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connectin Community

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We are a family,not isolated individuals.

Spiritual growth and genuine fellowship happens

in dynamic community with others. Community

is more than a gathering, it is family. It is learning

and living together.

“so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” Romans 12:5

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tri-cities is aredeemed community of

jesusfollowers on

We are compelled by Scripture to gather for worship and connect in community as

brothers and sisters in the family of God (Romans 8) celebrating the fact that every Jesus

follower has been uniquely set apart to invest in one another (Romans 12).

At TCBC we model our assembling after the examples found in Scripture. In Jesus’ ministry

and in the early church, Christians gathered regularly in two distinctly different settings:

the large group and the small group. Jesus gathered with the “crowds.” “And when Jesus

finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching...” (Matthew 7:28).

Jesus also modeled Christian fellowship and did much of His teaching in small groups with

his disciples. Mark goes as far as describing Jesus’ first motive for appointing the twelve,

“so that they might be with him” (Mark 3:14).

Both the large group and small group were dynamics practiced by Jesus and the early

church. Both dynamics are still needed in balance for spiritual growth. And both provide

unique and otherwise unattainable opportunities.

Both the large group and small group were dynamicspracticed by Jesus and the early church.

mission together

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large group

A gathering of many which facilitates a collective presence, providing security and excitement for those involved.

The primary purpose for TCBC’s large group gathering is to worship God, making much of Him and His work in our lives.

TCBC currently gathers for worship on Sunday at 9:30am and 11:00am on the Gray campus and 11:00am at The Launch.

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small group

A gathering of a few which facilitates a focus on the individual, providing belonging, attention, and accountability through shared teaching (cognitive) and training (experiential) for those involved.

The primary purpose of TCBC’s small group gathering is to connect in community around our relationship with God, one another, and the mission entrustedto us.

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The large and small group examples described in the Bible provide the most clear

understanding of the vision undergirding the organized efforts of the early church,

especially in the areas of discipleship and fellowship. In some sense it would be easier

if the apostles had prescribed our models, clearly charging us to worship on Sunday

mornings, study in Sunday School, collectively pray on Wednesday night, fellowship in a

house on Thursday night, but no such charges are given.

Instead, Scripture clearly communicates core values, the “whys” or purposes that steer

the vision. Mandated disciplines such as Bible study, unity, correction, brotherhood,

mutual edification, nurture, spiritual conversations, and prayer are the focus. The

strategies themselves are accepted as freedoms through which “we know that for those

who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his

purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

why are these groupdynamics important?

If various strategies will all be worked together for good according to God’s authority,

why bother? The answer is the pursuit of faithfulness, specifically faithfulness to

Biblically mandated purposes. The answer is less about outcome and more about

obedience. We are called to holiness, yet we are told the best we have is as filthy rags.

We are told, be like Christ; yet, Paul describes us as a people who do the very things we

know we should not do.

To rest in God’s ability to work all our strategic efforts (vision) for good does not excuse

us from the pursuit of our vision. Consequently, change of vision is most necessary

when we become disillusioned to the purpose that undergirds the vision.

So Why Expand OurCurrent Strategies?

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Historic Examples By the second century Christian writings describe

Sunday worship as a universal practice. The move

from Saturday to Sunday was used to enhance and

expand the Biblical purpose of worship, giving

Christians a distinctive day of worship, further

separating them from Judaism.

During the Reformation churches popularized a

second Sunday service held in the early afternoon.

Two-hundred years later preachers like Spurgeon

began moving the afternoon service further back in

the evening in addition to meeting midweek,

Thursday in Spurgeon’s case.

Often credited to Robert Raikes, Sunday School was

established in the late 1780’s as a tool to educate the

poor of Britain, teaching them to read. Churches used

this opportunity to enhance and expand the Bibliclal

purpose of evangelism.

By the early 1900’s education was compulsory in U.S.

and the evangelistic strategy behind Sunday School

was diminished. Churches recognizing the value of

strategic study and fellowship in small groups

enhanced and expanded Sunday School, repurposing

it as a tool for discipleship and fellowship.

At TCBC, we are building on the successes of the

past to continue to enhance and expand our

group dynamics in order to give more attention,

opportunities, and pursuit to two categorical

Biblical purposes.

Learn Truth First, we must continue to elevate our

cognitive understanding of God’s Word

through diligent teaching and study.

