Structure of Skin

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M.D. [AY.] Ph.D.




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Contact No. : +91-9557317321


CHAPTER I STRUCTURE OF SKIN Introduction Development of skin Anatomical structure of skin Epidermis Dermis Hair follicles Nails


CHAPTER II SWEAT GLANDS Eccrine sweat glands Apocrine glands Sebaceous glands Composition of sebum Function of sebum Ceruminous glands Arrectores pilorum


CHAPTER III FUNCTIONS OF SKIN Circulation and vascular reactions Sensory functions Radiation Conductions Evaporation Vasodialation Decrease in heat production Increase in heat production Synthesis of Vitamin D Sweat secretion Thermoregulation Skin as a immunologic organ Protection


CHAPTER IV COLOR OF THE SKIN Introduction Pigmentation in the human skin Melanin Melanoid Carotene Haemoglobin Oxyhaemoglobin


CHAPTER V THE MELANOCYTE Derivation of the word melanin Historical aspects of melanin Embryology of melanin Epidermal melanin unit Distribution of melanocytes Ultra structure of melanocytes Classification of melanin pigments


Pigment Production Inhibitors of melanin synthesis Importance of melanin pigmentations

CHAPTER VI BIOCHEMISTRY OF MELANIN PIGMENTATION Stages of Melanocytes Development Stages of Menanin Formation Dopaquinon Production Melanogenesis Biochemistry of Important Specialized

Product from Tyrosine Melanin Catecholamine


CHAPTER VII CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MELANIN Clinical applications of melanin Albinism Hypertyrosinemias Applied physiology of skin pigment



VITILIGO Introduction Historical aspect and vitiligo Synonyms Derivation Definitions Epidemiology Actiology Associated Aetiological factors


CHAPTER IX CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF VITILIGO Distribution of vitiligo patches Koebner’s Phenomenon Onset of the Disease Border of the patches Trichome Sensation and blood vessels in vitiligenous

skin Location of patches Punshi sign Sweat reaction in Vitiligo Reaction to sunlight Rate of the Pigment Loss Nature of Development of disease Common Pattern of Vitiligo Psychological Symptoms Others


CHAPTER X DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF VITILIGO Differential diagnosis Associated factors


CHAPTER XI MANAGEMENT OF VITILIGO General awareness Non surgical methods Surgical methods


Psychological and social counselingCHAPTER XII AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF SHWITRA

(VITILIGO) Principal of Ayurvedic management Divavyapashraya Chikitsa (spiritual therapy) Yuktivyapashraya chikitsa (Rational

therapy) Antaha parimarjana chikitsa (Internal

purification) Bahi parimarjana chikitsa (External

purification) Shastrapranidhana (Surgical measures) Satvavajaya Chikitsa (Psychotherapy)



AYURVEDIC MEDICINES OF VITILIGO Single Drugs Chruna (Powder) Preparations Kwatha (Decotion Preparation ) Asava /Arishta Preparations Avaleha (Paste) Preparations Ghrita Preparations Taila Preparations Guggulu Preparations Peya Preparations Guda (Jaggery) Preparations Urines (Mutras) Saktu Preparations Loha Preparations Rasayana Preparations Rasa / Bhasma / Pisti (Metalic

Preparations) Vati (Tablets) Preparations Lepa Preparations (Ointments) Or Topical

Applications Abhyanga Preparations








Introduction Development of Skin Anatomical Structure of Skin Epidermis Dermis Hair Follicles Nails


Skin is the largest organ of the integumeutory system made up of multiple

layers of epithelial tissues that guard underlying muscles and organs. It is

important role in protecting the body against pathogens.

The skin being sensitive to pain, pressure, touch, hot, cold, trauma is indeed a

unique sense organ more then it skin is the protective boundary between the

organism and the environment.

According to clinical practice dermatological problems account and about 12%

of total medical problems. Among skin disorders, disorders of pigmentation

cover a big spectrum. They not only interfere with the normal skin functioning

but also hamper the internal environment of the body ever. In pigmentary

disorder, disorders related to the hypopigmentation needs attention, where a

long with soma, psyche is involved much more.

It is important to know about skin i.e. affected part by the disease. Skin can be

examined by naked eye and can furnish a lot of information about the person

and the disease.

In certain cases the changes are not clear. Hence, the study of the skin

structure and its physiology is essential for proper assessment.


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The skin or cutaneous membrane covers the external surface of the body. It is

the largest organ of the body in surface area and weight. The weight of the

skin about 8% of the body weight and its 4.8 kg in an average man and about

3.2 kg in an average woman. The eight of the subcutaneous fat is about 12 kg

in an average man and 15 kg is an average woman. The area of the skin of

an average adult is 2784.4 sq. inches. To this ends it has become highly

specialized and some knowledge of its normal state and behavior is

necessary before its abnormalities can be adequately studies.

The epidermis and its specialized appendages are derivatives of the

ectoderm, while the corneum is formed from the somatic layer of the

mesoderm with some contribution from dorsal lateral aspects of the

mesodermal somites.

The ectoderm at first consists of a single stratum of cuboidal cells but by the

sixth week these have proliferated to form a double layer - a superficial

periderm or epitrichium of flattened cells, and a subjacent stratum

germinativum. By the six month most of the periderm, which becomes

keratinized, has disappeared and the strata granulosum, lucidumand corneum

of the epidermis are established.

The superficial cornified cells, together with sebaceous secretion and the

remains of periderm, from a chessy or caseous material, the vernix caseosa,

which may exercise the function of protecting the underlying epidermis from

maceration by amniotic fluid. Formation of daughter cells by the deeper layer

leads eventually to the production of the definitive epidermis of the skin.

Towards the end of the third month the mesoderm next to the epidermis

begins to condense and define the dermis, deep to which areolar connective

tissue appears. A month later dermal papillae can be identified and the

characteristic patterns of ridges on the ventral hairless skin of the extremities

best seen and most familiar as fingerprints are quickly established and remain

substantially unchanged in the individual apart from growth in size.

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Structure of Skin


It is divided anatomically into two layers, the epidermis and the dermis.

The superficial thinner portion, which is composed of epithelial tissue in the

Epidermis and the deeper, thicker connective tissue part, is the Dermis. The

glands, hair and nails are epidermal structures, although they arise in the



The epidermis is the most superficial layer of the skin and it is composed of

“stratified epithelium” which varies in thickness in different part of the body. It

is thickest on palms of the hands and soles of the feet. There are no blood

vessels or nerve endings in the epidermis but its deeper layers are bathed in

interstitial fluid which is drained away as lymph.

Epidermis it is formed by “Stratified epithelium, which consist of 5 layers.

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1. Stratum corneum

2. Stratum lucidum

3. Stratum granulosum

4. Stratum spinosum

5. Stratus germinativum


It is also known as horny layer. It is the outermost layer. The cell on the

surface are flat, thin, non nucleated, dead cells in which the protoplasm

has been replaced by Keratin.


Lucid means clear. It is made up of flattened epithelial cells. Many cells

have degenerated nucleus and in some cells the nucleus is absent. As

these cells exhibit shiny character the layer looks like a homogenous

translucent zone.


It is a thin layer with 3-5 rows of flattered Kertinocytes. In which

organelles are beginning to degenerate cells, contain the protein

keratohyalin, which converts tonofilaments into keratin and lamellar

granules, which release lipid rich water repellent secretion.


It is also known as prickle cell layer because the cells of this layer

possess some spine like protoplasmic projections. By these

projections, the cells are connected to one another.


It is the deepest layer. It is a thick layer made up of polygonal cells

superficially and columnar or cuboidal epithelial cells in the deeper

parts. Stem cells undergo cell division to produce new keratinocystes.

Another type of cell called melanocytes are scattered between the

keratinocytes. The melanocytes produce the pigment called melanin.

The color of the skin depends upon melanin.

Langerhan cells and merkel cells associated with tactile discs are

scattered among the keratinocytes.

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S.No. Stratum Description

1 Basale or Germinativam Deepest layer, composed of single row

of cubiodal or columnar keratinocytes

that contain scaltered tonofilaments

(intermediate filaments); stem cells

undergo cell division to produce new

keratinocystesl melanocytes, langerhan

cells and merkel cells associated with

tactile discs are scattered among the


2 Spinosum 8-10 rows of many sided keratinocytes

with bundles of tonofilaments; includes

projections of melanocytes and

langerhans cells.

3 Granulosum 3-5 row of flattered keratinocytes, in

which organelles are beginning to

degenerate cells; contain the protein

keratohyalin, which converts

tonofilaments into keratin, and lamellar

granules, which release lipid rich water

repellent secreation.

4 Lucidum Present only in skin of fingertips, palms

and soles; consists of 3-5 of clear, flat

dead keratinocytes with large amount of


5 Corneum Twenty five to thirty (25-30) rows of

dead, flat keratinocytes that contain

mostly keratin. These cells are

continuously shed and replaced by cells

from the deeper strata.


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Dermis is the inner layer of the skin. It is the second, deeper part of the skin.

The dermis is composed mainly of connective tissue layer made up of dense

and stout collagen fibers, fibroblast and histiocytes. The collagen fibers exhibit

elastic property and are capable of storing or holding water. The collagen

fibers contain the enzyme collagenase. The structures in the dermis are-

1. BLOOD VESSELS: Arterioles form a line network with capillary branches

supplying sweat glands. Sebaceous glands, hairfollicles and the dermis.

The epidermis has no blood supply. It obtains nutrition and oxygen from

interstitial fluid derived from blood vessels in the papillae of the dermis.

2. LYMPHS VESSELS: These form a network throughout the dermis and the

deeper layer of the epidermis.

3. SENSORY NERVE ENDINGS: Nerve ending which are sensitive to “touch,

change in temperature, pressure and pain” are widely distributed in the


The skin is an important sensory organ through which individuals are

aware of their environment. Nerve impulses that originate in the nerve

endings in the dermis are conveyed to the spinal cord by sensory ‘somatic

cutaneous’ nerves, then to the sensory area of the cerebrum where the

sensations are perceived.


Hairs of pilli are present on most skin surfaces except the palms, palmer,

surface of the fingers, soles and planter surfaces of the feet. In adults hair

usually is most heavily distributed across the scalp in the eye brows, axillae

and around the external genetalia. Hair follicles consist of a down growth of

epidermal cells into the dermis or subcutanecus tissue. At the base of the

follicle there is a cluster of cells called the ‘bulb’. The hair is formed by the

multiplication of cell of the bulb and as they are pushed upwards, away from

their source of nutrition. The cells die and are converted to keratin. The part of

the hair above the skin is the ‘shaft’ and the remainder, ‘the root’. Each hair is

composed of columns of dead, keratinized cells bounded together by extra

cellular proteins. The shaft is the superficial portion of the hair, most of which

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projects from the surface of the skin. The root is the portion of the hair deep to

the shafts that penetrates into the dermis and sometimes into subcutaneous


The shaft and the root both consist of three concentric layers. The inner

medulla is composed of two or three rows of irregularly shaped cells

containing pigments granules and air spaces. The middle cortex consists of

elongated cells that contain pigments granules in dark hair but mostly in gray

or white hair.

The cuticle of the hair, the outermost layers, consist of a single layer cuticle of

the hair are nucleated. In upper part of the root and in the shaft they are scale

like and lack nuclei cuticles cells on the shaft are arranged like shingles on the

side of the house.

Surrounding the root of the hair is the hair follicle, which is made up an ext.

root sheath and an internal root sheath, the ext. root sheath is a downward,

continuation of the epidermal layer. At the base of the hair follicle, the ext. root

sheath contain only the stratum basale. The Inter root sheath is produced by

the matrix and forms a cellular tubular sheath of epithelium between the

external root sheath and the hair.

The color of hair due to primarily to the amount and type of melanin in its

keratinized cells. Melanin is synthesized by the melanocytes scattered in the

matriz of the bulb and passes into cells of the bulb and passes into cells of the

cortex and medulla.

Dark color hair contains mostly true melanin, where as blond and red hair

contain variants of melanin in which there is iron and more sulphur.

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Nails are plates of tightly packed, hard, keratinized epidermal cells. The nails

develop from the epidermis. They begin to grow at the third month of

intrauterine life. Continuous to grow throughout the life, although the rates of

growth slow down at old age. The finger nails grow at the rate of 0.1 mm per

day. Taking about five month to be restored after removal.

The keratinized epidermal cells from a clear solid covering over the dorsal

surface of the distal portion of the digits. Each nail consist of a nail body. A

free edge and a nail root. The nail body is the portion of the nail that is visible.

The free edge is the part that may extend past the distal end of the didit and

the nail root in the portion that is buried in a fold of a skin.

Most of nail body appears pink because of the blood following through

underlying capillaries. The nails are horny translucent plates of approximately

rectangular shape lying on the extensor surface of the distal segment of each

digit. The thickness of mature nails varies from 0.5 to 0.75 mm. The nail

includes three major regions. The proximal root, the exposed body of nail and

the free distal border. The root is inserted in a deep, curved cleft about 5 mm

long with an overlaying proximal nail fold whose stratum cornium is prolonged

distally on the body of the nail as the thin cuticle or aponychium.

The aponnychium or cuticle is a narrow band of epidermis that extends from

and adheres to the margin Lateral boider of the nail wall. It occupied the

proximal border of the nail and consists of stratum corneum. The epithelium

deep to the nail root is the nail matix where cell divide by mitosis to produce


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Eccrine Sweat Glands Apocrine Glands Sebaceous Glands Composition of Sebum Function of Sebum Ceruminous Glands Arrectores Pilorum


These are found widely distributed throughout the skin and are most

numerous in the palms of the hand, soles of the feet, axillae and groins. There

are 3 – 4 million sweat glands. The cells of sweat glands release their

secretion by exocytosis and empty them into hair follicles or into the skin

surface through pores.

They are divided into two main types Eccrine and Apocrine, based on their

structure, location and type of the secreations.

ECCRINE SWEAT GLAND there are simple, coited lobular gland and are much

more common than the apocrine sweat gland. There are many eccrine gland

over thick skin. They are distributed throughout the body, except the margin of

the lips, nail leads, glans penis, glans clitoris, labia minora and eardrums.

These are numerous in the skin of the forehead, palms, and soles. The

secretory portion of the eccrine gland is located mostly in the deep dermis. A

duct portion which passes though dermis and epidermis. The eccrine sweat

gland opens out through the sweat pore. They are composed of epithelial

cells. The bodies of the glands lie coiled in the subcutaneous tissue. Some

ducts open on to the skin surface at tiny depressions or pores and other open

into hair follicles.

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Glands opening into hair follicles do not become active until puberty. In the

axilla they secrete an odourless milky fluid which, if decomposed by surface

microbes, causes an unpleasant odour. The function of this secretion is


These glands secrete a clear watery sweat. The secretion increases during

increase in temperature and emotional conditions. The sweat produced by

eccrine sweat gland (about 600 ml/day) consists of water, sodium chloride,

urea, uric acid, ammonia, amino acids, glucose and lactic acid.

The main functions of eccrine glands is to help regulate body temperature

through evaporation and also play a small role in eliminating waste such as

urea, uric acid and ammonia.

Eccrine glands are under nervous control and nerve supplied by sympathetic

cholinergic fibres, which secrete acetylcholine. Stimulation of these nerves

causes secretion of sweat.

APOCRINE SWEAT GLANDS are also simple. Coiled tubular glands they are

situated only in certain area of the body like-

a. Axilla

b. Groin areolae of the breasts

c. Pubis

d. Umbillicus

And bearded regions of the face in adult male and release their secreations

through exocytosis manner.

The secretory portion of these sweat glands is located mostly in the

subcutaneous layer. The coiled portion lies in deep dermis but the duct opens

into the hair follicle above the opening of sebaceous gland. These glands are

nonfunctional till puberty and start functioning only at the time of puberty.

The secretion of the apocrine gland is thick and milky at the time of secretion.

It is odorless. When micro organism grows in this secretion a characteristic

odor develops in the regions where apocrine glands are present.

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Apocrine sweat glands are stimulated during emotional conditions, emotional

stress and sexual excitement. These secreations are commonly known as

‘cold sweat’ their onset of function at puberty. These glands do not play any

role in temperature regulation.

These are innervated by sympathetic a drenergic nerve fibers. But the

secretory activity is not under nervous control.


These glands are simple or branched alveolar glands situated in dermis.

These glands are ovoid or spherical in shape and these are situated at the

side of the hair follicle. These glands develop from hair follicles. These consist

of secretory epithelial cells derived from the same tissue as the hair follicles.

They pour their secretion ‘sebum’ into the hair follicles so they are present in

skin of all parts of the body except the palms of the hands and the soles of the

feet. They are most numerous in the skin of the scalp, face, axillae and groins.

