summer 2016 Life Near the Water’s Edge -...

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summer 2016 Life Near the Water’s Edgeby Katy Fedora

It was 85 degrees on May 6, and my sister and I were on a ten-mile training run. The sky was a beau ful blue, the crabapple trees were in full bloom, and the Minneapolis chain of lakes were rippling as the wind grazed across them.

As we were nearing the end of our run, I was running out of steam. Our water bo les had been refi lled three mes; I was too red to talk anymore, and was more than ready to be done. It was then that I started to no ce the other people who were experiencing life around the lakes. The moms pushing strollers with their kids, the men ge ng ready to go out fi shing on the lake, the elderly couple holding hands as they walked—so much life was happen-ing around these lakes.

It reminded me of when Jesus was preaching along the edge of the Sea of Galilee in Luke 5. So many people were there to hear what He had to say that He had to take a boat out onto the water so that He would be able to teach them. I have come to realize that I, like so many others, am drawn to the water.

Whether it is a lake, a river, or an ocean, we fi nd renewal and life in these places. I know that when I am near the water, I will meet Jesus there. It is a place where I fi nd myself restored. Just like the crowds along the edge of the Sea of Galilee, you never know what Jesus may teach you when you draw near to the water.


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eme Overflowing

with Living WaterPreaching Schedule May 29 (Memorial Day weekend)Sacrament of Communion – note special date“The Importance of Remembering” (Philippians 1:3-4; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25)

June 5Hope Shores 5K Run, Walk, Waddle8:45 am - indoor worship11:15 am - outdoor worship“Water Stops”(John 21:1-14)KC DiNardo preaching

June 12“Water and Word”(Isaiah 55:10-11)David Lenz preaching

June 19“Faith and Flota on Devices”(Ma hew 14:22-33)David Lenz preaching

June 26“The Great Exchange”(Jeremiah 2:11-13)Gloria Wiese preaching

July 3 (4th of July weekend)Sacrament of Communion“The Ba le Is the Lord’s”(Judges 7:1-8)David Lenz preaching

July 10“S ll Waters”(Psalm 23:2)Bruce Hillyer preaching

July 17“Water for the Thirsty Enemy”(Proverbs 25:21-22;Romans 12:21)David Lenz preaching

July 24“Water for Eternal Life”(John 4:13-14)KC DiNardo preaching

July 31Camp Sunday “Hit the Shores”(John 21:1-9)David Laufenburger preaching

August 7Sacrament of Communion“Muddied Springs, Polluted Fountains, and Streams in the Desert”(Proverbs 25:26; Isaiah 35:6)David Lenz preaching

August 14“Rooted in Righteousness”(Psalm 1:3)Bruce Hillyer preaching

August 21“You Are Mine”(Isaiah 43:2)KC DiNardo preaching

August 28Ordina on of Offi cers“Overfl owing with Living Waters”(John 7:37-39)David Lenz preaching

September 4Sacrament of CommunionBruce Hillyer preaching

This summer, as we in Minnesota get outside to enjoy “the land of sky blue waters,” we will explore a variety of biblical texts that feature water.

Vivid images of water in the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, in the Psalms and Proverbs, and in the gospels help us to under-stand what it means to be loved by God and to live before God.

Jesus tells us, “Whoever be-lieves in me...’Out of his heart will fl ow rivers of living water.’” May we all overfl ow with this living water!

Sunday Worship8:45 am - Tradi onal11:00 am - Contemporary6:00 pm - Experien al (The Well)Sanctuary

Note: There will be no Well service on May 29 or July 3. Please join us in the morning services.

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opeA Living Hope

By Pastor David Lenz

The dynamics of grief are changing.

The death on April 21 of Minnesota’s very own Prince, the dynamic interna onal musical super-star, demonstrates that. In the fi rst fi ve hours a er the announcement of his death, 25 million people had 61 million Facebook interac ons related to his legacy. “Prince” became the top-trending term on Twi er worldwide shortly a er his death was reported, with more than 6 million tweets paying tribute. Even President Obama tweeted his appre-cia on of Prince.*

The ever-expanding pla orm of social media means that expressions of grief are public and almost instantaneous. Because it is so easy to express a thought or share a feeling it seems that almost everyone does.

