SUBJECT Operating the Drawer Kickout -...

Post on 21-Jun-2018

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Reference: 002


Operating the Drawer Kickout



1. Drawer Hardware.................................................................................................Page 3

2. ESC POS Control................................................................................................Pages 4 and 5

3. Windows Drivers..................................................................................................Pages 6 to 10

4. OPOS Control......................................................................................................Pages 11 and 12

5. References..........................................................................................................Page 13


Reference: 002

Drawer Hardware

EPSON provides a Drawer Kick ( DK ) connector on the TM Printer range that allows the programmerto control up to two cashdrawers. The DK connector supplies +24VDC to the drawer solenoid(s) [Pin4]and then returns this signal to ground [Pin5 or Pin2] when the printer receives the appropriate controlcommand. The connector also has provision for the connection of a drawer position switch. Thisswitch, in conjunction with the Automatic Status Back command or similar, can inform the applicationof drawer position.


Reference: 002

Controlling the Cashdrawer

ESC POS Control

The EPSON ESC POS Drawer Kick command enables the control of either 1 or 2 Cashdrawers

ESC p m t1 t2


ESC p is the drawer kick command

m is the DK connector pin to output control signals ( Pin2 or Pin5 )

t1 is the ON time of the drawer kick signal. The ON time is 2mS x t1 value.

t2 is the OFF time of the drawer kick signal ( time before the next ON signal can be received ) TheOFF time is 2mS x t2 value.

ESC p m t1 t2Hexadecimal 1B 70 0,1 00 to FF 00 to FF

Decimal 27 112 0,1 ( 48,49 ) 0 to 255 0 to 255

Reference: 002

t2 OFF Time

t1 ON Time

t2 OFF Time


Controlling the Cashdrawer

ESC POS Control (cont.)

Programming Examples

ESC p m t1 t2

Decimal Example

MSComm1.Output = Chr(27) + Chr(112) + Chr(0) + Chr(25) + Chr(250)

Kick drawer 1 with the following pulse

Hexadecimal Example

MSComm1.Output = Chr(&H1B) + Chr(&H70) + Chr(&H0) + Chr$(&H19) + Chr$(&HFA)

Kick drawer 1 with the following pulse










Reference: 002

Windows Drivers

EPSON supplies a Windows driver for the current range of TM Series printers. Programmers can alsouse the Generic / Text Only driver to control the Cashdrawer.

EPSON Windows Driver

EPSON has provided a ‘control’ font in the Windows driver that sends the appropriate command tothe printer when triggered by certain control characters. The control characters listed below areprovided for Cashdrawer control.


Character Code

Function Extended charactercode (on all fontsother than thosemarked "Ext.")

A Open Drawer 1 (50ms drive pulse width) 81H

B Open Drawer 1 (100ms drive pulse width) 82H

C Open Drawer 1 (150ms drive pulse width) 83H

D Open Drawer 1 (200ms drive pulse width) 84H

E Open Drawer 1 (250ms drive pulse width) 85H

a Open Drawer 2 (50ms drive pulse width) 89H

b Open Drawer 2 (100ms drive pulse width) 8AH

c Open Drawer 2 (150ms drive pulse width) 8BH

d Open Drawer 2 (200ms drive pulse width) 8CH

e Open Drawer 2 (200ms drive pulse width) 8DH

Programming Examples

Cashdrawer 1 Kick

Printer.FontName = “control”Printer.FontSize = 10Printer.Print “A”

Cashdrawer 2 Kick

Printer.FontName = “control”Printer.FontSize = 10Printer.Print “a”


Reference: 002

Windows Drivers (cont.)

Note : If the EPSON TM Series print driver is installed as the Default Windows print driver additionalfonts will appear in the dropdown font combo box in Windows programs such as WordPad andWord97. In this font list there will be a number of EPSON internal printer fonts added. These fontsallow printing of internal font characters that speed up printing of Receipts to the maximum allowablespeed. They also allow selection of the control font. Using this font and the special printer controlcharacters listed previously we can easily control the printer operation.

To kick Cashdrawer 1, we would only need to set the font to control in WordPad, Word97, Access orany other Window based program that allows font selection, type the desired control character, andprint the data. The EPSON print driver would see the control font character and then send the requiredESC POS command to the printer.

EPSON InternalBarcode Font

EPSON printer controlfont


Reference: 002

Generic Windows Driver

The Generic / Text Only driver in Windows has features in the Device Options area that allow theplacement of printer control codes. Using this area we can produce simple printer control independentof the application.

Device OptionsTab

Printer control codes here

Or here

Printer can also becontrolled here


Reference: 002

Entering Printer control commands

To enter printer control commands into the Generic/Text Only driver you will need to access thecorrect ASCII characters via the P.C’s keyboard. To achieve this you hold down the ALT key, thenenter the desired ASCII characters decimal equivalent on the numeric keypad, then release the ALTkey.


