Student Voice #5

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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EHL Student Magazine


Le Jo


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#5winter 2009

all i want for christmas…

- Time management –

These Swiss-ideal


- Fotes d’ortograffes

- The horror of

christmas shopping

- César Ritz articles’

exchange !


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editoAprès tant de turpitudes, de durs labeurs,

la seule et unique chose qui vient l’esprit des étudiants après les examens – arrêtez moi si je me trompe – ce sont les vacances !

Avec le rythme soutenu de travail, les dif-férents projets et leurs échéances, sans par-ler des examens finaux, il devient difficile de trouver du temps à l’EHL.

Nous sommes d’accord pour dire que le stress est un puissant stimulateur, mais gare à l’overdose ! Le mauvais stress couplé à une fatigue accrue peut être un puissant destruc-teur et devenir contre productif… Parfois la situation peut être aggravée par le rectorat – malgré lui ? – , du casse tête des salles, aux horaires, mais aussi de l’organi-sation des groupes, etc...

Il est donc temps de donner du temps au temps !

Vous verrez dans ce numéro certains articles écrits par nos confrères de l’école César Ritz, nous avons procédé à un échange de chroniques et vous pourrez ainsi découvrir le point de vue d’autres écoles hôtelières.

Les semaines passent à une vitesse folle, nous rapprochant des vacances mais appor-tant aussi de nouvelles matières, de nou-veaux objectifs et une certaine fraicheur. Ce-pendant nous ne devons pas négliger nos nouvelles tâches et garder le rythme !

Ainsi le Student Voice vous propose vos rubriques préférées mais aussi quelques ré-jouissances avant les festivités telles que des précieux conseils pour profiter au maxi-mum de noël et du nouvel an.

Alors n’hésitez pas à dévorer votre jour-nal préféré avant la dinde, avec un grand verre de vin chaud devant la cheminée pour bien compléter le cliché !

C’est avec joie que la rédaction du S/V vous souhaite un joyeux noël et une mer-veilleuse nouvelle année !

La parole est maintenant à vous !

After so much wickedness, hard labour, the only thing on students’ mind after the ex-ams – stop me if I’m wrong – are the holidays !

With the pace of work, projects and deadlines, not to mention final exams, it be-comes difficult to find time to EHL.

We agree that stress is a potent stimula-tor, but beware of the overdose ! Bad stress coupled with increased fatigue can be a powerful destructive and non productive ... Sometimes the situation can be aggravated by the School administration – despite it? – to the rooms’ puzzle, schedules, but also the groups organization, etc...

It is time to give the time some time ! You will see in this issue

some articles written by our col-leagues from the Ecole César Ritz, we made a “partnership” in order to exchange columns and you’ll discover point of views in other hotel schools.

The weeks go by with an amazing velocity; bringing the holidays closer but also bringing new subjects, new goals and certain freshness. However we must not neglect our new tasks and keep the pace! Thus the Student Voice offers your fa-vorite topics but also some revelry before the festivities such as valuable advises to make Christmas and New Year easier for you.

Don’t hesitate to devour your favorite newspaper before the Xmas turkey with a huge glass of vin chaud in front of the fire-place to fill out the cliché!

It is with great joy that the S/V editorial team wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year !

You own the voice, the student voice!

philippe khodara

CheCk ouT and leave comments on:

w w w . l a u s a n n e - p a l a c e . c o m

Le Lausanne Palace

& Spa, véritable

institution au cœur

de la ville, offre une

vue exceptionnelle

sur le Lac Léman et

les Alpes.

L’univers privilégié et intime

de la Spa Suite dans le ma-

gnifique CBE Concept Spa,

comblera les amoureux. Dès

l’entrée dans cet espace pri-

vatif raffiné, une magnifique

baignoire ronde en cuivre

trône au centre de la pièce.

Sur le côté, un sauna et ham-

mam marocain ainsi que

deux tables de massages.

Les traitements visages et

corps complètent une sensa-

tion d’intense relaxation.

Quoi de plus romantique qu’un dîner

en amoureux dans l’un des quatre res-

taurants du Palace où le Chef Edgard

Bovier propose une cuisine savoureuse

mariant les parfums de la Méditerra-

née aux produits du terroir avec créati-

vité et dextérité.

Après le dîner, prenez un verre au Red

Club, réservé à ses membres et aux ré-

sidents de l’hôtel avec la réputation

d’être parmi les clubs privés les plus

célèbres au monde. Un endroit unique

pour une soirée à deux au cœur des

nuits lausannoises.

Chambres et prix

141 chambres dont 30 suites

De 273 à 1936 euros

Taxes et service inclus

La qualité légendaire de son hospita-

lité et son service personnalisé en fait

une référence en matière de luxe et de

convivialité, un mariage réussi de tra-

dition et d’avant-gardisme. Disposant

de 141 chambres dont 30 suites, cet éta-

blissement allie à merveille style, de-

sign, confort et raffinement. Spacieu-

ses, toutes les chambres sont pourvues

d’un espace salon avec une décoration

unique et minutieusement choisie.

Loisirs et bien-être

CBE Concept Spa & Yogi Booster bar &

Lounge : boissons et restauration bio-

logiques, piscine intérieure chauffée,

sauna, solarium, salles de lecture et

de relaxation, jacuzzi, hammam maro-

cain, salle du silence, salles de sports

et de fitness, terrasse panoramique ex-


Services complémentaires

Service en chambre, bibliothèque,

transfert aéroport en limousine, mé-

decin, centre de conférences, Hair spa

By Aveda :salon de coiffure.


Le Côté Jardin:

cuisine méridionale et saveurs italiennes

La Table d’Edgard:

cuisine gastronomique

d’inspiration méditerranéenne

La Brasserie du Grand Chêne:

cuisine française traditionnelle

Palace Sushi Zen: cuisine Japonaise

Le Habana Bar:

sélection d’eaux-de-vie et de cigares

La Cave à Vins:

dégustation de vins et restauration légère

LP’s Bar: bar contemporain

Red Club: discothèque privée

T 41 21 331 31 31F 41 21 323 25 71(Genève (40 minutes)Suisse / Switzerland – Lausanne

LP_PUBLIREPORTAGE.indd 1 23.4.2009 11:30:42

w w w . l a u s a n n e - p a l a c e . c o m

Le Lausanne Palace

& Spa, véritable

institution au cœur

de la ville, offre une

vue exceptionnelle

sur le Lac Léman et

les Alpes.

L’univers privilégié et intime

de la Spa Suite dans le ma-

gnifique CBE Concept Spa,

comblera les amoureux. Dès

l’entrée dans cet espace pri-

vatif raffiné, une magnifique

baignoire ronde en cuivre

trône au centre de la pièce.

Sur le côté, un sauna et ham-

mam marocain ainsi que

deux tables de massages.

Les traitements visages et

corps complètent une sensa-

tion d’intense relaxation.

Quoi de plus romantique qu’un dîner

en amoureux dans l’un des quatre res-

taurants du Palace où le Chef Edgard

Bovier propose une cuisine savoureuse

mariant les parfums de la Méditerra-

née aux produits du terroir avec créati-

vité et dextérité.

