SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING COURSE … outline... · SLO 6: Adopt critical thinking...

Post on 08-Jun-2020

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DEPARTMENT OF _ _ _ _ _ _





Sultan Qaboos University seeks to achieve excellence in all areas of teaching and learning, research and community service. It also seeks to promote the principles of scientific analysis and creative thinking, to participate in the production, development and dissemination of knowledge, and to interact with national and international communities.


The mission of the College of Nursing at Sultan Qaboos University is to respond to the health care needs of the Omani society through the development and execution of strong educational nursing programs, service and research.


Approved college board on 31December2014

Caring Excellence Professionalism Diversity Community Service




I. COURSE INFORMATION: Course Name Course Code Place in Curriculum Pre/Co-Requisite* Credits/Contact Hours Day/Time Location (Venue)

Following the College of Nursing Credit and Contact guidelines, to meet the identified student learning outcomes of this course, the expectations are that this (#)-unit course, delivered over a (##)-week term, will approximate (#) contact hours/week of classroom, or direct faculty instruction. In addition, out of class student work will approximate a minimum of (##) clinical hours each week.

II. FACULTY INFORMATION Course Coordinator [Name]

[Email] [Phone] [Office Hours]

Clinical Instructor (s): Name] [Email] [Phone]


IV. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

SLO 1: Provide ethical and professional nursing care to individuals, families and community. Specific Course Objectives • Relevant AACN Essentials or QSEN Competency

Evaluation Methods • SLO 2: Ensure safety and quality in the care of individuals, families and community. Relevant AACN Essentials or QSEN Competency

Relevant Standard/Competency • Evaluation Methods • SLO 3: Utilize evidence based nursing process in provision of holistic, culture-sensitive care across life span and health-illness continuum.



Specific Course Objectives • Relevant AACN Essentials or QSEN Competency

Evaluation Methods • SLO 4: Provide leadership in the delivery, management and advancement of health care in a changing health care environment. Specific Course Objectives • Relevant AACN Essentials or QSEN Competency

Evaluation Methods • SLO 5: Practice effective communication skills at all levels of care. Specific Course Objectives • Relevant AACN Essentials or QSEN Competency

Evaluation Methods • SLO 6: Adopt critical thinking in clinical nursing practice. Specific Course Objectives • Relevant AACN Essentials or QSEN Competency

Evaluation Methods • SLO 7: Collaborate and work effectively with members of the multidisciplinary health care team. Specific Course Objectives • Relevant AACN Essentials or QSEN Competency

Evaluation Methods • SLO 8: Demonstrate ability to learn independently. Specific Course Objectives • Relevant AACN Essentials or QSEN Competency

Evaluation Methods •

V. Teaching Methodologies: The following approaches that are guided by Adult Learning Theory will be used to achieve course and clinical objectives related to the SLOs:

Instructional Methods Learning Activities (choose what you use)

• Direct Instruction • Structured lectures • Didactic questions • Guides for readings

• Indirect Instruction

• Evidence-based articles • Case studies • Reflective discussion • Concept mapping

• Interactive Instruction • Video simulation • Group discussion



• Experiential Learning • Simulations • Games • Role playing

• Independent Study • Assigned practice questions • Pre-tests

VI. Evaluation Methods

Exams Assigned Points First Exam % Second Exam % Final Exam %

Assignments • Assignment # 1: • Objective: • Rubric:


• Assignment # 2: • Objective: • Rubric:


Total 100% VII. Textbooks and Study Resources Required Textbooks

• [Author last name], [Author 1st initial]. [(Year of publication)]. [Book Title], [(#th edition)]. [Publisher]. ISBN: #########

Other Study Resources • [Other textbooks] • [Appendix A: List of up-to-date evidence-based articles] • [Other]

VIII. Grading Scale

Note. In-course assessment mark is provided in two decimal points and the final exam marks in one decimal.