In regions of transition from one type of superficial epithelium to another, such

as lips, eyelids, nipple, labia minora and glans penis, there are sebaceous

glands that are independent of hair follicles secreting sebum directly on the



Sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance called sebum, which is a mixture


1. Triglyceride

2. Cholesterol

3. Proteins

4. Squalene

5. Sterols

6. Paraffin

7. Waxes

8. Inorganic salts

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1. Sebum coats the surface the hair and help keep them from drying and

becoming brittle. It keeps the skin smooth and oily. It protects the skin from

unnecessary desquamation and injury caused by dryness.

2. Free fatty acid content of the sebum has antibacterial and antifungal

actions. Thus it prevents the infection of skin by bacteria or fungi.

3. The lipid of the sebum prevents heat loss from the body. It is also useful in

cold climate.


Modified sweat glands in the external ear, called ceruminous glands, produce

waxy secretion. The secretory portions of ceruminous glands lie in the

subcutaneous layer, deep to sebaceous glands.

Their excretory duct opens either directly on the surface ducts of sebaceous

glands. The combined secretion of the ceruminous and sebaceous glands is

called cerumen or ear wax, provides a sticky barrier that impedes the

entrance of foreign bodies.


These are little bundles of involuntary muscles fibres attached to the hair

follicles contraction makes the hair stand erect and raises the skin around the

hair, causing ‘gooseflesh’.

The muscles are stimulated by sympathetic nerve fibers in response to fear

and cold. Although each muscle is very small the contraction of a large

number generates an appreciable amount of heat, especially when

accompanied by shivering i.e. involuntary contraction of skeletal muscles.

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Circulation & Vascular Reactions Sensory Functions Radiation Conductions Evaporation Vasodialation Decrease In Heat Production Increase In Heat Production Synthesis of Vitamin D Sweat Secretion Thermoregulation Skin as a Immunologic Organ Protection


The cutaneous vascular system is extremely complex and contributes

significantly to the general circular and vascular reactions. Direct visualization

of flow in minute vessels can be carried out by observing the capillary

circulation of the base of the nail.

The color of the skin, which is related to melanin and carotene pigments is

also dependent upon the quantity of blood in the subpapillary plexus of

vessels, particularly in the Caucasian. Arteriovenous anastomoses of digital

skin play an important role in temperature regulation and are implicated in the

formation of the glomus tumor.


Skin is largest sense organ in the body. It has many nerve endings, which

form the specialized cutaneous receptors. Sensory functions pertain to the

modalities of pain, itching, touch, presser, temperature. Skin consists of a

mosaic of multiple sensitive spots, the relative density of which varies with the

region of body. Cold sensitivity is probably mediated by krause’s end bulbs,

whereas ruffini’s ending are probably receptors for warmth. Meissner’s

corpuscles and market’s discs are implicated in the tactile sensation and the

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pacinial corpuscles are involved in the sensation of pressure. Pain is

mediated by free nonmyelinated endings, which are in a plexiform

arrangement. Following injury to the skin, there is a wide spread area of

hyperalgesia that radiates from the point of injury. A striking condition of

increased pain and sensitivity accompanied by cutaneous vasodilation may

occur after nerve injury.


Loss of heat of radiation means loss in the form of infrared that rays in type of

EM waves. Most infrared heat rays that radiate from the body have wave

length of 5-20 micrometers.

The human body radiate heat in all direction. If body temperature is greater

than temperature of surroundings, a greater quantity of heat is radiated from

the body than is radiated to the body.


Only minute quantities of heat, about 3% normally lost from the body by direct

conduction from the surface of the body to solid objects, such as chair or a

bed. Loss of heat represents a sizable proportion of the body heat loss about

15% even under normal conditions.


When water evaporate from the body surface 0.58 calorie of heat is lost for

each gram of water that evaporates even when a person is not sweating,

water still about 450 to 600 ml/day.

This causes continual heat loss at the rate of 12-16 calories per hour.


In almost all areas of the body, the skin blood vessels become intensely

dilated. This is caused by inhibition of the sympathetic centres in the posterior

hypothalamus that cause vasoconstriction.

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Full vasodialation can increase the rate of heat transfer to the skin as much as

eight fold.


The mechanisms that causes excess heat production, such as shivering and

chemical theromogenis are strongly it inhibited.


Heat production by metabolic, system is increased by promoting shivering

sympthatic excitation of heat production and thyroxine secretion.


Vitamin D has a potent effect to increase calcium absorption from the

intestinal tract, It also has important effects on both bone deposition and bone


Synthesis of Vitamin D require activation of precursor molecule in the skin, by

UV rays in sunlight. Cholecalciferol (Vita-D3) is formed in the skin as a result

of irradiation of 7-dehydro-cholesterol a substance normally in the skin, by

ultraviolet rays from the sun. Consequently appropriate exposure to the sun

prevents vitamin D deficiency. Further cholecalciferol is converted to 25

hydroxycholecalciferol into 1, 25 dihydrocholecalciferol in the proximal tubules

of the kidneys controlled by parathyroid normone this latter substance is by far

the most active form of vita D.


The skin contains two types of a sweat glands, eccring glands, which are

small gnalds, and apocrine or large sweat glands.

The eccrine glands are distributed all over the body and are the true

secoretory glands that produce clear, aqueous sweat responsible for heat

regulation. The apocrie glands in the human being are almost rudimentary


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Nitrogen compounds are also lost transdermally, and the concentration of

urea in sweat is twice as high as that in the blood.

Creatinine is present in sweat in only a minute amount, and amino acids have

also been noted. Ammonia is a primary constituent of sweat, and it can be

concentrated by the sweat gland with nearly the same efficiency as the renal

excreting unit. Large amount of lactic acid and lactate have been

demonstrated in sweat particularly during heavy muscular exercise and in

association with thermogenic sweat.


The skin play an important role in the regulation of body temperature. Heat is

lost though the skin under process of radiation convection, conduction and

evaporation. Sweating is a useful process only when the sweat can

evaporate. It is therefore very efficient as a regulatory mechanism in a dry, hot

environment but with increased humidity the efficiency decreases markedly.

Humidity begins to be of importance between 30 and 310C (86 to 880F) air

temperature, at which point the difference between 50 and 100 percent

relative humidity decides whether the persons will be comfortable or

hyperthemic. If heat production is raised or atmospheric temperature is raised,

there is a shift to blood flow from the interior to the skin. The converse is also

true and this process is carried out reflexly.


Another important function of the skin is that of an immunologic organ. Since

harmful substances or infectious organism are likely to encounter the skin as

the host first. It is reasonable to expect the skin to initiate are immune


The Langerhans cells, keratinocytes, lymphocytes and even melanocytes

make up the skin associated lymphoid tissues (salt) are critical in antigen

recognition and immune surveillance.


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Skin is a barrier, against harmful bacteria or chemicals. The skin harbors

many bacteria which are beneficial to the body as they destroy many harmful

bacteria of the environment.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun are absorbed by the melanin and

melanin pigment provides some protection against the damaging effect

of UV light. UV exposure can cause UV rays injury which includes skin

cancer, notably basal cell carcinoma (Previously called rodent ulcer). In

person who are white and live under hot sun in a smoke free

environment. Skin cancers are common (seen in Australia) But in the

black south African hardly develop basal cell carcinoma or rodent ulcer.

The acidic pH of perspiration retards the growth of some microbes.

The oily sebum from the sebaceous glands also protect the skin and

hairs from drying out and contain bactericidal chemicals that kill surface


Water balance – Stratum corneum is impermeable to water that is

water cannot pass in or out through stratum corneum.

Two types of cells carryout protective functions that are immunological

in nature. Epidermal langerhans cells alert. The immune system to the

presence of potentially harmful microbial invaders by recognizing and

processing them and microphages in the dermis phagocytic bacteria

and virusis that manage to penetrate the skin surface.

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Introduction Pigmentation in the human skin Melanin Melanoid Carotene Haemoglobin Oxyhaemoglobin


The pigment carotene, heamoglobin and melanin are responsible for color in

skin. Melanin is produced by melanocytes and is transferred to the

surrounding epidermal keratinocytes.

Two types of melanin pigmentation occur in humans. The first is constitutive

that is genetically determined melanin pigmentation in the absence of sun

exposure and other influence.

The next is facultative which results from sun exposure. Other factor like

endocrine influence, pregnancy, nutritution status and some autoimmune

disorders also influence the skin color.


The skin of human beings is variously coloured with remarkable individual

variations occurring even within members of the same race. The fine color of

the skin is determined by the presence of at least five pigments at various

levels and places in the integument.

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These are :

1. Melanin

2. Melanoid

3. Carotene

4. Hemoglobin

5. Oxyhaemoglobin


Primary determinant of variability in human skin color is the amount density

and distribution of the pigment melanin. It has a dark brown and black color.


A substance, similar to melanin, present diffusely throughout the epidermis.


The least common skin pigment result in yellowing of skin. Yellow to orange,

in the stratum corneum and the adipose cells of the dermis and superficial

fascia, results preliminary from over consumption of carotene containing foods

like carrots.


It is a complex molecule responsible for transport of oxygen throughout our

bodies. Oxygenated haemoglobin has a reddish blue, produce a pinkish tint to

lightly pigment skin. Deoxygenated haemoglobin has a purplish color, produce

a bluish tint to lightly pigmented skin that in characteristic of oxygen

deprivation and suffocation.


Contained in the vascular supply of the skin particularly the superficial venous

plexuses. Oxyhaemoglobin gives reddish blue to the skin can be well seen in

high altitude and also in areas where arterial supply is rich i.e. face, neck,

palm and nipples. Reduced haemoglobin gives bluish tinge to the skin.

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The amount of the first of three pigments, vary topographically throughout the

body, chronologically with the age of the individual and genetically between

individuals. Their relative contributions determine the characteristic racial

pigmentation. Although considerable genetically determined differences may

occur within a single ethnic group.

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Derivation of the word melanin Historical aspects of melanin Embryology of melanin Epidermal melanin unit Distribution of melanocytes Ultra structure of melanocytes Classification of melanin pigments Pigment Production Inhibitors of melanin synthesis Importance of melanin pigmentations

Melanocytes are pigment producing cells derived from the neural crest. These

specialized exocrine cells produce melanin.

The number of melanocytes per surface area in any part of the body is

roughly the same within and between races and the blondest Europeans may

have as many melanocytes as the darkest negros. This means that the quality

rather than the quantity of these cells determines the intensity of pigmentation

in the skin. When on exposure to sunlight the skin becomes tanned. The

resident melanocytes have not increased in number only but their activity has

also increased.


Melanin has derived its name from the Greek word melas, meaning black.

The melanin is responsible for the normal colour of the skin. It is a dark brown


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The term melanin was first used to described a set of pigments ranging from

yellow to black by Robin in 1873.

Melanin are found both in plant and animal kingdom and the oxidizing

enzymes which from the intermediate products are also very wide spread.


The functions of melanin pigmentation in mammals is less clear, but in hairy

mammals it is probably that it is largely concerned with camouflage and with

sexual display and other suggestion is that pigmentation is important in

temperature regulation. But infrared photography has shown that this radiation

is of little importance, because the heat emission from body is not significantly

affected by the degree of pigmentation.


It seems nevertheless that pigmentation of epithelium has some evolutionary

advantage in hairless primates, since their lack of hair protection of skin

against solar radiation render them more liable to solar radiation injury.



The melanin is responsible for the normal color of the skin it is a dark brown

pigment. Chemically a protein like polymer of the amino acid tyrosin and

possibly of related catecholamine also.

It is found in skin, hair, feathers, scales and some internal membranes. It is

also in peritoneum of many animals (ex. Frog) but its role there is not

22 | P a g e

understood. Formed as an end product during metabolism of the amino acid

tyrosin and related compounds, melanin and conspicuous in dark skin moles

of man, in black dermal melanocytes of most dark skinned peoples, as brown,

diffuse sports in the epidermis, and in black tumorous growths of many

vertebrates such as melanomas in man, fishes and reptiles.



Melanocytes arise from the neural crest. This is a region of embryonic

ectoderm that originates from the margin of the neural plate. Sagebiel have

shown the presence of melanocyte in the epidermis by the 8 th week of

gestation and that by 10th week, these cell contain melanosome showing early

melanization then later on metanocyte in the skin continue to reproduce them

by cell division.

Rodahl 1978 shows that this mitosis was stimulated by ultraviolet radiation.

The mitotic index of the melanocyte is quite lower than keratinocytes.

Okum and Coworker studied morphological, enzymatic and histological

correlationship between mast cell and melanocytes.

According to Hunter JAA opines that langerhance cell might related to



Melanin pigmentations in the skin also depend upon the distribution and

transfer of pigmented granules to surrounding epidermal keratinocytes. Each

melanocyte in epidermis is surrounded by few keratinocyte, which is

functionally known as "Epidermal Melanin Unit" (Fitzparid 1967), likewise the

nephrons of the kidney. The concept of epidermal melanin unit is structural

23 | P a g e

and functional. Frenk E 1969 says this active unit is vary in number of

different region of human body but the number of keratinocytes served by

melanocytes is constant. A single metanocyte supplied melanosome to a

group of keratinocytes. According to Hadly, in the animal like frog, this unit

can produce melanin as well as it also rearranges melanin, so that they can

adopt skin colour as per the background. Three different mechanisms may be

involved in the control of the colour changes, that are individual, humoral and

nervous, third mechanism said that the activity of the pigment cell might be

under humoral control (Montaga W. & Hu.F. Advance in biology of skin voll

VIII, Oxford Pergamon, 1967). Pituitary hormones cause expansion of

melanophores or promote the formation of melanin in epidermis.


Melanocytes are most commonly founds in epidermis and less frequently in

hair bulb, eyes, around blood vessels, peripheral nerves, sympathetic chain

and lining of coelomic cavity, leptomenenges and inner ear.

Some important facts related to distribution of metanocytes is given below-

1. Total epidermal melanocyte population is about 2x109 cells.

2. The melanocyte mass forms a tissue 1.0 x 1.5 cm3.

3. The population density is high on face 2900 mm2.

4. Melanocyte density decreases by 6-8% per decade.

5. The number of melanocyte is about two fold higher in exposed skin.


Melanocytes are dendritic cell in the basal layer of the skin. They behave as a

unicellular glands producing melanosome which are transferred to

surrounding epidermal keratinocyte, a cytocrine activity. These are known as

secretory variety. Non secretary melanocytes are melanophore. Studies have

shown that melanocytes are rather inactive and non mobile and become

24 | P a g e

dendritic in relation to keratinocyte. The tip of the dendrite of the melanosome

becomes embedded in the cytoplasm of the keratinocyte. Melanosomes are

packaged according to the size, the larger ones as single unit and the smaller

unit as complex of two or more. The action of melanocyte transfers to

keratinocyte is like phagocyte.

Structure of Melanocyte

The characteristic feature of cell is the presence of special cytoplasmic

organells, the melanosome, on which melanin is formed by the action of the

enzyme tyrosinase. On electron microscopy, the malanocyte is readily

distinguishable from the keratinocyte by the lack of desmosomes and

tonofibrils and by more lucent cytoplasm. Melanosomes are the site of

melanogenesis and shown tyrosinase activity. The developing melanosome

shows varying degree of electron density, the more fully melanised being very

dense melanocyte are fine, cytoplasmic filaments about 100 nm in diameter.

25 | P a g e


Melanin is a dark brown pigment of skin and hair in animals particularly in

vertebrates, derived from amino acid tyrosine. Melanin pigments can be

categorised as -

1. Eumelanin

2. Pheomelanin

3. Neuromelanin

1. EUMELANIN - Eumelanin is nitrogenous pigment having black or reddish

brown colour. It is formed by oxidative polymerization of phenolic amino

acid tyrosine. It is insoluble in all solvent. In the presence of metal ion,

eumelanin oxidized chemically or photo chemically to a soluble form.

2. PHEOMELANIN - Pheomelanin is alkali soluble pigment ranging from yellow

to reddish brown colour and containing sulphur and nitrogen. It arises by

oxidative polymerization of cysteinyl group. Pheomelanins are found in

hairs and are the pigment in human red hair.

3. NEUROMELANIN - Cytoplasmic organell are contained in the pigmented

nuclei in the brain stem and dorsal root ganglia. These organells

decreases or increases in case of Parkinson's disease.

Eumelanins are insoluble heterogeneous, high molecular-weight, black to

brown heteropolymers of 5, 6 – dihydroxyindole and several of its biosynthetic

precursors. Phenomelanins are yellow to reddish-brown polymers but, while

also of high mo lecular weight, are soluble is dilute alkali. The low molecular

weight trichochromes are related to pheomelanins both are derived from

crysteine and dopa-quinone. Pheomelanins and trichochromes are present

primarily in hair and feathers.