One the one hand, this is a welcome development. It is good to share in grief communally, to experi-ence viscerally that we do not face death and loss alone; there others are on this journey with us. It is good that public expression of grief is not just for the rich and famous. Anyone who wants to par ci-pate can par cipate – and it can be healing to give voice to the deep emo ons grief s rs within.

On the other hand, we exist in an age of informa- on overload, or as some call it, informa on pollu- on. Just because we can post or tweet or share in

some electronic fashion does not mean we should (e.g., “here’s a photo of what I ate for breakfast”). Some people jump on the social media bandwagon just to be part of a cultural moment. They write about the famous person who died but really they are wri ng about themselves. Internet content crit-ic Leah Finnegan en tled a recent example “How Prince’s Death Is About Me.”

Rev. David Lenz

As followers of Jesus, we have the privilege of grieving in a unique way. We are not spared the heartache of loss that death brings but we have a great hope that comes from trus ng in Jesus, the Resur-rec on and the Life (John 11:25). Jesus has conquered death, the last enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26). With good reason people hold up signs at football games that say John 3:16, because here is the basis for our hope: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

I appreciate what happens at a Chris an funeral service. Early in the worship order, we celebrate the life of the deceased. We tell stories, we remember, we laugh, we cry. It is no diff erent from what happens on social media when a famous person dies. Except for this: we grieve before the Lord. Our public expression of grief is in service of something deeper, our declara on of the goodness and mercy of God. For that is the culmina on of the Chris an funeral service, the celebra on of God who gave the gi of life and who gives life eternal to all who turn to him in repentance and trust. So it is that we do not “grieve as others do who have no hope” (1 Thes-salonians 4:13).

Let us use social media, and all our personal interac ons, to share this comfort and hope. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who com-forts us in all our affl ic on, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affl ic on, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Corinthians 2:3-4).

Your Pastor, David Paul Lenz

*h p:// cle/us-people-prince-socialmedia-idUSKCN0XI2L0, accessed May 9, 2016

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ers You’ve Seen Jesus My Lord

By Peggy Schierl

I have always been a water person. Throughout my life, I have gravitated to the water—canoeing, kayaking, swimming, scuba diving, traveling. Being near water brings me peace, brings me closer to God, and gives me opportuni es to refl ect on my faith.

My husband and I bought an island cabin in Rainy Lake fi ve years ago. I am con nually drawn to the water that surrounds us—at mes perfectly s ll, and at other mes raging with storms and strong winds.

When the water is calm, I love to kayak. Out on the water, I feel a sense of peace as my kayak quietly glides along the water. I hear the birds overhead, the so lapping of the water, and the rustling of leaves. I am in communion with God’s crea on, and I am in awe of the amazing beauty, and the simple interconnec on within crea on. I am reminded of the Psalmist’s words “he leadeth me beside the s ll waters.” God is present in the quiet waters of Rainy Lake.

I also feel God’s presence in the storms, when the water is harsh, hi ng the rocks with a force that has chiseled the land for centuries. In the midst of the storms, I feel safe, knowing that I am protected by God’s abiding love. I love to listen to the waves crashing into the shore, to feel the safety of the cabin, and watch the fi re burning in the fi replace. At those mes, I am reminded of the verse of one of my favorite camp

songs: “Have you ever stood at the ocean with the white foam at your feet, felt the endless thundering mo ons…Then I say, you’ve seen Jesus my Lord.”

My faith is strengthened, I feel at peace, and I feel closer to Jesus my Lord when I am near the water.

The Impact of the ShoreBy Steph Wahlund

This summer will be my fi h year serving at Hope Shores Bible Camp. I was a counselor/ work crew for two years and I’ve been a program sssistant the last three years.

When I was a counselor, I was very involved with the kids. If the girls in my cabin wanted to do penguins, I’d run into the freezing water at 7:00 am with them. If they wanted to play freeze tag in the water regardless of the 55-degree weather (true story) I’d suck it up and get in the water, blue lips and all. As a counselor, I wanted to be par cipa ng in the things that we asked the campers to par cipate in. I wanted to show them it was fun, energizing, and not scary to jump into the unknown!

As a program assistant, I don’t have a cabin of girls I’m in charge of. I partner with Kim Laufenburger behind the scenes to make sure ac vi es are created, materi-als prepared, and then set up. We come up with scrip-ture for the week, cabin me ac vi es, devo onals, and write the quiet me books. I also provide mentor-ship and spiritual support to the staff ers.

