STUDY OF MEDICINAL IMPORTANCE AND USES OF ......Indications – Mtrkrcchra, Tvak roga, Rakta pitta,...

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e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science




*1MD Scholar Ayurveda Dravyaguna Himalayiya Ayurvedic

Pg Medical College and Hospital Dehradun Uttarakhand *2Professor & Head of Department of Dravyaguna Himalayiya

Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital Dehradun

ABSTRACT India is enriched with wealth of plants. There are many plants around us which are very beneficial for human

being. In almost all states of India Tulsi, Peruk, Erand, Vat Vriksh, Asvatha, Palasa, Punarnava, Bhanga, Palasa,

Taruni, Arka, Durva, Karveer, Shiris, Shiship, Durva, Khadir, Chakramard plants are available. As plants are

playing important role in human life since ancient time they can be more helpful if the knowledge of the

surrounding plants is spread among the people. Many diseases like Dadru, Kasa, Shwas, Kandu, Aruchi, Krimi,

Jvara, Svitra, Prameha, Shotha, Pandu, Arsa etc. can be cured by using these plants available in our surrounding.

Most of the people in India are using Tulsi plants in their daily life either in the form of extract or fresh juice or

leaves of the tulsi. People are using these plants as medication because they believe that these herbal plants are

less expensive as comparison to modern medicine. This “study of medicinal importance and uses of plant easily

available in surroundings in perspective of Ayurveda” is aims to information about cultivation, Medicinal uses,

botanical Description, indication, Therapeutic uses of plants.

Keywords: Plants, Tulsi, Erand, Kasa, Shwas, Kandu, Prameha, Shotha, Krimi, Ayurveda.


Ayurveda is a Research Oriented science, which deals with physical, Mental as well as spiritual wellbeing.

Ayurveda adopted natural materials to make equilibrium of body, out of them one is medicinal plants. Rig -

Veda, the oldest among traditional text contains many concepts of Ayurvedic fundamentals, Several Diseases

and their treatment through medicinal plants.



❖ Botanical Name - Senna tora (L.) = Cassia tora L.

❖ Family - Fabaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Dadrughan, Praunnada, Edagaj, Cakri

❖ English Name - Ring – worm plant

❖ Hindi Name - Chakavad

❖ Local - Pavaad

Morphological feature

• It is an annual herb growing to a height of 1 meter and grows widely all over India.

• Leaves - Compound 3 pairs 1-1.5 inch long.

• Flowers - Bright Yellow flowers, Flowering in winter

• Pod - Thin, 6-12 inch long

• Seed - Rectangular and whitish in colour

• Fruiting - Rainy season

• Part used - Seeds, leaves, Root

Ayurvedic properties

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Katu Laghu, Ruksa Usna Katu Kapha –vata hara , Kandu

Indications - Dadru, Kasa – Svasa, Kandu

Medicinal Use- Chakramarda leaves are used as a Vegetable in the dietary preparation for vataroga.

• Sidhma - Chakarmarda, SarjaRasa etc. are mixed with kanjika and applied externally.

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Senegalia catechu (L.f.) P.J.H.Hurter & Mabb. = Acacia catechu

(L. f.) Willd.

❖ Family - Fabaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Gayatri, Dantdhavan, Raktsara, Somavalka

❖ English Name - Cutch tree

❖ Hindi Name - Khaira

❖ Local Name - Khaira

Morphological feature

• It is a moderate sized tree.

• Leaves - Pinnate with a pair of re curved prickles at base of rachis; pinnate 40-80;

leaflets 60-100, small ligulate.

• Flowers - dark yellow in cylindrical spikes; flowers in rainy.

• Pod - pods thin, glabrous, lustrous, straight strap – shaped, dark down.

• Seed - Rectangular and whitish in color

• Fruit - Fruiting in winter.

• Part used - Stem bark, heartwood, flowers

Ayurvedic properties

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Tikta, Kasaya Laghu, Ruksa Sita Katu Kapha – pittahara, Medoghan

Indications - Kandu, Kasa, Aruchi, Krmi, Prameha, Jvara, Svitra, Sotha, Pandu, Vrana, Danta

roga,Arsas etc.

Medicinal Use -

Bhagander – Decoction of Khadira and Triphala is enriched with ghee and powder of vidang is

given orally.