Après le dîner, prenez un verre au Red

Club, réservé à ses membres et aux ré-

sidents de l’hôtel avec la réputation

d’être parmi les clubs privés les plus

célèbres au monde. Un endroit unique

pour une soirée à deux au cœur des

nuits lausannoises.

Chambres et prix

141 chambres dont 30 suites

De 273 à 1936 euros

Taxes et service inclus

La qualité légendaire de son hospita-

lité et son service personnalisé en fait

une référence en matière de luxe et de

convivialité, un mariage réussi de tra-

dition et d’avant-gardisme. Disposant

de 141 chambres dont 30 suites, cet éta-

blissement allie à merveille style, de-

sign, confort et raffinement. Spacieu-

ses, toutes les chambres sont pourvues

d’un espace salon avec une décoration

unique et minutieusement choisie.

Loisirs et bien-être

CBE Concept Spa & Yogi Booster bar &

Lounge : boissons et restauration bio-

logiques, piscine intérieure chauffée,

sauna, solarium, salles de lecture et

de relaxation, jacuzzi, hammam maro-

cain, salle du silence, salles de sports

et de fitness, terrasse panoramique ex-


Services complémentaires

Service en chambre, bibliothèque,

transfert aéroport en limousine, mé-

decin, centre de conférences, Hair spa

By Aveda :salon de coiffure.


Le Côté Jardin:

cuisine méridionale et saveurs italiennes

La Table d’Edgard:

cuisine gastronomique

d’inspiration méditerranéenne

La Brasserie du Grand Chêne:

cuisine française traditionnelle

Palace Sushi Zen: cuisine Japonaise

Le Habana Bar:

sélection d’eaux-de-vie et de cigares

La Cave à Vins:

dégustation de vins et restauration légère

LP’s Bar: bar contemporain

Red Club: discothèque privée

T 41 21 331 31 31F 41 21 323 25 71(Genève (40 minutes)Suisse / Switzerland – Lausanne

LP_PUBLIREPORTAGE.indd 1 23.4.2009 11:30:42

A 400 mètres de l’EHL L’Emeraude Esthétique

Vous accueille dans une atmosphère relaxante et vous propose

• Epilations • Soins du visage • Maquillages (soirées, mariages, etc…) • Soins des mains et des pieds • Massages amincissants • Massages relaxants • Stone therapy • Réflexologie

Pour nous, l’essentiel c’est Vous

Chemin de la Vulliette 29a 1000 Lausanne 25

Tél. +41 (0)21 784 00 61

w w w . l a u s a n n e - p a l a c e . c o m

Le Lausanne Palace

& Spa, véritable

institution au cœur

de la ville, offre une

vue exceptionnelle

sur le Lac Léman et

les Alpes.

L’univers privilégié et intime

de la Spa Suite dans le ma-

gnifique CBE Concept Spa,

comblera les amoureux. Dès

l’entrée dans cet espace pri-

vatif raffiné, une magnifique

baignoire ronde en cuivre

trône au centre de la pièce.

Sur le côté, un sauna et ham-

mam marocain ainsi que

deux tables de massages.

Les traitements visages et

corps complètent une sensa-

tion d’intense relaxation.

Quoi de plus romantique qu’un dîner

en amoureux dans l’un des quatre res-

taurants du Palace où le Chef Edgard

Bovier propose une cuisine savoureuse

mariant les parfums de la Méditerra-

née aux produits du terroir avec créati-

vité et dextérité.

Après le dîner, prenez un verre au Red

Club, réservé à ses membres et aux ré-

sidents de l’hôtel avec la réputation

d’être parmi les clubs privés les plus

célèbres au monde. Un endroit unique

pour une soirée à deux au cœur des

nuits lausannoises.

Chambres et prix

141 chambres dont 30 suites

De 273 à 1936 euros

Taxes et service inclus

La qualité légendaire de son hospita-

lité et son service personnalisé en fait

une référence en matière de luxe et de

convivialité, un mariage réussi de tra-

dition et d’avant-gardisme. Disposant

de 141 chambres dont 30 suites, cet éta-

blissement allie à merveille style, de-

sign, confort et raffinement. Spacieu-

ses, toutes les chambres sont pourvues

d’un espace salon avec une décoration

unique et minutieusement choisie.

Loisirs et bien-être

CBE Concept Spa & Yogi Booster bar &

Lounge : boissons et restauration bio-

logiques, piscine intérieure chauffée,

sauna, solarium, salles de lecture et

de relaxation, jacuzzi, hammam maro-

cain, salle du silence, salles de sports

et de fitness, terrasse panoramique ex-


Services complémentaires

Service en chambre, bibliothèque,

transfert aéroport en limousine, mé-

decin, centre de conférences, Hair spa

By Aveda :salon de coiffure.


Le Côté Jardin:

cuisine méridionale et saveurs italiennes

La Table d’Edgard:

cuisine gastronomique

d’inspiration méditerranéenne

La Brasserie du Grand Chêne:

cuisine française traditionnelle

Palace Sushi Zen: cuisine Japonaise

Le Habana Bar:

sélection d’eaux-de-vie et de cigares

La Cave à Vins:

dégustation de vins et restauration légère

LP’s Bar: bar contemporain

Red Club: discothèque privée

T 41 21 331 31 31F 41 21 323 25 71(Genève (40 minutes)Suisse / Switzerland – Lausanne

LP_PUBLIREPORTAGE.indd 1 23.4.2009 11:30:42

w w w . l a u s a n n e - p a l a c e . c o m

Le Lausanne Palace

& Spa, véritable

institution au cœur

de la ville, offre une

vue exceptionnelle

sur le Lac Léman et

les Alpes.

L’univers privilégié et intime

de la Spa Suite dans le ma-

gnifique CBE Concept Spa,

comblera les amoureux. Dès

l’entrée dans cet espace pri-

vatif raffiné, une magnifique

baignoire ronde en cuivre

trône au centre de la pièce.

Sur le côté, un sauna et ham-

mam marocain ainsi que

deux tables de massages.

Les traitements visages et

corps complètent une sensa-

tion d’intense relaxation.

Quoi de plus romantique qu’un dîner

en amoureux dans l’un des quatre res-

taurants du Palace où le Chef Edgard

Bovier propose une cuisine savoureuse

mariant les parfums de la Méditerra-

née aux produits du terroir avec créati-

vité et dextérité.

Après le dîner, prenez un verre au Red

Club, réservé à ses membres et aux ré-

sidents de l’hôtel avec la réputation

d’être parmi les clubs privés les plus

célèbres au monde. Un endroit unique

pour une soirée à deux au cœur des

nuits lausannoises.

Chambres et prix

141 chambres dont 30 suites

De 273 à 1936 euros

Taxes et service inclus

La qualité légendaire de son hospita-

lité et son service personnalisé en fait

une référence en matière de luxe et de

convivialité, un mariage réussi de tra-

dition et d’avant-gardisme. Disposant

de 141 chambres dont 30 suites, cet éta-

blissement allie à merveille style, de-

sign, confort et raffinement. Spacieu-

ses, toutes les chambres sont pourvues

d’un espace salon avec une décoration

unique et minutieusement choisie.