Each epithelial melanoblasts possesses many slender branches terminating

in flattened expansion applied to the surface of neighbouring keratinocytes.

The melanin granules formed in the perikaryal region of the melanoblast pass

along the dendritic branches, and are either secreted at their tips, being

subsequently engulfed by keratinocyte cell processes and incorporated into

26 | P a g e

their cytoplasm, or else phagocytosed within dendritic fragments by these


The melanin pigment, when present is found not only in the melanocytes but

also in the more deeply situated epithelial cells. It is considered that the

melanin granules in the latter have been transferred from the former. Certainly

the melanocytes are the only established seats of pigmentary activity in the

epidermis. Indeed pigmentary activity is the only special function known to be

possessed by the melanocytes. Epithelia which lack melanocytes - such as

those of the throat or tongue of man are never pigmented with melanin. If the

melanocytes do not enter the epidermis the pigment they produce, owing to

the depth of the overlying tissue through which light must pass, appears-

bluish. This appearance is frequently seen in pigmentary abnormalities.

Black melanin recovered from the wool of hybrid downs - Dorset sheep was

originally assigned the empirical formula C105H173N23SO38. But there are

variation in the elementary composition of melanins from different sources;

They are polymers (compounds consisting of repeating units) of variable

mass and complexicity. Extractable in very dilute alkali, melanins are also

soluble when fresh and undried in very dilute acid solutions; they are

bleached by hydrogen peroxide, which is sometimes applied to growing hair

to create a blond effect, and by chlorine, chromate and permangnate.

Melains are conspicuous in dark skin moles of man, in the black dermal

melanocytes (pigment cells) of most dark-skinned races, as brown, diffuse

spots (melanoproteins) in the epidermis, and in black tumorous growths of

many vertebrates, such as melanomas in man, fishes and reptiles. The

melanins are end products of metabolism involving the amino acid tyrosine

and similar compounds. The progressive oxidating of tyrosine by atmospheric

oxygen is catalyzed by the copper-containing enzyme, tyrosinase. In the

oxidation of tyrosine the chemically reversible yellow, orange and red

intermediate compounds are followed by an intensely black end product,

which is a true melanin.

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The degree of natural melanization depends upon relative concentrations of

copper and of the copper-containing enzyme tyrosinase. Dark hairs contain

higher traces of copper than do pale ones. In human hair the cortex, which

lies beneath the outer layer of cuticular cells, surrounds the central medullary

column, or pith, very small ellipsoidal or spherical granules of melanin are

randomly distributed within the dried cortical cells, imparting pale-puff, brown,

or black colours, the colour depends upon relative numbers, sizes and depth

of hue of the individual granules. Melanin occurring within the medulla may

appear as a colloidally dispersed stain rather than as microscopically

discernible particles. Human red hair, unlike all other hair, human and non

human yields a unique, iron-rich red pigment.


Pigment production by melanocyte cells is a complex biological process. The

copper-containing, metalloenzyme-tryrosinase system is influenced not only

by metabolic and harmonal changes in the body but also by local disease in

the skin, especially inflammation. The normal stimulus to the enzyme is

ultraviolet light of wavelengths 290 to 315 nanometres (billionths of a metre),

producting suntan. The response is greatly increased by the ingestion or local

application of a group of chemicals called psoralens, which are found in many

plant products and are now made synthetically.

Inflammatory disease in the skin, such as eczema, psoriasis lichen planus,

and infections, as well as trauma to the epidermis, will often induce a

temporary increase or decrease of pigmentation. The general control of

melanocyte function is by the melanocyte-stimulating hormone secreated by

the pituitary gland, and skin-lightening factor (melatonin) secreted by the

pineal gland. Disease of these and other endocrine gland (e.g. Addison's

disease and Thyrotoxicosis) cause increased or decreased pigmentation by

disturbing the normal balance of these harmones, protein, and therefore

tyrosine, deficiency as in kwashiarkar or appropriate enzyme deficiency (as in

phenylketonuria) will cause decreased melanin formation.

28 | P a g e

The intermediate part of the pituitary gland produces the melanocyte-

stimulating hormone (MSH), which causes expansion of the pigmented

melanophores (cells) in the skin of frogs and other batrachians. Two

hormones, called - MSH and -MSH, have been prepared from hog pituitary

glands. -MSH consists of 12 amino acids, Its N terminal serine is acetylated

(i.e., the acetyl group. CH3CO-, of acetic acid is attached), and its C terminal

valine residue is present as valinamide. -MSH contains is its 18 amino acids

many of those occurring in -MSH.

(CH3CO) S.Y.S.M.E.H.F.R.W.G.K.P.V. (CONH2)

Porcine -MSH,


Procine -MSH

A.E.K.K.D.E.G.P. Y.K.M.E.H.F.R.W.G.S.P.P.K.D

Human -MSH



Procine -Corticotropin

The amino acid sequences of hormones produced by the intermediate part of

the pituitary gland. The amino acid sequence, M.E.H.F.R.G.W. occurs in all

melanocyte stimulating hormone and in adrenocorticotropic hormones.

-MSH is found in human blood, but -MSH has not been detected in any of

the body fluids. Little is known about the metabolism and excretion of these


MSH can produce some darkening of the human skin increasing the formation

of dark pigments, but this does not occur under normal conditions, many other

functions have been hypothesized for and -MSH in humans but there is

insufficient evidence to consider any of them as established. It is known that

the p-MSH level in the circulation tends to parallel that of ACTH being high

when cortisol secretion is low and low following administration of

29 | P a g e

adrenocortical hormones. ACTH has some MSH activity because it contains a

sequence of amino acids that is also found in the latter. In certain disease

high levels of -MSH is the blood are associated with increased pigmentation

of skin. These are also disease in which the rate of ACTH secretion is high,

but the ACTH is not present in sufficient quantities to produce the

pigmentation by itself.

In some animal species, the intermediate lobe appears to be under direct

neural control via nerve fibres from the hypothalamus that inhibits its

secretion. The existence in the hypothalamus of two factors that influence

MSH secretion has been claimed one as MSH inhibiting factor (MIF) and the

other as MSH-releasing factor (MRF), but the role that these factors play, if

any, in the regulation of MSH secretion is uncertain.


Following factors act as inhibitors of melanin synthesis –

Vitamin C, copper is essential for tyrosinase enzyme. Copper binding

agents like ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) are capable of retarding various

oxidative reactions in the melanogenesis pathway. Thus vitamim “C”

act as a reducing agents.

Role of the metabolites of melanin synthesis. Lerner, A.B. (1972)

postulated that a precursor or metabolite of precursor in melanin

synthesis inhibits or destroys melanocytes (self destruction theory).


Melanin is a substance that is responsible for variety of appearances in

human beings. The some important work of melanin is described below:


Pigmentation protects the skin from sun induced skin cancer, solar

keratosis and sun burns etc. Sun induced skin cancer on the exposed

parts of the body like face and other extremities is very rare in black

30 | P a g e

people living in geographic region with high ultra violet radiation, while

black albinos living in these area are very susceptible to skin cancer.


Melanin decreases the transmission of ultraviolet radiation (UVR)

through Skin and hence provides defence against biological damage

viz. sunburn, reaction, damage of skin etc.

Melanin in the uveal tract and in the retinal pigment protects the eyes

from visible and longer wave length radiation energy which is largely

filtered by the cornea. In albino there is a progressive deterioration of

sight due to the absence of protective pigment.


All the skin related pathological conditions described above, in the

absence of pigmentation are involved in skin aging. Melanin provides

protection against environmentally induced premature aging.

It seems clear that melanin pigmentation has protective role to play in

geographical regions where there is high solar radiation. Conversely it

could be argued that in the regions where solar ultraviolet radation is

low, it may be disadvantageous to be highly pigmented, because,

rickets may develop due to the reduced natural synthesis of vitamin "D"

in the skin (Loomis, W.F.I 967).


One of the most important properties of the melanin is its free radical

character. Electron spine resonance study reveals that melanin is

stable free radical. Skin irradiated by ultraviolet radiation shows

increase in free radical (Mangus IA). Melanin acts as optical fashion by

diffusing and absorbing light. It also acts as a trap for electron and

possibly free radical.

31 | P a g e



Stages of Melanocytes Development Stages of Menanin Formation Dopaquinon Production Melanogenesis Biochemistry of Important Specialized Product from Tyrosine Melanin Catecholamine

The melanocytes melanocyte is a pigment producting specialized cell which

are located in the skin. These specialized exocrine cells produce melanin,

which in packaged and dispersed to neighboring keratinocytes in organelles

called melanosomes.



In this stage a spherical vesicle derived from golgi apparatus. It shows

tyrosinase activity and contains melanofilament having length of 7 nm. How

tyrosin is available in vesicle is uncertain. Tyrosinase is produced on

membren bound ribosome and transferred via the endoplasmic recticulum to

the golgi apparatus where it accumulates in vesicles that were derived from

the golgi.


Here melanosome are in shape and it contains numerous melanofilamrnt.


In this stage melanin are deposited in melanosome.


32 | P a g e

Now they become electron dense. Studies have shown they are partially

amorphous in nature. It also contain micro vesicle called vesico globular

bodies. These bodies are key unit for the development of macro melanosome.


The stage of melanin formation are explained as given below-


Tyrosine is converted into DOPA. This process is very slow at start but

becomes very fast after an inducting period. This reacting being accelerated

by O–dihydrophenyl compounds.

DOPA further converted into dopaquinon and 2-3 dihydrow 5, 6 dhydroxy

indole-2 carboxylic acid. It is rapidly oxidized to quinone. It is red pigment and

is characterized by the absorption at 305-310 mµ.


Irreversible oxidized Tyrosinase Oxygen


Dopa quinone

Irreversible intramolecular change

2, 3- dihydro 5,6 dihydroxyindole -2 carboxylic acid

Quinon (Hallachrome)

33 | P a g e


At the 5.6 – 6.8 Hallachorome undergoes aromatization with or with out

decarboxylation to afford two colorless compounds.

These steps are not clearly oxidative and are found to proceed in nitrogen


Indole 5, 6 Quinone is characterized by purple color.


Uinon (Hallachrome)

PH 5.6-6.8 Aromatization with or without


5, 6- dinhydroxyindole -2- carboxylic acid

Require nitozen atmosphere

5,6 dinhydroxyindole


Indole 5, 6 Quinone

5, 6 dihydroxyindole is likely intermediate in a pathway of tyrosine to melanin.

Indole 5, 6 quinone is has been recognized as a bifunctional monomer

capable of undergoing itself. The mechanism of above reaction is obscure.

34 | P a g e


In this stage, Quinone is polymerized to melanin with the consumption of

approximately one atom of oxygen.

Indole 5,6 quinone


Polymerization Consumption of one or atom



With the melanocyte, tyrosine is converted to DOPA and then dopaquinone

via the bifunctional enzyme tyrosinase dopaquinone is oxidized further to form

the pigment melanin. This process is called melanogenesis.

Melanogenesis and melanin pigmentation of skin is related to 10 these

biologic process. There are -

1. Migration of melanoblasts to epidermis

2. Differentiation of melanoblasts into melanocytes

3. Mitotic division of melanocytes

4. Tyrosinase Synthesis in the melanocytes

5. Melanosome matrix Synthesis in melanocytes

6. Tyrosinase Transport to melanosome matrix

7. Melanosome formation

8. Melanosome melanisation

9. Melanosome transfer to keratinocytes

10.Melanin removal with loss of stratum corneum.

This whole length of the process of melanogenesis and melanin pigmentation

is controlled or affected by a number of factors, they are –

35 | P a g e

1. Genes

2. Hormones

3. Ultraviolet radiation

4. Chalones and glycopeptides


This study is based on various skin colors in American blacks and their

progeny. It has been estimated that between three to six pairs of genes may

account for black white colour gradient.

These genes pairs are responsible for genetic colour (Constitutive colors)

only, genetic or constitutive color of unexposed color (color which arises from

sum induced tanning reaction or increased MSH) is not yet known.


MSH (Melanocyte) stimulating hormone appear to act by a direct effect on

adenylate cyclase, which results in increased cyclic AMP leading to increased

tyrosinase and melanosome synthyesis.

Aggregation and dispersion of melanosomes probably play a little part in the

pigmentary anomalies of human. Such movement has been observed in

specialized cells called melanophores, which are only present in invertebrates

below mammals. This movement of melanosome is under neural and

hormonal control in these animals.

Diffuse Brown hypermelanosis is the main feature of adrenocortical

insufficiency (Addisons disease). The same type of hypermelanosis is also

seen in patients having cushing disease other adrenalectomy.

The same type of melanosis is seen in patients with pancreatic and lung

tumors. In all conditions hypermelanosis is due to the over production of

melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH). These two hormone share common

36 | P a g e

amino acid sequences. Both MSH and ACTH are increased in addisons

disease due to decreased out put of cortisol by adrenal.

Melasma (Mark of pregnancy) is found in pregnant woman. Woman an oral

contraceptives and in some other wise normal woman and men which also

indicates same role of sex hormones.

Hypopituitarism and hyperthyrodism produces hyparmelanosis (leucoderma).

Hydrocartisone, Cartisone, Epineprine and nor epinephrine inhibit the action

of MSH. The gathering of melanosome is stimulated by melatonin a hormone

form the pineal body.


Melanocyte by producting and transferring the melanin provide defense

against the biological damage of skin by ultra voilet radiation (UVR). In human

this defens against UVR is highly developed.

Exposure of skin to UVR. Causes the activation of an integrated mechanism

(tanning) for the formation of dense organelles containing choromoprotein

melanosome. With in the epidermal cells, melanosomes seatter and absorb

ultraviolet radiation and remove the damaging free radicals that are generated

in the skin after UVR exposure (UVR is dealt in detail under treatment)


Specific chalones and glycopeptides may markedly affect melanogenogenesis

and melanin pigmentation by exerting negative feedback control and

regulating the mitotic activity of melanocytes and keratinocytes.

The rate of transfer of melanocytes to keratinocytes regulate the amount of

melanosome synthesis. Chalones may regulate adenyle cyclase activity as

well as melanocyte and keratinocyte division.

37 | P a g e



1. Melanin

2. Catecholamines (Epinephrine)

3. Thyroxine

Synthesis of melanin

Melanocytes in the deeper layer of epidermis synthesis melanin in granular

from in melanosone. Melanin pigment gives the black color of the hair and

skin. There is only one enzyme involved, which catalyzes the first two steps.

The remaining reactions are non enzymatic and occur spontaneously.

(1) Formation of DOPA – The first step is hydroxylation of tyrosine by

tyrosinage. It is a mono – oxygenase containing copper.

(2) Formation of DOPA quinine – Tyrosinage again acts on DOPA to form


(3) Formation of Indolequinone – DOPA quinine convert to indolequinone

through a series of reaction involving decarboxylation and oxidation of

the side chain. The indoquinone is polymerized to form melanin.

38 | P a g e

TYROSINE METABOLISM (Hydroxy Phenyl Pyruvic Acid)

Phenylalanine Tyrosine HPPA Homogentistic


DOPA DOPA Thyroxine Maleylaceto


Dopamine Dopaqinone Fumaryl




Melanin Fumarate

Epinephrine Acetoacetate



Catecholamines are derived from tyrosine. They are named because of the

presence of catechol nucleus.

They include metanephrine epinephrine, non-epinephirne and dopamine.

They are produced by the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla.

39 | P a g e


+O2 Tyrosine hydroxylase


(Dihydroxy phenylalanine)

DOPA decarboxylase


Cu++ Vit.CDopamine hydroxylase

Norepine Phrine

N-methyl transferase





Mono Amino oxidase

Vanillyl mandelic acid

40 | P a g e

Metabolism of Catecholamine




(Dihydroxy phenylalanine)

Dopa quinine



Melanin Synthesis

41 | P a g e



Clinical applications of melanin



Applied physiology of skin pigment


(i) Leukoderma – When tyrosinase or melanin forming cells are absent

from epidermis leukoderma appears.

(ii) Graying of hair – Graying of hair is also due to the disappearance of

melanocytes from the hair root.

(iii) Malignant melanoma – Melanoblasts, especially in junctional naevi

may multiply give to rise to malignant melanoma.

Melanogen may be excreted through urine in such conditions.


Tyrosinase is a copper containing enzyme, there may be disturbances in

pigmentation during copper deficiency. If copper deficiency is intermittent, skin

is white and black and which regions may be seen in the hair.