Svitra – Internal and external use of Khadira Kasaya is useful.

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



• Botanical Name - Boerhavia difiusa L.

• Family - Nyctaginaceae

• Sanskrit Name - Punarnava, Sothghani

• English Name - Spreading hogweed

• Hindi Name - Gadahapurana, Sathi

• Local Name - Satha

Morphological features -

Herbs mainly spread on the ground.

It is a diffusely branched pubscent and prostrate herb.

Leaves- are small whitish on the lower surface and upper green.

Flowers - very small reddish in colour

Fruits with 5 colouring glandular

Flowering and Fruiting - July to October

Part used - Herb, Root.

Therapeutic uses -

Herb is used as diuretic, stomachache, in jaundice, enlargement of spleen. Used in relieving abdomen pain.

Decoction of punarnava is very useful in Nidra nasha.

Ayurvedic properties -

Guna karma (pharmalogical properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Prabhava

Madhura, Tikata Laghu,ruksha Ushna Katu Kaphapitta shamaka

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Cannabis sativa L.

❖ Family - Cannabaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Bhanga, Madni, Matulani

❖ English Name - Indian Hemp

❖ Hindi Name - Bhang

❖ Local Name - Charas

Morphological feature

It is a tall annual herb. 1.2-1.5 meter height stem rectangular

Leaves - Palmately divided.

Flowers - Small greenish unisexual male bom in long dropping penicale and female in

short spikes.

Fruit - Ovate flat seed oke having sping growth

Part used- Leaves

Flowering and Fruiting- April-May

Ayurvedic properties

Guna-Karma (Pharmacological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Tikat Laghu, tikshna Ushna Katu Pitta-vardhak

Prabhav - Madak

Indications - Gatisaar, Grahani Agni - manth, Anidra Amalpitta rakt pradar , nidra naash, madahtye, shool etc

Medicinal use -Bhang is made, into-pills prader with udumber--kshra. Will be usefull, Kustha Bhang should-

be taken. as honey. and ghee.

Medicinal Use-Leaf paste is used for Cuts, Skin Ulcer and Insect Bite.

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Phyllanthus emblica L. = Emblica officinalis Gaertn.

❖ Family - Phyllanthaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Aamalki, Dhatri

❖ English Name - Indian Gooseberry, Emblic myrobalan

❖ Hindi Name - Aamla

❖ Local Name - Aamla

Morphological feature

It is large deciduous tree with greenish gray or red bark leafs pinnate linear oblong opused.

Flowers densely fascicled along the branchlets yellowish males on the cylinder pedicle female sub sessile

Flowers – Dark yellow in cylindrical spikes glabrous lustrous straight strapped shaped dark brown.

Fruit – berry globused yellow pink when riped opscurily 6 lobed

Seeds trigonus

Part used – Fruit pulp , fruit ring

Flowering – Feb – May

Fruiting Oct – April

Ayurvedic Properties –

Guna – Karma (Pharmacological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Panch Ras Lavan

Rahit Amla


Guru Ruksha Sheet Sheet Madura Tridosh Har

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


Parbhav – Rasayan

Indication- Parmeh Rakt – Pitt Netar – Rog, Kushtha Arsh Som Rog

Therapeutic use - SOM rog- ripen banana juice of amalki honey and sugar are taken.

Parmeh – Amalki and haridra juice taken with honey

Medicinal Use - Hikka juice of amalki and kapittha with pipli powder with honey.


❖ Botanical Name - Cynodon Dactylon (Linn.) Pers.

❖ Family - Poaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Durva, Satparva

❖ English Name - Conch Grass

❖ Hindi Name - Dub

❖ Local Name - Dub

Morphological feature

It is Perennial, procumbent grass found all over India.

Durva dvaya is used in the Ayurvedic therapeutics very extensively.

Flowers – Green or purple 2-5 cm long .

Seeds – The seeds heads are produced in cluster of 2-6 spikes

Part used – Whole plant

Indications – Mtrkrcchra, Tvak roga, Rakta pitta, Pradara, Trsna, Daha, Visarpa.

Medicinal Use -

Chardi – Durva taken with rice water will be useful.

Kustha – Paste of Durva and Haridra cures scabies, eczema, ring worm & urticaria.