Loisirs et bien-être

CBE Concept Spa & Yogi Booster bar &

Lounge : boissons et restauration bio-

logiques, piscine intérieure chauffée,

sauna, solarium, salles de lecture et

de relaxation, jacuzzi, hammam maro-

cain, salle du silence, salles de sports

et de fitness, terrasse panoramique ex-


Services complémentaires

Service en chambre, bibliothèque,

transfert aéroport en limousine, mé-

decin, centre de conférences, Hair spa

By Aveda :salon de coiffure.


Le Côté Jardin:

cuisine méridionale et saveurs italiennes

La Table d’Edgard:

cuisine gastronomique

d’inspiration méditerranéenne

La Brasserie du Grand Chêne:

cuisine française traditionnelle

Palace Sushi Zen: cuisine Japonaise

Le Habana Bar:

sélection d’eaux-de-vie et de cigares

La Cave à Vins:

dégustation de vins et restauration légère

LP’s Bar: bar contemporain

Red Club: discothèque privée

T 41 21 331 31 31F 41 21 323 25 71(Genève (40 minutes)Suisse / Switzerland – Lausanne

LP_PUBLIREPORTAGE.indd 1 23.4.2009 11:30:42

Table des matières3 Edito6 Cake7 EHL spirit8 Time management – these Swiss-ideal times… 9 Les électifs, un choix… contraignant !10 Micro-trottoir – 3.75/6 is definitely not a 4/6!10 7 Tips on how not to get fat during the Christmas holidays11 Legal tips for interviews12 Fotes d’ortograffes13 Dis-moi ce que tu écoutes... Je te dirai qui tu es!14 Dawn of the presents: the horror of christmas shopping15 FMyLife@EHL15 Your everyday life stories…16 The Secret (Law of attraction - part two)17 Cr(h)appy New Year!18 Visit of the old town19 Tasting sushis20 En parlant de congélation…21 “In principle I do prefer to look into the future” – Train stories22 2010 Trends – 10 travel trends for 201025 Opening of new space hotels26 Christmas crossword27 Comité & impressum







Today’s special: C.A.K.E !Ladies and Gentlemen, today’s

special is C.A.K.E. It could stand for…

Creative Culinary Cool Access to Arts & or ArtistsKnowledgeable Kitchen Kicking off Eatery Experience Epicureanism

Call it what you like, but in essence we guarantee that it will be a Creative Artistic Kitschy Experience, which is what C.A.K.E really stands for. This new committee hopes to be the icing on the cake, so to speak (no pun in-tended), because while professors fo-cus on the idea of creating value for the customer and for the company, they’ve left out the most important area of concern: creating value for YOU.

And here is where the icing comes: governed by the rules of savoir, savoir-être, savoir-faire and most importantly savoir-vivre, this exact sentiment is the committee’s motto. And bearing that in mind, C.A.K.E gives you the chance for personal development in a

fun, interesting and exciting way…We would like to give a huge shout

out to everyone who came by our stand during our launch! It was a massive success and we could not have done it without YOU! Also, we would like to thank those salmon lovers out there who helped to bring an EHL smile to the chosen beneficiaries during this festive season.

So, if you enjoyed the delicious cupcakes and puffed away to your heart’s content at our cigar apprecia-tion workshop, look out for more “C.A.K.E presents…” events that may interest you. And we hope this is a start to a long and enriching expe-rience for everyone. For more informa-tion please look out for event publicity, newslet ters or simply join our C.A.K.E. group on facebook to receive regular updates on events and happenings.

Who says you can’t have your C.A.K.E and eat it, too?!

Season’s greetings, Cake


ehL spirit



Marin à l’abandon

Sur la mer de tes enviesTu voyages en solitaireEt les vagues qui s’ennuientT’éloignent de la terre

Marin à l’abandonCapitaine sans âgeLe voyage est bien longSur la mer des mirages

Ton île n’est pas lointaineMais l’orage et le ventS’accouplent et se déchaînentTe portant au néant

Marin à l’abandon

Regarde le rivageEt pour tes moussaillonsSauve-toi du naufrage

Les flots se calmerontEt les voiles gonfléesVers d’autres horizonsTu seras emporté

Marin à l’abandonRegarde nos visagesDes larmes sans saisonsNous t’offrons en partage Marin à l’abandonBorde et viens vite,Dans notre bataillon,Rejoindre EHL Spirit.

louis gascoin

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, M













… so





e yo



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, M













… so





e yo




Time management These Swiss-ideal times…

Why is it that your neighbour seems to have 30 hours in his day, be able to fi-nish all his work and still have a social life, whilst you can hardly do anything with your mere 24? You’re on the verge of swiss–hide* and ready to join the league of walking dead at EHL. Is there any hope?

Most of us are overworked, overboo-ked and seriously lacking sleep. The sad reality is, some of us spend more time at school than a top manager does at work. Though we might learn how to optimize revenues on excel, there is no solver function where you can enter =MAX(time) and come up with a magic answer so you can finish something that was due three days ago. By all means, you can use those skills obtained throughout the course of EHL to prove that a linear relationship exists between our workload and the number of hours slept per night, but that really doesn’t help you when you’re still half asleep in class and simply have no time for yourself.

Time management is something none of us have been taught, yet are just expected to know. No doubt, even if such a course was offered, there would be no takers, as there is paradoxically no time for it. Ultimately, bad time mana-gement leads to stress, and, as frequent observed at EHL, stress results in co-pious amounts of breakdowns, tears and frustration – not to mention aggres-sive explosions from some and nume-rous bitching sessions by others! Throw in procrastination as well, and all these actions will take up what precious time you have: the vicious cycle has begun.

So what can you do? Take a break, have a KitKat, and use your lack of time and sleep to your advantage. Consider the following ideas from your fellow sleep–deprived student (albeit with a grain of salt):

– It can be a great excuse for why you couldn’t do something, and you’ll still receive sympathy from others.

– People are more inclined to lis-ten to you if you’re stressed out, so make those demanding requests at the peak of your stress – your group members will get it done in no time!

– If you don’t want to hang out with that new “friend” (who seems to stalk you), no worries, you “have no time”.

– Bad time management means you must establish priorities, and soon you realize that, to be honest, that piece of work wasn’t all that significant after all, giving you more time for those really important tasks (i.e. going out on Thur-sday nights)

– Living on coffee, Red Bull and cigarettes? Vices are perfectly accep-table in times of stress.

In the end, most of us have prioriti-sed everything else over time manage-ment, so the best you can do is look forward to the fact that Christmas holi-days are just around the corner. A per-fect time to escape from the stress, par-ty our hearts out and get rid of those swiss–ideal thoughts!

*please note that the use of the term swiss–hide does not imply the infliction of harm on Swiss group members, flatmates, friends and the like.

jessica huang


Les électifs un choix… contraignant !



