Submission Guide for Accreditation of Learning … Guide for Accreditation of Learning Programmes...

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© HKCAAVQ February 2012 1

Submission Guide for

Accreditation of Learning Programmes Levels 4-7

1. This Submission Guide aims to help Institutions to prepare their Submission for

Programme Validation (PV) documents for learning programmes (up to Level 7).

Operators planning academic programmes with intermediate exit awards at QF Level 3

or 4 may also use this Submission Guide. This Guide provides basic and essential

information required for the PV. The accreditation Panel may request further

information in writing and/or in meeting with the Institution. Please refer to the

HKCAAVQ Guidelines for details:

2. In preparing the Submission, Institutions should address the Criteria and Standards for

Programme Validation (shown in Section 3 below)

3. The Submission should be presented in 2 parts: they are the Main Submission and the

Supporting Material.

4. The Main Submission should be limited to 60 A-4 size pages; and presented in 12

sections. The suggested content for each of the above sections is outlined below. The

12 sections are:

Section 1: Overview of the Institution

Section 2: General Information of the Programme

Sections 3 to 12: Information and Evidence Addressing the Accreditation Criteria and


5. The Supporting Material should contain the key institutional documents (e.g internal

validation report, Quality Assurance (QA) manual and student handbook) and other

supporting documents. These documents should be referred to in the Main Submission,

clearly titled and labeled for referencing.

6. Templates are provided for the major items listed in the Submission Guide. Institutions

are requested to provide the requisite information shown in the templates as far as

practicable. If necessary, modification or adaptation can be made to suit their needs.

7. Institutions are advised to conduct a self-evaluation against the accreditation criteria and

standards before preparing the submission documents for accreditation purpose. Please

refer to this link for more details:

(Note : Where “institution” is mentioned, this refers to institution, operator, course provider,

college, school, academy, as appropriate.)

Notes to Institutions

Annex II

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 2

Submission for Programme Validation for Academic Programme

Section 1 Overview of Institution

This section aims to give a brief introduction of the Institution and explain how the Programme

fits into the existing structure. The following information is required:

*Name of the Institution

*Address of the Institution

Brief history of the Institution (e.g. date of establishment, acquisition of accreditation

status, and other major developments)

Vision and mission of the Institution

Organizational structure (e.g. governing body, faculties, schools, departments,

administrative units, support services)

The range of programmes being offered

The host department, supporting departments, supporting units, boards, committees and

other units involved in the Programme)

* Both Chinese and English versions are required.

Section 2 General information about the Programme

This section aims to give some general information about the Programme. The following

information is required:

*Programme title

*Qualification title or exit award

*Intermediate exit award(s) (if applicable)

*Name of granting body

Mode(s) of study (e.g. full-time, part-time, or both)

Programme length (in terms of number of contact hours, minimum number of years and

maximum number of years)

Curriculum, including the % of generic and specialised contents

Number of credits required for intermediate exit award(s) (if any) and terminal exit award

Number and name of stream(s)

Planned Programme launch date

* Both Chinese and English versions are required

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 3

Information and Evidence Addressing the Accreditation Criteria and Standards

This section should address (a) the accreditation criteria and standards; and (b) the Common

Descriptors. The initial information/evidence required for each criterion is outlined below.

Accreditation Criteria and Standards Suggested Information/Evidence

Section 3 Programme Objectives and Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes should reflect the stated

programme objectives, which are tested through

assessment. The evidence from assessments must

show that the QF level of the learning outcomes

correspond to the Generic Level Descriptors and

other relevant documents

Mapping of intended learning outcomes against

the competency areas in the Generic Level

Descriptors (GLD) and relevant documents

Principles/philosophies/factors that have been

taken into account in programme planning

Explanation of how the course intended learning

outcomes (CILO) help students to achieve the

overall programme intended learning outcomes

(PILO) of the programme, and where there are

Streams in the programme structure, their

specific learning outcomes vis-à-vis the overall

programme learning outcomes

Samples of formative and summative


Samples of students’ work

Section 4 Programme Content and Structure

The content and structure of the learning

programme must be coherent, integrated and

effective in enabling students to achieve the stated

learning outcomes and the required standards. The

learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities

and assessments must be coherent, balanced,

enable progression and be pitched at the

appropriate level in QF.