Doasage – Fresh juice 10-20 ml.

Ayurvedic properties –

Guna – Karma ( Pharmacological Properties )

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Kasaya Madhura Laghu Sheet Madura Kapha,Pitta



e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Calotropis Procera (Aiton)W.T. Aiton.

❖ Family - Apocynaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Arka, Tulfala, Ksirparna, Arkparna

❖ English Name - Madar

❖ Hindi Name - Aak. Akvan

❖ Local Name - Aak

Morphological feature

A shrub up to 2.5 m high . Young leaves hoary, Glabrous when fully grown.

Flowers – in terminal and axillary corymobose cymes, purplish-red.

Fruits – Follicles, 10-14 cm long, recurved seeds nuerus with silk hair.

Leaves – 10-18 cm long, ovate – obovate or obovate-oblong, acute, infloresence covered with white wooly-


Part used – Root bark, flower, leaf, latex, seeds.

Dosage – Root bark powder 0.5-1g, flower powder 1-3g.

Indications – Sopha, Vrana, Kustha, Arsas, Krmi, Kandu, Pliharoga, Medoroga,visa roga, Visarpa, Udara, ulma,

Graharoga etc.

Medicinal Use -

Pliharoga – Arka leaves and salt are burnt by closed heating. This is given with curd water.

Netra roga – Seeds of arka processed in milk is useful.

Arsas – Fumigation with root of Arka and sami will be beneficial.

Ayurvedic properties –

Guna – Karma ( Pharmacological Properties )

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Katu, tikta, Laghu, ruksa,


Usna Katu Vata, Hara, Rechan,


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Rosa Centifolia – Linn.

❖ Family - Rosaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Taruni, Satpatri, Karnika, Laksha

❖ English Name - Rose

❖ Hindi Name - Gulab

❖ Local Name - Gulab

Morphological feature

It is a thorny shrub possessing pinkish red flowers. It is mainly grown as an arNamental plant.

Part used – Flower.

Indications – Rakta pitta, Vibandh, Daha, Hrdroga.

Dosage – Powder 3-6g, Paste 20-40 ml\g

Ayurvedic properties –

Guna – Karma (Pharmacological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Kasaya, tikta,


Laghu, Snigdha Sita Madhura Tridosahara,

Hrdya, Sukrala,


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Butea monosperma (Lam.) Kuntze.

❖ Family - Fabaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Palasa, Kinshuk, Raktpushpak

❖ English Name - Flame of the forest tree

❖ Hindi Name - Dhaka, Tesu

❖ Local Name - Lehsua

Morphological feature

A deciduous tree growing upto 15 m. height and 1.5-1.8 m in girth, trunk is crooked. Bark light-brown

or bluish-grey, Yielding a ruby-red vitreous gum.

Flowers – in racomes, brilliant orange-red, 3.8-5.1cm. Long,lower calyx-teeth deltoid.

Fruits – Pods, silvery-white, broad, dehiscent.

Seeds- Flat, elliptic, reddish-grey, 3.2cm.

Leaves – Trifoliolate, large, unequal, 10.2-20.4cm.

Part used – Stem bark , flowers, seeds, gum.

Dosage – Bark decoction, seed powder, flower powder.

Indications – Krimi, Pliha roga, gulma, grahani, arsas.

Medicinal Use -

Kirmi – Seed paste or juice of palasa may be taken with butter milk.

Ayurvedic properties –

Guna – Karma ( Pharmacological Properties )

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Katu, tikta, kasaya Laghu, snigdha Usna Katu Vatakaphahara,

Kirmighna, Dipana

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Ficus religiosa Linn.

❖ Family - Moraceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Asvattha, Pippal, Chalpatra

❖ English Name - Sacred fig

❖ Hindi Name - Pipal

❖ Local Name - Pipal

Morphological feature

It is a huge tree attaining 20 m height bearing flowers in hypanthodium infloresence. It is found all over India.

Leaves – The peepal tree has heart-shaped leaves.

Part used – Bark, leaf, fruit, leaf bud.

Dosage – Powder 3-6g decoction 50 – 100 ml.

Indications – yoniroga, Vatarakta, Kustha, Dusta, Vrana.

Medicinal Use -

Vatarakta – Bark decoction shall be taken .

