Style Guide – APN Outdoor

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Brand identity 1 Brand position 1.01

Personality 1.02

Tagline 1.03

Logos 1.04

Icons 1.05

Colours 1.06

Typography 1.07

Imagery 1.08

Clearspace grid system 1.09

Written style guide 1.10

Tone of voice 1.11

Our writing principals 1.12

Templates and 2 Powerpoint 2.01

stationery Word 2.02

Video 3 Elements 3.01

Specifications 3.02

Brand identity



1.03 1.04

Brand identity

Brand positionTaking a leadership position. It is our strategic intent to be a clear

market leader across Australia and New Zealand. Our brand is

known as being reliable, reputable and trusted – all positive

attributes for a business to possess. We are progressive, customer-

centric and solutions-focussed in all that we do.







TaglineYour new centre of attention.

Company logoStacked HorizontalPrimary Logo – Four Colour

Used in all situations where four colour is available.

Mono –Cyan Blue

Used for sponsorship where colours are limited to single colour

outputs and similar print restrictions.

Mono – Black

Used primarily for recruitment ads or sponsorship appearances

where our logo sits alongside other brands in a single colour.

Note:When referring to our company in a written and verbal form, please

refer to us as APN Outdoor.

Using APNO as an abbreviation or referring to the company as

APN (without the Outdoor) is discouraged. This is to alleviate any

confusion regarding our past ownership with APN News and Media.

1.04 1.05

Brand identity

Product logos

Elite Screens is our brand name for our Digital Billboards product (Australia only).

Format logos

Super 8 / LUX Collection / XtrackTV

IconsProduct categories

Digital Billboards (‘Elite Screens’ AU) / Billboards / Transit / Rail / Airport

Social Media channels

Facebook – AU NZ

Linkedin – AU NZ

Pinterest –

Twitter – AU NZ

YouTube – AU NZ


Brand identity

Primary colours

Secondary colours

Pink Green Purple Vermilion

Pantone 213 C0 M95 Y20 K0R238 G42 B123HEX #ee2a7b

Pantone 360C50 M0 Y98 K0R141 G198 B64HEX #8dc640

Pantone 513C50 M99 Y1 K0R145 G40 B141HEX #91288d

Pantone 710C0 M91 Y3 K0R237 G62 B70HEX #ed3e46

Grey 1 Grey 2 Grey 3 Grey 4

Pantone –C2 M1 Y1 K0R246 G246 B246HEX #f6f6f6

Pantone Cool Grey 1C14 M10 Y10 K0R216 G217 B218HEX #d8d9da

Pantone 430 C52 M44 Y41 K7R128 G127 B131HEX #807f83

Pantone 426C73 M67 Y60 K64R42 G42 B46HEX #2a2a2e

Cyan Darker Cyan Blue

Pantone 306C66 M0 Y0 K0R18 G195 B244HEX #12c3f4

Pantone 638 C75 M12 Y5 K0R0 G171 B216HEX #00abd8

Pantone 300 C95 M69 Y0 K0R0 G93 B170HEX #005daa

Our primary colours are blue. This is a

point of differentiation within our own market

to clearly define who we are. It’s part of our

DNA. Our secondary colours are supportive.

Use sparingly and only as a highlight to

a stastic or graph.

Secondary colours are NEVER to be

used within presentations as a main feature

element for headings, body copy or graphs.


Brand identity

Typography | Presentations and templates

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzCentury Gothic

Typography | Marketing collateral

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzArial Rounded MT Pro

Century Gothic

Arial Rounded

Arial Rounded MT Pro is used on all Marketing collateral. This includes:

Website, printed collateral. Please don’t use this font for Powerpoint presentations.

Uppercase and lowercaseAlways use initial caps and lowercase on all communication. Never only capital letters.

It’s about our tone of voice. Not shouting. We speak with a friendly and confident manner.

Century Gothic now replaces our previous presentation font Arial.

Use this font in all Powerpoint and Word documents.


Brand identity

Brand imagery

Our brand imagery expresses our world in a bold, bright and

contemporary manner. Colours and moments that express way

beyond a limiting corporate colour palette. Bringing our brand to life.



Brand identity


The clearspace is equal to the thickness of the ‘N’ vertical stroke (refer to pink area).

Do not place images or graphic elements within the clearspace.

