analysis was doneusing ANSYS. It was concluded that tensilestress was maximum at the pin end, Maximumpressure was obtained at the pin end and rodand for future fatigue analysis was proposed.CIOATÃ et al. (2010) performed staticanalysis of the connecting rod. Connecting rodwas modeled in Autodesk Inventor and for itsanalysis they had used ANSYS. Comparisonof the deformation by the conventional andFEM was done and it was found that there wasadeformation of 0.073 by conventional methodand 0.036 mm by FEM. In the current studytwo materials were used for the connecting rodone is Conventional and and the other isComposite Material (E-Glass/Epoxy).Comparison showed the varied results whichare elaborated as under.


Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

OBJECTIVEThe main objective of this study is to replacethe conventional material of connecting rod i.e.,steel with the Composite material (E-Glass/Epoxy). In this study von misses stresses,deformations and other parameters areascertained which has been done by doing theFEA of the connecting rod. Linear staticanalysis was performed on MSC.PATRAN ofthe connecting rod for the conventional as wellas for the E-Glass/Epoxy to get the variedresults.

METHODOLOGYModeling of Connecting Rod

Connecting rod was modeled with CATIA V5R10 software. The orthographic views of theconnecting rod taken from the drafting tab ofthe CATIA software are shown in Figure 1. Thesolid model of the connecting rod drawn fromthe same software is shown in Figure 2.

Steps to Model Connecting Rod

• Open CATIA interface, from start menu inmechanical design select part design.

Figure 1: Orthographic Projections of Connecting Rod

Figure 2: Solid Model of the Connecting Rod


Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

• Choose X-Y plane as the basic drawingarea.

• Open sketcher, draw the sketch of the basicconnecting rod.

• Trim the parts that are not required.

• Join all the parts.

• Apply the pad command and give thethickness as per the requirement.

• Solid Model is ready. Now save the file inIGES format which will enable easy importto any analysis software.

• For getting the orthographic views ondrawing sheet, choose drafting from thestart menu.

• In the drafting interface there appear threeviews which are used here.

Once the connecting rod is modeled, it willbe exported from CATIA to MSC.PATRAN.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) andComparison of the E-Glass/Epoxyv/s Conventional Steel ConnectingRodIn this study two finite element models wereanalyzed. One analysis was done for theconventional steel and the other wasperformed on the E-Glass/Epoxy connectingrod keeping all the parameters same for boththe analysis. Table 1 shows the materialproperties that has been taken for theconventional steel material and Table 2 showsthe material properties for the E-Glass/Epoxymaterial. The basic difference between the twomaterials is their behavior, E-Glass/Epoxy isorthotropic and the Conventional steel isisotropic. For Linear static analysis the solidmodel was imported from CATIA toMSC.PATRAN.

Steps Involved in FEA

MeshingIn the meshing interface of the MSC.PATRANcurve mesh seed should be selected for thecurve path and uniform for the linear surface.Type of mesh selected should be solid. In solidmesh there are two type of elements availableTET4 and TET10. In the present study TET 4was taken although results may be improvedby using TET10.

PropertiesFor the first FE model with isotropic behaviormaterial name is given “steel’ and the

Material Properties Values

Behavior Isotropic

Modulus of Elasticity E 2.1e5 MPa

Poisson Ratio 0.266

Ultimate Tensile Strength ut

1272 MPa

Yield Strength y

1158 MPa

Density 0.00000785 kg/mm3

Table 1: Material Propertiesof Conventional Steel

Material Properties Values

Behaviour Orthotropic

Modulus of Elasticity Exx

38e3 MPa

Modulus of Elasticity Eyy

13e3 MPa

Modulus of Elasticity Ezz

13e3 MPa

Poisson Ratio xy


Poisson Ratio yz


Poisson Ratio zx


Modulus of Rigidity Gxy

1000 MPa

Modulus of Rigidity Gyz

16 MPa

Modulus of Rigidity Gzx

60 MPa

Yield Strength y

900 MPa

Density 0.00000185 kg/mm3

Table 2: Material Properties of CompositeMaterial E-Glass/Epoxy


Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

properties given in Table 1 were taken.Element type selected was 3D solid. For thesecond FE model same element wasselected and name was given asotho_E_Glass. Properties for this model wastaken from Table 2.