The large group and small group

dynamic were used in Scripture to

teach the revelation of God. We too

must utilize these group dynamics

to “Learn Truth.”

Live Truth Second, we must continue to elevate

our spiritual conversations with one

another, facilitating deeper, Biblically

mandated fellowship in daily life.

The small group dynamic was used

in Scripture to facilitate spiritual

conversations and Christian

fellowship in daily life. Consequently,

small groups are not only focused on

learning truth, they are also purposed

to guide God’s people to “Live Truth”

in community with one another.

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Learn Truth Live Truth


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“devoted to the apostles by day...

attending together”


Learn Truth

We will do so diligently, sacrificially, and methodically with conviction and energy knowing that God’s truth is the foundation for understanding who He is and who He has called us to be. Our studies, like the epistles should be deep in doctrine and theology.

From Moses to the Apostles, we are charged to Learn Truth

in community. Passion and conviction without knowledge is

at best a waste and at worst a form of evil (Proverbs 19:2). The

believer might be excited, energized, and emotionally charged

in his or her relationship with Jesus, but apart from truth he

or she will flounder in growth and mission. The author of

Hebrews lamented that he could not explain the deeper truths

of Jesus’ role as High Priest. He declared his audience

“children ... unskilled in the word (LOGOS) of righteousness”

(Hebrews 5). His criticism rested in their cognitive

understanding of the revelation of God.

The charge to prepare one’s cognitive understanding is not new.

This is the OT idea surrounding the term “heart.” Hence, the

first prescribed application in the command “Love the Lord

your God...” is “...with all you ‘heart’” and is a charge to fix one’s

cognitive understanding on God. (Also consider Proverbs 3:5,

16:9, and 23:12.)

Paul uses the same “word” (LOGOS) in his charges to Timothy,

“study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman ... rightly

dividing the ‘word’ of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) and “preach the

‘word’...” (2 Timothy 4:2). Peter famously uses the same “word”

in his first epistle writing, “always being prepared to make a

defense ... giving a ‘reason’ for the hope that is in you...”

(1 Peter 3:15). James also uses the same “word”, “put away all

filthiness ... and receive ... the implanted ‘word’” (1:21);

specifically establishing it as the foundation to our action,

“be doers of the ‘word’, and not hearers only” (1:22). As a matter

of fact, every New Testament writer uses this term and others to

charge the early church to pursue truth and understanding.

It is an overwhelming charge to Study and “Learn Truth.”

If we want a church that looks

anything like a New Testament

church we will STUDY!

From Moses to the Apostles, we are charged to learn.

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If we want a church that looks

anything like a New Testament

church we will STUDY!

“devoted to the apostles by day...

attending together”


Learn Truth

This emphasis on truth explains the early church’s devotion

to gather (day by day) to study God’s revelation. In the early

church the Apostles proclaimed the revelation of God. Like

New Testament prophets they clarified the truths of the Old

Testament and with divine wisdom and giftedness proclaimed

the doctrines of a New Testament. Today our teachers do not

have apostolic authority, meaning among other things they

do not prophesy new doctrines. Rather, they are teachers armed

with absolute truth revealed by God in the Scriptures. They study

and proclaim the truth of Scripture, using it to interpret its own

meaning, affirming the purpose of the authors’ and hence God’s

intent. Therefore, they are scholars of Scripture who announce

the truth of who God is and who He has called us to be,

facilitating an opportunity for others to “Learn Truth.”

God did not leave this task to everyone, but specifically and

uniquely set apart some in the church to teach (Ephesians 4,

Romans 12). Furthermore, it is weighted so highly it is the only

categorically different qualification Paul gave separating the

elder from the deacon. The elder must be “able to teach”

(1 Timothy 3). Scripture also proclaims teachers will be held to

a higher standard and judged more harshly because they unpack

God’s revelation, defining and clarifying it for students. To do so

incorrectly, is not just misrepresenting themselves or our church,

but is to misrepresent God and His revelation. For this reason

James admonishes the church, “not many of you should become

teachers...” (James 3:1). If teaching is a unique gift given to the

church and a specific qualification of elders there must be a high

level need for it and an expectation for the church to facilitate it

to the best of their ability.

It is an overwhelming charge to Study and “Learn Truth.”

God gave us teachers, demanding a pursuit of learning.