Leukoderma and albinism are different. In albinism tyrosinase is completely

absent in melanocytes over all the body. Leading to defective synthesis of


42 | P a g e

In albinism the ocular fundus is hypopigmented and iris may be red or grey.

There will be associated photophobia, nystagmus and decreased visual


Skin is sensitive to UV rays because skin has low pigmentation. The skin may

show presence of naevi and melanomas. Hair is also white.

Causes of albinism may be produced:

1. Failre of melanocytes to form melanosomes.

2. Failure of melanosomes to form melanin.

3. Failure of melanosomes to store melanin.

4. Failure of melanosomes to transport melanin to keratinocytes.

5. Destruction of functional melanosomes (in excessive conditions)

6. Melanocyte deficiency secondary to a failture of melanoblasts to

colonize the skin.


There are three types of hypertyrosinemias-

(1) Tyrosinemia (Type I) or Hepatorenal Tyrosinemias

(2) Tyrosinemia (Type II) or oculoocutaneous Tyrosinemias

(3) Neonatal Tyrosinemia


DEFINITION: It is due to a deficiency of enzyme fumaryl acetoacetate

hydrolase. It is also called tyrosinosis.

SYMPTOMS: Symptoms of in this disease the first 6 months of life and

death occurs rapidly. Cabbage like odor and hypoglycemia and liver

failure are seen. There may be mild mental retardation are seen in this


TREATMENT: Tyrosine and phenylalanine restricted diet is advised.

43 | P a g e


DEFINITION: It is due to deficiency of tyrosine amino transferase

(tyrosine transaminase).

It is also known as Richner Hanhart syndrome.

SYMPTOMS: Symptoms in this disorder are :

Mental retardation

Painful corneal lesions

Keratosis of palmar surface


Increased excretion of tyrosine and tyramine in urine.

TREATMENT: A low protein diet is advised.


DEFINITION: It is due to deficiency of enzyme para hydroxyl phenyl

pyruvate hydroxylase. Due to this deficiency hypertyrosinemia may

occur in new born.

TREATMENT: Ascorbic acid and low protein diet is advised.


A melanocyte is a specialized cell located in the skin which produces melanin.

Melanin is cause skin coloration.

An amino acid, tyrosine is converted to melanin through a series of complex

chemical steps in the skin cells.

This process may be affected by heredity, heat trauma solar or ionizing

raliation heavy metals and other factors. Pigment production and distributions

in the body is regulated in part by harmones.

Change in any of these factors can result in hyper pigmentation,

hypopigmentation or both. The changes may be permanent or temporarily.

Pigment changes can be primary (existing as separate disorder) or secondary

(resulting from) to other disorders.

44 | P a g e

Some common skin pigment disorders


S.No. Hypopigmentation



1 Leprosy It is a skin infection caused by Mycobacterium


2 Vitiligo White patches in the skin, vitiligo caused by the

less of pigment producing cells melanocytes in

the skin.

3 Albinism This in inherited disorder is characterized by the

total lack of melanin in the skin. In this condition

Iris may be grey or red. The skin is low

pigmentation and so skin may sensitive to UV


4 Pityriasis Alba Small circular spots on the child face usually the

cheeks, often noticeable in summer when the

skin is tanned.

5 Pigment loss after

skin damage

Sometimes after an ulcer, blister, burn or infection

heals, the skin losses some of it pigment in that


45 | P a g e

Hyper Pigmentation

1 Melasma Dark brown symmetric patches of pigment on the

face. During pregnancy this is called the mark of


2 Scleroderma A rare progressive connective tissue disorder

involving thickening and hardening of skin and

connective tissue involving hyper pigmentation of

the skin.

3 Addision’s disease A glandular disorder caused by failure of

functions of the cortex of the adrenal gland

marked by aneamia and prostration with

brownish skin.

4 Moles(nevi) and

bathing trunk nevi or

giant nevi

It is a round, brown and black, flat or slightly

raised and can be found anywhere on the skin. It

is benign proliferation of cells with melanocytic


5 Malignant


Melanoma is increased concern of nevi.

Melanoma usually has a more irregular, notched

or scalloped border. Raised lesions and lesions

with increase marking as viewed by tangential

lighting are the increased risk for malignant


46 | P a g e



Introduction Historical aspect and vitiligo Synonyms Derivation Definitions Epidemiology Actiology Associated Aetiological factors


Vitiligo is a pigmentary disorder presenting as depigmented macules or

patches over skin or mucosa appear after birth and characterized

histologically by marked reduction of DOPA positive melanocytes in the


Vitiligo is an acquired, idiopathic, hypomelanotic disease characterized by

circumscribed depigmented macules often familial and total absence of


It is a common acquired heritable, melanocytopenic disorder which is

progressive, well circumscribed, cutaneous white macules, ocular

abnormalities, autoantibody and a high incidence of associated disorders,

particularly thyroiditis, diabetes mellitus and premature leucotrichia.

The lesions of vitiligo may develop at any age, however in many cases the

onset is reported at the second decade of life.

47 | P a g e

There is no complaint in vitiligo patient, except erthema and burning after sun

exposure in few. But psychologically it is very distressing.

In India there is a stigma associated with vitiligo and affected person and their

families particularly girls are socially ostracized for marital purpose. It is very

distressing particularly in females. A common man may confuse it with leprosy

and in some communities it is regarded as social stigma.

The cosmetics disfigurement has a substantial impact on person’s social and

professional relationship that often leads social embarrassment and

psychological turmoil. The affected person gets mentally depressed because

it is also a common erroneous belief among that this is a variety of leprosy.

The distribution of epidermal melanocytes in different part of the body. There

being a greater population density in the face and genital area than the trunk.

In addition to epidermis, dermis and hair follicles. Melanocytes are present in

eyes amount blood vessels, peripheral nerves, sympathetic chain and lining of

the coelomic cavity, inner ear and leptomeninges. The characteristic feature

of the vitiligo lesions is absence or marked reduction of DOPA positive

melanocytes in the epidermis. There are some inactive (DOPA negative)

melanocytes in the outer root sheaths of hair follicles and form the

melanocytes reservoir for melanocytes. In the epidermis of the areas around

the margins of vitiligo are abnormalities of the keratinocytes and melanocytes.

Various theories have been suggested for the etiology and treatment of

vitiligo. But the etiology of vitiligo is still unknown, but genetic factors,

oxidative stress, auto immunity, neurological factors, toxic metabolites and

lack of melanocytes growth factors might contribute for precipitating the

disease in susceptible people and treatment of vitiligo none of them can singly

account for all types of vitiligo. There is no universally effective treatment for

vitiligo, various therapeutic modalities available with variable beneficial result.


48 | P a g e

Vitiligo is a disease known since ancient times. In the India sacred Rigveda

(2500B.C.). It is described as term “Kilasa”. Sacred book Atharvaveda it is

described as “Shweta Kustha” (White leprosy). In south India where Tamil is

spoken, condition is known as “Venkustham” white leprosy.

The term vitiligo was first used by Roman Physician Celsus in 2nd Century

A.D. This term is probably derived from Latin Word “Vitium” and the suffix

“igo” vitium means veal or “calf” i.e. pale pink flesh and probably refers to the

typical whitish macules or patches of disease which resemble white sports of

the calf.

The disease vitiligo is also found in the period a Aushooryan (2200 B.C.) as

described in Tarikh – e – Tibb – Iran. Information concern to vitiligo comes

from pharahic medicine in the Ebers Papyrus (1550 B.C.), where two types of

disease affecting color of the skin are mentioned. One with tumours and

mutations. Probably leprosy and other probably vitiligo which according to

Ebers-Papyrus was treatable.

The reference to the vitiligo is also found in the Bible (Laviticus Chapter XII).

Vitiligo has also been referred to in the Quran (3:49, 5:113) as Bohak and


Ancient Chinese literature mention about the use of Pu-Ku-C, which is similar

to the Bakuchi (Psoralia Corylifolia).

In the Buddhist sacred book Vinay Pitaka (624-544 B.C.) the word kilasa is

mentioned which means white spots on the skin.

In the thirteen century Ibn-EL Bitar in Egypt treated vitiligo with the extract

from the fruit of the plant known as Ammi Majus (Aastrillal).

49 | P a g e

Treatment of vitiligo or shweta kustha has been mentioned the Bakuchi seeds

for a long times.


The derivation of term vitiligo is described below:

Vitellus (Latin word) = Veal; that is pale pink flesh.

Vitium (French) = means white color

Vitilenam ageo (Latin word) translated rather freely means ‘I wish to

see the madam of thio bordello”

The word vitiligo is derived from Latin word “vitillius” which means

“calf”. The characteristic white patches of the disease resembles with

the white patches of spotted calf.


It is an idiopathic, acquired and circumscribed hypomelanosis characterized

by progressively enlarging amelanotic macules.

1. Fitzpatrick defined vitiligo as a specific, common, often heritable acquired

disorder Characterized by well circumscribed milky white cutaneous

macules devoid of identifiable melanocytes.

2. Vitiligo is defined by J.A. Kenney (1988) as a common, acquired

heritable, melanocytopenic disorder characterized by progressive, well

circumscribed, cutaneous white macules, ocular abnormalities, auto

antibodies and high incidence of associated disorder particularly thyroid

disease, diabtesmellitus and premature leucotrichia.

3. K. pavithran (1991) defined vitiligo as an acquired pigmentary disorder of

the skin characterized by the development of circumscribed depigmented

mucule of variable sizes.

50 | P a g e

4. Arora (1990) described vitiligo as a circumscribed idiopathic progressive

hypomelanosis of skin and hair which is often familial and is

characterized microscopically by total absence of melanocytes.


Most physicians use the two terms, leucoderma and vitiligo. Synonymously

but a little bit difference exits between these two terminologies.

Leucoderma- the word leucoderma is composed of two words 'leuco' and

'derma'. Leuco menas whiteness of the skin. But this whiteness of skin is due

to burns or found after healing wounds. This term is commonly used for the

acquired localized loss of pigmentation of skin of unknown etiology.


Vitiligo is common seen in at least 1%-2% of world’s population. The highest

incidence has recorded in India and maxico. In Egypt it is about 1%, in Japan

it is 1.64%, in India it appears to be 3% in Russia it is 0.34% and

approximately 1% people in United States reported.

In India, the Gujarat and Rajasthan state have the highest prevalence i.e.

around 8.8%. In India the prevalence of vitiligo is varying from 0.46 to 8.8%.

Frequency is higher in the land of the sun. It is more apparent here because

of fact that sun exposure magnifies the difference between normal skin and

that involved by the vitiligo. People belong to different religions, different

races, different socioeconomic groups and different dietary habits do not show

an significant variation in proclivity towards the disease. Prolong consumption

of a diet poor in protein and curpominerals was thought to be contributory. In

India there is popular but erroneous that dietary or drug intake of vitamin ‘C’

51 | P a g e

worsens a vitiligo and strict restriction on its intake and at least one half

effected person have a positive family history of vitiligo.


Vitiligo may start at any age. Onset of the unilateral dermatomal type is

usually in childhood within 10 years of age. Onset has been reported form

birth to 81 year of age. Peak age of onset is 10-30 years. Where all most

cases with bilateral non dermatomal lesions (Vitiligo vulgaris type) begin in the

second to fourth decade of life. A few instances of vitiligo lesions present at

birth have been reported as cases of congenital vitiligo.


Both sexes are affected more or less equally. In few studies there is slight

female preponderance, which is likely because female are more sensitive to

cosmetic disfigurement and more likely that males to present themselves for



Some patients give a family history, which possibly indicates a role of genetic

factor in its pathogenesis.

1. Vitiligo seems to be a complex hereditary disease governed by a set of

recessive alleles situated at several unlinked autosomal loci which may

be involved in the generation of oxidative stress, melanin synthesis,

autoimmunity etc. that could collectively confer the vitiligo phenotype.

52 | P a g e

2. Increased HLA – DR4 in black colored people, HLA-B13 in morocean

Jews and HLA-BW 35 in Yemenite Jews with vitiligo has been


3. Atopy is another familial association. An atopic diathesis (Bronchial

asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis) is reported to be often

(nearly 40% in one Indian study) in patients presenting with vitiligo.

4. Elevated levels of auto antibodies have been found in the sera of

patients with vitiligo and their first and second degree relatives. These

relative also have on increased incidence of vitiligo and autoimmune

endocrine disorders.

5. Vitiligo and alopecia areata also appears to be linked. Patient with

scleroderma or morphea have an increased incidence of vitiligo,

approximately 50% of patients with vitiligo have halo navi, and perhaps

most significant of all, there appears to be link between vitiligo and

melanoma. (20% of patients with melanoma have vitiligo.)

Skin Disorder Vitiligo


There are many causative factors of vitiligo. The relative importance

and significance of each one varies and is difficult to evaluate. Vitiligo is a

multifactor disease by all accounts. But many possible precipitating /

predisposing factors are –

53 | P a g e

Nutritional – Deficiency of B-Complex factors, (Thiamine, Riboflavin,

pyridoxin, pantothenic acid) folic acid and biotin, deficiency of proteins,

minerals, copper, zinc and other dietic factors and digestive upset like

amoebiasis, helminthes, chronic diarrhea, dysentery etc.

Trophonurosis and Autonomic imbalance.

Copper deficiency – Serum copper studies in vitiligo by different

workers show conflicting results. However theoretically at least copper

deficiency can cause vitiligo.

Infections and toxins (septic foci)

Sun burn

Drugs – Many drugs like Quinones, Amylophenoles, Chlorthiazide,

Broad spectrum antibiotics, Chloroquine, Guanofuracin etc.

Acute sever illnesses – Typhoid, diabetes, hepatitis

Gastrointestinal and hepatic disturbances


Food adulterants

Modern food habits

Ultraviolet radiation deficiency may have some etiological role.

Blood Groups B and AB

Hypochlorhydria and Achlorhydria

Psychosomatic troubles

Physical trauma (Koebner's phenomenon)

Synthetic garments

Foot wears - In some cases vitiligo lesions are located on the dorso of

the feet in pattern corresponding to the straps of the slippers or shoes.

Rubber and plastic gloves and nylon articles.

Cosmetics e.g. 'Bindi' – fore head in the region where the plastic 'Bindi'

is applied.

Rubber padded or purse – Vitiligo may develop on the breast if the

patient uses rubber padded brassieres or keep a purse in this region

may cause.

54 | P a g e

Tight wearing – In some other cases vitiligo lesions are located on the

Hanks of ladies who were a tight petticoat string. It is due to prolonged


Photographic developing solutions may cause vitiligo

Lack of melanin stimulating hormone from pituitary gland.

Increase in melatonin like substances at nerve endings.

Stress and emotional trauma e.g. death in family, economical loss, loss

of job etc. play important role in the development of the disease

Ecology is significant as there are certain belts of the disease

especially where there is water and air pollution; near textile industry

etc. role of food adulterants industrial chemical and dyes contaminating

water and food may guess work at this stage but may prove to be the

ultimate cause.

Genetic Predisposition is important 30% patients give positive family history.


Vitiligo patient are clinically well but some disease are usually associated with

the vitiligo. Some abnormalities are found with significant frequency and some

disease increasing tendency of vitiligo. There are –

1. Thyroid Disease

a. Hypothyroidism

b. Hyperthyroidism

c. Grave’s disease

d. Toxic goiter

e. Thyroiditis

f. etc

2. Diabetes Mellitus

3. Hyper Parathyroidism

4. Additions disease

5. Pernicious anaemia

6. Halo Nevi

55 | P a g e

7. Alopecia Areata

8. Myasthenia Gravis

9. Malignant melanoma

10. Cronic mucocutaneous candidiasis

11. Multiple endocrinopathy syndrome

56 | P a g e



Distribution of vitiligo patches

Koebner’s Phenomenon

Onset of the Disease

Border of the patches


Sensation and blood vessels in vitiligenous skin

Location of patches

Punshi sign

Sweat reaction in Vitiligo

Reaction to sunlight

Rate of the Pigment Loss

Nature of Development of disease

Common Pattern of Vitiligo

Psychological Symptoms


Vitiligo is a worldwide disease and all races are affected between 1-3%. In

India the incidence is higher varying between 0.39% to 8.8%. Both sexes are

likely affected equally. The clinical manifestation of the disease is described

as following –


Distribution may include the dorsa of hands, the face and the body

folds including axillae and genitalia. Lesions are common around body

openings such as the eyes, nostrils, mouth, nipples, umbilicus and

anus. The distribution of the lesion is usually symmetrical, some times

unilateral or may have dermatomal arrangement. There is rarely

complete Vitiligo is seen.

