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Instructor: Dr. DezaPresenter: Erik Wang Nov/2013


Indentify the problem The best upper bound Summary

Identify the problem Concepts - Diameter of graph

The “graph of a polytope” is made by vertices and edges of the polytope

The diameter of a graph G will be denoted by δ(G): the smallest number δ such that any two vertices in G can be connected by a path with at most δ edges

Regular Dodecahedron

D=3, F = 12, E  = 30V  = 20

Graph of dodecahedronδ = 5 * A polyhedron is an

unbound polytope

Identify the problemExample – graph and graphs of Polyhedron

Let d be the dimension, n be the number of facets

One given polytope P(d,n) has only one (unique) graph

Given the value of d and n, we can make more than one polyhedron, corresponding to their graphs of G(p)e.g. A cube and a hexahedron…

The diameter of a P(d,n) with given d and n, is the longest of the “shortest path”(diameter of the graphs) of all the graphs

Identify the problem Motivations – Linear Programming

Let P be a convex polytope, Liner Programming(LP) in a geometer’s version, is to find a point x0∈P that maximize a linear function cx

The maximum solution of the LP is achieved in a vertex, at the face of P

Diameter of a polytope is the lower bound of the number of iterations for the simplex method (pivoting method)

Vertex = solutions, Facets = constraints


Identify the problem Dantzig’s simplex algorithm

First find a vertex v of P (find a solution) The simplex process is to find a better

vertex w that is a neighbor of v Algorithm terminate when find an

optimal vertex

Identify the problem

Research’s target:

To find better bound for the diameter of graphs of polyhedra


Find better lower bound for the iteration times for simplex algorithm of Linear Programming


Indentify problem The best upper bound Summary

Related Proofs

GIL KALAI: A subexponential randomized simplex algorithm, in:

"Proc. 24th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC),"

ACM Press 1992, pp. 475-482. (87-91, 96, 99)

GIL KALAI AND DANIEL J. KLEITMAN: A quasi-polynomial bound for the diameter of graphs of polyhedra

Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc. 26

(1992), 315-316. (87, 96)

Notations for the proof

Active facet: given any vertex v of a polyhedron P, and a linear function cx, a facet of P is active (for v) if it contains a point that is higher than v

H’(d,n) is the number of facet that may be required to get to the top vertex start from v which the Polyhedron has at most n active facets

For n > d ≥ 2 ∆ (d, n) – the maximal diameter of the graph of an d-

dimensional polytope ∆u (d, n) – unbound case

∆ (d, n) ≤ ∆u (d, n) ≤ Hu (d, n) ≤ H’ (d, n)

Proof 1/4 – Involve Active facet Step 1, F is a set of k active

facets of P, we can reach to either the top vertex, or a vertex in some facet of F, in at most H’ (d,n-k) monotone steps

For example, if k is very small (close to n facets), it means V’ is very close to the top vertex, so that H’ (d,n-k is very close to the diameter. Thus K is flexible.

Proof 2/4 – The next 1facet

Step 2, if we can’t reach the top in H’(d,n-k) monotone steps, then the collection G of all active facets that we can reach from v by at most H’(d,n-k) monotone steps constrains at least n-k+1 active facets.

Proof 3/4 – Travel in one lower dimension facet

Step 3, starting at v, we can reach the highest vertex w0 contained in any facet F in G within at most

monotone steps

Proof 4/4 – The rest part to the top vertex

Step 4, From w0 we can reach the top in at most

So the total inequality is

Let k:=

How to derive to final result

Let k :=

Define for t ≥ 0 and d ≥ 2

Former bound given by Larman in 1970

Sub exponential on d

exponential on d

Option: another proof

Let P be a d-dimensional polyhedron with n facets, and let v and u be two vertices of P.

Let kv [ku] be the maximal positive number such that the union of all vertices in all paths in G(P) starting from v [u] of length at most kv [ku] are incident to at most n/2 facets.

Clearly, there is a facet F of P so that we can reach F by a path of length kv + 1 from v and a path of length ku + 1 from u. We claim now that kv ≤ ∆(d, [n/2]), as well as Ku ≤ ∆(d, [n/2])

F is a facet in the lower (d-1 dimension) space with maximum n-1 facets

∆(d,n) ≤ ∆(d-1,n-1)+2∆(d,[n/2])+2


Indentify problem The best upper bound Summary


The Hirsch Conjecture was disproved The statement of the Hirsch conjecture

for bounded polyhedra is still open




Ginter M. Ziegler Lectures on Polytopes - Chapter 3 Who solved the Hirsch Conjecture?

Gil Kalai Upper Bounds for the Diameter and Height of Graphs of Convex

Polyhedra* A Subexponential Randomized Simplex Algorithm (Extended



Thank you

Document History

Version Author Date Purpose

Initial Erik Wang 11/20/13 For 749 presentation

1st revision

Erik Wang 11/21/13 For Dr. Deza reviewRevised:[All] Remove research history[All] Spelling check[All] Add more comments for each slide[P3] Revise the definition of diameter of graph[P4] Give definition to d and n[P15] Add comment to the result of diameter, point out the progress is that the complexity was improved from exponential to sub exponential [P16] Arrange the proof, keep main points, add a diagram as demonstration

Backup slides

Idea of the proof – Mathematics Induction

Mathematical induction infers that a statement involving a natural number n holds for all values of n. The proof consists of two steps:

The basis (base case): prove that the statement holds for the first natural number n. Usually, n = 0 or n = 1.

The inductive step: prove that, if the statement holds for some natural number n, then the statement holds for n + 1.

Hirsch conjecture - 1957

Warren M. Hirsch (1918 - 2007)

The Hirsch conjecture: For n ≥ d ≥ 2, let ∆(d, n) denote the largest possible diameter of the graph of a d-dimensional polyhedron with n facets. Then ∆ (d, n) ≤ n − d.

Previous research – best lower bound and improvement

Klee and Walkup in 1967 Hirsch conjecture is false while:

Unbounded polyhedera The best lower bound of n≥2d, ∆ (d, n) ≥ n-

d + [d/5] Barnette

1967 - Improved upper bound

Larman 1970 - Improved upper bound

So far the best upper bound

Gil Kalai, 1991 “upper bounds for the diameter and height of


Daniel Kleitman in 1992 A quasi-polynomial bound for the diameter of graphs of

polyhedra Simplification of the proof and result of Gil’s

Gil Kalai Daniel Kleitman

Disprove of Hirsch Conjecture

Francisco “Paco” Santos (*1968)

Outstanding geometer in Polytopes community

Disproved Hirsch Conjecture in 2010, by using 43-dimensional polytope with 86 facets and diameter bigger than 43.

George Dantzig (1914–2005)

Dantzig’s simplex algorithm for LP

Proof from “A Subexponential Randomized Simplex Algorithm (Extended Abstract)”

Proof from “A Subexponential Randomized Simplex Algorithm (Extended Abstract)”