Student Portfolios and Project Based Learning: An Approach for Implementing Meaningful Instruction...

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Student Portfolios and Project Based Learning: An Approach for Implementing Meaningful Instruction in the Expanded Core Curriculum

Rachel Schles, M.Ed., TVIFairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax, VirginiaNovember 19, 2015Getting in Touch With Literacy Conference


•Why ECC?• Project Based Learning• Scenario 1: 10th grade student • Scenario 2: 4th grade student• Portfolios for All Students• Student Work Samples• Developing Portfolio Projects & the IEP• Conclusion

ECC & IDEA• Why teach the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC)?• IDEA mandates that academic and functional

performance and outcomes must be address in the evaluation for an IEP (IDEA 300.304) and development of an IEP (IDEA 300.320).

• For students with VI:• Functional Outcomes = Expanded Core

Curriculum• How can we provide engaging & meaningful ECC


Project Based Learning (PBL)• Project Based Learning challenges students to solve real-

world problems. Teachers provide mini-lessons throughout the process to guide students on content knowledge and developing a meaningful final product.

• Emphasis on 21st Century Skills (The 4 C’s)• Critical Thinking• Collaboration• Communication• Creativity/Innovation

• Key component for students w/VI—provides an Authentic Audience outside of themselves to share the results of their lessons w/TVI.

8 Essentials of PBL1. Significant Content (Alignment with ECC skills [standards])2. A Need to Know (Why is this relevant?)3. A Driving Question (Clearly summarizes the problem)4. Student Voice & Choice (Students make choices

throughout the process, within project guidelines)5. 21st Century Competencies (The 4 C’s)6. In-depth Inquiry (Asking questions and creating answers)7. Critique and Revision (Allow time for reflecting and

editing)8. Public Audience (Sharing results with non-TVI)


ECC & PBL – What Does this Look Like?• Sample Driving Question:• You are finally on your own at college! How can you,

as a student with a visual impairment, communicate your needs to your professors and other school personnel while securing the accommodations and tools you need to succeed?• Lesson/mini projects might include: ADA & testing

accommodations, dorm life/Independent living skills, transportation, disability services, securing optical devices, communicating with professors, ID’ing social opportunities.

• Handout 1 • Page 1: Resources on PBL & ECC• Page 2: Draft IEP Goals

Scenario 1: 4th Grade Student• 4th grade student with albinism in general education

classroom • Acuity - 20/200 • Rarely advocating/not using accommodations & tools• Very upset about having albinism/VI and being different• Reluctant to work with TVI• 1 hour/week VI services (pull out)

• IEP goals were self-advocacy and typing

• The situation frustrating for both student and teacher.

• Stop, Drop, and Regroup!

Scenario 1: Continued • Completed an Essential Assessment (EA) (including

observations, direct assessment, and student, parent, & teacher interviews)• Functional Vision Assessment• Learning Media Assessment• Expanded Core Curriculum Assessment

• Findings/Results• Student not using tools & devices because they don’t work

for her! (recommended low vision exam)• Student has splinter strengths & needs in all areas of the ECC• How to address in a comprehensive IEP goal?• The process of completing the assessments initiated a

change in the student’s attitude—she was learning she had a voice.

Scenario 1: Developing Portfolio• Used results of EA to develop specific PBL activities which

targeted student needs, including parent & teacher concerns

• See Handout 3 for complete Portfolio Rubric

• Activities included: • Developing brief statement to explain VI condition*• Understanding Accommodations (Pros & Cons)• Class Presentation +• Note to Substitute Teachers/Support Staff +• Preparing for Low Vision Exam• Social Skills (discussing impact of VI & identifying compensatory

techniques) §

* Student requested activity+ classroom teacher requested activity§ parent requested activity

Scenario 1: Sample (PBL) Activity• Student selected to enter the APH Unforgettable