Even though I’m not in charge of a cabin anymore, I try to make it down to waterfront each day at camp. Part of that is for safety reasons; I want to check on our staff to make sure our lifeguards are being a en ve. A bigger part of it is that when the bell rings a er morn-ing ac vi es and we say “WATERFRONT!,” there are inevitably squeals of excitement. To then walk down to the beach and see the pure joy that is on each and every face is unexplainable. To these kids, the water is a source of relief from the hot sun, it’s a playground, and it is a place to splash counselors and run away giggling. As I sit on the dock and look out at a sea of campers, I can’t help but think how appropriate our new name for camp is, because the shore is a place where kids can just be kids.

Peggy Schierl

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Sticky Faith: Church Family Symbiosis in the Living WaterBy Heidi Connors

While it may seem normal to have parents check out at this stage, I’m learning it’s me for adults to circle together and talk to one another about the teens in our midst, learn-ing how to be with them in new ways. We need to share struggles, concerns and ideas about how to engage them. Like the ducks, we can be the helpful eyes and ears that “watch the lake surface” as we learn to navi-gate through a world of technology where we are both pioneers. Teens need to hear that their parents are s ll good resources and there are more adults ready to help and available to listen when needed.

S cky Faith research shows, over the long haul, adults’ presence and interest in teens’ lives will actually benefi t their spiritual growth, making faith in Jesus more s cky. Let’s learn a lesson from the lake today and prac ce living in symbiosis at church. Let’s talk to children and teens around us. Let’s invite them to engage with us about what’s on their screens. Let’s check in with one another as parents and infl uen al adults and be a team that surrounds our kids, swim-ming beside them in the Living Water.

As we sat beside the lake this spring, our family saw interes ng things happening, fascina ng rela onships I never no ced before. The Ruddy Ducks with bright blue bills o en traveled with Lesser Scaups, the Oreo-looking duck. They were two very diff erent species that appeared to choose to travel together. Something seemed symbio c, mutually benefi cial to their swim-ming together. Perhaps they are safer with dif-ferent eyes watching the lake surface for each other. Perhaps they just enjoyed each other’s company. Ruddy Ducks and Scaups: diff erent species swimming together benefi ng from each other. This is a picture of S cky Faith.

As young people grow, there is a tendency for them to isolate themselves, and for us to let them be isolated! They require more pa ence, more strategic engagement and as they are more immersed in technology, they can seem like a totally diff erent species to parents. That may make us want to separate the species. But as I raise my own teenagers, I am convinced that now is the me to move in closer together. Though uncomfortable, it is benefi cial.

S cky-Faith summer reading for parents of 10- to 13-year-olds: Right Click: Paren ng your teenager in a digital media world, wri en by Kara Powell, Art Bamford and Brad Griffi n

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Text in Depth

God certainly uses Sunday sermons to inspire, challenge, and transform us. How much more will conversations and interactions with our

pastors bring greater blessings! All are welcome!

Every Sunday at 10 AM

Social Events Room

Small Group Network Leaders Training Interested in mentoring a friend? Or leading a short-term small group?

Or even hosting a home fellowship?

If you have a growing desire to gather with a few friends, neighbors, or co-workers in a mentoring or small group setting but don’t know where to start, check out our Small Group Network training

sessions. All you need is a heart for God and people! June 22 and August 17



Beginning Sunday, June 12

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ltsFun and Fellowship

Wednesday, May 1811:30 amNow that warmer weather is fi nally here, we thought it would be fun to get together again for some fun and fellowship. On one of our earlier out-ings, we enjoyed a unique dining experience at the Teppanyaki Grill with its full array of Chinese, Asian and American foods. We enjoyed it so much that we plan to return there for our fi rst mee ng on May 18. If you would be interested in joining us, or if you need transporta on to get there, please call Maureen Danner at 952/300-1080.

We welcome back our regulars as well as anyone else who would like to join us. Our June event will be our annual boat trip on the St. Croix River. We do not have a date for that yet, but will keep you informed as soon as we have the details.