Letter Grade Numeric Value Range Description A 4.0 > 88.0% Exceptional performance A - 3.7 85.0 - 87.9 B + 3.3 82.0 - 84.9

Very good performance B 3.0 79.0 - 81.9 B - 2.7 76.0 - 78.9 C + 2.3 73.0 - 75.9 Satisfactory performance

C 2.0 70.0 - 72.9 C - 1.7 67.0 - 69.9 D + 1.3 64.0 - 66.9 Minimally acceptable performance D 1.0 60.0 - 63.9 F 0.0 < 60.0 Unacceptable performance

IX. Course Policies

Academic Integrity



• Academic misconduct is defined as the use of any dishonest or deceitful means to gain some academic advantage or benefit. This can take many forms, including but not limited to, the following:

I. Examinations a. Copying, or attempting to copy, from another student's work, or permitting another

student to copy from your work. b. Using notes of whatever kind in the formation of answers in a closed book

examination. c. Impersonation of another student in an examination, seminar or other form of

presentation. d. Disrupting the conduct of examinations by illegally obtaining access to

examination papers or answers, and/or distribution of this material to others. II. Assignements

a. Plagiarism: Using the words, thoughts, ideas, results, etc., of another person in a written assignment, without acknowledging the source, as if it were the student's own work.

b. Copying: Copying another person's answers in an essay, assignment, paper, etc. and presenting it, either wholly or with only minor changes, as if it were the student's own work.

c. Collusion: Working with others on an assignment which is intended to be an individual assignment, and incorporating their material into your work.

d. Switching: Submitting work completed for one course in another course without the permission of the instructor.

e. Falsification: Inventing data or altering data that have been obtained from legitimate sources

III. Forging University Documents

• Submitting or using forged academic documents or forged signatures for the purpose of personal gain or fraud. If a student commits an act of academic misconduct, whether defined above or of different nature, it may be documented and then one or more of the following penalties may be applied:

a. Written warning. b. Downgrading of an assignment or examination. c. An 'F' grade given to the assignment or examination. d. An 'F' grade given to the course. e. Suspension from the University for a specified period. f. Expulsion from the University.

Attendance, Preparation, and Participation Policy A. It is the student’s responsibility to be punctual and to attend all classes. B. Failure to attend classes without prior approval for whatever reason is considered as part of the

percentage missed. C. Students bear full responsibility for checking their own attendance record. Attendance records

are kept, and an “Absentee warning notice” will be issued if a student is absent for more than 10% of the total contact hours.

D. A “Failure withdrawal notice” will be issued and the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course with an “FW” grade if a student is absent for more than 20% of the total contact hours.

E. Compulsory attendance is required for all in-course assessment and final examination. The examination will not be postponed for any student without an emergency reason or approved medical certificates.



F. Compulsory participation in discussions, written assignments, use of case scenarios and e-learning. Moodle) is expected to complete the course requirements.

G. Students should interact with the teacher on Moodle for discussion related to the content taught in the classroom. Students should register for the course work on Moodle and use it frequently for the teaching learning sessions and instructions. The students should actively involve in these interactive classroom and online learning sessions.

H. Absenteeism: Students who remain absent should meet the Course Co-ordinator. Those who are sick will produce a medical certificate certified by the FAMCO or any MOH centers/ hospital and submit it.

Clinical Policies • This course has a requirement of a total of a minimum of ## clinical hours per credit. • If your clinical performance is evaluated as unsafe at any time during the clinical practicum, this

constitutes a failure in the course and supersedes any numerical or letter grade. • SQU- CON uniforms are required in the clinical and simulation lab settings. Uniforms and shoes

must be clean, neat, and wrinkle free. • While working in the skills and simulation lab, low heel, close-toed shoes must be worn (this is a

safety issue).

Other Policy A. Completion and submission of all the course needs and assignments before the last date of

class for the course. B. Discuss or provide your course experiences and feedback to the course coordinator in written

or verbal form if any. C. You may approach the coordinator for relevant discussions or clarifications of the course

content based on appointments. D. Professional behaviors and ethics are expected of students in the classroom. Students should

engage in self-directed learning as required to keep in pace with the course requirements. E. Student should sign a written declaration that the assignment handed-in, is solely the work of

the individual student and has not been copied or reproduced in any form. F. Collusion Policies: You can consult each other while working on any individual or group

homework, but all the work that you submit must be your own. Discuss the assignments among yourselves. This is helpful to the learning process. However, direct copying of others work will NOT be allowed or tolerated and will result in a reduction of grade.

G. Each student will develop evidence based nursing practice PICO question related to a clinical problem, population, or concern. They should find at least 3 nursing research articles addressing the PICO question, appraise the quality of evidence in selected nursing research articles, develop recommendations for nursing practice considering the available resources, and discuss the findings with students and teacher in the class room during the lectures for possible implementation in clinical patient care activities [while perceiving the uniqueness of each individual, preferences and values].