Depuis septembre 2008, un des changements lié aux accords de Bo-logne fait que les étudiants ont désor-mais un choix plus important concer-nant leurs cours optionnels. Chacun est ainsi libre de remplir son mardi et son vendredi avec les électifs convoi-tés, en fonction des ses intérêts.

Ce modèle, déjà bien implanté dans les universités, permet aux étudiants de glaner les crédits imposés par Bologne tout en étudiant des sujets captivants. C’est donc avec le sourire qu’a été ac-cueillie la proposition du choix des électifs. « C’est génial, je vais pouvoir prendre tous les sujets qui m’intéres-sent ». Effectivement, cela a été le cas… pour les chanceux.

Entre les conflits d’horaires, les pro-grammations tardives et découra-geantes, le nombre de places limité, les deux tentatives de lancement des ins-criptions lamentablement échouées et les petits malins qui « squattent » les électifs de langues pépères car ils ne savent pas qu’ils peuvent se faire exempter en demandant une équiva-lence, beaucoup d’étudiants ont eu l’impression de se faire avoir… une fois de plus. Sans évoquer le fait qu’en rai-son des nombreuses plages horaires

attribuées aux électifs, il est devenu im-possible d’avoir un créneau où tous les élèves d’un même semestre sont disponibles.

En revanche, pour ceux qui ont pu faire « le bon choix, au bon moment, au bon endroit » c’est le jackpot ! Ou presque. C’est qu’en fait, les électifs ne ressemblent pas tout à fait au descriptif de cours… Et les professeurs ne sont pas toujours les mêmes non plus… Ah, et la charge de travail est un peu plus importante que prévue… Un détail me direz-vous. Oui, pour ceux qui ont un module paisible, avec peu de matière. Vous ne voyez pas de quoi je veux par-ler ? Moi non plus !

Toujours est-il que nous pouvons tout de même souligner les efforts d’améliorations entrepris en haut lieu, en espérant que la voix des étudiants sera entendue.

Remarque de Mme Genton, conseillère aux études, qui connait le sujet…

Je trouve que ce texte arrive comme la grêle après les vendanges et n’est plus tout à fait d’actualité, puisque la prochaine période d’inscription aux électifs démarre dès le 14 décembre, avec une nouvelle méthode d’inscription. Il faut peut-être le mentionner à l’auteur de cet article.

urs vonvorhang

Le ZinémaOuvert tous les jours14h00, 16h00, 18h00, 20h00, 22h00Jusqu’à 5 films différents par joursProgramme dans tous les quotidiensLausanne, rue du Maupas 4(dans le petit passage, derrière le Café du Cygne)7 Chf (membre du Zinéma, en présentant la carte)14 Chf (tarif ordinaire)


A few weeks ago, we learnt some good/bad news about a change in the School: to pass a module, you now have to get a 4/6 and not a 3.75/6. We asked you what you think about it and here are the results:«I can understand. The school has to be very demanding.»

Chloé Weilenmann-AP«It is normal, but I am happy not to be concerned next year.»

Valérie Schonembers-DHR 3«C’est sûr qu’il va y avoir plus d’échec et tout le monde ne va pas atteindre le niveau.»

Lucy Rose-DHR 3«On va enfin pouvoir faire un écrémage nécessaire!»

Anonymous«I am used to this 4/6 because it is the same in every Swiss school.»

Anna Schnell-AP«Dans toutes les écoles suisses, la moyenne a toujours était de 4/6. Ce qui m’embête c’est que ça passe de 3.75 à

4. C’est quelque chose qui change tout le temps. Il faut être constant dans ces choix.»

Eyram Rodjo«C’est plus pratique de passer son module à 3.75 et le 4 est vraiment plus dur à atteindre. S’il y a un changement de pondération alors ça en vaut la peine, sinon non.»

Stefan Petrovic-BSC1«C’est plus valorisant pour le diplôme. Il faudrait que chaque matière soit passée à 4/6. Sinon certains sont tentés de travailler seulement quelques matières et ne pas donner tout leur potentiel.»

Anonyme«It is really more demanding and it divides more people. For people which are not in their mother tongue it is going to be challenging: the challenge that students have to pass to succeed.»

Samantha Noll & Petr Bauer-AP «Beaucoup vont y laisser des plumes.»


emmanuelle le vaillant

sarah hamouda

Micro-trottoir 3.75/6 is definitely not a 4/6!

7 tips on how not to get fat during the christmas holidays

1. Under no circumstances get in touch with your family. Especially if they tend to be really good cookers.

2. Set yourself a limit: advent calen-dar chocolates (which usually are bad enough) should be your only candy.

3. Ask Santa for a Wii – Fit 4. Ski time! (Hey this is Switzerland,

what else can you do?)5. Cook yourself! (if you’re a good

cooker, try to cook for your boyfriend/gir-lfriend/roommate/anyone who doesn’t

know how to cook pasta)6. Try standing on an icy slope for 5

minutes every day … good for your hips, legs, arms,… everything (try not to fall though)

7. Well, my last advice not to get fat would be… Christmas is a time for love, and nothing is better than that!

Merry Christmas and don’t worry, we ALL get fat during Christmas time, this is why it was invented!




legal tips for interviews

Dear Departing Graduate and Undergraduate Students,

It is with delight that I am jotting down a few thoughts as to what could be a legal checklist in the “wild and wicked world” that awaits you.

Firstly, it is useful to have a written contract but remember that all the terms and conditions governing your employment may not appear in it. Remember that “Employee Handbook”, please read it and ask any questions you have prior to signing! Sometimes it is intelligent to play “ignorant” and to ask about what should be obvious or normal for clarity’s sake.

Secondly, as you know many contracts contain penalty clauses that may not be legal yet which are going to practically bind you – such as retention of earnings for summary dismissal. There are two approaches – “fight and be damned” or “know and be armed”. Be prepared to negotiate from a position of strength. Unfortunately, many areas of the world have legal systems that are both slow and expensive so do the “bean counting” before rather than after the event.

Thirdly, imagine you have arrived at the property of your choice and you have just been told you will be doing the pot cleaning for the next three months; there is that clause in the contract you conveniently thought would not apply to you – what is your strategy to make this a useful and internally valid experience?

Fourthly, as you without a doubt know, l aw ye r s r a r e ly t r ave l optimistically but rather travel

expecting the worst to happen – have you entered into a private insurance in case of severe health problems or accidents? What about joining a local trade union to enhance your protection? Check with your consular authorities whether they advise you to surrender your passport to the hotel HRM department – do not expect the property to inform you correctly as to the legal standards of the situation. Make a certified copy of your passport and have it notarized prior to leaving to your destination – this is normally acceptable as legal proof of identification for contractual and civil law matters.

Fifthly, expect the unexpected and you may be pleasantly surprised! What makes your own life valid? Nourish, educate and grow those parts of yourself.

As you might now expect here comes the disclaimer – all of the above advice is given without any personal or professional liability whatsoever! Enjoy yourselves and have long and fruitful lives despite the legality!