Tuesday, June 28 (6:00 – 8:30 pm) and Wednesday, June 29 (9:00 am – 8:30 pm), Soclal Events Room$50 for full conference (includes lunch) OR $25 for Tuesday evening and Wednesday evening

Main speakers: Gerald McDermo and Brad Young

IRREVOCABLE: Adjec ve. Defi ni on: irreversible, unalterable, unchangeable, immutable, fi nal, binding, permanent, carved in stone. Perhaps you have wondered about our tle – Irrevocable? With an olive tree growing out of the middle of the word? Our word – Irrevocable – is found in Romans 11:29. In our ESV transla on of the Bible it reads: For the gi s and the calling of God are irrevocable. The whole chapter of Romans 11 deals with God’s covenant with the Jewish peo-ple. St. Paul talks about the olive tree as a symbol of God’s kingdom. He tells the new Chris ans living in Rome that when they come to believe in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, they are gra ed into that olive tree. Even though we gen les are referred to as “wild branches” and the Jews are referred to as “natural branches,” we all have a place in God’s kingdom… and a role in building it here on earth.

Our logo for the June conference reminds us of the themes found in Romans 11. Our goal for this conference is to pro-vide a biblical framework for Chris an support of Israel and the Jewish people. Our four speakers are all serious Bible scholars, each of them have long histories in the study and presenta on of this biblical basis. Since the days of the early Church, there has been confusion in the Chris an world as to God’s plan for the Jewish people and the na on of Israel. We want to focus our a en on on the basic biblical message. There are many interes ng theories circula ng about various scenarios for “End Time” prophecies. Those are not our topics for this conference. We will be looking at the history of Israel – ancient, medieval and modern and then at God’s promises and the challenges to those promises in our me.

Register online today: This conference is open to all interested people.Invite your friends from all church backgrounds. For details, contact JoAnn Magnuson,

Curator Jewish-Chris an Library Centers at 952/994-7545,

Men’s Retreat

Friday - Sunday,October 7 - 9Hope Shores Bible Camp + Retreat Center

Like Father, Like Son“Be imitators of God, as His beloved children.” Ephesians 5:1As men of God, we want to represent our Heavenly Father to everyone around us: our families, our friends and neighbors, even to strangers. Prepare now to join us for a weekend of great fellowship, fun ac vi es, and opportuni es to encourage each other to grow into the men that God inspires us to be. Registra- on will begin in August. Plan to invite a good friend!

irrevOcablethe Promise & Challenge of Israel in the 21st Century

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Mission TripJune 25 – July 2Students and leaders will be heading to Las Milpas in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas with Experience Mission.

CastawayHigh School: July 10 - July 16Middle School: August 6 - 10Talk to BJ or Cesar if you are interested in coming to Cast-away, a Young Life camp in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Hundreds of teens gather from all over the country for this high-energy week of faith and fun.

Hope ShoresGrades 7-8: July 24 - 29 High school: July 31 - August 5Join us this summer at Hope Shores to enjoy the shores of Rice Lake and the teachings of Jesus: Hit the Shores!

All Youth Event: FMSC/Bunker BeachWednesday, August 179:00 am - 4:00 pm Join us for a great day serving and catching waves! All incoming 6th graders through graduated seniors are invited. Sun and fun included! Cost: $20

Moms of Teen/Tween GirlsWednesdays, June 15, 22 and 296:30 - 8:00 pm at the AndersonsThe Student Ministries department invites you to this 3-week gathering to learn more about the issues facing teen/tween girls. Time to learn, share, pray and get to know other moms. We’ll meet at the Anderson home: 7052 Oak Grove Boulevard in Richfi eld. Led by KC DiNardo, Pastor of Rising Genera ons and Connec ng Ministries.


Play Dates for FamiliesGather together to meet other families and play in the safety of the contained preschool room or enjoy bigger play in the sun at the park. Tuesdays, 10:00 am  Hope’s preschool room (enter door#7) Erin Carr: Wednesdays, 10:00 am Veteran’s Park (on Portland) Mari Bonne : Mari.Bonne

Book Club for Moms of All AgesTuesday nights in June6:30 - 8:00 pm Raising Grateful Kids in an En tled World, by Kristen Welch. We’ll meet at Mari Bonne ’s home: Mari.Bonne

Family Mission TripYankton South Dakota, July 14 - 17Please pray for God to use this me to build s cky faith in all the families as they serve others, serve each other, and serve together.

Child Care on Sundays Sundays, 8:45, 10:00 and 11:00 am (enter door #6)(Infants - Preschool)Heidi Connors:

Summer Kids’ Church Sundays, 11:00 am, dismissed from Sanctuary(Kids of all ages) Families can a end worship together and children will be invited to Kids’ Church where they can par cipate in the summer-long mission project preparing for VBX in August! Heidi Connors:

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Monday - Thursday, August 8 - 116:00 - 8:00 pm (enter door #3)

Kids entering 1st-5th grade in the fall get to Xperience the Bible in crea ve ways including: music, games, skits, Bible stories and snacks. WeeBX (at the same me) includes similar fun for preschoolers and kindergarteners, too!