Klaibya - Milk coocked with fruit, root, Bark and leafbud given with honey and sugar.

Ayurvedic properties –

Guna – Karma ( Pharmacological Properties )

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Madhura, kasaya Guru, Ruksa Sita Katu Vatakaphahara,

Varnya, Vrsya

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Ex DC.

❖ Family - Fabaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Sinsipa

❖ English Name - Sissoo

❖ Hindi Name - Seesam

❖ Local Name - Seesam

Morphological feature

It is a big tree about 100 ft. height and bearing yellowish green flowers.

Flowers – small yellowish 2-3 inch long.

Flowering - March – April

Part used – Leaves, Bark, wood.

Fruiting - Winter

Medicinal Use -

Vasameha – Sinsapa kasaya is useful.

Netra roga – Tender leaves of simsapa are grinded with honey and used as eye drops.


Vasti vicar,krmi, kustha, Prameha, Sotha, Dusta, Vrana .

Ayurvedic properties –

Guna – Karma (Pharmacological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Kasaya, Kattu,


Laghu, Ruksa Sheet Katu Kapha vata hara,


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


Vat- Vriksh

❖ Botanical Name - Ficus bengalensis L.

❖ Family - Moreaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Vat- Vriksh, Nyogradh, Bahupada

❖ English Name - Banyan Tree

❖ Hindi Name - Bargad, Bad

❖ Local Name - Bad

Morphological feature

It is very big tree, possessing supporting roots and therefore may spread upto miles

Commonly found all over India. It is a fastgrowing evergreen tree up to 30 m tall.

Leaves – stalked, ovate heart shaped 3 nerved when young velvety on bothside. The unique feature of the tree

is that the leaves have a pocket like fold at the base leaf stalks with a broad smooth greasy gland at the apex

compressed, downy.

Part used – Bark, leaf but fruit, latex, hanging root.6-20 mm kong

Flowering – May and June

Fruiting – Summer and Winter

Medicinal Use -

Pumsavana– Leaf – bud of vata is dissolved in milk and used as nasal drops in the rights nostril to the pregnant

woman for attaining male child.

Timira – Campor is mixed with latex of Vata in applied as collyrium.

Indications- Trishna, Varne-Stambhan, Yoni-Rog, Rakat-Pitta, Visarpe, Viyanga Chardi.

Ayurvedic properties –

Guna – Karma (Pharmacological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Kasaya Guru, Ruksa Sita Katu Kapha Pitta hara, Mutra

sangrahaniya, Varnya,

Sthambhana .

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


Sirisa -

❖ Botanical Name - Albizia Lebbek (L.)Benth.

❖ Family - Fabaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Sirisa, Sukrapriye

❖ English Name - Albizia Lebbek

❖ Hindi Name - Siris

❖ Local Name - Siris

Morphological feature

It is a Deciduous, erect, speading tree, growing to 15.2-18.3 m height.

Bark – Rough, Dark brown to greenish black with transverse and longitudinal striations inside.

Leaves – Bipinnate with 8-18 leaflets.

Flowers – Benzyl alcohol, benzok acid, P-nitrobenzoate etc.

Fruits – Pods, Yellowish brown, with 6-10 seeds.

Seeds – Proteins, amino acids.

Part used – Stem bark, Seeds, Flower, leaves.

Flowering – During rainy season.

Fruiting – During winter.

Indications - Sotha, kasa, vrana, visarpa, kustha, krmi visa roga.

Medicinal Use -

Sarpavisa – Sveta Marica soaked in sirisa flower juice for 7 days is used for nasya, pana and anjana.

Kusta -paste of the bark of sirisa is useful.

Ayurvedic properties –

Guna – Karma (Pharmacological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Tikta, Kasaya,


Laghu, Ruksa,


Usna Katu Tridosahara,

Varnya, Visaghna,


e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


Peruk –

❖ Botanical Name - Pesidium Guajava (L.)

❖ Family - Myrtaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Perukam, Dradbijam

❖ English Name - Guava

❖ Hindi Name - Amrud

❖ Local Name - Amrud

Morphological features -

Astringent, the unripe fruit is undigestible and often causes bilious vomiting and feverishness, the ripe fruit is

edible but produces costiveness.