Written style guideThe basics:

ProductsAlways in this order:

Elite Screens (Australia only) / Digital Billboards (New Zealand only)





When writing our products,

always use an initial capital letter.

1.11 1.12

Brand identity

Tone of voiceOur Tone of Voice is a significant building block for our brand, giving

us a distinct verbal identity that sets us apart in our sector.

By making yourself familiar with these guidelines, you’ll ensure that

our brand sounds the same any time you communicate on our behalf,

and regardless of the media platform you’re using.

Our writing principlesThese four principles are designed to quickly and simply address the

things we don’t do well when it comes to language. So whenever you

write something – whether it’s a proposal, cover letter or presentation

– check that you’re sticking to these simple rules.

Brevity is bestWhatever you’re writing (and whoever your audience), remember

to keep it short, make your point efficiently and don’t overload your

paragraphs with multiple messages.

Show some insightOur audience might vary widely, but we still know it well. So always

keep your writing relevant and targeted to their needs or interests.

Be humanOurs is a corporate industry laden with jargon – but that doesn’t

mean we can’t break free and simply speak like real people. Just try

to be clear, simple and empathetic.

Confidence is keyLet’s not shy away from the fact that we’re leaders in our field. Try to

reinforce this at every opportunity, using facts to back up any claim

you make. The key message from these principles is the need to

keep your writing short, simple and targeted to your audience. By

doing this, you’ll make massive improvements to your writing instantly.


Brand identity

Our personalityWhen it comes to tone of voice, our personality is made up of

three elements. At an emotive level we are charismatic. This is our

charming side and allows us to be friendly and down to earth while

retaining a sharp intellect and clear focus.

At a more rational level we’re confident, based on the fact that we’re

leaders in our field, recognised for our expertise and always ahead of

the latest thinking. Don’t be afraid to share these insights when

you can.

When people read what we write, or listen to us speak, we’d like them

to go away being impressed at how insightful we are. We know our

audience well, and this allows us to share our knowledge in the most

relevant way. They should get the feeling that we’re on the front foot,

and solving problems before they arise.

Putting this into practiceTo adapt these guidelines for your own use, start by remembering the

writing principles you see above – they’re simple rules that you have

to follow every time you sit at your keyboard.

On the other hand, our personality is more malleable. This means

it can be adapted for the message you’re communicating, and the

audience you’re communicating to. Just try to get at least one of our

personality traits in everything you write to ensure consistency across

our whole brand.






Divider page

Back cover

Powerpoint templates can be found on our intranet:

Quicklinks / Templates.

Our Powerpoint templates are our most visible form

of communicating with our clients and business

partners. They have been redesigned with our new

look branding and a fresh, clean approach to their

look and feel.

Keep your message simple. No one has the time

to read a long presentation. Keep it to the point,

contemporary and relevant to ensure our brand is

portrayed in the best possible way.

Always use Century Gothic typeface

with these templates.




Letterhead templates x 3

Standard letterhead – Australia Corporate letterhead – AustraliaAPN Outdoor [Trading] Pty Limited | ABN 49 059 604 278 APN Outdoor Group Limited | ACN 155 848 589

Letterhead – New ZealandAPN Outdoor Ltd

APN Outdoor [Trading] Pty Limited | ABN 49 059 604 278

Date: [Insert Date]




[Address 1]

[Address 2]

[Address 3]

Dear [Recipient]:

Fusce neque mi, consectetuer gravida, convallis ac, varius a, pede. Fusce pellentesque pretium quam.

Ut luctus, justo id volutpat iaculis, est diam pulvinar sem, quis bibendum turpis dui eget mauris. Sed in

mauris. Ut massa. Pellentesque condimentum felis nec sapien. Integer posuere elit at turpis. Nulla facilisi.

Sed sapien ipsum, commodo ut, facilisis vitae, ultrices non, metus. Aenean non nulla. Curabitur molestie

volutpat magna. Vestibulum tempor faucibus nisi. Pellentesque vitae enim.

Aliquam rhoncus volutpat mauris. Sed auctor. Donec tincidunt velit et tellus. Donec sed augue eget

lacus placerat adipiscing. Ut convallis suscipit nulla. Morbi posuere ullamcorper ligula. Duis sit amet odio

nec lorem ornare gravida. Suspendisse ante nulla, gravida quis, eleifend sit amet, placerat eget, purus.