Use Windows notebook for these examples

To obtain the ASCII character ‘p’ we need to refer to the ASCII Character Code table. In this table wecan see the decimal equivalent of ASCII ‘p’ is 112. To enter this character we do the following;

1) Press and hold the ALT key2) Press and release 1 on the numeric keypad, then press and release 1 again, then press and

release 2.3) Release the ALT key

The ASCII character ‘p’ should now appear.

To obtain the Æ character

1) Press and hold the ALT key2) Press and release 1 on the numeric keypad, then press and release 4, then press and release 6.3) Release the ALT key

The ASCII character ‘Æ’ should now appear.

Generic Driver Device Options Example

To enter the Cashdrawer command, ESC p m t1 t2, we would have entered the following data in theDevice Options ‘End print job’ box

1) Press and release the ESC key2) Press and hold the ALT key3) Press and release 1 on the numeric keypad, then press and release 1, then press and release 2.4) Release the ALT key5) Press and hold the ALT key6) Press and release 4 on the numeric keypad then press and release 8.7) Release the ALT key8) Enter { character twice

<ESC> p0{{ should now be showing in the Device Options ‘End print job’ box;

This will cause the Generic/Text Only print driver to output the EPSON Cashdrawer command,ESC p m t1 t2, after it has finished printing.


Reference: 002

ESC p m t1 t2


Reference: 002


EPSON supplies an OPOS driver (Service Object) for a Standard Cashdrawer. In the CashDrawerDevice Specific Settings area in OPOS you can set the values for m (Cashdrawer Selection) and t1, t2(ON / OFF time).

m value

t1 value

t2 value


Reference: 002

OPOS Commands

To operate the Autocutter mechanism in OPOS it is only necessary to send the following command tothe OPOS Control Object.


There is also a command that allows monitoring of drawer open status. For this command to operateconnection will have to be made between the DK connector and a position switch on the Cashdrawer.


Programming Examples

No position switch

Cocash1.Open (“Cashdrawer”)Cocash1.Claim 2000Cocash1.DeviceEnabled = True


Cocash1.DeviceEnabled = False

Position switch fitted

Cocash1.Open (“Cashdrawer”)Cocash1.Claim 2000Cocash1.DeviceEnabled = True

If Not Cocash1.DrawerOpened ThenCocash1.OpenDrawerCocash1.WaitForDrawerClose 10000,1000,100,100End If

Cocash1.DeviceEnabled = False

This example is asking

If the cashdrawer is not open then open the drawer, if the cashdrawer is open wait for it to be closed.The timing parameters after the WaitForDrawerClose command set up the Beep sound in Windows.This beep gives an audible warning to the operator to close the drawer.


Reference: 002


ESC POS Section

TM-t88II Specification Manual Revision DVisual Basic 5.0EAL Printer Control.pptCharacter Code Table PC437

Windows Drivers

Windows 95EPSON TM Printer Driver Users Manual 1.53EWordPadCharacter Code Table PC437TM-T88II Specification Manual Revision DVisual Basic 5.0EAL Printer Control.ppt


EPSON OPOS ADK Training ManualEPSON OPOS ADK Application Development Guide Version 1.72EEPSON OPOS ADK Application Development Guide POS Printers (EPSON TM Series) Version 1.74EOLE for Retail POS Application Programmers Guide Release 1.2EAL OPOS Presentation.ppt

For further information or assistance please contact


Sales Support Technician70 Gibbes Street

Chatswood NSW 206761299039142

DH TechnologyJoe Parolaro

Technical Manager39 Leighton Place

Hornsby NSW 207761294771999

CASHFLOW Retail SystemsDuncan Mullin

Technical Manager13 Morningside Drive

St Lukes 1996Auckland NZ6498469933


What is OPOS ?

OPOS is Object Linked Embedding for Point Of Sale. OPOS aims to standardize methods of printercontrol across all POS peripherals and peripheral manufacturers by using OLE (ActiveX) technology.This will allow more open and general purpose development of applications and control software. Atpresent over 180 companies are developing or have developed OPOS supported products with moreand more products becoming OPOS compliant all the time.

By using OPOS drivers, the application developer frees himself from undertaking the time consumingdevelopment of specialized drivers for specific hardware items. This allows more time and resourcesto be spent on creating more effective POS solutions that fully utilize features of Windows such asMultitasking and Multimedia. Both Microsoft and Fujitsu have made available large scale OPOSsolutions.

EPSON provides, at no cost, copies of the OPOS Application Developers Kit. This kit contains theOPOS drivers, sample applications in Visual Basic and numerous Application Development Guides forcurrent EPSON products.

If you would like more information on OPOS or any other EPSON product, please contact EPSONAustralia or your local EPSON distributor


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