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“devoted to the by their homes...”


Live Truth

We will do so lovingly, sacrificially, and purposefully with the conviction and energy knowing that we are family. Our lives will be complimentary, relationally engaged in consistent, collective, edifying conversation.

From Moses to the Apostles, we are charged to Live Truth in

community. God designed us to live our lives together, talking,

growing, laughing, supporting, and serving in community.

From the family to the church, God has instituted structures

for our lives around companionship. Eve was created because

God decreed it not good that man be alone (Genesis 2:18).

Jesus assembled the disciples “ they might be with Him”

(Mark 3:14). And Paul wrote, “so we, though many, are one

body in Christ...” (Romans 12:5).

From the beginning God’s people were charged to God-centered

(therefore truth-centered) conversation that facilitated

authentic fellowship. As God’s people were first introduced to

a written source of God’s absolute revelation, they were

immediately charged to talk about it in their daily lives. Moses

writes, “talk of them” in your daily lives referring to the

revelations of God (Deuteronomy 6). God commanded Joshua

to never let His revelation “depart from ‘his’ mouth” (Joshua 1:8).

Jesus modeled teaching, discipleship, brotherhood, and service

in the context of smaller, more relational groups. He lived life

with His disciples, interacting with them around the everyday

happenings of their lives. He ate with them. He mourned with

them. He served with them. He prayed with them. And the

early church followed suit, gathering together in small groups

“in their homes” (Acts 2:46) to talk about what God was doing

in their lives.

Paul strongly advocates in three different letters to three

different audiences (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and

Ephesians 4) how the individuals in the church complement

one another. Further, in their own way, every New Testament

writer communicates clear charges to fellowship, a type of

fellowship that can only practically happen within a small

group of known members.

If we want a church that looks

anything like a New Testament

church we will live LIFE


From Moses to the Apostles, we are charged to live

in community

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“devoted to the by their homes...”


Live Truth

If we want a church that looks

anything like a New Testament

church we will live LIFE


Paul charges us to “admonish the idle, encourage the

fainthearted, help the weak, and be patient with them all”

(1 Thessalonians 5:14). The author of Hebrews writes, “And let

us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,

not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but

encouraging one another...” (Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV). And John

proclaims, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we

have fellowship with one another...” (1 John 1:7). Yet, it is Jesus’

clarifying words to “love your neighbor” that provide the most

weight to Christian community. If we are to love, hold

accountable, build up, encourage, mourn with, and pray for

one another, we too must be devoted to dynamic community.

To faithfully emphasize this type of fellowship we must

facilitate deep, truth-centered spiritual conversations with one

another in our daily lives.

Life is short, our mission is pressing, frankly speaking we do

not have time for any kind of fellowship that does not help us

and others grow in love, wisdom, compassion, joy, and service.

Meaning, Christian fellowship has a greater purpose than just

hanging out. We work with one another and for one another

to help grow one another to spiritual maturity.

God commands us to love one another, demanding

conversation and community.

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TCBC’s weekly overview

Every guest and member of TCBC will be regularly challenged to

participate in a weekly Worship Service, Study Group, and

Life Group. Members are expected to serve over and above

these personally enriching opportunities.

Worship Currently Sundays 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

A gathering of the church for the purpose of corporate praise, recognizing

who God is and making much of Him.

Groups Study Groups

Any day, time, and location deemed appropriate by the Study Group Director &

Lead Team. A large or small group gathering for the purpose of learning truth as

revealed by God in His Word and proclaimed by a teacher.

Life Groups

Any day, time, and location deemed appropriate by the Life Group Director & Lead

Team. A small group gathering for the purpose of facilitating truth-centered

conversation and Biblical fellowship, equipping one another to live truth in daily life.

Ministry According to calling, team, and involvement.

A large or small group assembled for the purpose of serving the ministries of

the church.

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There are two types of Groups: Study and Life. Both Groups are expected to

encourage and compliment the other.

For balanced spiritual health and prioritization of Biblical mandates everyone is

encouraged to participate in at least one of each.

Both Groups are led by a Group Director and a Lead Team.

Groups can meet on any day of the week, at any time and location deemed appropriate

by the Group Director and Lead Team.

Groups will be organized and offered in 20+ week semesters, spring and fall. The

spring semester will go from mid January through early June. The fall semester will go

from early August through mid-December. The winter and summer breaks will be

used to offer special groups, highlight church-wide initiatives, and multiply existing

group opportunities.

