Stuffed Animal Sleepover

Post on 08-Dec-2014

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The Stuffed Animal Sleep Over

First Bill and Candy put on a Puppet Show for the other stuffed animals. They were really funny!

Then Clifford, Melody and Kenny played games on the computers. They said their favorite was the Dora the Explorer Game.

Petunia and Frog got the toys out and had a good time. They were good stuffed animals and put the toys back after they were done.

The Stuffed Animals read books together, but no scary stories were allowed before bedtime.

Everyone enjoyed a snack together. They had very yummy cookies and milk.

The Stuffed Animals also got in a game of Hide and Seek. We thought we lost Cozy for awhile, but she was hiding in a really good spot.

Sophia and Perry stayed up late playing chess. It ended with a tie between them.

Squishy Dog, Chloe and Avery colored with crayons and chatted about the latest stuffed animal gossip.

The Stuffed Animals were so tired from their wonderful night that they fell right to sleep. They are feeling well rested today!