Contact Heidi Connors: for more informa on.

You can help!VBX Music Video and Prop MakingSundays in June - July9:00 - 11:00 am, Courtyard Room Kids (ages K-5th grade) can come help Wally create cool music videos and props for VBX this summer. Contact Heidi “Wally” Walstrom:

VBX Drama TeamWednesday nights, June 15 - August 3 6:00 - 8:00 pm (enter door #6)Adults and kids ages 10 and up are invited to join the VBX Drama Team that will create a Vaca on Bible Xperience that will impact kids for God’s Kingdom! Contact Heidi “Wally” Walstrom:

VBX Volunteer Training Night Sunday, August 76:00 - 8:00 pm (enter door #3)Sign up soon to be a volunteer at VBX: help welcome fami-lies, register kids, play with preschoolers and join in the fun by serving with an intergenera onal group of fun, Jesus-loving people! Contact Heidi Connors:

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Camp 2016 Schedule Our registra on system is paperless. Go to to register.

May 28  Camp Clean UpMay 28-29  Staff RetreatJune 5  5K: Run, Walk, WaddleJune 12-17  Staff TrainingJune 19-24  2-4 GradeJune 26-July 1  5-6 GradeJuly 1-3  Single Moms’ Family Camp IJuly 5-8  Midsummer TrainingJuly 8-10  Family Camp IJuly 14-17  Single Moms’ Family Camp IIJuly 22-24  Family Camp 2July 24-29  7-8 GradeJuly 31  Camp SundayJuly 31-Aug 5  9-12 GradeAugust 5-9  Staff Closing

For grades 2-12, check-in begins Sundays at Hope Church at 2:00 pm and campers depart by 3:00 pm. Campers return Friday a ernoons between 5:00 and 5:30 pm.

Hit the Shores!Hit the Shores at camp this summer as we take a closer look at Jesus’ life and teach-ings along the shores. We’ll listen and learn from the ways that Jesus shared life with others by teaching, encouraging and bringing hope to them along the shores or on the seas. It’s going to be a great fi rst season with our new name, Hope Shores Bible Camp + Retreat Center.

Camp Clean UpSaturday, May 2810:00 am - 4:00 pm at Hope ShoresEvery year we ask volunteers to come to camp before the summer season to help us clean the buildings, clear the grounds, and so much more. Whether you would prefer to sweep and mop or get your hands dirty outside doing some heavy li ing, we have a job for you! With 300 plus campers walking the grounds in the summer, we do whatever we can to get camp in ptop shape before the fi rst group of camp-ers comes in June. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to if you are planning to join us.

Send Mail!Staff and campers both love to receive mail in the summer. It’s a tradi on at Hope Shores for David Laufenburger to throw out the mail a er lunch and there is noth-ing like hearing your name called, knowing someone from home is thinking about you! Address le ers or packages to the following address:

Camper NameHope Shores Bible Camp

17087 TTT RoadEden Valley, MN 55329

Don’t forget to write something on the outside of the le er that your camper

needs to do before they receive their le er. Be advised, postcards are read out loud unless oth-erwise specifi ed.

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A Testimony to the Impact of Scholarships for Camp, Raised by the Hope Shores 5KBy Stacey Gibbs

At a me when money was ght, Hope Church and the camp team came alongside our family to not only help, but to speak encour-agement and the love of God. I remember feeling hesitant to ask for help, worried that surely there were other families more in need than we were. Did we really deserve the fi nancial support? God broke into my worldly thoughts. He reminded me that no one deserves His help, but that we are all worthy of it. He told me he loves our family and wants good for us. Camp is good! He said re-la onships ma er. And a sure way to form rela onships is be real with people.

Being vulnerable is hard, especially in our looking good world. Asking for help isn't easy. Admi ng that our lives aren't perfect is all bearing. I think though that God calls us to be real with people. He wants us to touch each other’s lives and let people touch ours. Those blessings fl ow best when we open our hearts and let down our guard.