Yours sincerely,

George H. Cocker

george h. cocker


fotes d’ortograffesUn nouveau débat fait rage au sein

des étudiants de la section française après cette dure période d’examens. Bon nombre de nos énoncés d’exa-mens comportent énormément de fautes d’orthographe, de grammaire et de syntaxe (comptez un ratio d’environ 35% de fautes sur la totalité du texte).

Certaines phrases sont tellement aberrantes qu’elles n’ont plus de signi-fication, comment alors répondre justement ?

Ce problème nous concerne tous dans la mesure où nous mêmes nous efforçons d’avoir une écriture irrépro-chable. Nous sommes effectivement tous dans un cursus d’études supé-rieures et considérons qu’il est essen-tiel de savoir s’exprimer aussi bien à l’oral qu’à l’écrit, compétence indis-pensable afin de réussir notre future vie professionnelle. La logique ne vou-drait-elle pas que nos examens soient eux aussi blancs de toutes fautes pour nous montrer l’exemple, mais aussi par respect pour nous ?

Vous me direz que nous sommes dans une école internationale et que certains de nos professeurs ne sont eux mêmes pas de langue maternelle française. Il est donc difficile pour eux de rédiger un énoncé cohérent. Mais alors, n’existe-t-il pas de moyen de faire corriger ces dits énoncés avant qu’ils nous soient remis ? Rappelons que le stress est généralement déjà à son comble à partir du moment où la

porte de la salle d’examen est fermée, alors imaginez l’angoisse et l’incom-préhension lors de la découverte d’énoncés où nous ne faisons que devi-ner ce qui est réellement demandé.

Pour les plus audacieux cela ra-joute un peu de piquant et permet de faire travailler aussi bien l’esprit de dé-duction que le sens commun, mais pour les autres, cela ressemble plus à un chemin semé d’embuches sans dé-bouché heureux.

Enfin, sans vouloir faire de prosély-tisme superflu, je pense qu’il serait bien venu de faire corriger les copies avant même que celles-ci arrivent entre nos mains tremblantes. Ceci afin d’as-surer une totale compréhension et une baisse du stress significative pour les élèves, mais aussi pour préserver l’image de l’enseignement dispensé ici à l’EHL.

jean dumas




David Tollemache – DHR 11. Seashells Sanctuary – The Cult2. Ordinary World – Duran Duran3. Laurent Wolf – No Stress4. Flux – Block Party5. Good Life – Kanye WestNo comment!

Raphaël Cytron / Nicolas Daudin – BOS 61. Naïve – The Kooks2. Get Love – Naïve New Beaters3. Saint Anger – Metallica4. Valse n°34 – Chopin5. Be somebody – Kings of Leon6. Cobra Style – Teddy BearsQuestion d’humeur…

Sebastien Rabeau – Responsable Bar Passerelle1. Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas2. Rock your Body – Justin Timberlake3. Hung up – Madonna4. Hey You !– Poney Poney Run Run5. Kleine Krokodil – SchnappiC’est la bar Academy!

Andrea Merki – BSC 11. Save a horse ride a cowboy – Big and Rich2. Geek and the Pink – Jason Mraz3. Gravity – Sarah Bareilles4. Sitting, waiting, wishing – Jack Johnson5. Don’t worry, be happy – Bobby McFerrinPersonne n’est parfait !

sarah hamouda

Dis-moi ce que tu é te dirai qui tu es!

Dernièrement, je me suis baladée dans l’Ecole à la recherche de ces chansons qui vous ont changé la vie et qui veulent dire beaucoup.

Retrouvez dans chaque édition du Student Voice, 4 présentations de LA play-list de chacun (élèves, professeurs, staff). Vous allez voir, on apprend beaucoup de choses !



How not to risk a nervous breakdown while buying gifts

Christmas and presents are kind of a love-hate-relationship. Everybody likes receiving presents and without a doubt you want to give nice ones to your belo-ved family and friends: If only the whole buying procedure wouldn’t be so stress-ful. Surely you are familiar with the fol-lowing situation:

It’s Saturday December 23rd, school just finished yesterday and you’re totally hung over from last night’s party. But the worst part is that instead of curing your heavy head at home, you find yourself in town on the busiest day of the year. Why? Because you’re in desperate need for presents for grandma, best friend, sister, girlfriend, mother, boyfriend of sister, parents of girlfriend, grandpa, dad, and girlfriend’s dog. Of course you didn’t think of buying them before and now every single shop is more packed than a free Rolling Stones concert and even if you manage to get into one, queues in front of the cashiers are so long that you’ll manage to solve a Sudo-ku before you’re allowed to pay. Those lines in the shops are only exceeded by the ones in front of the ATM’s. If you still manage to stay cool, the music surroun-ding you will definitely kill your last nerves; either on the streets where guys from Eastern Europe are playing the vio-lin (which is definitely past its good days) or by the horrible Christmas carols coming from speakers in every single shop in town. Obviously you have no idea what kind of present you should buy for your dearest, and even if you did, you can be sure that it won’t be sold out or the grandma next to you just took the last one. That’s also the moment when a guy shows up right in front of you and asks

you whether you’re interested in making a small donation for homeless pets or Greenpeace. If you haven’t reached it yet, now’s the point where you’re about to run amok and smack the person in the face...and all that one day before the holy night.

Certainly you ask yourself why you’re going through this year after year and you swear next time you will handle it better. But how? Are there actually any the alternatives? Here a few tips to make your life easier:

The advice you probably get most is: do your shopping earlier. Well that’s a good idea. But to start buying presents in November is a bit late now. But what could actually help is if you skip elec-tives on Tuesday (for once!) since weekdays are less busy than Saturdays. Another possibility is to declare that you’re not giving presents anymore. Su-rely this requires good reasoning but you could go for the “I feel that Christ-mas is way too commercialised and su-perficial, therefore I decided to ban the ritual of exchanging presents”. If you think this is not very credible since you’re in a very commercially oriented school and you’re looking for an approach a bit more radical, you could consider converting to another religion. Best time to announce that is during the family Christmas dinner with the guarantee that this time the weather won’t be the main topic! Speaking of the weather: if you are fed up with wandering around in town in the pouring rain and if you feel claustrophobic in crowded stores, why not try online-shopping? Just keep in mind to order a few days before Christ-mas otherwise the presents will not ar-rive until New Year’s Eve. But even if you know how to do your shopping, there is

christof bertschi

dawn of the presents the horror of christmas shopping




still another problem: WHAT should you actually buy? Well here are some suggestions:

How about giving 2 bottles of EHL wine? It’s a special present. The quality of the wine is arguable but normally the gift will be greatly appreciated except if your dad’s nose is as finely tuned as René Roger’s. Or do the old voucher trick: give a voucher for a dinner at BDS which of course is also a good occasion to show your parents or friends around the school. As you probably learned in your childhood 80% of those vouchers never get cashed in. The advantage of EHL presents is that you can pay them with your FB account which you have to use up someday anyways. Another good idea for presents is to give cooking or cocktail books. You probably benefit

from them too; you just have to give a little hint that you would be pleased to taste (not cook!) one of those new recipes.