57 | P a g e


Vitiligo lesions also accurs at site of trauma, such as around elbows,

knees and digits and an amelanotic lesion confirming to the area of

injury, bums, excoriations and friction sites such as shoulder strap

areas, waist band and collar region, may be seen after 2 to 4 weeks,

being delayed from 6 to 96 months.


Vitiligo may develop at any age. Onset has been reported from birth to

81 years of age. Congenital Vitiligo is very rare, however in 50% of

cases. the age of onset fell within the first "two decades of life. Family

history is positive in about 30% of cases.

The disease usually starts with a small, faint, hazy, localized

discolouration of skin. Sometime, it begins with a rapid pigment loss.

As the spots enlarge they merge with each other and in due course of

time, form a broad patch. In some cases, most of skin may be covered

with white patches.


The macules have convex outlines. The margin of the patches are

mostly hyperpigmented. They increase in size and fused with

neighbouring patches to form complex lesion.


Generally the hairs of the patches are normally pigmented, but in

chronic cases they also tend to white in colour.


Some authors feel that there is vasoconstriction in the vitiligenous

patch and hypoaesthesia in the affected skin.


No any fixed part of the body where Vitiligo patches arise firstly. But

following the more common sites of Vitiligo patches-

Exposed body areas : Face, Upper part of the chest, hands and


Around body openings : Eyes, nostrils, mouth, nipples,

umbilicus, genitalia-

Body folds : Arm pits (Axilla), groin region.

58 | P a g e

Sites of injury, cuts, scrapes, burns etc.

Hair: Early graying of the scalp, beard or other areas.


In young girl during the menstrual cycle, the white colour of the Vtiligo

patches turn to pink red and after the menstrual period over, they

return to

the original white colour every month.


It is reported increased sweating in the Vitiligo affected skin as

evidenced by electrical resistance tests (Lerner).


Vitiligenous macules are less tolerant to sun than normal skin.


The beginning of Vitiligo and the severity of pigment loss differ with

each patient. The degree of pigment loss also can vary with each white

spot. It is very difficult to assess what would be-the rate of pigment

loss. In some patients it is observed that if the patient consume high

amount of vitamin "C" rich meals the rate of pigment loss increases

and if stop to intake the ascorbic acid containing food material its vise


The loss of colour may continue until for unknown reasons, the process

stop. The vicious cycle of pigment loss and stability period of lesion is

not predictable and may continue.


The condition of white patches is gradually progressive in nature.

Sometimes it spreads very rapidly within few month and can cover the

entire body, while some time one or two patches appears and remain

constant for a long periods.

Spontaneous repigmentation may occur in 10 - 20% of the patients and

the site of repigmentation is mostly the sun exposed area. This type of

development and regress of patches mostly observed in younger


59 | P a g e


Developmental pattern of Vitiligo patches vary in cases. Segmental

Vitiligo presents in dermatomal, multidermatomal, quasidermatomal

forms which are arranged unilaterally. Most patients do not develop

lesions elsewhere. Vitiligo of distant digits and lips produces lip - tip

syndrome. Bilateral lesions may be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Palms and soles are commonly involved. Achromotrichia has been

reported in 9-45% of Vitiligo patients. Depigmentation of scalp hairs

occurs with or without on underlying Vitiligo patch and may have poorer

repigmentation response.


Though Vitiligo is not a lethal disorder except depigmented skin, burn

early when exposed to the sun. But the psychological features are very

important these are-

It is cosmetically and psychologically devastating (Lerner).

Resulting in a lower self esteem (Papadopoulas 1999).

Poor body image and difficulties in sexual relationship (Porter).


Rarely the patches shows slight erythema, but as a rule, they show

only depigmentation and sensitivity to light e.g. in the summer

season, lesions become more conspicuous because of increased

pigmentation of the surrounding normal pigmented skin.

60 | P a g e



Differential diagnosis Associated factors

The hypopigmentation of Vitiligo must be differentiated from that of many

other disorders of hypomelanosis, characteristic features of some disorders

causing hypopigmentation or depigmentation to be differentiated from Vitiligo.


Chemical leucoderma has positive history of industrial exposure to

phenolic compounds and germicides and it manifests as small white

macules. Monobenzylether of hydroquinone, however causes

permanent Vitiligo like patches, even remote from the site of

application. Chemicals used in leather industry and photography can

produce Vitiligo type picture.


Albinism is an autosomal recessive trait characterized by congenital,

uniform hypomelanosis of skin and hair. Albinism involving the skin

alone has not been reported, but ocular albinism with minimal or no

cutaneous involvement has been observed. In occulocutanous

albinism, marked hypomelanosis or amelanosis of skin, white or faintly

blondish hair, photophobia, nystagmus, hypopigmented fundus oculi

are found.

Occulocutaneous albinism can be classified into two types on the basis

tyrosinase presence in the hair follicles i.e. tyrosinase positive

occulocutaeous albinism and tyrosinase negative occulocutaneous

albinism. Both these types are known to have different gene loci.

61 | P a g e


Tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy have hypomelanotic macules and

papules that are anaesthetic. The colour unlike Vitiligo is not pure white

rather off white and margins of these macules are characteristically



White halos surrounding psoriatic plaques are result of abnormal

prostaglandin synthesis and are not an abnormality of melanin



It is also called Pityriasis simplex. In this disease well defined patches

with fine scaling, may be erythematous or skin coloured or

depigmented, usually seen in children. Usually occur on face,

particularly on cheeks and chin, may be seen on upper arms. Condition

lasts remittently or intermittently for a few years. Clear up usually

before puberty.


It is dominantly inherited dermatologic disorder in which the individual

is asymptomatic heterozygotes. Physical findings in this syndrome are

wide bridge of nose, frontal white blaze of hair, heterochromia iridis,

white eyelashes and deafness. Therapeutic advantage of early

diagnosis is to clarify the deafness.


It is a autosomal dominant disease which manifest itself by the

presence of congenital, circumscribed white macules in up to 98

percent of cases and classically by the development of seizures,

mental retardations and adenoma sebaceum. Macules are located on

trunk, buttocks are hypomelanotic, size and colour of these do not

change with time. Histologically melanocyte present but with decreased


62 | P a g e

The presence of three or more macules in a patient with above

symptoms is strongly suggestive of tuberous sclerosis. All patients with

unexplained seizures or mental retardation should be screened with

woods lamp examination for white spots to exclude tuberous sclerosis.


A hypomelanotic but not amelanotic scaling, circumscribed eruption of

upper anterior and posterior chest in young people, results from the

presence of pityrosporum orbiculare, which contains an enzyme that

form azelaic acid, a melanocyte toxin and result HI decreased melanin

pigmentation. Sun exposure with appropriate antifungal regime proves



It is autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by cerebellar

ataxia, acute cutaneous telangiectasis i.e. small red, focal lesions due

to the dilations of capillaries, arterioles or venules and

immunodeficiency. Onset of truncal ataxia occurs in the infancy and

progressive, recurrent and chronic pulmonary infections leads to

bronchiectasis. Cause of death is chronic pulmonary disease or


Persistent high serum' levels of oncofetal proteins, including alpha,

fetoprotein and carcinoembryonic antigen,may be of diagnostic value.


When some external agents inflames the skin, a series of highly

characteristic changes develop in epidermis, term eczema is applied.

Sometimes eczema may present a white patch like spot. It can be

differentiated from characteristic history and association of the lesions.


Piebaldism is a congenital autosomal, dominant, stable, circumscribed

hypomelanosjs which resembles Vitiligo except that it has a

characteristic distribution pattern different from Vitiligo, does not usually

63 | P a g e

progress or resolve. In this disease patches appear in circumscribed

area on the extremities and anterior surface of thorax.


Hyponmelanosis has been found around benign halo nevi in healthy

patients but may also be found in or around malignant melanoma.

Vitiligo like hypomelanotic macules remote from the melanoma may

also occur. Histopathological studies confirm the diagnosis.


Long standing infestation with pediculus corporis leads to

depigmentation, igmentation or excoriations. Demonstration of parasite

confirm the diagnosis.


Birth marks are present from birth. On rubbing the lesion or affected

areas, the surrounding normal skin will react by vasodilation and show

erythema, while affected area will not.


Along with nutmeg grater appearance of lesions, hypopigmented

patches may be found on the knees and elbows.


It is a chronic, multisystem disorder of unknown etiology characterized

by accumulation of lymphocytes and mononuclear phagocytes and

derangement of normal tissue architecture. Plaques are purple, often

raised and usually on face, buttocks and extremities.


After proper treatment of Kalazar three percent of African cases and 10

percent of the Indian cases develop post Kala Azar dermal

leishmaniasis (PKDL) characterized by lesions ranging from

depigmented macules to wart like nodules over the face and extensor

surfaces of the limbs. In Indian cases PKDL appears after a latent

period of 1 to 2 years and may last for years.

64 | P a g e


This syndrome is produced after B.C.G. (Bacillus Calmette Guerin)

therapy of melanoma in which skin colour clinically appears as blue. It

is due to large amount of conjugative derivative of 5,6 dihydroxyindole,

intermediate of tyrosine to melanin pathway, its oxidation takes place in

the absence of tyrosinase even, dermal pigmentation is brown to blue.


Slight depigmented lesions appear on the face and arm, mostly in

children suffering from warm infestations.


It is an infectious disease caused by Treponema carateum. It has three

stages. First stage of small papules appears after 7 to 21 days of

exposure and lymphadenopathy occurs. Secondary eruptions not

associated with lymphadenopathy appears after one month to one year

of the initial lesions. These are called Pintides. Initially they are red and

pigmented. In the third stage within three month-to one year most of

the Pintides show varying degree of depigmentation becoming brown

and finally white. Treponema carateum can be demonstrated in the

transudate of the lesions. Anti treponemal antibodies test is positive,

but takes four times more time to become positive in Pinta than in

veneral syphilis.


Post syphilitic white patches can be differentiated from a typical history

and specific serological tests, depigmentary lesions scattered on the

trunk & extremities.


Sometimes hypopigmented macules with perifollicular

hyperpigmented macules are seen in scleroderma.

65 | P a g e


When white spots resembling a drop like size are scattered in the body

and cause is not known.


Some disorders are usually associated with the Vitiligo. It means increasing

tendency of Vitiligo is seen in the following disorders-

Alopecia areata

Addition's disease

Autoimmune Disorders

Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis

Diabetes Mellitus

Down's Syndrome

Halo Naevi (Sutton's disease)

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, Thyroiditis


Non Toxic Goitre.


Pernicious Anaemia

66 | P a g e



General awareness

Non surgical methods

Surgical methods

Psychological and social counseling


Vitiligo is a harmless, non infection disease. Except for the cosmetic defect,

vitiligo is an absolutely harmless disease. A patient having vitiligo can be as

efficient physically, mentally and sexually as any other individuals. Patient and

their relative should be assured about this disease and it has no relationship

to leprosy. This gives immense moral strength. Thus the patient may decide

not to take any treatment and accept to live with his/her vitiligo.

At present, there is no universally effective drug for vitiligo therapy, there are

however, various therapeutic modalities available with variable beneficial


The selection of patient for therapy should take into consideration the patients

motivations, the psychological impact of the disease and the clinical

presentation of vitiligo and should weight the risks and benefits of prolonged


On the other hand contrary to the common belief, the spread of the disease

can be arrested and even considerable degree of re-pigmentation of the skin

67 | P a g e

can be achieved in all most patient. Provided the patient takes an appropriate


Various treatment modalities are present and medical fraternity is using them.

The treatment of vitiligo can be categorized in the following sections.

1. General awareness

2. Non surgical methods

3. Surgical methods

4. Psychological and social counseling

Photograph of Vitiligo during treatment


General awareness and preventive aspects are :

1. Counseling of personal, social and familial health

2. Diet

3. Vitamin

4. Personal habits and others

68 | P a g e


Care of personal, social and familial health and try to concentrate their

mind in own work not to the disease.

Avoid stress

Avoid alcohol

Avoid smoking

Avoid junk food like pizza, burger, chawmin and other placked food


2. DIET :

Educating the patient regarding the need of good general health and

balanced diet.

Nutritious diet

Enriched diet

Adequate good quality of protein diet


Vitamin “C” and other substance known for causative factor of

vitiligo should be availed.

Educating the patient regarding to need of vitamin “B” complex,

Vitamin “E”, minerals such as copper, zinc and iron etc.


If patient suffering from hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes

mellitus, pernicious anaemia and other endocrinological disturbance

then that should be treated accordingly.

If any chemical exposure is there that should be removed.

If any nutritional deficiency or other condition precipitating the

disease is there then should be treated, should be first.

Photoprotection of amelanotic areas with topic sunscreens to

decrease the acute and chronic damaging effects of solar radiation

and to reduce the color contrast between the normal and vitiligo


Patients need to be instructed in every case is to evaluate if any of

the factor known to cause vitiligo such as shoes, bindi’s, gloves,

other rubber or plastic material, pressure to trauma and to remove

their influence as for as possible.

69 | P a g e


Following non surgical methods are commonly used in the management of vitiligo:

1. Phototherapy

a. UVR and Visible light rays

2. Chemotherapy

a. Oral photosensitivity drug and topical photosensitive ointments.

3. Photo chemotherapeutic agents

a. Psoralen photo chemotherapy

i. Topical photo chemotherapy

ii. Oral photo chemotherapy

b. Khellin and UVA

c. Phenylalanine and UVA

d. Miscellaneous agents – Sulphonylurea compounds,

phenothiazine derivatives, polypodium leukotomas,

psudocatalase with calcium


These includes:

a. Corticosteroids

a. Topical

b. Oral

b. Placentral extract preparation

c. Nilamide

d. Levadopa

e. Canthaxanthin

f. Topical crude tar

g. Nitrogen mustard

h. Isoprinosine and pentoxifylline

i. Broad spectrum sunscreen

70 | P a g e

j. Cosmetic camouflage

k. Fluorouracil

l. Dapsone

m. Quinoline Compounds

n. Cyclophosphamide


1. Phoeotherapy –

UVR and visible light rays.

Ultra violet radiation rays are used for this purpose.

UVR – The biggest natural source of UVR is the sun, which can be

obtained naturally be exposure of affected areas to raising and setting

the sun.

The terrestrial sun light the UVR region extends from 290 to 490 nm.

The visible spectrum from 400 to 760 nm (Nano meter) and near

infrared spectrum, from wavelengths longer than 760 nm.

Except sun various artificial sources like UV lamps, UV tubes etc. can

be used as UV radiation source.

After the determination of minimal phototoxic dose (MPD) by photo

testing, the exposure time is calculated which the help of following


Exposure time (min . )=PrescribedUVA dose (J /Cm2)

0.86 x irradiance(wm /Cm2)

Prescribed UVA dose is 0.5 to 5 (J/cm2), which is more than MPD.


A number of drugs used for this purpose. Some important drug are as


Psoralen –

Psoralen originally obtains from the plant psoralea corylifolia (Bakuchi)

is India.

71 | P a g e

Natural psoralens have been isolated from four major plants families in

more than 30 plants.

Umbelliferae (Parsdey, Parship, celery)

Rutaceae (bergamot fruits, lime gesplant, cloves)

Leguminasae (Psoralen corylifolia)

Moraceae (Figs)



Botanical Name : Psoralia corylifolia Linn.

English Name : Purple fleabane, psoralea seed

Family : Fabaceae (Papilionaceae)

Synonyms : Somaraji, Avalguja, Krishnaphala, Putiphali,

Kushthaghni (in Hindi and Sanskrit)

Part Used : Seed

Psoralia Corylifolia Linn Seed of Psoralia Corylifolia


72 | P a g e

Psoralia is a very useful drug in Ayurveda as well as in modern medicine for

the management of leucoderma, psoriasis and other skin disease. The activity

of the drug is mainly due to presence of two furocoumarin psoralen and

isopsoralen. A large number of other compounds are also isolated from

Bakuchi. There is following main constituents-


i. Proralin (C11H6O3) ii. Isopsoralen

iii. Methoxysoralen iv. Trimethyl psoralen

Psoralin was isolated by Jois (1934) from petroleum ether extract. Chopra and

Chaterjee have reported 0.27% to 1.1% of psoralen from dried fruits.

Isopsoralen was reported by Khastagir et. Al. from ether extract and it was

found same effective as psoralen in the treatment of vitiligo.


i. Corylidin ii. Psoralidin


i. Bavachinin ii. Bavachiniii. Isobavachin iv. Bakuchiol

Bhalla et. Al (1974) isolated above three flavonoids from Bakuchi and

Bakuchiol was isolated by Mehata et. al (1973). Bakuchiol protected human

R.B.C. against oxidative haemolysis.