Two constraints are used in this analysis

• Displacement Constraint: In both the FEmodels one end, i.e., the crank end of theconnecting rod was fixed and the other endwas not allowed to rotate about x and z axisbut free to rotate about y-axis. Also the pinend or the small end is allowed to movefreely in transnational direction (in x-y-z)

• Load Constraint: In both the FE models noexternal force is acting on the big end buton the pin or the small end 700 N ofcompressive force is applied in the x-direction whereas there is no external forcein the y and z direction.


When all loads and displacement are appliedanalysis would be last step. After analyzingattach the result with the model. Once theattachment is done for viewing different resultsselect results tab in the PATRAN interface.


In the results interface select the fringe/deformation tab. A pop-up will appear, in thepop-up select the model and thecorresponding result parameter. In this step nnumber of results can be seen for the differentinput parameters.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONIn the modeled connecting rod, pin end wasanalyzed first for both the E-Glass/Epoxy andthe Conventional Steel. The complete fringediagram showing the distribution of von-misses stresses is shown in Figure 3 forConventional steel and in Figure 4 for E-Glass/Epoxy. Figures 5 and 6 shows the constraint

Figure 3: Von-Mises Stresses of Isotropic Conventional Stee


Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

Figure 4: Von-Mises Stresses of Orthotropic E-Glass/Epoxy

Figure 5: Translational Forces x Component Conventional Steel

Figure 6: Translational Forces x Component E-Glass/Epoxy


Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

Figure 7: Displacement x Component for E-Glass/Epoxy

Figure 8: Displacement x Component for Conventional Steel

Legend 1: Variation of Von-Mises Stresses (Pin End) for Conventional Steel


Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

Legend 2: Variation of Von-Mises Stresses (Pin End) for E-Glass/Epoxy

Legend 3: Displacement Variation at Pin End for Conventional Steel

Legend 4: Displacement Variation at Pin End for E-Glass/Epoxy


Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

translational forces in X-direction for steel andE-Glass/Epoxy respectively. On comparing theresults shown in Figures 3 and 4 it becomesclear that E-Glass/Epoxy should be used inplace of conventional steel as the maximumstress is reduced largely when material usedwas E-Glass/Epoxy. There is reduction of33.99% of stresses when material used wasE-Glass/Epoxy. The variation of Von-Missesstresses with the path length at the pin end forconventional steel is shown in Legend 1 andthe same for E-Glass/Epoxy is shown inLegend 2. Figures 7 and 8 shows thedisplacement of the E-Glass/Epoxy andConventional steel respectively. It can be seenthat when material for connecting rod was E-Glass/Epoxy displacement observed reductionby 0.0026%. Although the % reduction seen in“x component-displacement” is small but it willaffect its life. Lastly, Legends 3 and 4 wereused to differentiate the displacement variationat the pin end for the conventional steel andfor the E-Glass/Epoxy respectively.

CONCLUSIONStress analysis of the connecting rod was doneusing FEM (Finite Element Method). TwoDifferent materials were used for the “Conrod”and later the variation in the results werecompared. Materials selected for comparisonwere E-Glass/Epoxy and the ConventionalSteel. Finite element analysis was done usingMSC.PATRAN. The results obtained during theanalysis were in compliance with the existingstudies.

• On comparing the von-misses stresses inthe two materials it was found that there isreduction of 33.99% of stresses whenconvention steel was replaced with the

orthotropic E-Glass/Epoxy. For connectingrod it is suggested to replace Conventionalsteel with E-Glass/Epoxy.

• When the Displacement x component wascompared, again there was reduction of0.026% displacement when material usedwas E-Glass/Epoxy.

The current analysis of connecting rod wasdone by considering mesh TET4 and to getvaried or improved results mesh TET10 canbe used and the results of the mesh types canbe compared.

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Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2013 Ramanpreet Singh, 2013

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