Stress Free- Financially secure.

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Who am I looking For?1. Motivated business people2. A person with leadership Qualities3. An energic positive person4. Some one who is coachable5. Someone wants to change their life today6. Some who is prepared to be a product of the product and mentor other business partners.What do you do now? Visit my website fill your details in and I will give you a call, make sure you have access to the computer so I can show you through the business.


  • 1. WelcomeIm Peter Wheaton and I am going to show you a New Exciting Business Model


  • It is easy to implement

3. It requires 10 to 20 hrs per week to operate 4. It builds self confidence 5. It produces personal and financial results 6. It provides upfront and residual income 7. And it can be used in any business at any time and anywhere in the
8. Marketing forThe Big Thinkers?We arent looking for people who want to earn only a few hundred dollars a month, were looking for people wanting earn a 6 or 7 figure income in the next 12-24 months.
9. How???Justby adding one Member to your network market business per Month.Find 12 people in 365 days can create you a 6 figure income.
10. Sound simple enough?Does it sound easy?Are you curious?If you have a yes in the back of your mind, continue on and I will explain.
11. Lets Answer a few questions
12. What is it?We are in the Success Education or Personal Development Industry.
13. What do we sell?We sell a 12 month Study Curriculumand 3 Events which are held around the world,the next one in Sydney Australia in August 2011.
14. How do we sell it?You can sell the product anyway you wish. Anyone starting will be given the opportunity to learn the New Free Social Media Buzz-zing. This is the latest way to market your business and most of the time it is Free. it for Free Today
15. Do youneed Money?This is business and all real opportunities have running costs and start up costs.So yes you will require Capital to be in a profit making Position.
16. Is it MLM?No this business is network marketing.It is a method of distribution which allows a platform for an individual to promote a product and earn an income. A person can become a distributer of a network marketing Company and have all the benefits of owning their own business, without the overheads.
17. Do we have to buy the products?As a rule No, however if you wish to benefit from what the products offer and explain to your prospects what it has achieved for you it is very much advisable.All of our Products can be sold retail or wholesale.
18. Who does the training?The leaders in our business who are achieving the results. We offer training 6 days a week and have recorded versions for instant access when you require it.
19. How hard is It?Can you place an ad?Can you call the person to see whether they qualify and place them on a webinar?Can you contact them a day later to get their level of interest and get their questions answered by your up line advisor?
20. Who am I?I have been in the network marketing industry for 2 years.My back ground was running a Shearing Business and later supplying tenders for the Mining Industry.I went looking for answers for myself and my Company and in Jan 2011, I brought my Company back from a 7 figure debt to balance, using the principles this business has been able to teach me.I had no experience with network marketing and Today I operate this business full time and am using this business Model in my Company Today.
21. What has the product done for me Personally?It has completely changed my way of thinking.I am a happier person.I see opportunity in everything I do.It has taught me to live life.It has delivered the very thing I have wanted for years Total Happiness.It has given me the passion to explore and try different goals.
22. Why do I sell it?For me it has been the greatest product I have used.I have grown as person and a Boss and have seen people around change their thinking and produce results which 12 months ago were only dreams.This one product can offer successPersonally and Financially.It can deliver results through planning and proper implementation.I am happy to place my name along side of it and the Company who developed it.
23. Who is this product for?Your target audience is unlimited.Any person who wants something better in life will achieve with this product.Corporations looking to create a Residual Income.Small business looking to add a new dimension to the current Business.The Single Parent or House wife wanting more time with the children.The professional wanting a career change.Sporting People wanting the mental edge on competitors.A person wanting to find confidence, self esteem, a challenge or just wants to work for themselves .You can put unlimited tags on types of people who want this product .
24. How do you start?Visit my website your details in and qualify yourself first.I look forward to talking with you.