Both Groups center on the truth of God’s revelation.

Groups Overview



Learn Truth Live Truth

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We recognize Scripture as an absolute source of truth.

It is God’s revelation of who He is and who He has called

us to be. It is sufficient and relevant. It demands our study.

God set apart teachers to proclaim His revelation. The

teacher is set apart to be an expositor of the Scriptures,

a Bible scholar ensuring God’s revelation is known.

The teacher proclaims God’s revelation to the learner for

the purpose of life change.

The learner is responsible to diligently study, working to

gain life-changing wisdom and knowledge.

Truth(God’s Revelation)






study groupLearn Truth

DistinctivesStudy Groups facilitate an opportunity to “Learn Truth”

through teaching and Bible study.

Teachers are carefully selected and held to high standards

as one who is responsible for articulating the revelation of

God. (Teachers are selected, affirmed, equipped, trained,

and evaluated by the Study Group Director and Study

Group Lead Team.)

Biblical truths / observations are strategically

predetermined by the teacher; meaning, there is a

predetermined curriculum.

The curriculum or content can vary, but is approved by

the Study Group Director and Study Group Lead Team

prior to the start of the semester.

Truth is proclaimed by a “Teacher.” (One teacher may

proclaim truth through a lecture format, another, a video

format, another through a more interactive format, another

through homework assignments and evaluation, etc. The

proclamation of truth is not confined to a style).

Study Groups can exist in either a large or small group


Study Groups are purposed for teaching and learning;

however, Study Groups are free to enhance their teaching

with other appropriate practices such as worship,

get-together events, prayer, etc.

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Truth(God’s Revelation)







Life Groups facilitate an opportunity for deeper

fellowship through guided conversation.

Life Groups exist in a small group dynamic (not

exceeding 20 people, ideally 12).

Life Group conversations are facilitated by a “Guide.”

(The Guide is not a teacher. They have the responsibility

of ensuring the Group conversation centers on truth

(God’s revelation) and equally includes everyone. In a

healthy group, the guide is an equal participant

embracing and facilitating collective fellowship through

shared conversation.)

Guides are carefully selected and held to high standards

as one who is responsible for nurturing, discipling, and

modeling. (Guides are selected, affirmed, equipped,

trained, and evaluated by the Life Group Director and

Life Group Lead Team.)

We recognize Scripture as an absolute source of truth.

It is God’s revelation of who He is and who He has called

us to be. It is sufficient and relevant. It demands to be

the center of our conversation and fellowship.

God has uniquely gifted every believer and matures us

through various experiences. Each of us is commanded

to mutual edification, making much of God’s activity in

our lives for the benefit of the church.

God has adopted us into His family and called us to love

one another. To this end, believers are responsible to live

life together, encouraging, helping, correcting, and sharing.

life groupLive Truth

DistinctivesLife Groups function around set, repetitive questions designed

to facilitate spiritual conversation:

What is God teaching you this week? What are you learning about Him and what He has called you to be?

How have you advanced the Great Commission this week?

How has God blessed you this week? How has He shown you grace and favor?

How can we pray for you this week? What are your needs, struggles, desires? What is going on in your life?

Life Groups serve as TCBC’s relational connection to the body.

Care ministries are entrusted to the Life Groups. Life Group

conversations center around Biblical truths.

Each Life Group member is responsible for the collective

edification of the group.

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group leadership

Study Groups and Life Groups encourage and complement one another. In order to emphasize

the distinct purposes, effectively train leaders, and meet various needs of each group type, each has

its own distinct leadership team.

TCBC will be adding two lay-staff positions to provide overarching leadership to Groups. David Brewer

will serve as the Study Group Director. Dustin Tremaine will serve as the Life Group Director.

Each Director will surround himself with a demographically balanced Lead Team of TCBC members

who have shown themselves exemplary in the purposes associated with the group. These Group

Lead Teams will provide oversight, training, and assistance for Teachers and Guides.

Each Study Group is led by a Teacher.

Each Life Group is led by a Guide.

Elders/Leadership Pastor

Study Group Director

Study Group Lead Team


Study Groups

Life Group Lead Team


Life Groups

Life Group Director

David BrewerStudy Group Director

Dustin TremaineLife Group Director

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August 24, 2013