Student Examples Of Grammar, Punctuation And Usage

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Student Examples of Grammar, Punctuation,

or Usage Errors

Prepared by Professor Lisa Mazzie Hatlen

Marquette University Law School

The Assignment• Three weeks before the due date, students are

shown a PowerPoint presentation that depicts some grammar, punctuation, or usage error(s).

• Their task: To go forth into the world and bring back a “real life” example of a grammar, punctuation, or usage error. They must identify the error and indicate how they would fix it.

• The #1 rule: They cannot do a purposeful Internet search looking for those websites that collect these errors.


The Assignment - Continued

• Students have turned in brochures, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, photocopies from pages of their textbooks, and print-outs from websites of all kinds, or they take pictures if they can't physically remove a sign.

• In the spring semester, the assignment is due just after Spring Break, which gives students the opportunity to use Spring Break travel to locate errors.

• What follows are some of the best examples I have received from students (with a few of my own thrown in).


On a student's t-shirt.

Submitted (and modeled) by Andy Helminiak


Submitted by Kaitlyn Wild5

From a picture/poster hanging in the hallway at the law school.

Photo by Nick DeSiato


Lack of punctuation, I tell them, can create unintended meanings.

Photo by Lisa Mazzie Hatlen7

Submitted by Adam Essman


Shirts on sale in the boys' department at Kohl's Department Store, Madison, Wis.

Photo by Lisa Mazzie Hatlen 9

An ad on the side of a bus stop shelter one block from the law school.

Photo by Lisa Mazzie Hatlen


At the border crossing on the Mexican side, Nogales, Mexico/Arizona.

Photo by Lisa Mazzie Hatlen11

A billboard near campus.

Photo by Nick Harken


The cover a binational business magazine of the U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce. Submitted by Matthew Luening 13

At a New Orleans police station, post-Katrina.

Photo by Matthew Clabots


At the Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast Administrative Office Gift Shop.

Photo by Annika Thompson


At Dirty Little Roddy's in Ketchum, Idaho.

Photo by Jaime Bouvette


Manasota Beach, Florida.

Error pointed out by Brigid Moroney. Photo by Brigid’s mom.


A page from the Barnes & Noble employment handbook.

Submitted by Kate Schmidt


Notice how this place in Madison, Wis., handles its dress code.

Submitted by Amy Barnes


Internet news from WKOW-TV in Madison, Wis.

Submitted by Lisa Mazzie Hatlen


Submitted by Adam Ben-Zikri


From the local grocery store's community board, McFarland, Wis.

Submitted by Lisa Mazzie Hatlen


Thanks for watching!