73 | P a g e

i. Isobavachalcone

ii. Isoneobavachalcone

iii. Bavachromanol

iv. Bakuchalcone

AMINO ACIDS: Alanine, Arginine, Glycine, Histidin, Isoleucine and

lycine, phenylealanine, Tryptophan

MINERALS: It also contains trace minerals like Mangesium, Calcium,

Iron, Phosphorus and Potassium

TYROSINASE: The root of Psoralia corylifolia contain very trace amount

of enzyme tyrosinase, which is very important in the pathway of

melanin formation.


According to Indian system of Medicine Ayurveda the powdered babachi or

bakuchi (Psoralea seed) by the mouth the beneficial effect may be due to:

1. Absorption and excretion of oil through the skin where it produce it

specific action.

2. Stimulate action on the intestinal mucosa which may cause increased

absorption of amino acids concerned in pigment formation.

3. Antiseptic action in the gastrointestinal tract.

So far as in know psorlea corlifolia in the only drug that has action on the

rougets and melanoblastic cells of the skin (Chopra).

Psoralens have been the main stay of treatment of vitiligo. Historically,

photochemotherapy of vitiligo can be traced back as far as 200 to 1500 B.C.

in India and Egypt. These agents were originally obtained from the plant

psoralea corylifolia in India and Ammi Majus in Egypt.

Folk medicines in several cultures treated vitiligo with topical extracts of these

plants that contains Furocoumarins.

74 | P a g e

Psoralen were useful in the treatment of vitiligo. They used various

preparation of psoralen orally, topically and in combination and exposed the

patient to natural sunlight and conventional ultraviolet lamp.

In 1947 (Fahmy and Shady) isolated several photosensitizing agents such as

ammoidin ammidin, majudin, known as fuocoumarins from the fruit extract of

the Ammi Majus plant. These were identical with the active principal of the oil

Bakuchi (Psoralen corylifolia)

Numerous psoralens have been identified only few have clinical use.

Following main compounds are available for this purpose. For this purpose no

much different in their therapeutic effects or toxicity and can be used inter



8- methoxypsoralen (8 mop, methoxsalen)

4, 5 – 8 trimethyl psoralen (TMP, Trioxalen)

5- methoxy psoralen (5- mop, bergapten)

PHOTO CHEMO THERAPY AGENTS:The most common recommended treatment involves the ingestion of either 8

– mop or TMP followed by exposure to solar radiation (PUVASOL) or UVA

radiation from artificial light sources. The biologic action spectrum for psoralen

induced stimulation of melanin pigmentation is in the 320 to 360 nm range.

The skin is most sensitive to UVA at 1 to 3 hours after the ingestion of


The dose usually recommended is 0.6 mg/kg body weight biweekly. In

PUVASOL an initial sun exposure of 5 minutes are recommended 2 hours

after ingestion.

PUVASOL THERAPY :When psoralens are combined with sunlight exposure. It is called PUVASOL.

P – Photosensitizing agents (orally or topically)UV – Ultra violet light irradiationA – Light source is artificialSOL – Light source is sun

75 | P a g e

UVA lamps are quite costly and the patient has to come to the clinic for this

therapy but PUVA has the advantage of administering measured doses of



It should be used in vitiligo patients with less than 20% involvement of

body surface area.

It can be used both of children over two years of age and for the adult.

It may be used the treatment give in once and twice in a month.

It may be used in concentration of 0.01% to 1.0% which may be

applied to the body surface area 30 minutes before exposure to UVA.

The initial UVA dose is 0.12 to 0.25 Jule/cm2, usually according to the

patient skin type.

The treatment area should be washed with soap and covered with a

broad spectrum sun screen.

Side effects may be includes :




Hyper pigmentation

Hyperkeratos of the treated area or lesions.

ORAL PHOTO CHEMOTHERAPY:Oral photo chemotherapy usually is safe but the following important points

kept in mind.

It should be avoid in less than 12 years of age.

Avoid during pregnancy

Avoid during lactation

Avoid in the patient who have past history of photo sensitizing.

During PUVA therapy concurrent treatment with potential

photosensitizing drug e.g. phenothiazines. Oral anti-diabetes should be


76 | P a g e

Following pathological and clinical examination should be done during

the PUVA therapy.

Opthalmological checkup including slit lamp examination should be

done initially during the therapy.

Contraindication includes abnormal liver function tests and ocular

defects including cataracts presence of photosensitivity.

Haemotological status, renal and hepatic functions are to be assessed

initially during the therapy.

ADMINISTRATION OF DRUG:TMP – (Trymethylpsoralen) oral psoralen therapy should be prefer with long

term. 4-5-8 Trymethylpsoralen are used in the vitiligo patients.

It started with 0.6 mg/kg body weight of TMP ingested with food and two hour

before exposure to the UV radiation.

The exposure should be for 5 minutes availing approximately 3 joule per

squire cm of UVA.

The does of TMP is increased to 0.9 mg/kg of body weight and 45 minutes

respectively. Till the wanted result are obtained.

8 Mop (8, Methoxypsoralin)- is started when there no response seen TMP

drug after 20-30 treatment sessions. 8 Mop is started with 0.3 mg/kg body

weight along with an artificial UVA light source.

It still no response in 0.3 mg/kg b.w. and 8 Mop plus 0.6 mg/kg b.w. of TMP

may be tried. It still no response in 30-50 more treatment abandon the

treatment as a failure. The treatment therapy usually need to be continued for

9-19 months and about 150-300 exposures. The danger of a sever burn is

much greater with 8 mop than the mop.

During the treatment patient should be instructed to wear UVA blocking

sunglasses before and after the exposure on the day. Because the UVA rays

passes though ordinary glasses.

Repigmentation occurs more readily on the face, neck, hairy and muscular

regions than on the dorsa of hands, elbow, and ankles. It treatment is

interrupted before an area gets completely repigmented the area once again

becomes depigmented, usually within a short time.


77 | P a g e


Epigastric discomfort





Blistring reactions


Cataract in eyes

Skin Cancer

Damage the skin


Khellin is a furanochrome isolated from the seeds of ammi visnaga. It has

been found to be as effective with UVA and has been effective with PUVA

therapy. It is free from phototoxic side effect and it is very well tolerated. The

oral dose of khellin is 50-100 mg given 2 hours before UVA exposure.

PHENYLALANINE AND UVA – 5% Concentration Solution of L phenylalanine is

used in 50-100 mg/kg body weight and it is given orally one hour before UVA

exposure (2-12 joule/cm2). If no response over this period of treatment.

Supplemented with 10% topical cream over the acromic areas before 20

minutes of the exposure. There is no side effects and even children can be

treated by this method.


Sulphonylurea compounds (tolbutamide), phenothiazine derivatives

promethazine hydrochloride, chlorpromazine hydro chloride) and griseofulvin

have been tried orally excepting phenothiazine which is used locally.

Pseudocatalase and calcium chloride have been used as short term sub

erythemogenic by twice daily application. Extract of algae polypodium

leukotomas along with solar radiation may also be useful.


78 | P a g e

CORTICOSTEROIDS:The use of corticosteroids preparations in different form that is oral, topical

and intra lesional giving encouraging results.

The side effects of topical corticosteroids such as acne, dermal atrophy,

telengiectesia local hypertrichosis, ecchymosis may developed with long term

local and oral used. If the disease is still active for patients in whom the

disease is spreading very fast, systemic corticosteroids are the best choice to

stop the progression of the vitiligo and then to initiate the process of

repigmentation while others prefers alternate day schedule and combine

corticosteroids with PUVA and PUVA SOL given on the days when

corticosteroids are not given.

PLACENTRAL EXTRACT PREPARATIONS:Human placental extract, both aqueous and alcoholic has been considered as

a biogenous stimulator and it used in vitiligo patients.

Placental extract contains tyrosine, a precursor of melanin, copper which act

as a catalyst in the formation of melanin, copper which act as a catalyst in the

formation of melanin pigment. It contains vitamins and trace elements which

act as important supportive therapy in vitiligo.

It can be also used as lotion topically and intra dermal injection in small

isolated patches.

It act as biogenous stimulator directly stimulating the exhausted or tired


The does of placental extract is 2 cc.Im. alternate days systemically.

NILAMIDE:It is a mono amino oxidize inhibitor, suppressing the metabolism of

catecholamine in a sympathetic nerve ending, which is responsible for

segmental vitiligo in a dose of 150 mg. per day. It shows no improvement of

all in non dermatomal type cases.


It can be also used as both orally and topically. It is useful drug to treat the

disease Parkinsonism. But in the vitiligo this method is not widely used.

CANTHAXANTHIN It is a naturally carotenoid. Present in some plants e.g. cantherellus

cinnabarinus an edible mushroom, crayfish.

79 | P a g e

Sea trout, bird and marine algae. But now it can also be synthesized. It is

used in 60-80 mg per day for 10-20 days. In 10-20 days to achieve yellow

brown color. But the color fades in about 2 weeks and hence a maintains

dose is always needed. This medicine is practically not useful in Indian skin. It

also used as a food coloring agent, and sun tanning agent. In acural vitiligo of

white female. It may produce good cosmetic result

TOPICAL CRUDE TAR It is used with corticosteroid topical medicine. But result did not appear


NITROGEN MUSTARD (MECHLORETHAMINE)It is used topically. In few patients unresponsive to PUVA therapy in whom it

produce a parital response with speckled repigmentation.

ISOPRINOSINE AND PENTOXIFYLLINE Vitiligo foundation (USA) has suggests that prostag landing inhibitor action in

vitiligo, and in few cases of vitiligo unresponsive to PUVA and corticosteroid

therapy but no encourgaging result was observed.

BROAD SPECTRUM SUNSCREEN They prevent the hyper pigmentation of normal skin during photo

chemotherapy. Broad spectrum sunscreen decrease the short term and long

term effects of UVA and UVB radiation and to decrease the contract between

normal and vitiligenons skin.

COSMETIC CAMOUFLAGE These mask the acromic macule available in different color for different

complexions includes make ups, dyes, quick tanning preparations. These are

resistant to washing with soap and water and lasts for several days.

The color achieved with the use of 3-5% dihydroxyacetone preparations,

silver nitrate or potassium permanganate solutions are used for this purpose.

FLUOROURACIL:It has been used in non dermatomal vitiligo. Topically used after abrasion

resulting into epithelialization within 7 days and semalanization starts within

the next 1-2 weeks.

DAPSONE:It is used as an immune modulator in the does of 100 mg daily for prolonged



80 | P a g e

Chloroquine and hydroxy chloroquine also suppress lymphocyte

transformation and reduce the number of T-cells and prostaglandin synthesis

and establish lysosomal enzymes.

Does of chloroquine is 250mg/day and Hydroxycholoquine is 400mg/day.

CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE It is an anticancer drug but due to side effect it use is not recommended. It

useful in combination with oral corticosteroid.

Does of cyclophosphamide is 50mg/BD or twice daily


1. Punch grafting / autologous epidermal mini grafting.

2. Thin thiersch split skin grafting

3. Epidermal grafting

4. Melanocyte cuture and transplantation

5. Autologous grafting with non cultured melanocytes

6. Therapeutic spot and regional dermabrasion

7. Tattoing


It is a relatively simple technique and has been reported to be effective

in focal and segmental Vitiligo, post burn depigmentation, chemical

leucodermas, piebaldism and post dermabrasion leucoderma. It was

first used by Orentriech and Selmanowitz in 1972 for a patient with

postburn leucoderma. It was also used by Falabella in 1978 and then in

1983 in cases of segmental Vitiligo. He used punches of the size 1-2

mm. He noted that it showed 95% to almost total recovery in patients

with segmental Vitiligo of stable nature but was unsuccessful in the

Vitiligo of progressive nature. It has been noted pigment cells

proliferate and migrate from the minigrafts into adjacent achromic skin.


It involves the free transfer of epidermis along with a portion of dermis

from one site to another. Behl (1964) was the first to report the use of

thin thiersch's graft for treatment of Vitiligo.

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Success depends on proper selection of cases and use of a very thin

graft obtained under local anaesthesia with the help of a dermatome

and is spread on the dermabraded patch of stable Vitiligo and further

sealed with pressure and local immobilization. They initially turn

hyperpigmented with uneven borders. Gradually the colours lightens

and the border merge with the surrounding skin. The complications

include graft rejection, stuck on tyre appearance, curling of borders,

colour mismatch, thick raised grafts, perigraft halo of depigmentation,

reactivation of Vitiligo on grafted and perigraft area and Vitiligo on

donor site. Thin thiersch grafts are useful for larger areas with an

average of 180 - 300cm2 possible in one session.


A complete physiological dermo epidermal split is possible with the

formation of a suction blister (Kiistula 1968).

Falabella in 1971 used a negative pressure of 200 - 300 mm of Hg for

2-4 hours to obtain epidermal sheets to replace depigmented epidermis

of the vitiligenous areas. It is used both as a carrier of melanocytes and

an epithelial graft to cover depigmented area that has be denuded of

epidermis with liquid nitrogen. Successful results have been obtained

in Vitiligo, piebaldism and in post burn eucoderma. In Vitiligo epidermal

grafting has been useful in the segments, Vitiligo. This procedure does

not cause any scaring, but is more time consuming and require

especial equipment for preparation of the recipient and obtaining the


Complications have included allergic dermatitis caused by antibiotic

ointment and a care of photo allergic contact dermatitis due to

mthoxsalen application. There may also be secondary infection,

pigmentary changes, graft rejection and depigmented perilesional halo.


Savant (1996) defined stable Vitiligo for cases which fail to respond or

respond partially to medical line of treatment and in addition, the

disease is inactive and no new patch has developed in past 2 years.

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In this method superficial layer of skin is dermabraded either with

electric or manually till pin point bleeding occurred. They were further

deep dermabraded to an appropriate depth manually. On healing they

were treated with PUVA or PUVASOL. After therapy most of the area

showed total pigmentation and some showed partial pigmentation. Side

effect were superficial scaring, hypopigmentation which improve over

six months, secondary infections etc.


Lerner (1987) first of all used cultured melanocytes to repigment

cases of Vitiligo and piebaldism.

Another new method of treating Vitiligo is melanocyte culture and

transplantation which comprises of transplantation of autologous

melanocytes into area of skin that are hypopigmented. Split skin

thickness sample of size 2-4 sq. cm. is obtained from the patients

usually from the thigh region and is then transported to the laboratory

in special transport media. Then the section is trypsinized and

disintegrated to obtain single cell suspension containing both

keratinocyte and melanocytes which are then placed on a specialized

medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum no-era toxin and

hydrocortisone in a culture dish containing murine fibroblast. Then

nutrients like epidermal growth factor may be added to obtain sheets

containing both keratinocytes and melanoctyes. For obtaining a pure

culture of melanocytes certain growth promoting factors such as TPA

(Tetradecanoyl phorbol 13 acetate), IBMX (Isobutyl Methylxanthine),

placental extracts and fibroblast growth factors are first added. Then

selective growth inhibition of keratinocytes (By maintaining a high pH of

7.2 of media), fibroblasts and langerhans cells (By addition of cholera

toxin to media), is carried out.

This treatment is used when medical treatment is failed and in non

progressive or stable form of Vitiligo.


Gauthier and Bazeille (1991) used this method as an alternative to use

of cultured melanocytes as the technique involving is difficult. They

produced blisters on depigmented skin by freezing with liquid nitrogen

83 | P a g e

and injected into each blister a suspension of epidermal cells

consisting mainly of keratinocytes and melanocytes which was

obtained from sample of skin of the hair scalp after trypsinization. In

this treatment 75 - 100% repigmentation was seen in cases of

segmental Vitiligo.


It is the process involving uniform implantation of minute, metabolically

inert, pigment granules into the dermis, so as to create a cosmetic

camouflage using manual or electrically driven needles.

The different tattoo pigments include titanium oxide (white), cinnabar

(red), cadmium sulphate (yellow) , iron oxide (camel yellow, light


Its advantage include that it gives instant results with good cosmetic

results There are minimal or no chances of rejection and that it can be

done on any anatomical site. It can be repeated if required. Its

limitations includes it cannot be used for large areas, chances of colour

mismatch exist and that it may be difficult to perform at certain sites

with thick skin like the palms and soles.

Therefore it can be concluded that with the use of appropriate medical

or surgical procedure the Vitiligo can be managed.


Vitiligo is only a cosmetic problem. It is an absolutely harmless disease. There

is a no complaints in vitiligo patients except erythema and during after sun

exposure in few, but psychological it is very distressing particularly in females.

A common man may confuse it with leprosy and in some communities it is

regarded as social stigma.