Definitive course documents

A summary table of the programme structure

and curriculum

Factors that have been taken into account in

programme design

Samples of teaching material and learning


Samples of assessment material and activities

A recommended reading list

Syllabus of all courses

Section 5 Admission Requirements & Student Selection

The minimum admission requirements for the

programme must be clearly outlined for students

and staff. These requirements and the student

selection processes must ensure that students

enrolling in the programme have the knowledge

and skills to be able to undertake the learning

activities proposed in the programme.

Brochures, prospectuses or website information

showing admission requirements and procedures

Student selection and enrolment procedures

Data on student recruitment, entry profiles and

completion rates

Planned annual student intakes

Policy on exemption, non-standard entry

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 4

Section 6 Teaching and Learning

The teaching and learning activities designed for

the programme must be effective in delivering the

intended learning outcomes and programme

content. A range of appropriate teaching methods

must be employed to effectively engage students in

the learning process.

A description of the teaching and learning

methods, sequence of learning and assessment

activities, mode of teaching (e.g. lectures,

tutorials, laboratories, practical demonstration,

work placement, etc.) and contact hours for each


Samples of teaching and learning materials

A recommended reading list

Guidance materials for employers or other

parties involved in student learning, if relevant

Examples on how the teaching and learning

strategies help students achieve the intended

learning outcomes

Language of instruction policy

Measures to implement contemporary teaching

approaches to enhance teaching and learning

Section 7 Student Assessment

Assessments must support effective learning and

enable students to demonstrate achievement of the

learning outcomes and the required standards. The

assessment methods and techniques used for the

programme must be valid, reliable, fair and

sufficient to reflect the learning outcomes at the

claimed QF levels.

An outline of assessment methods and

assessment criteria for each course

Criteria and guidelines for activity-based


System of assessment verification or moderation

and external examination, as appropriate

Policies and procedures for grading assessment

results (if using graded assessment)

Samples of assessment materials

Philosophies/ factors that have underpinned the

design of the assessment policies and strategies

Graduation requirements

Section 8 Staffing and Staff Development for Learning Programmes

Institutions must have adequate teaching and

support staff with the qualities, competence,

qualifications and experience necessary for the

effective management, planning, delivery and

monitoring of the programme. There must be an

adequate staff development scheme and activities

to ensure that the teaching and supporting staff are

kept updated for the quality delivery of the


A staff manual

Curriculum vitae (CV) of all teaching staff

which includes academic and/or professional

qualifications, and teaching/work experience

An indication of anticipated staff-to-student


Policies and plans for staff development

A staffing plan for teaching staff and

administrative/ supporting staff on the


Appointment criteria for teaching staff of both

full-time and part-time

Policy on staff load, induction and review

Staff contingency plan, if relevant

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 5

Section 9 Quality Assurance (including Programme Development and Management)

Institutions must (i) develop learning programmes

by addressing the needs of the community,

employees and employers and aligning with the

Generic Level Descriptors of the QF; and (ii)

monitor and review the performance of the

programme on an ongoing basis to ensure that the

programme remains current and valid and that the

learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities

and student assessments are effective.

A written description or procedure for

developing and approving learning programmes

Terms of reference and membership of relevant

committees or advisory bodies involved in the

development of the programmes

Details of relevant bodies and individuals

consulted during the development of the


Indications of support for the proposed

programmes from external bodies and from any

relevant internal bodies or committees

Terms of reference and membership of course

review committee

Consultation reports from external examiner,

external advisor and employers

Criteria in the choice of external advisors and


The feedback loop and the follow up mechanism

Section 10 Financial and Physical Resources for Learning Programmes

Institutions must have adequate financial and

physical resources for the delivery of the


Initial and annual income and expenditure1 for

the learning programme

Description of the accommodation and teaching

facilities for the learning programme

A detailed list of the specialist facilities and

equipment required to deliver the learning


An indication of the type and extent of library

collection relevant to the learning programme

Funding for and long-term financial viability of

the programme

A financial contingency plan

Section 11 Workplace Attachment and Student Support Services

Institutions must provide students with clear,

accurate information and dependable access to

support services that give students optimum

opportunity for successful completion of the


Student handbook, brochure or website

information outlining programme information,

support services and relevant student policies

Procedure for monitoring student under-

achievement and evidence of appropriate


Copy of relevant academic, disciplinary and

complaints policies as provided to students

Memorandum of understanding or agreement

with organization/company providing workplace


Student and supervisor manual for workplace


1 If the Programme is not self-sustainable, please explain how it is or will be financed and provide the necessary proof.

