Studying Prose Lit

Post on 12-May-2017

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How do we study Prose?

Studying Prose in

Literature- Literary Devices/features at word level- Literary Devices/features at sentence level- Literary Devices/features at whole text level


Author’s Craft

Stickability!- Relationships with other characters- What they say/how they say it- Structure of their journey- How they expose theme- How does the author expose


- Mind Maps- Tables- Practise essays- Key terms glossary- Revision cards- Quote Chart- Learn analytical

language e.g connectives, sentence starters

- Diagrams- Visual prompts- Links between texts


Key Themes and Sub-themes

-Know the significance of main themes in each text-Know the sub-themes of each text-Understand how character reveal these themes-Understand how the author reveals these themes through literary devices/features

Social/Historical Context and Perspectives

- What are different perspectives used to interpret texts and how do they affect our reading of them?

- Know contextual factors from the time the novel was written/set and how they influence the writing

- Know the author’s background and how this influences the writing

Characterisation, Themes, Perspectives, Context, Author’s Craft

Which aspect of prose would you focus on for this question?

(a) ‘The theme of choice is fascinatingly developed during the course of the narrative.’Explore the methods by which writers develop the theme of choice, in the light of this statement.In your response, you should focus on Pride and Prejudice to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument.

Which aspect of prose would you focus on for this question?

(b) ‘Austen’s use of imagery and symbolism is what makes this novel exceptional.’Using Pride and Prejudice page 153 as your starting point, from ‘At length the Parsonage was discernible.’ to ‘When Mr. Collins could be forgotten, there was really a great air of comfort throughout,’ on page 155, explore the methods writers use to develop imagery and symbolism. In your response, you should focus on Pride and Prejudice to establish your argument and you should refer to the second text you have read to support and develop your line of argument, in the light of this statement.

Create an Essay Plan for Your Essay Title

• Introduction: Line of argument outlined• Main development: at least four

paragraphs supporting your line of argument. Within each paragraph offer a different point of view and use quotation

• An evaluation: To what extent is your line of argument true?

HomeworkDue: Thursday 27th February

• Create a revision resource (Use template on the shared area)on your allocated character from Pride and Prejudice

• Fill out ‘Point of View’ and ‘Figurative Language’ rows in your Author’s Craft table.

• Create a Glossary of Literary Terms starting with juxtaposition, antithesis and symbolism.

A* Vocabulary – RAG it! Red for what you have never heard of, Amber for what you have heard before but don’t know the meaning of, Green for what you can

confidently use…your job between now and your exams: increase the number of greens. (Useful for all subjects; great for exam technique – and life in general!)

Add this Additional Vocabulary to Your List




Essay Question: Explore the methods the writer uses to explore the theme of power in both texts.

In ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ the voices of her husband, her family and the medical establishment want her to hide away and rest. However, she feels more activity would do her good. Her opinions are not seen as important and she can’t do anything about it even though she disagrees with her treatment.

These comments seems undeveloped and limited.

How would you re-write the comments to show a more engaged response?

Model Response – why?

The powerful, authoritative voices of her husband, her family, and the medical establishment urge her to be passive. Her own conviction, however, is that what she needs is precisely the opposite—activity and stimulation, ‘congenial work with excitement and change would do me good.’ Nonetheless from the outset, her opinions carry little weight. “Personally,” she disagrees with her treatment, but she has no power to change the situation.

The way she describes the house - “a haunted house, and reach of romantic felicity”, “the most beautiful place! It is quite alone standing back from the road, quite 3 miles from the village. It makes me think of english places that you read about, for there are hedges and walls and gates that lock.”

The wallpaper - “The paper looks as if it KNEW what a vicious influence it had.”

Her own mental state - “I’m glad my case is not serious”, “ I sometimes fancy that in my condition”, “Personally I believe that congenial work with excitement and change would do me good” - Page 1.

Comment on what they reveal about character and what literary devices are used within the quotes.

Make bullet points about relationships with other characters.

Find short quotes to show this.

How are these relationships key to characterisation.

Make a list of themes the character exposes.

Explain how they expose this theme.

Use quotes to show this

Literary devices used to expose character

Examples in quotations

How does the character change throughout the novel and the significance of these changes in:-Beginning-Middle-End

The way she describes the house - “a haunted house, and reach of romantic felicity”, “the most beautiful place! It is quite alone standing back from the road, quite 3 miles from the village. It makes me think of English places that you read about, for there are hedges and walls and gates that lock.”

The wallpaper - “The paper looks as if it KNEW what a vicious influence it had.” Her own mental state - “I’m glad my case is not serious”, “ I sometimes fancy that in my

condition”, “Personally I believe that congenial work with excitement and change would do me good” - Page 1. The powerful, authoritative voices of her husband, her family, and the medical establishment urge her to be passive. Her own conviction, however, is that what she needs is precisely the opposite—activity and stimulation, ‘congenial work with excitement and change would do me good.’ Nonetheless from the outset, her opinions carry little weight. “Personally,” she disagrees with her treatment, but she has no power to change the situation.

Comment on what they reveal about character and what literary devices are used within the quotes

The Narrator in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ - What they say/how they say it (author’s craft)

The Narrator in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ - Relationship with Other CharactersLook at how (literary devices) these relationships are presented and what they reveal about character and theme-John-Jennie

The Narrator in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ - How They Expose ThemeWhat themes does the character expose and how is this done? How do we understand themes according to character?

The Narrator in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ - Structure of their JourneyHow does the character change throughout the novel and the significance of these changes in:-Beginning-Middle-End