If all that didn’t help and if you find yourself again on the 23rd getting stressed and annoyed about all the people around you, before you panic and attack random people, try the following trick to cool down: take a shot of Tequila before you do the shopping, which puts you in a better mood and makes the world looks much brighter suddenly. If Tequila is not an option, try Globus’ for (free!) champagne tasting. Or go for the usual calming green stuff (I’m not speaking about mistletoes). Maybe the quality of the presents might be discus-sable but hey, you can’t have it all...

jessica huang

Today, I fell off the bus and twisted my ankle. To make things worse, I then slipped on melted snow outside the locker rooms and sprained my wrist, so now I cannot take any notes. FML.

On 01/12/2009 at 8:16am

Today, I prepared an amazing cheatsheet for my lodging exam, and when I opened the paper, I discovered it was the HR exam, which I thought was tomorrow. FML

On 01/12/2009 at 10:32am

Today, it took us over 15 minutes to find a seat for lunch. Just as we put

our bags down, two teachers came by to tell us we weren’t allowed to reserve seats, and as they had their trays already, we were forced to give up the seats. My half-hour lunchbreak finished and I had to go to class hungry. FML.

On 01/12/2009 at 12:54am

Today, I printed and bound my project at 2:05 as it was due in at 3:00pm. Apparently no-one decided to tell me the final deadline had been changed to 2:00pm. FML.

On 01/12/2009 at 14:28am

Today, I got kicked out of class for talking when it was the other Asian in my class who was disruptive, but “all Asians look alike”. FML.

On 01/12/2009 at 16:43am

Today, I found that I could no longer connect to the internet after my laptop was “fixed” by IT. Now they tell me I have to reinstall Windows… for the 4th time since I’ve been at EHL. FML.

On 01/12/2009 at 16:59am

Today, I got comple-tely screwed over by finance. FML.

On 01/12/2009 at 17:38am

FMyLife@ehLYour everyday life stories…


This next part is mainly dedicated on how to perfect the use of the law of at-traction and making it your mojo. One vital thing to consider if you really want something is to think about it ahead of time, and if it is important to you, believe you are going to get it. Expectation is a very important concept to master when it comes to the Law of Attraction (LOA) and it is very easily discouraged. Wan-ting and expecting are two different stages. The wanting stage is not enough to get you what you want but if you dedi-cate yourself to it, work for it and expect it, and it will come to you. How do the nerds of EHL get the good grades they want? Because they expect them!

The LOA works mainly with pure po-sitive energy and one must make sure that it is going in the same direction as your desires. You must think towards your goal rather than away from it, even when encountered with obstacles and barriers. The greatest enemy of the LOA is doubt, which acts like a barrier in get-ting what you want. Once you let doubt into your thoughts it eliminates the pre-sence of knowing and the LOA will not work in your favor. For example, Peter knows he wants to go out to that Thurs-day night party but is stuck with an assi-gnment he needs to finish. If at any stage he doubts he will not be able to finish it before 12pm, he will never end up going. However, if he uses all his pure positive energy and dedicates himself in fi-nishing his work before midnight, he will not lose time procrastinating and will concentrate on his work so he can later PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR at MAD!!! (This is a mild example)

Does the LOA work with attracting other people into your life? This de-pends. As people are not objects and also have their own desires and feelings,

one can not attract a specific individual into one’s life. For example, if you see a Hot guy/girl and want them to be you one and only kandy lamissy you may be confronted with some short comings. They may not feel the same way about you or may already be off the market since they have a crush of their own. But what you can do is attract qualities into your life that you would want in a person, for instance he/she should also like the things that you like. You can even apply this for the crowd you hang out with. You are responsible for attracting the people you call friends – whether they be the Gucci Group or the Chanel Clan, it is you that is making the choice to be a part of them. I would like to conclude my expla-nations on the LOA by giving you a brief overview on the 5 steps required to be successful with the use of this theory and hope that one day you will be aware of the great power encompassed, which, by the way. has been the Secret for cen-turies and today has been revealed to us to attain all what we want from life.

5 steps of attraction1) Know what you don’t want - Live by your own agenda, move away from things that you don’t want to attract.2) Know what you do want – Focus on what you do want in your life3) Ask for it – list your goals, visualize it, focus on it4) Allow it – You expect it to happen, have faith, know it is a done deal, keep the thoughts as pure positive energy and don’t doubt it.5) Receive it and have gratitude for it – It may show up and we might not notice it. It will be in the right place at the right time, so pay closer attention to what you are receiving and be thankful for it.

melanie cathrine twerenbold

the secret(law of attraction - part two)


jean dumas

cr(h)appy new year !

Ah! Les réjouissances de fin d’an-nées… la bonne chère, les cadeaux, les étrennes et le nouvel an. Que dire de cette tradition ancestrale qui tous les ans nous ramène à cette question exis-tentielle : que faire la nuit du 31 décembre au 1er janvier ?

Cette question, nous la connaissons tous pour se l’être posée environ une centaine de fois chaque année depuis la préadolescence. Et je ne sais pas si vous avez remarqué, c’est toujours la même chose et la fin de soirée est générale-ment très semblable d’une année à l’autre.

Un des phénomènes les plus récur-rents est l’attente de la soirée parfaite, glamour pour les uns, plus under-ground pour les autres ; mais quelles

que soient les envies, le résultat est in-variablement le même : une soirée ratée où l’on passe son temps à essayer de joindre ses proches, rejoindre ses amis, pour enfin se retrouver seul (ou mal en-touré) dans la rue et généralement trop rond pour comprendre ce qui se passe réellement.

Alors, je me révolte et cette année je dis non ! Je ne vivrai pas ça encore une fois ! Cette année, je romps avec la tradi-tion et je ne fais rien ! Mais que de pro-messes en l’air, ne rien prévoir est la meilleure solution pour se retrouver em-barqué dans une fête où l’on ne connaît personne et où mêmes les porte- man-teaux ne font pas de bons compagnons après la première bouteille (et avant les douze coups de minuit). Ma dernière al-ternative, à tester à partir de cette année, est de faire venir la fête à moi ou plus particulièrement chez moi. Solution idéale s’il en est puisque cela permet de contrôler les invités et, au pire, si ni la fête ni le champagne ne me tiennent en éveil, mon lit reste à proximité…

A bon entendeur, salut.




visit of the old townNew Student Voice, new places to

be discovered. This month, we will re-veal to you every secret of Lausanne’s old town.

Every town has its history. Every town has its “old town”. In this edition, we are going to visit Lausanne’s one. To get there, you have to stop at Ri-ponne. First you must have a burger at the Great Escape (one of the best in town – see Student Voice November Is-sue) and recharge because you will have many wooden stairs to climb. Then, you will get to the cathedral. It is a protestant Cathedral built in the 13°century and was a very famous place of pilgrimage. The building measures no less than 100 meters long and 80 me-ters high!