A patient having vitiligo can be as efficient physically, mentally and socially,

sexually as any other individual. Even family, friends, spouse are prone to

reject the involved in subtle way. Patient experience personal unhappiness,

social discrimination at work, at school, marital discard and other reverse

psychosocial disasters.

The patients are advised about:

84 | P a g e

The nature of disease

Difference between vitiligo and leprosy

Try to develop positive attitude towards the conditions

Carry out various public awareness programme about the disease and

suffering patients.

It is also important to carry out various awareness programmed at

public places, through Television, Pamphlets, Radio programme,

school and other method about the disease.

85 | P a g e


Principal of Ayurvedic management Divavyapashraya Chikitsa (spiritual therapy) Yuktivyapashraya chikitsa (Rational therapy) Antaha parimarjana chikitsa (Internal purification) Bahi parimarjana chikitsa (External purification) Shastrapranidhana (Surgical measures) Satvavajaya Chikitsa (Psychotherapy)

According to Ayurveda (Indian System of Medicine) the treatment of shwitra

(vitiligo) are described in vedic period with successful result but not in

detailed. Acharya Charka, sushruta and vagbhatta have indicated some

specific procedures in the treatment of shwitra (vitiligo).


According to acharya charka has also enumerated that all the measure by

which the aggravated and vitiated Doshas, Dhatus and Malas are brough

back to their state of normally and disease is cured, they constitute the

therapeutics or management (Chikitsa).

Further explained by acharya charka the scope of chikitsa (Management)

more removal of the causative factors may not always result in the total

removal of the disease as such, because the effects of disease may still

continue to be operative. This aim is radial removal of the causative factors of

the disease and the restoration of Doshika equilibrium.

Skin disease vitiligo or shwitra Roga causes both somatic and mental trauma.

This disease are always very difficult to cure and are time consuming. In this

disease process of returning skin color towards normally is very slow and rate

of improvement arises greatly from case to case. They are to be required

external medication with internal medication.

According to Ayurveda the basic of pathogenesis and etiology switra (vitiligo)

is a Raktaja Roga (Cha. Su. 9/4, 5). Its etilogical factors are very much similar

to kustharoga. Rakta dusti and pitta dusti and its management is very similar

to these ailments.

86 | P a g e

Therefore following line of treatment mention and can be successfully applied

for the management of switra roga (vitiligo).

a. Divavyapashraya Chikitsa (spiritual therapy)

b. Yuktivyapashraya chikitsa (Rational therapy)

Antaha parimarjana chikitsa (Internal purification)

Bahi parimarjana chikitsa (External purification)

Shastrapranidhana (Surgical measures)

c. Satvavajaya Chikitsa (Psychotherapy)

Daivavyapashraya Chikitsa (spiritual therapy)

According to ayurveda the disease which is produced by the sinful acts of

previous birth which already described under the heading of nidana (etiology).

In this therapy includes recitation of mantras, wearing of medicinal root and

gems, auspicious acts, offering gifts, oblations, following religious precepts,

atonement, fasting, invoking blessings, falling on the feet of God and

pilgrimage etc. (Cha.Su. 11/54).

These methods may reduce the effects of sinful acts. According to Ayurveda

these type of method produce mental fitness of patient which are helpful to

cure the disease switra (vitiligo).

Yuktivyapashraya chikitsa (Rational therapy)

It is divided into three parts :

a. Nidan parivarjana (Avoidance of causative factors)

b. Samshodhana Chikitsa (Bio-purification)

1. Vamana Karma (Therapeutic emesis)

2. Virchana Karma (Purgation Therapy)

3. Shiro Virchana Karma (Errhine Therapy)

c. Sanshmana Chikitsa (Palliative therapy)

All three therapy are based on reporting physical conditions in which proper

dietary and medicinal regime is followed.

87 | P a g e

Antahparimarjan Chikitsa (Internal Purification)

In this therapy those drugs, medicines are included which are given to the

patients internally to eradicate the vitiated doshas by internal cleansing.

According to acharya Charka described six types of chikitsa i.e. Langhana,

Brihana, Rukshana, Shehana, Swedana and Stambhana ( 22/4).

According to Acharya Vagabhatta has above six types into two parts namely

santarpana and apatrapana.

Santarpana Apatrapana







(A.H.Su. 14/1-3)

According to Acharya Charka Shwitra (vitiligo) is Santarpana Janya Roga.

(Cha.Su 23/6).

Hence in Shwitra (vitiligo) Apatarpana Chikitsa (Therapy) is indicated which

includes Langhana, Rukhana and Swedana (Cha.Su. 22/18).


It is related to the patients discipline and attitude, therefore the Doctor

may instruct the patients about the dietic and medicinal regime.

It is a fact that mithya Ahara and vihar are main cause of the Shwitra

(vitiligo) roga. It is the first line of treatment. So the first step to avoid

the ailment is to avoid the Nidan. These Nidans are:

i. Virudda Ahara

ii. Mithya Ahara

88 | P a g e

iii. Mithya Vihar

iv. Papa Karma

v. Vishamasana

vi. Disobeying of elderly persons etc.


Acharya sushruta has indicated the repeated samshodhana chikitsa in

skin disorders. (Su.Chi. 9/42)

It is divided into four parts:

Vamana therapy once in 15 days

Virechana therapy once in 3 months

Shiroverchana once in 3 days

Raktamoshshana once in 6 months interval

Samshodhana chikitsa (bio purification) is radial removal of the

causative morbid factors of the disease.

Removal of aggravated and vitiated doshas from the body through their

hearer route is called samshodhana (bio purification).

If the causative morbid factor of the disease is not done properly due in

time then vitiated doshas spread in the body and skin disease become

incurable (Su.Chi. 9/42).


Vamana Karma (Therapeutic Emesis) should be advised in shwitra

roga. It is useful in:

Kapa Dosha Dominant

Pitta and Vata Dosha in Kaphasthana

According to Acharya Sushruta advised to repeat this therapy after

every fifteen days in skin disorders.

Virechana Karma (Purgation Therapy):

Virechana Karma (Purgation therapy) is also useful in Shwitra Roga

(Vitiligo) and other skin patients.

89 | P a g e

According to Acharya Charka has mentioned that the patient of Shwitra

(Vitiligo) roga should be subjected to routine samshodhana therapy first

and after proper internal cleaning use this therapy.

In the patient of (vitiligo) shwitra roga subjected to specific virechana

with guda (jaggery) and Kakodumbra swarsa.

After that patients should take sun bath for three days and take peya if

he become thirsty. If the blisters appears on shwitra patients they

should be pricked and discharged. (Cha.Chi. 7/162).

According to Acharya Sushruta mention the virechana in Shwitra and

other skin disorders. He has advised to take drugs in such a dosage

that five to eight motions may be induced per days. (Su.Chi. 9/68).

This therapy in shwitra and other skin disorder mentioned should be

repeated after one month interval. (Su.Chi. 9/43).

So virechana is most useful in the shwitra roga (vitiligo) and other skin



In (vitiligo) shwitra roga patients if white patches developed mainly

above neck region nasya or shirovirechana therapy should be


According to Acharya Charka, in the management of Shwitra Roga

(vitiligo) or other skin disorder drugs which are commonly used for

Nasya or Shiroverchana are (Cha. Chi. 7/48) –




Karanja Phala

Tulsi Bheeja



Dhoompana is given after shirovirechana for alleviation of remaining

kapha dosha (Cha.Su.5/20-24).


90 | P a g e

According to Acharya Sushruta in the management of shwitra roga

(vitiligo) and other skin disorders have given a very important note that

doctor using their intellect can prepare a number beneficial preparation.

According to patient Age, symptoms, prakriti, Sara, dosha and other

principals. For this treatment by giving due consideration to the basic

compound of drugs and other fundamental properties.


The art of healing is one of the oldest intellectual properties of human

being originated out of constraint, need, self protection and urge to

help. According to ayurveda persons ‘Let the noxious blood be let out’.

It will cure the disease or otherwise it will make a clear pathway

towards further treatment modalities among bloodletting procedures.

Leech therapy is vividly practiced in ayurveda. The use of leeches in

ayurveda medicinal practices in India is very ancient. Medicinal leech

therapy got a big boost by plastic surgeons that used leeches in

transplant surgery.


The scraping should be in the direction of hair follicles and if such is not

followed when the excessive bleeding and pain will be resulted. The

scraping is to be advocated in skin lesions.


Satvavajaya Chikitsa is a type of Trividha Aushadhi in which physician try to

withdraw the mind of patients from harmful subjects1. This therapy includes

the restrain of mind from the unwholesome objects. It is advisable to attend

course of conduct as described in various Ayurvedic texts. Various measures

like administration of Satvika diet, practicing meditation and Yoga will increase

the Satva of patients. As mentioned earlier in etiology some factors

responsible for Manasika involvement also paly an important role in

91 | P a g e

complicating the disease. Hence it is essential to increase the Satva Guna of

patients. Psychologically patients should be treated and make him assure that

it has no relation to any sinful acts. It may occur to anyone. According to

Acharya Vagabhatta the actual dependable treatment for various

psychosomatic disorders is by improving Dhi, Dhriti and Smriti, which

ultimately improve the Satva of patients and cure the disease.

92 | P a g e


Single Drugs

Chruna (Powder) Preparations

Kwatha (Decotion Preparation )

Asava /Arishta Preparations

Avaleha (Paste) Preparations

Ghrita Preparations

Taila Preparations

Guggulu Preparations

Peya Preparations

Guda (Jaggery) Preparations

Urines (Mutras)

Saktu Preparations

Loha Preparations

Rasayana Preparations

Rasa / Bhasma / Pisti (Metalic Preparations)

Vati (Tablets) Preparations

Lepa Preparations (Ointments) Or Topical Applications

Abhyanga Preparations

According to Ayurveda (Indian System of medicine) various types of

medicines like single drug, churna, rasa, bhasma, pisti (metallic preparation),

paka, grita, avaleha, ashawa, aritha etc. Described widely which are useful in

the management of vitiligo (shwitra roga)


a. Bakuchi (B.P. Batadi Varga 33)

b. Khadira (Cha. Su. 25/40)

c. Chitraka (A.H.U. 39/65)

d. Bhringaraja (A.H. Chi. 20/8)

93 | P a g e

e. Bhallataka (A.H. Chi. 20/11)

f. Kakodumara (B.P. Batadi Varga 10)

g. Shinshapa (B.P. Batadi Varga 25)

h. Bakula (B.P. Pushpa Varga 33)

i. Endri (Cha. Chi 1/3/29)

j. Ashvagandha (B.P. Guduchyadi Varga 189)

k. Rasona (Cha. Su. 27/176)

l. Other important medicines

According to Acharya Sushruta various groups of medicines which can be

used successfully in the treatment of shwitra roga (vitiligo) like:

Lodhradi Gana, Eladi gana, Asanadi Gana etc.

a. Lodhradi Gana: Acharya sushruta has described as a Varnya (Color

and complexion promoter medicine). This gana includes (Su.Su. 38/14)

i. Lodhra – Symplocus race mosa

ii. Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum

iii. Pathani Lodhra

iv. Ashoka – Saraca asoca

v. Palasha – Butea monosperma

vi. Bharangi – Clerodendrum serratum

vii. Kayaphala – Myrica esculenta

viii. Elabaluka – Prunus cerasus

ix. Shallaki – Boswellia serrata

x. Jingini – Odina woodier

xi. Sala – Shorea robusta

xii. Kadamba – Anthocephalus indicum

xiii. Kadali – Musa sapientum

b. Eladi Gana: Acharya sushruta has also describe as a complexion

promoter (varnya) medicine. This gana includes (Su.Su. 38/24)

i. Kushtha – Saussarea lappa

ii. Ela – Elettaria Cardamomum

iii. Tagara – Valleriana Wallichii

94 | P a g e

iv. Jatamansi – Nordostachyus Jatamansi

v. Dhayamaka

vi. Dalachini – Cinnamomum Zeylanicum

vii. Tejapatra – Cinnamomum Tamala

viii. Priyangu – Callicarpa Macrophylla

ix. Harenuka – Vitex negundo (Seeds)

x. Shukti – Margarita

xi. Vyaghranuka – Achantina fulica

xii. Chanda – Rauwolfia Serpentina

xiii. Sthauneyaka – Taxus baccata

xiv. Srivesthtaka – Pinus roxburghii

xv. Choraka – Angelia gluca

xvi. Guggulu – Commiphora mukul

xvii. Baluka – Mimosops elergi

xviii. Sarjarasa – Vateria indica

xix. Kunduru – Extract of Boswellia serrata

xx. Agaru – Aquilaria agalocha

xxi. Sprikka – Anisomeles malabarica

xxii. Ushira – Veteveria zizanoides

xxiii. Devadaru – Cedrus deodar

xxiv. Keshara – Crocus sativus

xxv. Punnagakeshara – colophyllum inophyllum

b. Asanadi Gana: According to Acharya Vagabhatta varnya medicines.

This includes (A.H.Su. 15-19/20)

i. Asana – Pterocarpus massupium

ii. Tinisha – Ougenia oojeinensis

iii. Bhojabatra – Betula utilis

iv. Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna

v. Puti Karanja – Holoptella integrifolia

vi. Khadira – Acacia catechu

vii. Shirisha – Albizzia lebbeck

viii. Shishapa – Dalbergia sissoo

ix. Meshashringi – Gymnema sylvestre

x. Trihima –

95 | P a g e

xi. Tala – Borassus fdabbifer

xii. Palasha – Butea monosperma

xiii. Agaru – Aquilaria agalocha

xiv. Sagaun – Tectona grandis

xv. Sala – Shorea robusta

xvi. Supan

xvii. Dhava – Anogessus latifolia

xviii. Indrayana – Holarrhena antidysentrica

xix. Chhagakama

xx. Ashvakama – Shorea robusta


1. Somaraji Churna (Cha.D.)

2. Avalguja Beeja Churna (Cha.D.)

3. Nimbadi Churna (R.R.S)

4. Shwitrari Yoga Churna (R.R.S.)

5. Udumbaradi Churna (R.R.S.)

6. Panchanimba Churna (B.P.)

7. Kathoomara – Bakuchi Churna (B.P.)

8. Bakuchi Churna (B.P.)

9. Bakuchyadi Churna (G.Ni)

10.Somaraji Churna (G.Ni )

11.Bakuchyadya Churna (G.Ni)

12.Manjisthadi Churna (R.T.S. & S.P.S.)

13.Narasingha Churna (R.T.S. & S.P.S.)

14.Mustadi Churna (Cha.Sa.)

15.Vidangadi Churna (Y.R.)

Kwatha (Decotion Preparation )

Dose : 20-40 ml

96 | P a g e

1. Dhatri-Khadira Kwatha (B.R.)

2. Bibhitakadi Kwatha (B.P.)

3. Triphaladi Kwatha (Cha.Sa.)

4. Mustadi Kwatha (Cha.Sa.)

5. Malayuvadi Kwatha (Cha.Sa.)

6. Khadira Kwatha (Cha.Sa.)

7. Dhatryadi Kwatha (Cha.D.)

8. Udumbara Mula Kwatha (Su.Sa.)

9. Patola Muladi Kwatha. (A.H.Chi.)

Asava /Arishta Preparations Dose : 20-40 ml

1. Rodhrasava (A.H.)

2. Abhayarishta (Cha.Sa.)

3. Madhwasava (Cha.Sa.)

4. Kanakabindwarishta (Cha.Sa.)

5. Madhukasava (Cha.Sa.)

6. Lodhrasava (Cha.Sa.)

7. Punarnavadyarishta (Cha.Sa.)

8. Khadirarishta (Sha.Sa.)

Avaleha (Paste) Preparations

Dose : 10-20 gm

1. Mahabhallatakavaleha (B.P.)

2. Panchanimbakavaleha (B.P.)

3. Vidangadi Avaleha (A.H.)

4. Bhallatakavaleha (Y.R.)

Ghrita Preparations Dose : 10-20 gm.

97 | P a g e

1. Tiktaka Ghrita (A.H.Chi.)

2. Dantyadi Ghrita (A.H.Chi.)

3. Mahatiktaka Ghrita (A.H.Chi.)

4. Mahavajraka Ghrita (A.H.)

5. Neeli Ghrita (Ga.Ni.)

6. Somaraji Ghrita (B.R.)

7. Mahaneela Ghrita (Su.Sa)

Taila Preparations

Dose : 2-5 ml

1. Bakuchi Taila

2. Bhallataka Taila (A.H.)

3. Tuvaraka Taila (A.H.)

4. Sarshapa Taila (A.H.)

Guggulu Preparations

Dose : 250-500 mg

1. Swayambhuva Guggulu (B.P.)

98 | P a g e

Peya Preparations

1. Vijayasara Siddha Milka (A.H.Chi. 20/8).

2. Gavya Mutradi Peya (Su.Chi. 9/39).

3. Khadirajala Pana (Cha.Chi. 7/166).

Guda (Jaggery) Preparations

Dose : 250-500 mg.

