Study Guide + Revolution-Napoleon-Congress of Vienna

Post on 20-May-2015

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Study Guide- 1. Philosopher-king should rule; critical of dir. dem.

2. Use reason to solve problems; scientific method

3. Absolute monarch; powerful English queen prior to enlightenment era

4. Absolute monarch; Powerful French King- built Versailles palace

5. Human nature is evil; Commoners incapable of ruling themselves democratically- Need strong monarch

Study Guide6. Born with natural rights (life, liberty, property) Influenced American Revolution

7. Reformed criminal justice system (no torture, no capital punishment & speedy trial set)

8. Man is born good but corrupted by society- They CAN rule (direct democracy)- Social contract= individual sovereignty (gov by the people)

9. Freedom of Religion- Critical of church’s role in government. Separation church & state (gov)

10. Enlightened Despot- Empress of Russia

Study Guide

11. Enlightened despot of Prussia

12. Enlightened despot of Austria-Hungarian Empire

13. Separation/ division of powers (exec., legisl, judicial) and limit monarch’s powers.

14. Revolutionary general in South America- Liberated Peru, Argentina, Colombia, and Bolivia from Spain (independence!)- Wanted United States of S. Amer.

15. Revolutionary general of American Continental Army- 1st Pres/ member of Continental Congress

Study Guide

16. Men and women born with equal capacity to lead. Equal rights in ed, family, and gov.

17. Founding father of US/ Continental Congress- Writer of Declaration of Independence.

Adam Smith

1. English Physiocrat (economic thinker advocating little gov. intervention)/ FREE MARKET= CAPITALISM

2. Free Market- Let the private (indep.) businesses run themselves with no/ little interference from gov. = CAPITALISM

Let the Markets run themselves- It will be in their best interest to make them as profitable as possible. Competition is necessary for a free market.

Examples of Private/PublicIn Lakeside

Publically Owned:Schools- State/community collegesTransport- bus systemRoads/ sidewalksParksLibraryFire/ Police Dept.Water District

Privately Owned:All businesses (goods and services) who work for profit BanksCasinosEnergy companiesPhone companiesHealth Care companies/insuranceDay Care

“Public” vs. “Private”

What organizations does the government provide for or help with (public)?

Federal agencies (FDA- regulates pharmacudicals, FAA- regulates aviation companies, Post Office)

What organizations are private?

Starbucks, Nike, almost all stores, (since deregulation) energy companies, farmers (but they get gov. subsidies, Federal Express)

Study Guide

3. Tea house- gathering place/ clubs for philosophers and visionaries to discuss new ideas

4. Art that is dramatic and emotional. Use of dark and light- strong colors

5. Art that is artisocratic, emphasizing leisure time- superficial content- delicate and light

6. Glorious Revolution- Peaceful change of monarch in England- William II agrees to completely share power w/ parliament houses.

Study Guide

7. Established w/ Glor. Rev. limits royal power.

8. Monarch role very limited with Glor. Rev. b/c parliament and monarch share- divides power

9. Parliament- English legislature- House of Lords and House of Commons. PRIME MINISTER

10. Act of Union- Scotland, North Ireland, Wales unite with England- forming United Kingdom

Study Guide

11. 1. Colonists want to expand west, taxes imposed with no representation (2. stamp, 3.tea), 4. quartering law, 5. enlightenment ideas...democ.?

12. Ended the American Rev. (Brit/Fr. /Am agree to terms.

13. Adams, Washington, Franklin, Jefferson meet to draft the new constitution

14. Influenced by Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire and british documents- Inspired many other democratic countries

Study Guide

15. Declaration of Independence- Written by Jefferson, inspired the French Declaration of the Rights of Man.

16. 1. Monarchy in Debt (from court spending and Am. rev.) 2. Over-taxing peasants, 3. Weak king 4. Church corruption, 5. Poor harvest


17. Women peasants and merchants (many of them from the fish markets) take up arms and storm Versailles, taking the king and queen to Paris.