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 6

Assessment criteria for workplace attachment

Academic support for humble learners or needy


Section 12 Student Records and Information Management

Institutions must have effective administration and

management systems and procedures in place to

ensure integrity, security, accuracy and currency of

their records.

Documented administration and record-keeping


Sample forms such as enrolment forms, class

results forms or certificates

Actual records of student enrolments, student

assessments, qualifications issued, staff CVs and

verified qualifications

CVs and statement of duties of key

administration staff

An overview of the student records and

information management systems

Measures to ensure the integrity, security,

accuracy and currency of student records

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 7

Glossary of Terms


Where “course” is mentioned, this refers to course, module, unit, subject, as appropriate.

QF Credit

According to the Concept and Principles of QF Credit under Hong Kong Qualifications

Framework issued by the Education Bureau, one QF credit consists of 10 notional learning

hours and notional learning time takes into account the total time likely to be spent by a

learner in all modes of learning and assessment activities in achieving the intended learning

outcomes of the learning programme.


Where “Stream” is mentioned, this refers to Stream, Concentration, Specialization, Major of

Study, as appropriate.


Syllabus should include information on the allocation of national learning time to all modes

of the learning and assessment activities in a course.

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 8

Template for Institutions on the Preparation of

Submission Document for Programme Validation


1. The submission document is the major written source of information for the HKCAAVQ

Panel. To this end, this template is designed to assist Institutions to provide precise and

concise information to the HKCAAVQ. Users of this template should refer to relevant

HKCAAVQ Guidelines for details .

2. This template relies on the Institutions’ own self-evaluation and their provision of

accurate and relevant information as evidence to support their claims.

3. To serve its limited purpose, this template provides a way to obtain the most basic

information from Institutions. Institutions are requested to provide the requisite

information in each section as far as practicable. If necessary, modification or

adaptation can be made to suit individual needs. Users should not consider themselves

bound by this template when preparing the submission document.

4. Institutions are to provide requisite information in the main text which should be limited

to around 60 A4-size pages plus any relevant supporting document in the appendices,

as appropriate. Cross-referencing of information should be clearly stated and an

electronic version of the submission is also required.

Note : Where “institution” is mentioned, this refers to institution, operator, course provider,

college, school, academy, as appropriate.

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 9

Section 1 - The Institution

Background of Institution

Mission and Vision of Institution

Section 2 - The Programme

General Information

Name of Programme

(English and Chinese)

Exit Qualification

(English and Chinese)

QF Level

Planned Implementation Date

Stream(s) of Study included in

the Programme *

Mode of Study

(can be more than one mode) Full-time Part-time Others: ________

Programme Length Full-time

_____ Years


_____ Years


_____ Years

Intermediate Exit Award

(if applicable)

QF Level:

Host Department

Supporting Department(s)

(Note *: Where “Stream” is mentioned, this refers to Stream, Concentration, Specialization, Major

of Study, as appropriate.)

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 10

Justification for the Programme

Manpower needs / industry demands:

Uniqueness and positioning of Programme:

Section 3 - Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes

Programme Aims / Objectives

(Please state the Programme is mainly targeted for whom and for what purpose, e.g. for

further studies, for employment, etc.)

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes

Programme Intended

Learning Outcomes


Upon completion of the Programme, students should be

able to:




ILOs of specific Stream(s),

if any

Stream 1: _____________________




Stream 2: _____________________




Stream 3: _____________________



© HKCAAVQ February 2012 11

Articulation Path / Further Study Opportunities of the Graduates

Professional Recognition/ Exemption

Employment/ Career Prospects

Section 4 - Programme Content and Structure

Programme Design

(Description of components of programme, how the design matches institution’s mission

and vision, etc.)

(For programme designed with Streams, description of the curricular components, e.g.

number and names of specialized courses of each Stream)

(For programme designed with Electives, description of the choice of subject areas

accompanied by a list of the Electives to be offered upon programme implementation)

Total no. of generic courses #: _______ courses / _______ QF credits @ ( %)

Total no. of specialised courses: _______ courses / _______ QF credits ( %)

Others (please specify): _______ courses / _______ QF credits ( %)

(Note #: Where “course” is mentioned, this refers to course, module, unit, subject, as appropriate.)