Star Contest• This was the TVI’s “in” to introduce the student to

audio materials she had otherwise refused to test out.•

• TVI gave mini lessons throughout the process focusing on:• Introducing the technology (Book Port Plus)• How to write a cheat-sheet• Modeling appropriate language to discuss the device• Technology lessons infused throughout as student

used a computer to draft and edit her script

Student Work Sample 1 – Letter to Substitute Teachers & Staff

Hello,My name is Kathryn and I have a visual impairment

(Albinism). I wanted to tell you this just in case there is a book with pictures and I move up close. If there is something on the white board and I pull out something that looks like a mini telescope (AKA my monocular) don’t be alarmed! My monocular helps me see far away and the monitor on my desk helps me see the things on the smart board. Also if I don’t move up close it just means that I can see it and you don’t need to remind me to go close up. And one last thing, I am also very smart (and pretty) so you do not have to worry about anything.Sincerely,

Scenario 1: Summary• Rather than IEP goals focusing on skills the student

didn’t connect with (typing and self-advocacy), the Portfolio Project allowed the student to have a say in what she was learning and immediately see how skills were relevant to her.• (While working on typing and self-advocacy!)

• Student engagement increased as time progressed, and projects always directly related to student interests:• Developed a screenplay to teach peers about the parts of the eye• Wrote & illustrated an original children’s book about a girl who did not want

anyone to know she had a VI, and how she became comfortable with herself.

• Made a bullet-pointed Pros/Cons list for Explaining Accommodations activity, and while the student felt she did less work because she used bullet points instead of paragraphs, she still met all the criteria for a 4 on that activity.

Scenario 2: 10th Grade Student• 10th grade student in honors/advanced classes • Acuity - 20/100• Advocating for needs in class• Tools/accommodations working well• 1 hour/month of vision services (pull out)

• Annual IEP due at the start of the school year, so TVI completed informal parent & student interviews• Questions focused on long/short-term goals• Used ECC Screening Tool/Checklist to guide


Scenario 2: Portfolio

• See Handout 2 for complete Portfolio Rubric

• Activities included: • College Planning (exploring Disability

Services)• Understanding IEP and Eye Reports• Mentoring a younger student w/VI• Interviewing a professional w/VI

Scenario 2: Sample (PBL) ActivityInterviewing a Professional (with/VI)

• Prior to Interview:• Student researched roles & responsibilities of the profession• Developed list of questions for the professional

• ECC mini lessons focused on:1. Assistive technology skills while researching2. Appropriate written language in a formal email3. Progression of academic degrees (BA, MA, Ph.D)4. Guiding student reflection on the implications of what he


• ECC Areas addressed:1. Assistive Technology2. Compensatory & Access and Social Skills3. Career Education Skills4. Self-determination

Scenario 2: Summary & Next Steps

• ECC needs were not clearly evident because the student was independent and successful in their academic classes.

• Informal assessment and the portfolio project allowed for meaningful use of the student’s direct VI services time.

• For similar students, 11th & 12th grade portfolios should focus on teaching students to be their own TVI in college• Locating resources• Explaining their VI and accommodations to professors• Understanding their rights under ADA law

Portfolio Rubrics for All Students• Younger students• Are just becoming aware they have a visual impairment• Instruction will focus on modeling language to explain and

explore accommodations (See Handout 5)

• Students with multiple disabilities• Select activities as appropriate • If possible, collaborate with their teachers to incorporate

their other disabilities; develop an “All About Me” portfolio project

• Students who are blind/use braille• Most activities already apply to all students with VI in

academic settings• Consider incorporating braille/technology into lessons

Student Work Sample 2 –

Interviewing & Social Skills• Student- Struggling braille reader, avoids all literacy activities• PBL/ECC Social Skills Unit – “Disagreeing with Adults”• Interviewed teachers to learn appropriate ways to disagree • Decided independently that she should take notes on her

BrailleNote during interviews• The STUDENT CHOOSE to engage in braille literacy because she

found a meaningful reason!