Sed egestas magna ut erat. Vivamus euismod, odio id mattis porttitor, tellus nisl consectetuer turpis, ut

auctor enim justo euismod nulla. Fusce eget diam vulputate massa tempor tempor.

In ante. Phasellus convallis, nisl in vestibulum facilisis, lacus pede bibendum urna, dapibus pellentesque

eros magna sed nibh. Etiam tortor arcu, porta nec, laoreet quis, mollis in, libero. Aenean dapibus est a

metus. In sit amet elit. Pellentesque luctus lacus scelerisque arcu. Cras mattis diam. Sed molestie, lectus

id bibendum luctus, magna orci luctus quam, et auctor urna diam sit amet ligula. Sed purus dui, suscipit

et, malesuada non, consectetuer in, augue. Proin et sapien. Maecenas aliquam, nibh id aliquet

tincidunt, ante neque pulvinar mauris, sit amet fermentum nibh augue mollis risus. Mauris porttitor varius

mauris. Vivamus in urna et sem accumsan imperdiet. Aenean fringilla, eros tincidunt gravida

elementum, justo eros pharetra felis, in rhoncus arcu lectus non enim. Phasellus odio tortor, mattis ut,

mattis elementum, luctus at, orci.


[ Insert your name here ]

[Your Title]

APN Outdoor [Trading] Pty Limited | ABN 49 059 604 278

Date: [Insert Date]




[Address 1]

[Address 2]

[Address 3]

Dear [Recipient]:

Fusce neque mi, consectetuer gravida, convallis ac, varius a, pede. Fusce pellentesque pretium quam.

Ut luctus, justo id volutpat iaculis, est diam pulvinar sem, quis bibendum turpis dui eget mauris. Sed in

mauris. Ut massa. Pellentesque condimentum felis nec sapien. Integer posuere elit at turpis. Nulla facilisi.

Sed sapien ipsum, commodo ut, facilisis vitae, ultrices non, metus. Aenean non nulla. Curabitur molestie

volutpat magna. Vestibulum tempor faucibus nisi. Pellentesque vitae enim.

Aliquam rhoncus volutpat mauris. Sed auctor. Donec tincidunt velit et tellus. Donec sed augue eget

lacus placerat adipiscing. Ut convallis suscipit nulla. Morbi posuere ullamcorper ligula. Duis sit amet odio

nec lorem ornare gravida. Suspendisse ante nulla, gravida quis, eleifend sit amet, placerat eget, purus.

Sed egestas magna ut erat. Vivamus euismod, odio id mattis porttitor, tellus nisl consectetuer turpis, ut

auctor enim justo euismod nulla. Fusce eget diam vulputate massa tempor tempor.

In ante. Phasellus convallis, nisl in vestibulum facilisis, lacus pede bibendum urna, dapibus pellentesque

eros magna sed nibh. Etiam tortor arcu, porta nec, laoreet quis, mollis in, libero. Aenean dapibus est a

metus. In sit amet elit. Pellentesque luctus lacus scelerisque arcu. Cras mattis diam. Sed molestie, lectus

id bibendum luctus, magna orci luctus quam, et auctor urna diam sit amet ligula. Sed purus dui, suscipit

et, malesuada non, consectetuer in, augue. Proin et sapien. Maecenas aliquam, nibh id aliquet

tincidunt, ante neque pulvinar mauris, sit amet fermentum nibh augue mollis risus. Mauris porttitor varius

mauris. Vivamus in urna et sem accumsan imperdiet. Aenean fringilla, eros tincidunt gravida

elementum, justo eros pharetra felis, in rhoncus arcu lectus non enim. Phasellus odio tortor, mattis ut,

mattis elementum, luctus at, orci.


[ Insert your name here ]

[Your Title]

APN Outdoor Group Limited | ACN 155 848 589

Date: [Insert Date]




[Address 1]

[Address 2]

[Address 3]

Dear [Recipient]:

Fusce neque mi, consectetuer gravida, convallis ac, varius a, pede. Fusce pellentesque pretium quam.

Ut luctus, justo id volutpat iaculis, est diam pulvinar sem, quis bibendum turpis dui eget mauris. Sed in

mauris. Ut massa. Pellentesque condimentum felis nec sapien. Integer posuere elit at turpis. Nulla facilisi.

