Summary of Research

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Summary of Research

Analysis of Pop Rock Music Videos

The main character tends to be the artist who is shown to be from a working class background within the

narrative as it makes them seem like the underdog.

There tends to a female character that is shown to be from an upper class background. This is used as the main male character try's to impress them and the upper class female is shown to be

out of the males league.

There is some times another male character that is not in the band or related to the artist. This person tends to be from an upper class background as an obstacle to the

main male character as the upper class male either finds the main, male character unsuitable or is already with the female character, as in going out.

The conventional location/setting of a Pop Rock music video is manly a garage scene as it contributes to the narrative and

shows the difference of classes within the characters and also shows the dominance of the upper class to the working class.

Within the music videos there is always parts were the band or artist is playing and instrument

or singing into a microphone.

Close ups are used throughout the videos to show the facial expressions and emotions of the

character in the narrative.

The music videos show a contrast between the upper class and working class people by the use

of high and low angles.

Use props with in the music videos are used to help set the scene of the narrative

in the video.

There is a consistent use of low key lighting within the videos to entice the fact that its night time. The use of a

car as a prop helps set the scene.

The use of editing within the videos are mostly used in sync with the music.