Handout 4: Bank of Portfolio Activities• See Handout 4 (Bank of Activities) for sample PBL

activities/skills in all 9 areas of the ECC.

• When developing a rubric for each student, consider long- and short-term needs.• Students may repeat some activities 2-3 times over the course

of their school career as they mature/their accommodations & understanding about themselves evolves.

• Every student should have a unique portfolio…but you don’t need to have a portfolio goal every year—traditional IEP goals are more appropriate to measure student progress in certain areas.

• Include space for future activities so if new areas of concern arise during the IEP year, it can be incorporated into the current goal.

Accommodations Pros Cons

LP and LP Test

(LP: Large Print)

1. Less Strain On Eyes2. easier 2 concentrate on test because

I'm alone3. Things blown up to precise size


1. Keeps me away from friends :(

2. Lol :)

Hat and sunglasses

1. Blocks the irritating sun from my eyes

2. Looks cool Lol :)3. I can see more clearly

1. Easy 2 forget2. None others lol :)

Monocular 1. Less strain on eyes2. Easier to see from far away3. Sporting events4. Can see a ball in a kick returners

hand when he runs to the 20 then jukes a hefty linebacker at the 30 trucks the kicker at the 40 and outruns the speedy corner to the end zone

1. Looks nerdy2. it hits me in the face

when I’m sweating in PE class at the gym at ------ Elementary School with a teacher named Mrs. ----- and an epic gym with lol style equipment

Student Work Sample 3 – Accommodations Pros & Cons

Student Work Sample 4 – College Planning

College Planning - Driving QuestionOutline enough information so that a high school student with a visual impairment would understand where to get disability services and at least 3 resources or accommodations they could get if they attended Virginia Tech or William and Mary. • 5th grade student• Mini Lesson Topics Included

• Role of disability services / no TVI after high school graduation• Navigating unfamiliar website• Summarizing information• This PBL spanned four 30-minute sessions• Completed college search on CollegeBoard Website prior to this


College Planning, ContinuedVirginia Tech• Virginia Tech has a program for disabled students thats is called

services for students with disabilities. ( SSD.) They provide different accommodations for visually impaired students. Some are extended test time, and online enlarged text books if you would like more info go to the link:

William & Mary• William & Mary have a special website for disabled students. the

good thing about the program is that every semester they check in with you so if something is not working then you just have to wait till the end of the semester or if it is urgent then you can just talk to them about it immediately. You can also find CCTV’s in two different locations around campus. Also William & Mary make sure that the faculty makes their classes accessible.

Student Work Sample 5 –

Mentoring & Low Vision Exam • Partner students at different schools to help them connect to

other students with visual impairments. • Allows students to learn about different accommodations

or resources from peers while giving a truly authentic audience for PBL activities– also a real reason to (practice) talking about their disability and accommodations.

• Video Clip – • 4th and 1st grade students were paired up and recorded

about one video message a month for each other.• In this video, the 4th grade student had recently had a low

vision exam, and is giving advice to the 1st grader who is having a low vision exam for the first time later that month.

Portfolio Goals & the IEP• Bring draft portfolio rubric to the IEP, and review

each item (briefly).• Be prepared to edit and revise the portfolio based on

IEP team feedback.• By outlining the portfolio in the IEP there is a

transparency and credibility to what the TVI is teaching • Increased respect for TVI’s time and effort.• TVI expectations are clear to the student, and they will

work for the perceived highest grade possible.• Do students do well (earn 3’s or 4’s) on activities?• Yes, because I don’t move onto the next activity until

they’ve mastered the concepts in a given activity.

List of Handouts

• Handout 1: Why Portfolios and Sample Goals

• Handout 2: High School Sample Rubric

• Handout 3: Elementary School Sample Rubric

• Handout 4: Bank of Activities

• Handout 5: Accommodations Worksheet

• Handouts available at:


• Questions?

• Contact info:Rachel Schles,

Thank you!