(Note@: One QF credit consists of 10 notional learning time and notional learning time takes into

account the total time likely to be spent by a learner in all modes of learning and

assessment activities in achieving the intended learning outcomes of the learning


© HKCAAVQ February 2012 12

Programme Curriculum

Year 1/ Year 2/ Year 3/ Year 4/ Year 5 ^


Courses Core/ Elective^^ Pre-requisite/







Domain 1: ________ (e.g. General Education)

Domain 2: __________(e.g. Language)

Domain 3: ________

Domain 4: ________



Courses Core/ Elective^^ Pre-requisite/

Co-requisite ^^






For Programme without Streams:

For Programme with Streams:

Stream 1: ______________ ^^^

Stream 2: ______________ ^^^

Stream 3: ______________ ^^^

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 13





(Note ^: Please delete as appropriate and provide the curriculum of each Year of Study in a

separate table.

^^: Please specify if applicable.

^^^: Please provide Title of the Stream.)

Consolidated summary of the contribution of courses to PILOs



Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



(Note: A „‟ in the above table indicates that the course contributes to that particular PILO.)

Mapping of courses against the Generic Level Descriptors (GLDs) of the QF



GLDs (QF Level ___) GLDs (QF Level ___) Knowledge










IT and












IT and


K1 K2 ... P1 P2 … A1 A2 … C1 C2 … K1 K2 ... P1 P2 … A1 A2 … C1 C2 …

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code

(Note: Please give courses that benchmark at the exit QF level of the qualification and also at one

QF level below the exit level. Please use separate tables if there are more than one exit

qualification. A „‟ in the above table indicates that the course fulfils the requirement of

that particular GLD domain.)

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 14

Section 5 - Admission Requirements and Student Selection

Minimum Entrance Requirements

Year 1 entry

A candidate should meet one of the following requirements:




Year 2/ Year 3 entry (if applicable)

A candidate should meet one of the following requirements:



Admission Policy (including special admission, exemption and advanced standing)

Projected Enrollment Number



Year of


implementation 201X/1X 201X/1X 201X/1X 201X/1X





















Year 1

Year 2

Year 3




(Note: FTE - Full-Time Equivalent)

Please also include enrolment number by stream where appropriate

Year of


© HKCAAVQ February 2012 15

Section 6 - Teaching and Learning

Attendance requirement: __________%

Class size (maximum number of students per class):

a typical lecture: _________ students

a typical tutorial: _________ students

a typical lab/practical: _________ students

others (please specify): _________ students

Medium of Instruction Policy

Delivery Methods

(A general description of the programme teaching and learning strategies and approaches

to meet the PILOs)

Specific Teaching and Learning Methodologies and Other Concerns

(For programme structured with specific teaching and learning such as workplace

attachment/ internship or education/ training specific to the programme, a description of

the intended learning outcomes, arrangements, monitoring and assessment, and how such

teaching and learning integrates into the Programme)

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 16

Workplace Attachment / Internship

Placement requirements ________ times / hours

for the programme Compulsory/


Duration required 1st visit/ practicum _______ hours

2nd visit/ practicum _______ hours

Host Unit/ Department

Intended Learning Outcomes

Number of placements required

per year and concrete plan to

secure the placement places

Assessment requirements

Support services provided

Others (please specify)

Other education/ training specific to the Programme _______________________ **

(Note **: Please provide the title of the programme-specific education/ training)

Requirements ________ times / hours

for the programme Compulsory/


Duration required

Host Unit/ Department

Intended Learning Outcomes

Concrete plan /arrangements

Assessment requirements

Support services provided

Others (please specify)

Supervision, management and assessment roles by parties concerned

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 17

Section 7 - Student Assessment

Institutional Level Assessment Policy

(Please describe the programme assessment policy and the rationale for implementing the

stated policy.)

Assessment Plan

Year of

Study Course Code/ Title

Weighting of Different Kinds of Assessment

Continuous Assessment (%)

(Please provide the breakdown

of different kinds of


Examination (%)

(Please provide the breakdown

of practical and written


Grading System and Assessment Criteria

(Please describe the assessment policy in place and the rationale for implementing the

stated policy.)

Assessment Moderation System

(Please describe the moderation system and the rationale for implementing the stated

system, including the role and responsibilities of external examiners.)

Graduation Requirements

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 18

Section 8 - Staffing and Staff Development for the Programme

Academic Leadership

(Including but not limited to the name of the Faculty Dean/Programme/Stream Leader(s)

and their respective roles in regard to the Programme)


Teaching Staff Planned for the Programme in the Next Few Years




Appointment Criteria Projected Staff Number

Qualification Teaching




For year of



For future years

(201X/1X) ….