Bark –The bark white guava is astringent, and the decoction is used along with other astringents, for chronic

diarrhea of children.

Leaves - The leaves are astringent and stomachic, and are used to arrest, vomiting in diarrhea, The bark and

leaves of the red variety are used to allay vomiting and diarrhea in cholera.

Part used - Leaves, bark.

Medicinal uses -

Astringent, the unripe fruit is undigestible and often causes bilious vomiting and feverishness, the ripe fruit is

edible but produces costiveness. The bark white guava is astringent, and the decoction is used along with other

astringents, for chronic diarrhea of children. The leaves are astringent and stomachic, and are used to arrest,

vomiting in diarrhea, The bark and leaves of the red variety are used to allay vomiting and diarrhea in cholera.


Chronic diarrhea, vomiting.

Ayurvedic properties -

Guna- Karma (pharmacological properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Prabhava

Amal, Madhura Guru, Tikshana Shit Madhur Tridoshghanam, Vrishaya

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Recinus communius Linn.

❖ Family - Euphorbiacea

❖ Sanskrit Name - Eranda, Gandharvhast, Panchgul, Vardhman, Urubuk

❖ English Name - Castor

❖ Hindi Name - Redi, Andi

❖ Local Name - Arandi

Morphological feature –

It is a evergreen glabrous shrub 2-2.5 meter height leafs palmately many lobed oblong to linear acute or

acuminate flowers in large terminal sub peniculed racemes in a dense globous head of branched filaments and


Leaves – Glorious leaves as used as costus rhizome. Flowers – Red color glorious flower.

Fruit – Capsules globosely, oblong, smooth echinate.

Seed – Oblong smooth motted.

Part used – Root, Leaf, Seed oil.

Flowering – Throughout the year.

Fruiting – Throughout the year

Parbhav – Rechan, Vrishye.

Indications – Vat Viyadhi, Pliha-Rog, Gulm, Vasti-Shool, Prameh etc.

Therapeutic use – Slipad - Erand tail mixed with cow urine may be taken for 1 month with diet of rice milk

Yavaksara – is added to Erand kwath and taken.

Medicinal Uses –

Kas – ksara of Erand leaf is mixed with trikatu, oil and jiggery is forused for oral administration.

Erand oil is used as a laxative. It is also usefull for joint pain.

Ayurvedic Properties –

Guna-Karma (Pharmacological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Katu. Madhur








e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


Tulsi -

❖ Botanical Name - Ocimum sanctum (L)

❖ Family - Lamiaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Surasa, Sulagni, Gouri, Pavani, Apetaraksasi.

❖ Hindi Name - Tulsi

❖ Local Name - Tulsi

❖ English Name - Holy Basil

Morphological properties –

Branched aromatic herb, sometimes woody hairy.

Leaves – Leaves are oblong or ovate – oblong, obtuse or acute, entire or subserrate.

Flower – Flowers are very small borne in terminal and axillary racemes.

Fruit – Fruits are subglobose or broadly oblong nutlets.

Seeds – Seeds are round or oval smooth reddish in colour sometime black spots are present on seed.

Flowering – Feb – April.

Fruiting - Jun – July.

Part used – Root / Root bark

Ayurvedic Properties –

Guna- Karma ( Pharmacohological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Katu- Tikt Laghu- Ruksha Usna Katu Kapha vatta


Medicinal uses -

Fresh juice of tulsi leaves with honey is given in kaphaja kasa juice of Tulsi leaves is taken with old jaggery and

Manda in Makkal shola.

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science



❖ Botanical Name - Nerium Oleander L. = Nerium indicumMill.

❖ Family - Apocynaceae

❖ Sanskrit Name - Asvamarak, Candataka, Karveer

❖ Hindi Name - Kanera

❖ Local Name - Kaner

❖ English Name - Indian oleander

Morphological properties –

A large glabrous erect shrub with milky juice, about 5 high.

Leaves – linear, dark green and shining above , thickly coriaceous .

Flower – Red rose coloured, white or yellow, fragrant.

Fruit – Cylindric, straight, hard follicles

Flowering and fruiting – usually during April – June .