Sed sapien ipsum, commodo ut, facilisis vitae, ultrices non, metus. Aenean non nulla. Curabitur molestie

volutpat magna. Vestibulum tempor faucibus nisi. Pellentesque vitae enim.

Aliquam rhoncus volutpat mauris. Sed auctor. Donec tincidunt velit et tellus. Donec sed augue eget

lacus placerat adipiscing. Ut convallis suscipit nulla. Morbi posuere ullamcorper ligula. Duis sit amet odio

nec lorem ornare gravida. Suspendisse ante nulla, gravida quis, eleifend sit amet, placerat eget, purus.

Sed egestas magna ut erat. Vivamus euismod, odio id mattis porttitor, tellus nisl consectetuer turpis, ut

auctor enim justo euismod nulla. Fusce eget diam vulputate massa tempor tempor.

In ante. Phasellus convallis, nisl in vestibulum facilisis, lacus pede bibendum urna, dapibus pellentesque

eros magna sed nibh. Etiam tortor arcu, porta nec, laoreet quis, mollis in, libero. Aenean dapibus est a

metus. In sit amet elit. Pellentesque luctus lacus scelerisque arcu. Cras mattis diam. Sed molestie, lectus

id bibendum luctus, magna orci luctus quam, et auctor urna diam sit amet ligula. Sed purus dui, suscipit

et, malesuada non, consectetuer in, augue. Proin et sapien. Maecenas aliquam, nibh id aliquet

tincidunt, ante neque pulvinar mauris, sit amet fermentum nibh augue mollis risus. Mauris porttitor varius

mauris. Vivamus in urna et sem accumsan imperdiet. Aenean fringilla, eros tincidunt gravida

elementum, justo eros pharetra felis, in rhoncus arcu lectus non enim. Phasellus odio tortor, mattis ut,

mattis elementum, luctus at, orci.


[ Insert your name here ]

[Your Title]

Word templates can be found on our intranet:

Quicklinks / Templates.

We have three templates: Australian standard; Australian corporate; New Zealand. We have also produced

templates without our logo to be used with

printed letterhead stationery. These can be

found in the print rooms in each office.

Always use Century Gothic typeface

with these templates.



Date: [Insert Date]

Insert text here…


To Click here to enter text. From Click here to enter text. X Urgent

Fax Click here to enter text. Pages Click here to enter text. X For review

Phone Click here to enter text. Date dd/mm/yyyy X Please reply

Re Click here to enter text. CC Click here to enter text.

Insert text here…


Memo template Fax template

Word templates can be found on our intranet:

Quicklinks / Templates.


With compliments slips / thank you cards

Note pads

APN Outdoor_With Compliments Slip_210x100mm_DL.indd 1 3/11/2014 12:26 pm



Intro’s x 4

1 2

3 4

Outro Title image

All APN Outdoor video’s must have use one of the intro’s above, along with our standard outro.

These files can be provided at request via a member of the Marketing team. Our logo watermark must

also be applied to the bottom right hand corner of each screen.

Each video should also have a “title image” as per the example below. A simple typographic title is

applied to a frame from the video.

Layered artwork files (Adobe Photoshop .PSD) can be provided on request for all of the above.





Container: .mp4, .mov

• No Edit Lists (or you may lose AV sync)

• moov atom at the front of the file (Fast Start)

Audio codec: AAC-LC

• Channels: Stereo or Stereo + 5.1

• Sample rate 96khz or 48khz

Video codec: H.264

Progressive scan (no interlacing)

• High Profile

• 2 consecutive B frames

• Closed GOP. GOP of half the frame rate.


• Variable bitrate. No bitrate limit required, though we offer

recommended bit rates below for reference

• Chroma subsampling: 4:2:0

Frame rate• Content should be encoded and uploaded in the same frame rate

it was recorded.

• Common frame rates include: 24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60 frames

per second (other frame rates are also acceptable).

• Interlaced content should be deinterlaced before uploading.

For example, 1080i60 content should be deinterlaced to 1080p30,

going from 60 interlaced fields per second to 30 progressive

frames per second.

Bitrate• Type – 1080p

• Video Bitrate – 8,000 kbps

• Mono Audio Bitrate – 128 kbps

• Stereo Audio Bitrate – 384 kbps

• 5.1 Audio Bitrate – 512 kbps

Resolution: • 1080p: 1920x1080

Aspect ratio: 16:9