Full-time Part-time

/FTE Full-time



Teaching Staff

Others (please specify)


Current Teaching Staff Profile of the Programme

Name of


Post Title

(Full-time /


Course(s) Taught /

Responsible Area(s) Qualification

Years of



Years of



© HKCAAVQ February 2012 19

Teaching Staff Workload

Rank / Post Teaching Load


Administrative Load

(Hours/week) Others (please specify)

Staff Development

Policies on Staff Development

(Please describe the staff development policies, requirements on research outputs and the

rationale for implementing the stated policies.)

Staff Development and Professional Activities Relevant to this Programme Participated by

Teaching Staff in the Last Two Years



Name of

Activities & Dates

Purpose (Institutional/

Programme Level) Organizer

Financial / Other

Support Provided

Staff Development Plans for the Coming Year(s)

Staff Development

and Professional


Purpose (Institutional/

Programme Level)


Audience Duration Frequency



Staff Appraisal, Performance Review and Promotion Policy

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 20

Section 9 - Quality Assurance (including Programme Development and


Quality Assurance Mechanism

(Please provide the key feature (and flow chart) of the quality assurance (QA) mechanism

of the institution, including reporting line and committee structure, supplemented by a

Quality Assurance Manual.)

Programme Approval Processes that Had Been Completed Before Programme


(Please provide information such as the membership of the Programme Planning Team/

Committee, date of Internal Programme Validation, a report by the Internal Validation

Panel and the Programme Team’s response to the report.)

Programme Management

New programme development procedures

Programme review and management procedures

Approval procedures for major and minor changes/ modification to the curriculum

Feedback from Stakeholders

External advisors / external examiners/ industry experts / prospective employers/students,


(Please describe how the feedback from stakeholders has contributed to the development of

the programme proposal and how such feedback will be addressed at different stages of the

QA mechanism upon programme implementation.)

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 21

Section 10 - Financial and Physical Resources for the Programme

Overall Financial Performance and Contingency Planning

(Please also provide information on source of and financial support to sustain the


Campus Information

(Please provide information about the campus and its development, if any, in support of

programme implementation.)

Facilities and Equipment in Support of the Programme

Library Support Services in Support of the Programme

(Please provide information about the library in support of programme implementation,

e.g. e-learning, e-books, data retrieval, etc.)

Section 11 - Student Support Services

(Please provide information about support services made available to students and Unit(s)

responsible for the provision.)

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 22

Section 12 - Student Records and Information Management

Maintenance of student information

(Please describe the roles and duties of the responsible unit(s) in maintaining student


Management Information System and Access Rights

(Please describe how the Management Information System stores and updates students’

data and the measures in place to ensure integrity, security, confidentiality, accuracy and

currency of student records.)

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 23


For the Programme

Individual course outline including in particular

a) course intended learning outcomes,

b) syllabus contents,

c) teaching and learning activities,

d) assessment methods and weighting, and the justification of its validity to meet the

intended learning outcomes, and

e) a reading list for each individual course

Demonstrate by using one capstone project/ core course from the upper year of study how

the Programme is pitched at the proposed QF level making reference to the GLDs

Assessment regulations, sample assessments and the associated assessment criteria of

each of the following: (a) core course, (b) specialised course, (c) generic course, (d)

elective course, and (e) capstone project

For programmes designed with Electives, a list of the Electives to be offered upon

programme implementation

Student selection procedures and the responsible committee(s) and personnel

Award classification including the associated award/grade descriptors

Staff and Students

Qualification and relevant experience of each teaching staff member of the Programme

A list of research and selected publication of staff

A Staff Handbook

A Student Handbook to include in particular academic regulations and plagiarism policy

Staff-student ratio (SSR) (including the ratio of lecture/ tutorial/ practicum supervision/

other teaching activities)

Financial and Physical Resources

A budget and estimates for the Programme (including break-even number of students and

unit cost)

A list of programme-specific facilities and equipment

Mechanism for dealing with under enrollment

Explanation on how the Programme is financed if it is not self-sustainable and the

necessary proof

Workplace Attachment / Internship

Placement Handbook for students

Placement Manual/ Guidelines for industrial supervisor / placement provider

Work placement agreement

A list of potential placement providers

© HKCAAVQ February 2012 24

Quality Assurance

A Quality Assurance Manual (including the feedback loop and follow-up mechanism)

Terms of reference of relevant committees and membership composition

Guidelines for external examiners/ moderators

A list of external advisors and external examiners and terms of appointment


Feb 2012 version