
Post on 29-Oct-2014

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Presenter: Nelly Chechuy 2013

Answer the Answer the questionsquestions

What is success and why is it important for people?


Success is…

Who are these people and why are they successful?

What do you know about this woman?What do you know about this woman?Is she a successful person? Why?Is she a successful person? Why?

What is his name?What is his name?Prove that this man was successful.Prove that this man was successful.

This man is a good example of success. This man is a good example of success. Why?Why?

What leads to success?

Richard’s 8 secrets of success

What are you passionate about?

What would you do for love and not for money?

What do you do that is hard work but is also fun?

What are you good at?

What do you want to be good at?

What do you focus on? (Now)

What would you like to focus on? (later in life)

How do you push yourself to succeed?

Can you push yourself through doubt and shyness?

Who or what pushes you?

Who pushes you to succeed?

What do you want to do for others?

Do you have lots of ideas?

Do you think something should be different in the world? Can you make it happen?

How many of these do you do often?

When you try to do something, do you persist (do you keep trying again and again until you succeed)?OR When you try to do something, do you give up (stop trying after one try)?


Do you persist through failure and other challenges?

What do you think?

• Do you agree with these 8 steps? • Can you add any? • Are any unnecessary (not needed)?

This man is a good example of success. This man is a good example of success. Why?Why?

Success Secrets Of Woods

Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods (born December 30, 1975) is an American professional golfer who is the most successful golfers of all time.

Success Secret 1 : Expect to win

Know in your heart that you are a winner.

“I want to be what I've always wanted to be: dominant.”

Success Secret 2 : Let your expectations showExpress no doubts, let your competitors and your friends know that you have none.

Success Secret 3 : Work, practice, work, and practice some more

At the top of his field, he can still be seen hitting buckets  of balls until dark - even if he's just won.

Success Secret 4 : Dress and act like a winner

This is a part of keeping yourself in a winning frame of mind.

Success Secret 5 : Have a sense of drama - don't create it but know it when you see  it.

You don't have to seek out publicity, but know how to accept and use it when it comes to you.

Success Secret 6 : Know that there is always room to grow

Being the best does not mean you can't be even better.

Success Secret 7 : Hang with the winners They understand the pressures and situations in which you will find yourself.

May be difficult, but this helps you to stay real.

Success Secret 8 : Put yourself in situations where you are not known as a success.

Success Secret 9 : Value and protect your free time and do what you enjoy

Success Secret 10 : Remember those who need help

Somewhere, someone helped you - be willing to give back.

“My dad has always taught me these words: care and share. The only thing I can do is try to give back. If it works, it works.”

Thank youThank you