Just in front of the Cathedral, you will find a wonderful viewpoint. There you can admire the entire city, the lake and the Alps. What an amazing place just to have a break, read a book, chat with friends…

However, the old city is not only a cathedral and a scenic viewpoint. You can find little antique dealers, a home-made guitar maker, an old library with books old as the city. All those tiny little shops can be found in a tiny little alley

where two people can’t even pass at the same time.

You can also find some restaurants such as «la Pomme de Pin», «l’éléphant blanc», and many others.

Also, if you go to the old town by night, you can’t miss the XXIII. In a very typical atmosphere under vaults, you can enjoy a glass of beer, wine or very good cocktails.

Visiting the old town is like taking a deep breath and turning back the hand of time to seven century ago.

emmanuelle le vaillant






tasting sushis

Sushis are not the cheapest thing to eat in Lau-sanne, but they are delicious and healthy! A very good way to not gain weight during winter…

the like eat committee

Restaurant Name, Street and Metro Stop

Item Bought Price (CHF)

Food Choice Service Points + Points –

Myo Sushi Allée Ernest Ansermet M2: Flon

Sushi and Nashimis

48 6/6 4.5/6 5/6 Well situated Open kitchen Terrace in a garden

Expensive Must book in advance Not a mix of plates

Thai Orchidés

Next to Flon cinema. M2: Flon

Makis 28 4/6 5.5/6 4/6 No booking needed

Have to wait too long Waiter not commer-cial

Lausanne Palace: Palace Sushi Zen

Rue du grand Chêne M2: Flon

Sushis and makis

40 5.75/6 5.5/6 6/6 Very classy and cosy Very fresh products

Quite expensive Made to order, so can take a while.

Taiyo Rue du midi 4, M2:gare/Flon

24 Makis 29 5.5/6 5/6 6/6 Nice atmos-phere, good service

Can't find one!

Ichi Ban Avenue d’Ouchy 58, M2: Ouchy

Makis 19 4.5/6 3/6 4/6 Very fast service

Really not amazing


en parlant de congélation…

Voici un article que je voulais écrire depuis plusieurs mois. Mais il est com-pliqué de rendre un sujet sérieux, inté-ressant sans sombrer dans le mora-lisme…Alors j’ai fait de mon mieux.

Comme vous avez dû le remarquer les appels aux dons se multiplient, normal c’est noël. Mais moi ce que je vais vous demander c’est d’imprimer un tout petit bout de papier à garder sur vous : la carte de donneur.

Oui, je vous parle ici, du don d’organes.

Je vous rassure je vais très bien je n’ai aucunement besoin d’une greffe, ni, fort heureusement, personne que je ne connaisse. Mais je trouve essentiel d’en parler. C’est bien là le problème : en dis-cuter avec vos proches (ceux avec qui vous vous sentez le plus à l’aise pour par-ler de la mort). Cela peut parfois être dif-ficile, surtout si, comme cela arrive sou-vent, la conception de la mort diffère selon les individus. Chacun son choix.

En Suisse, il y a une méthode plus simple :

1. Aller sur Télécharger la carte de donneur.3. Imprimer la carte.4. Remplir la carte.5. Garder la carte de donneur dans

son portefeuille.

Cela prend juste cinq minutes mais vous pouvez sauver des vies ! Il y a trois choix possibles : 1) vous décidez que votre corps vous appartient, 2) vous dé-cidez que votre corps vous appartient mais vous voulez bien en donner quelques parties, 3) ou bien vous déci-dez que votre corps vous appartient mais qu’il peut aussi appartenir aux autres.

Comme choix d’organes (désolée si vous commenciez juste à manger) vous avez le cœur, les poumons, le foie, les reins, l’intestin grêle, le pancréas, la cor-née, la peau ainsi que d’autres tissus et cellules. Au début, c’est la cornée et la peau qui me posaient problème… Le reste ne se voit pas, mais là il s’agit vrai-ment de MOI ! Renseignements pris, la peau, est prélevée et sert principalement à soulager les grands brûlés. C’est une douleur atroce pour eux, mais nous on est morts et en plus seules de petites parties sont prélevées. Vous ne serrez donc pas des écorchés !

Deuxième souci : les yeux… Oui parce que mes yeux bleus, comment dire, je les aime, beaucoup ! Du coup m’en séparer c’était trop, je ne pouvais pas… Là aussi je me suis renseignée : la cornée sert principalement à rendre la vue aux per-sonnes qui l’ont perdue, souvent jeunes, dans des accidents. La cornée c’est la partie transparente qui se trouve sur le devant de l’œil, et pour la prélever, nul be-soin d’être énucléé (ouf !).

Je vous ai peut-être rassuré, peut-être que je ne vous ai point convaincu.Quel que soit votre choix, cette petite carte de donneur permet à tout le monde de le connaître. Du coup on évite les erreurs.

Sur ce, bonnes vacances ! (Mainte-nant vous pouvez recommencer à manger).

sarah hamouda



«in principle i Do prefer to look into the future» –train stories

Travelling by train is not only more ex-pensive but also more fun. For example, sitting between an Indian family on the way from Zurich to Berlin when you are the only non-Indian in that cabin. And then try to sleep. At a certain point, when the volume of my iPod reached its heyday and my book consisted no more of letters but of a blurry word salad, I decided to have fun with their kid who really did not understand my hand gestures explaining that I needed some sleep. We ended up competing over who could do the best mops and mows. Unfortunately I won since she decided to just imitate my “I need to sleep” gestures.

Another day, I think it was from Mann-heim to Basel, the train conductor de-cided to be extra funny by charging a Black American more than ten times of what he initially was supposed to pay for his ticket. All because he bought a ticket with one stop less, which made a diffe-rence of about 3 €. For the ticket controller it simply meant the man did not have a va-lid ticket, and trying to explain himself in English was useless since the controller only spoke German. An old Grandma sit-ting behind him started to shout at the conductor to defend him and in the end she decided to simply pay for his fine. When she said that I looked up from my book into her eyes and said: “if you are going to pay for it I am also gonna contri-bute” with a big smile on my face. And as soon as I said that, the other people in the train got up and answered “me too”! In the end we had a whole money collecting session going on just for the sake of it.

Entering the silent cabin in a Swiss train while chatting on the phone might have not been one of the smartest things I have done in life, but I was trying to ex-plain to a friend where to find the manual for work in my bedroom while trying to re-member where I put it, knowing that she

had to start work in less than 15 minutes. Trying to keep my voice down, my effort was soon appreciated by an old grumpy lady who explained to me that I was in the silent cabin. Knowing that already and trying to avoid any Bla Bla I walked out-side the cabin into the connecting parts of the train to continue my virtual search over the phone. The coronation was not far: the same woman came to interrupt my conversation to tell me that she could still hear me from here to inside the ca-bin. Not caring about this and her right here right now, I just nodded to her with a w(b)itch face and continued. Re-ente-ring the cabin after the call gave me the last kick. The woman provided me with the ugliest look in the world as I passed her and I am sure she put a bad spell on me. A very bad one. As her evil hunt had not been satisfied yet, she then jumped up and stamped to a group of tourists sit-ting next to me who were talking about their Europe trip. Obviously too noisy. Feeling bewitched I started to shush eve-ryone around: the person next to me when he had to sneeze and the person behind me opening his lunch packet ma-king this really really loud sound with the rustling of his plastic bag. The whole ca-bin started laughing. The witch left.