18. Clergy, Nobility, Commoners (peasant and merchants)- RISING NOBILITY = “BOURGEOISIE”

19. Old regime of Louis XVI, National Assembly, Committee of Public Safety/ Reign of Terror, The Directory, Napoleon Bonaparte

20. Based on Dec. of Indep (Am.)- All equal, self-gov., no king mentioned!


21. King of France during revolution. Weak leader, accused of being a traitor, beheaded as war looms with Austria/ Prussia

22. Wife of Louis XVI, Queen of Fr. - Gambled, high court spending, devoted mother, unaware of politics of governing, beheaded as traitor after Louis XVI

23. Robespierre- Jacobin leader of Republican National Convention. Radical revolutionary leader


24. Marat- Reactionary journalist, ranted against anyone who was not “with the revolution”. Published lists of “traitors” who where executed.

25. More moderate revolutionary leader (perhaps more like Franklin in his motives...) Argues against the Jacobins and beheaded.

26. Napoleon (along with Adam Smith) will be tomorrow......

Louis XVI

King Louis XVI

of France

Weak as king

Massive debt


Marie Antoinette

Queen Marie- Antoinette

Austian by birthLoved the lavish life-style of court.

Palace of Versailles

Hall of Mirrors

The Three Estates:

1. Clergy (Church)2. Nobility (Aristocracy- inherited status)3. Everyone Else (peasants + commoners)!

Estates General

Each estate had one vote per group. The clergy and

nobility continuously

voted together against raising

taxes on themselves.

Causes of the French Revolution

Storming Bastille

Day One of French


storm prison for armaments, gun

powder, and prisoners, killing all guards and loyalists to the


Tennis Court OathLocked out of

Estates General, the Third Estate moves to the courts. Here, they realize their power

and pledge to meet until they

have a new constitiution.



La Liberté et La Revolution

March on Versailles

The Reign of Terror

Execution Louis XVI

The First Republic

• Louis XVI shouted:

‘I die innocent of all the crimes with which I am charged. I

forgive those that are guilty of my death, and I pray God that

the blood you are about to shed will never be required of France.’

Louis’ head

Louis head 2

Execution Robespierre

Coronation of Napoleon B

Review Questions

What were the differences between the three estates?

Why was the third estate discontent?

Who were the leaders of the revolution and what was their role?

Why did they kill their king?

What are the differences between the French revolution and the American revolution?

Reforms- Yes! He learned from the enlightenment and the French Revolution!

“Enlightened despot”…??? He was authoritarian/ autocratic but:

*Government overhauled, made more efficient*Equality before the law- NAPOLEONIC CODE*Government jobs open to all, based upon skills not birthright*Granted non-Catholics full citizenship*Excellent military tactics

Turn to map on page 666.Read the legend at the top of the page.All the purple is Napoleon control.Notice British Blockade (Great Britain is now very strong since Act of Union with Scotland and Ireland- huge, skilled NAVY)

Napoleon’s defeat

Conquers much of Europe and moves east into Russia. Not prepared for cold, harsh Russian winters.

Czar of Russia uses SLASH AND BURN against them- no grass for cavalry, no food from villages, everything destroyed as they arrive.

Upon return, in battle with Britain, Napoleon’s army and exiled (imprisoned on an island)

Congress of Vienna*Concerned about the tide of nationalism and Rights of Man spread by the French Revolution and Napoleon, the victor

nations met to discuss future of Europe.

*Monarchs wished to keep hold on power!

How to ensure lasting peace European heads of state and monarchs meet to:A) Contain France B) Balance the PowerC) Keep monarchs in place legitimately!Look at page 674!Study the two maps. What changes do you see?

Congress of Vienna-Austrian Prince Clemens von Metternich advocated European powers:

•Suppress any future revolutionary movements quickly!

•Ensure power lies with legitimate and traditional rulers.

•Control the population through the press and strict laws.

(In France, the monarchy was restored and King LouisXVIII was installed! So much for democracy for now.........)


What did Napoleon achieve?

What were his accomplishments?

What did the Congress of Vienna accomplish? What were the goals of the European monarchs?

What is Napoleon’s legacy?