1. Vidangadi Guda (A.H.Chi. 19/45)

2. Pathyadi Guda (A.H.Chi. 19/47)

3. Manibhadra Guda (A.H.Chi. 19/31-32)

4. Chandra Shakaladi Guda (A.H.Chi. 19/44)

Urines (Mutras)

All the Ayurvedic texts especially Charaka Sushruta and Astang indicates

eight types of urine in the management of Shwitra Roga (vitiligo) [A.H.Su.

(5/82, 83), A.S.SU. (6/141 – 142), Cha.Su. 1/96 – 100, Su. Su. 45/226].

1. Cow Urine.

2. She buffalo urine.

3. Sheep Urine

4. She goat urine

5. Elephant urine

6. Horse urine

7. Ass urine

8. Camel urine

Saktu Preparations (Cha. Su. 23/19-24)

99 | P a g e

1. Vyoshadya Saktu (Cha.Su.)

Loha Preparations

Dose – 250-500 mg

1. Ashtadashanga Loha (B.P.)

Rasayana Preparations

1. Bhallataka Rasayana (Cha.Sa.)

2. Shilajatu Rasayana (Cha.Sa.)

3. Endra Rasayana (Cha.Sa.Chi. 1/3/29)

4. Pittala Rasayana (R.R.S.)

5. Bakuchi, Rasayana (A.H.U.)

6. Chitraka Rasayana (A.H.U. 39/65)

7. Brahmi Rasayana (A.H.U.39/50-53)


Dose : 125-250 mg.

1. Shwetari Rasa (B.R)

2. Kushtha Haritaleshwara Rasa (B.R.)

3. Galatkushthari Rasa (B.P.)

4. Khageshwara Rasa (R.R.S.)

5. Medinisara Rasa (R.R.S.)

6. Kashisha Baddha Rasa (R.R.S.)

7. Udayaditya Rasa (R.R.S.)

8. Shwitrantaka Rasa (R.R.S.)

9. Shwitrari Rasa (R.R.S.)

10.Shwitra Kushthari Rasa (R.R.S.)

11.Tamralipta Kajjali Rasa (R.R.S.)

12.Veera Chandeshwara Rasa (R.R.S.)

13.Vijayanand Rasa (R.Sa.Sa.)

100 | P a g e

14.Rajataleshwara Rasa (R.Sa.Sa.)

15.Chandrakanti Rasa (R.Sa.Sa.)

16.Mahataleshwara Rasa (Sha. Sa.)

17.Vijayeshwara Rasa (Y.R.)

18.Udayadi Rasa (Sha. Sa.Ma.Kha)


Dose : 250-500 mg

1. Arogyavardhini Vati (R.R.S.)

2. Shwitrahara Vati (R.Chi.Ma.)

3. Chandraprabha Vati (Rasa Kamdhenu)

4. Triphaladi Gutika (Y.R.)

5. Kshara Gutika (Cha. Sa.)

6. Shashilekha Vati (Y.R.)

Lepa Preparations (Ointments) or Topical Applications

According to Acharya Charaka if the Lepa Chikitsa applied after proper

Sanshodhana Karma, they produce much beneficial effect in skin disorders

(Cha.Chi. 7/53)

While applying these lepas it should be kept in mind that for their better and

immediate effect they should be applied from downward to upward direction

i.e. Romabhimukha ( Utt. 11/73-74).

In Ayurvedic classics a large number of Lepas are described in the

management of Shwitra Roga. The important Lepas useful in Shwitra Roga

are following-

1. Kadaliksharadi Lepa

2. Manahshiladi Lepa (Cha.Chi. 7/167)

3. Malatyadi Lepa (Cha.chi. 7/168)

4. Moolakadi Lepa (Cha.Chi. 7/169)

5. Manahshila – Barhipittadi Lepa (Cha.Chi. 7/170)

6. Neelotpaladi Lepa (Cha.Chi. 7/169)

101 | P a g e

7. Kakodumbaradi Lepa (Cha.Chi. 7/170)

8. Avalgujadi lepa (Cha.Chi. 7/171)

9. Krishna Sarpa Masi

10.Lakshadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/12)

11.Saindhavadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/13)

12.Rajabrikshadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/16)

13.Prapunnadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/19)

14.Tutthadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/27)

15.Tilvakadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/28)

16.Putikadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/40)

17.Gajalendajadi Lepa (Su.chi. 9/21-22)

18.Amra – Haritakadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/23-24)

19.Hreeberadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/26)

20.Bhallataka Taila and Gramyaanoopa Pashu Khura Kshara (Su.Chi.


21.Vibhitaka Taila and Gramyanoopa Pushu khura kshara (Su.Chi. 1/93).

22.Avalguja Beeja (A.H.Chi. 20/13)

23.Bhallatakadi Lepa (A.H.Chi. 20/16-17)

24.Phanijjhakadi Lepa (Cha.Su. 3/4)

25.Vachadi Lepa (Cha.Su. 3/5)

26.Manahshiladi Lepa (Cha.Su. 3/5)

27.Aragvadhadi Lepa (Cha.Su. 3/3)

28.Shrayahavadi Lepa (Cha.Su. 3/3)

29.Bhojapatradi Lepa (Cha. Su.3/4)

30.Girikarnyadi Lepa (B.P. 54/153)

31.Shiladi Lepa (R.R.S. 20/195)

32.Akoladi Lepa (R.R.S. 20/196)

33.Krishnikarana Yoga Lepa (R.R,.S. 20/203-204)

34.Vishaladi Lepa (R.R.S. 28/85)

35.Kukubhadi Lepa (R.R.S. 29/86)

36.Gunjaphalagni Lepa (Sha. Sa. Ma. Kha. 12/192)

37.Shila – Apamarga Lepa (Sha.Sa.Ma. Kha. 12/193)

38.Pratisaraniya Kshara Lepa (A.H.Su. 30/3, Su.Su. 11/7)

39.Shwitra Dadru Patala Lepa (R.Sa.Sa. Kushtha Chikitsa 113/115)

102 | P a g e

40.Shwitrahara lepa (R.Sa.Sa. Kustha Chi./ 116)

41.Balyadi Lepa (Y.R.Kushtha Chikitsa/5)

42.Triphaladi Lepa (Y.R.Shwitra Chikitsa/6)

43.Ayorajadi Lepa (Y.R.Shwitra Chikitsa/7)

44.Pootikadi Lepa (Brinda Madhava)

45.Balyadi Lepa (Brihat Nighantu Ratnakara)

46.Bhringarajadilepa (B.N.R.)

47.Savarna Karta Lepa (Yoga Tarangini Tarang/ 62)

48.Snuka Lepa (Bangasena)

49.Hayadi Lepa (B.N.R.)

50.Grihadhoomadi Lepa (G.Ni.)

51.Jalapippalyadi Lepa (Su.Chi. 9/21-22)

52.Lepa with Ash of Sugandhabala with Bibhitakha Taila. (A.H.Chi. 20/12).

53.Lepa of the Ash of tiger skin with oil (Su.Chi. 9/16)

54.Lepa of the Ash of elephant skin with oil (Su.Chi. 9/16)

55.Lepa with Ash of Peocock Bile with Bibhitaka Taila (A.H.Chi. 20/12).

Abhyanga Preparations a) Ghrita Preparations

1. Kashishadi Ghrita (Sha. Sa. Ma.Kha. 9/51-57)

2. Neela Ghrita (Su.Chi. 9/29-33)

3. Maha Neela Ghrita (Su.Chi. 9/34-38)

Taila Preparations

1. Bhallataka Taila (Su.Chi. 30/5)

2. Madanaphala Taila (Su.Chi. 31/5)

3. Vajraka Taila (Su.Chi. 9/5)

4. Vibhitaka Taila (Su.Chi. 31/5)

5. Visha Taila (B.R.54/321-324)

6. Kandarpa Sara Taila (B.R. 54/348-363)

7. Kushtha Rakshasa Taila (B.R. 54/294-288)

8. Aragvadhadya Taila (B.R.54/275)

103 | P a g e

9. Panchanana Taila (B.R. 54/272-274)

10.Ankoladi Taila (R.R.S. 20/110)

11.Laghu Marichyadi Taila (B.P. 54/107-111)

12.Maha Vajraka Taila (A.H.Chi. 19/81-82)

13.Marichyadi Taila (Sha. Sa.Ma.Kha. 9/149-152)

14.Kushthari Taila (R.R.S. 20/211-212)

15.Lakshadi Taila (R.R.S. 29/89-91)

16.Shwitra Gaja Singh Taila (Ra.Chi. Sta. 4)

17.Kushthadi Taila (Cha.Chi. 7/117-118)

18.Chitraka Taila (Rasa Kamadhenu)

19.Jyotishmati Taila (A.H.Chi. 19/75-76)

20.Shwitra Hara Taila (Ra.Chi. Sta. 4)

104 | P a g e


GENERAL SCHEME OF EXAMINATIONPatient registration DateName of Patient Father/Husband’s nameAge SexAddresDiagnosisChief ComplaintHistory of illnessExamination of the skin

(a) Inspection(b) Palpation(c) Microscopic examination

Examination of the hairExamination of the nailsDiagnosis



Chief complaints :

1. Eruptive skin lesions Year/month/day

2. Itchy skin lesions

3. Scaly skin lesions

4. Hyper pigmentation – skin lesions

5. Hypo pigmentation – skin lesions

6. Hemorrhagic skin lesions

7. Hair loss

8. Graying of hairs

9. Ulceration

10. Nail problems

105 | P a g e

HISTORY OF THE PRESENT ILLNESS:Mode of onset : Sudden / Gradual

Acute / ChronicConstant / IntermittentLocalized / Spreading

COURSE AND PROGRESS:Family history of skin disease Yes / NoPrevious disease of the skin Yes / NoHistory of intake of drugs Yes / NoHistory of any local applications Yes / NoHistory of any allergy : Drug Yes / No

Food Yes / NoOthers Yes / No

If yes, specifyPredisposing factors : Food Yes / NoSpecify ________________________________________________________

Drugs Yes / NoSpecify ________________________________________________________

Seasons Yes / NoSpecify ________________________________________________________

Stress Yes / NoSpecify ________________________________________________________

Emotional/Psychological Yes / NoSpecify ________________________________________________________

Others Yes / NoSpecify ________________________________________________________History of previous medications Yes / NoIf yes –

AllopethicAyurvedicHomeopathicOthersPresent Medication ________________________________________________


Hypothyroidism Yes / No

Grave’s disease Yes / No

106 | P a g e

Addison’s disease Yes / No

Alopecia Areate Yes / No

Seleroderma Yes / No

Melanoma Yes / No

Uvetis Yes / No

Sarcoidosis Yes / No

Hirschsprungs disease Yes / No

Tuberous sclerosis Yes / No

Hypomelanosis Yes / No

Perniocious anaemia Yes / No

Herpes Zoster Yes / No

Halo nevi Yes / No

Tinea versicolor Yes / No

Lichen Sclerosis Yes / No

Piebaldism Yes / No

Nevus depigmentosus Yes / No


Colour of the skin - Pale/Flushed/Cyanosed

Yellowish -Dusky Red/Slaty Grey/Brownish/Bronzed Pigmented /Depigmented

Skin lesions -Macular / Roseolar / Erythymatous / Popular / Pustular / Nodular / Lenticular / Vesicular / Bullous / Scales / Wheeles / Plaques / Haemorrhage Ulcer

Describe the skin lesionsDistributions Scalp/Face/Ears/Eyes/Lips/Neck/Trunk/Back/Hips/

Groins Genitals/Rt. Upper Limb/Lt. Upper Limb/

107 | P a g e

Rt/Lt/Both/Rt. Lower Limb/Rt. Knee/Rt.Ankle/Rt. Sole/Lt. Upper Limb/Lt.Knee/Lt. Ankle/Lt. Sole/Whole Body

Colour of the skin lesion

Type :

Symmetrical / Asymmetrical Generalised / Localized Exposed area / Non exposed area / both / medical aspect / lateral aspectItching Yes/NoItching Localised / Generalised/ Burning Yes / NoDischarge No / YesIf Yes (Blood/Pus/Watery/Serous)Smell Normal / Foul smellCrus Yes / No



Hair on the affected part

Normal / Hair loss noted

Sensation of the affected skin

Normal / Lost

Reaction to sunlight

Present / Absent

Haemorrhagic skin lesions

Petechiae / Purpura / Ecchymoses Haematoma / Telangiectasis

Ulcerative skin lesionsDurationMode of OnsetAssociated PainSize and shapeNature of the floodCharacter of the edgeDischargeTendernessSurrounding skinLymph modes

Palpation Dry or moist

Texture Smooth / Rough / Thick / Thin / Elastic / Wrinkled / Pinched / Blanching or pressure

Tenderness Yes / No

Odema Localised / Generalized / Pitting / Non Pitting

Examination of the hair

108 | P a g e

Falling of the hairYes / NoSudden / Gradual / Patchy / Generalized

Nature and distribution

Thick / Coarse / Scanty / Greasy / Abundant / Silky / Soft / Split / Curly / Straight

Color Black / Blond / White / Grey / Red

Excessive growth of the hair

Yes / NoFace / Forearm / Legs / Chest

Absence of the axillary, Pubic, Facial hair

Yes / No

Loss of eye brows Yes / No

Premature graying

Yes / No




1. Color of lesion

2. Surface of lesion

3. Itching

4. Burning Sensation

5. Sweating

6. Margin of lesions

109 | P a g e

7. Hair – Present / Absent

– Color

8. Pain in lesion

9. Size

10. Intolerance to heat

11. Pin point bleeding

12. Size of oldest lesions in mm

13. Size of newest lesions in mm

14. Size of biggest lesions in mm

15. Size of smallest lesions in mm

110 | P a g e


S.No. Name of Investigations

1. Hb gm%

2. TLC

3. ESR

4. DLC - Neutrophils





1. Serum Copper

2. Thyroid Function test - T3





S.Billrubin - Direct



4. Blood Sugar - Fasting


5. Blood Urea

6. Serum Cretinine

7. Skin Biopsy

8. Others

9. Urine Examination



111 | P a g e


Cha. Su – Charak Sutra Sthan

Cha. Ni – Charak Nidan Sthan

Cha. Vi – Charak Viman Sthan

Cha. Sha – Charak Sharira Sthan

Cha. Chi – Charak Chikitsa Sthan

Cha. In – Charak Indriya Sthan

Cha. Ka – Charak Kalpa Sthan

Cha. Sa – Charak Samhita

Su.Su – Sushruta Sutra Sthan

Su. Sa. U – Sushruta Samhita Uttar Tantra

Su. Sa. Su – Sushruta Samhita Sutra


Su. Sa. Ni – Sushruta Samhita Nidan


Su. Sa. Sha – Sushruta Samhita Sharir


Su. Sa. Chi – Sushruta Samhita Chikitsa


Su. Sa. Kal – Sushruta Samhita Kalpa


Kas. Sa. Su – Kasyapa Samhita Sutra


Kas. Sa. Khi - Kasyapa Samhita Khil


A.H.Su – Ashthang Samhita Sutra Sthan

A.H.Sha – Ashthang Samhita Sharir Sthan

A.H.Ni – Ashthang Samhita Nidan Sthan

A.H.Chi – Ashthang Samhita Chikitsa


A.H.Ka. Si – Ashthang Samhita Kalpa


A.H.U – Ashthang Samhita Uttar Sthan

R.R.S. – Ras Ratna Samuchaya

B.P. – Bhav Prakash

G.Ni. – Gada Nigraha

Cha. D – Chakra Dutta

R.T.S. – Rasa Tantra Sara

S.P.S. – Sidha Prayoga Samgraha

Y.R. – Yoga Ratanakar

B.R. – Bhaishajya Ratnawali

A.H. – Ashtang Hridaya

R.Sa.Sa – Rasendra Sara Samgraha

Sha.Sa – Saranghar Samhita

Sha. Sa. Ma. Kha - Saranghar Samhita

Madhyam Khanda

B.N.R. – Brihat Nighantu Ratanakar

Ra. Chi. Sta – Rasendra Chintamani

Ra.Ta – Rasa Tarangini

A.Sa – Ashtang Samagraha

112 | P a g e


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123. Charka Samhita – Satyanarayan Shastri

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172. Practice of Dermatology, Bhel, P.N. 7th Ed. 1990 C.B.S. Publication

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173. S. Rothman – Physiology and Biochemistry of Skin (1954).

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