Last but not least, I remember this one: A young couple, probably not ha-ving known each other for a very long time and being all lovey-dovey, entered the train going from central Switzerland to Lausanne. They were sitting face-to-face and he asked her if she wanted to change her seat to sit next to him. As she was sitting in the direction of travel and preferred it that way, or simply because she did not want to be too close to him she answered: “No that’s okay. You know, in principle I do prefer to look into the future.”

marion ender


2010 TReNDS10 travel trends for 2010

Trend 1: iTravelNew technological developments

have enabled us to be more mobile, es-pecially amongt business travelers. With their reliance on smart phones such as Blackberry and HTC, business travelers can now use their smart phones to book hotel rooms, track flights, and use it as a boarding pass for planes, buses, and trains. The iPhone is no longer the most updated piece of technology.

Trend 2: Traveling by air? That’s old school!Is travelling by budget airlines all

that convenient? Not only budget air-lines normally have small airports that are far away from the city hubs, but you still have to go through passport controls, security checks which down-grade you to a possible plane hijacker, and then the actual plane travel. And

once you get to the destination airport, you go through the same process again. Well, this is something the train companies finally realized, and with modern technology and negotiations, trains are becoming faster, with more lines connecting country to country. Also, there are less security check points, and trains can now bring pas-sengers directly to the main train sta-tion of a city.

Trend 3: Whole Body ScannersAirport security is becoming tigh-

ter than ever. Several airports around the world are now introducing these whole body scanners in their security control, testing to see how well the technology works. Basically it scans the whole body thoroughly in much clearer detail. But, I shall let you think about cancer and radiation…

Trend 4: Video ConferencingWith the economic downturn, busi-

nesses are looking for ways to cut down costs. Although business travel will not cease to exist, certainly the







frequency will decrease. Telepre-sence, a company by Cisco Systems has been developing new technology for several years which has made video conference calls much more reliable and usable. How can hotels adapt? Well, hotels can have this service in the business center, where business travelers now instead of traveling, just stay in one city talking to their clients who cannot meet them in the city. Both Starwood and Marriott have already started practicing this.Trend 5: Traveling on a budget

Travelers are now becoming more and more price-conscious, even bu-siness travelers. What travelers want more than anything now is value for money, but at a not too expensive price. Incentives such as free nights if mul-tiple nights are booked, gift cards, spa credits, and complimentary dining are just some ways to add value. Many ho-tels are even taking out all of these complimentary services, selling just a hotel room with no breakfast, no TV, no internet, no in-room service. It all depends as what each target segment defines value. Internet bookings for websites such as and are now becoming in-creasingly popular, where you only know the features for the hotel, but not the actual hotel name and exact ad-dress. These kinds of deals can some-times be insanely cheap!

Trend 6: Traveling on a serious budget ;)Air Asia has recently announced

the first Tune Hotel. These hotels of-fers rooms for only 20 cents a night. These are called no-star hotels, but with basic things, such as a towel, a bed, a kettle, and air conditioning. No service is provided, everything is pret-ty much self-service, from booking the hotel to checking out. It is estimated by 2012 there will be 150 hotels of this sort around the world, with Australia and the UK in the lead.

Trend 7: China, India, and Gulf StatesStart learning Mandarin, Indian En-

glish, and Arabic! These three loca-tions are now the hotspots for travel. While the world was suffering from the economic downturn, places such as


Paris and Milan still remain expensive. Travelers have now realized this and become more adventurous and exotic – all for good value for money!

Trend 8: Say Cheese!Digital camera manufacturer

Nikon is now including GPS into the cameras. This way when the photo is taken, the picture will also record the exact location, which you can post on Google Earth. This technology is also working with Microsoft’s, where 3 dimensional virtual tours can be possible for users taking pho-tos of the world from different angles. We don’t even need to travel anymore to visit historic sites!

Trend 9: Rise upThe Park Hyatt Shanghai which

opened just in September became the world’s tallest hotel, using floors 79 to

93 in the Shanghai World Financial Center. It overtook the Grand Hyatt Shanghai which was previously the tallest. Again in China a Ritz-Carlton is opening next year in Kowloon. It will be even taller than the Park Hyatt Shan-ghai, with 118 floors. But don’t be foo-led and think this is the end of it. Look out for more skyscraper hotels espe-cially in the Middle East.

Trend 10: 2010 Vancouver OlympicsIt’s not a trend, but nevertheless

the impact on tourism especially on Vancouver is huge. Just read one of the IPs about mega events and you’ll get the picture ;). The Winter Olympics will be held from the 12th to the 28th of February and will consist of interes-ting winter sports like the skeleton!


opening of new space hotelsmarina davydova

How much are you ready to spend for a three nights stay? $4 million seems a lot, right? But wouldn’t you change your mind if the hotel was loca-ted in the earths’ orbit? In 2012 the futu-ristic concept of living in space will be-come true thanks to the opening of the “Galactic Suite”.

Barcelona based architects headed by Xavier Claramunt found the financial support from private inves-tors from the US, Japan and United Arab Emirates amounting to $3 billion.

The experience that hotel guests will receive is inexpressible. In a non-gravity space they would be able to ob-serve 15 sunrises per day and orbit around the earth in 80 hours.

The shape of the hotel will be like a giant molecule with central nucleus

and additional three-bedroom cap-sules with a total capacity of 22 cap-sules. If the guests want to sleep or to watch a coming sunrise they would just stick to the wall thanks to a special Velcro system. In case somebody needs an urgent return back to earth, a fixed shuttle rocket can be used.

Claramunt explains: “We have cal-culated that there are 40 000 people in the world who could afford to stay at the hotel. Whether they will want to spend money on going into space, we just don’t know.” However not only 3 nights stays are included, but also eight weeks of training on the unknown exotic island.

The company wants their business to grow, so they have plans to open a galactic chain of hotels. However a so-lution regarding the air pollution caused by transporting 6 guests at a time has not yet been found. The deve-lopers hope that at least after seeing our planet being spread before their eyes, the visitors will be more conside-rate about the earth’s “health”.







christmas crossword


comité & impressumDe g. à d. : Jean Dumas, Emmanuelle Le Vaillant, Jessica Huang, Marion Ender, Chris-toph Bertschi, Kim Topsnik, Margaux Mangel, Sarah Hamouda, Philippe Khodara.

Absents sur la photo: Louis Bayle, Romain Perraudin, David Samson, Sonia Thai

Webmaster: Sonia ThaiCouverture: Aurore PalmonGraphiste: Jonas Berthod Impression: Copypress, PuidouxSpecial Thanks to : Audrey Vautier, Donato Stasi, Stephen Fischer

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