Part used – Root / Root bark

Ayurvedic Properties –

Guna- Karma ( Pharmacohological Properties)

Rasa Guna Virya Vipak Karma

Katu- Tikt Laghu- Ruksha Usna Katu Kusthaghna

Therapeutic use

Indralupta – The affected are should be pasted with karveer juice

Kustha – Oil Prepared with Karaveer root and aconite alongwith cows Urine is useful

Apasmara- The powder of Svetakaravira leaves is used for nasya.

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


Modern Scientific Reports

• Chakramarda – Questin Showed antibacterial activity against Staph. Aureus, (Chem. Abstr. 1981, 94,


• Khadir – A flavonoid isolated from ethonolic extract of central wood of A. catechu showed hypoglycaemic

activity (Chakravarthy et al., 1983).

• Bhanga – Cannabinol produced deep anesthesia in dogs at a dose of 40 mg/kg body weight (Singh, 1968).

• Aamalki- Antidiabetic property and hypoglycemic activity : Emblica fruit powder reduced blood sugar levels

in normal rabbits, as well as in hyperglycemic rabbits proving the hypoglycemic activity (Tripathi et al.,


• Durva – The alcoholic extract of the entire plant was found to have antiviral activity against Vaccinia virus

(Dhar et al., 1968).

• Arka – The crude latex of Calotropis procera and its protein fraction were found to possess high fibrinolytic

activity and anti-coagulant activity both in rabbit and human plasma (Srivastava et al., 1962).

• Palash – Flower extract exhibited antihepatotoxicity activity (Planta Med. 1986).

• Asvatha – β-sitosteryl-D-glucoside, showed hypoglycemic activity which compared favourably with that of

tolbutamide (Ambike & Rao, 1967).

• Vata – The aqueous extract (bark) was found to reduce the blood sugar in normal as well as alloxon diabetic

rabbits (Shrotri & Aiman, 1960).

• Sirisa – The alcoholic extract of roots was found to possess anti-cancer activity against sarcoma 180 in mice.

The stem bark of the plant had hypoglycemic activity in albino rats. The pods possessed anti-protozoal

against Ent. Histolytica. It also showed hypoglycemic activity in albino rats and anti-cancer activity in

human epidermal carcinoma of the nasophyarynx in tissue culture (Dhar et al., 1968).

• Eranda – Fresh leaves protected against liver injury induced by CC14 in rats while cold aqueous extract

provided partial protection (Ind. J. Pharmacol. 1977, 9,265).

• Tulsi – Leaves shown abortificient and antifertility activity. The aqueous extract (100mg/kg) showed anti

inflammation and abortificient action (Vohora et al., 1969).

e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

Volume:02/Issue:08/August -2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


• Antiviral activity of Tulsi leaf extract is reported (Roy et al., 1979, Tripathi & Tripathi, 1982).

• Karveer – The cardio tonic activity of tincture N. indicum is reported (Chopra & Chopra 1955; Sanyal & Das



In almost all states of India Tulsi, Peruk, Erand, Vat Vriksh, Asvatha, Palasa, Punarnava, Bhanga, Palasa, Taruni,

Arka, Durva,Karveer, Shiris, Shiship, Durva, Khadir, Chakramard plants are available. As plants are playing

important role in human life since ancient time they can be more helpful if the knowledge of the surrounding

plants is spread among the people. Many diseases like Dadru, Kasa, Shwas, Kandu, Aruchi, Krimi, Jvara, Svitra,

Prameha, Shotha, Pandu, Arsa etc. can be cured by using these plants available in our surrounding. Most of the

people in India are using Tulsi plants in their daily life either in the form of extract or fresh juice or leaves of the

tulsi. People are using these plants as medication because they believe that these herbal plants are less

expensive as comparison to modern medicine. This “study of medicinal importance and uses of plant easily

available in surroundings in perspective of Ayurveda” is aims to information about cultivation, Medicinal uses,

botanical Description, indication, Therapeutic uses of plants.


• There is a need of thorough study and comparative analysis of herbs used in Ayurveda and folklore which

will certainly enrich the Ayurvedic system of medicine.

• There is also need to established herbal drug center for collection, processing and preparation of herbal

medicine. There should develop cultivation, farming and documentation of potential medicinal plants for

improving the life and economy of farmers.

• There should be training program for traditional practitioners and local people to provide them additional



My heartfelt thanks to my teachers, friends and family members for the support and co-operation, I received

from them.

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