Our family has been blessed by the ministry of camp year a er year. We are so thankful for the rela onships that have been built because of the sacred space and all of the people that do what God has called them to do at camp. But we are especially thankful to God that we have found a home at Hope Church. God is faithful! God is good! Thank you, Jesus!

Hope Shores 5K: Run, Walk, Waddle & Outdoor WorshipSunday, June 5

The Hope Shores 5K is an impor-tant fundraiser for camp schol-arships and program supplies. Mark your calendar to par ci-pate in the Run, Walk, Waddle and stay for the outdoor worship to follow the race. The race is chip med and will happen rain or shine!

Race Day Details:

Registra on: 8:30 amKids’ Run: 9:45 am5K Run & 3K Walk: 10:00 amOutdoor Worship: 11:00 am

Cost:5K Run & 3K Walk: $35 a er May 15Kids’ Run: $10

*Race day registra on is avail-able. For more informa on, go to

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Families Moving Forward Serve together as a family and welcome homeless families to HopeSunday - Sunday, June 19 - 26Here are just a few ways that families can serve together for a couple of hours:•Pray for the families we are hos ng•Cook and serve one dinner for our guests•Visit and interact with families for one evening: play with older kids in the gym, do cra s with the parents (ideas and supplies provided by the FMF team), read to younger children, etc.

Specifi c service op ons at h p:// ons? Contact Deb Wasilensky at

30 Days of Prayer for MuslimsJune 6 - July 5Ramadan is a me for inner refl ec on, devo on to God, self-control, and fas ng for Muslims worldwide. Join the largest ongoing inter-na onal call to Chris ans to pray for Muslims to encounter Jesus during Ramadan. Prayer resources available at

Community Emergency Service food shelf Saturdays: June 11, July 9, August 13 8:30 am - NoonPack and deliver groceries to homebound neighbors in the Phillips neighborhood who qualify for free food, but are unable to get to the food shelf because of physical or mental limita ons. Meet in Hope’s parking lot at 8:30 am to carpool to CES. Ques ons? Contact Peggy Turnbull at 612/866-4050 ext. 3132 or

ClassesParent Share Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:00 pmH132 – English and H130 – Español (enter door #1)Parents and grandparents from the community meet to discuss paren ng and other life issues facilitated by a pastor and family counselor. New people are welcome to join at any me. Ac vi es provided for preschool and elementary aged chil-dren while the adults are in the support groups. Ques ons? Contact Peggy Turnbull at 612/866-4050 ext. 3132 or

American Culture ClassTuesdaysOff site during the summerWomen from a variety of countries and cultures build friendships while cooking, doing cra s, and other ac vi es together. The relaxed pace of summer provides opportunity for fi eld trips and book discussions to improve English skills. Contact Lois Swanson at 952/435-3796 or for more informa on.

Ways to ServeLearn about other ways to serve at or pick up a Community Outreach brochure in the Link. Parent Share – Children’s activitiesThursdays, 6:00 - 8:00 pmRooms H017 and H018 Help with ac vi es for children (ages 2-11) whose parents/grandparents a end the support group. Once a month, twice a month, weekly, or serve as a subs tute. Ability to speak Spanish is help-ful, but not required. Ques ons? Contact Peggy Turnbull at 612/866-4050 ext. 3132 or

Host an international student this summer with USA HomestaysStudents a ending an English program at Global Language Ins tute in St. Paul need host families from July 10 - August 19. Host families will receive a s pend of $750. If you are interested or have any ques ons, contact Ben at 612/770-0031 or

Sam Smith praying before food is distributed

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SAVE THE DATE!Sunday, September 25

Walk 4 Water Join the Walk for Water TeamVarious mes: June - September

Before the event: We’re looking for people with fresh ideas for ac vi es, publicity, and fundraising for this event that seeks to educate about safe water issues, and raise funds for the ministry of Water for Life and Hope missionaries Nick and Jen Greener who are based in South Africa.

On the day of the event: Many volunteers needed for set-up, registra on, the picnic, clean-up, etc.

Ques ons? Contact or

Summer Missions 2016: Pray for the teams going out from Hope Church to serve alongside partners in these communi es:

June 25-July 2 Las Milpas, Rio Grande Valle of South Texas with Experience Mission (students)

July 14-17 Yankton, South Dakota with Youthworks (families)

July 31-August 6 Wheelwright, Kentucky with World Servants (adults)


Single Moms Family Camps July 1 - 3 or July 14 - 17 Registra on: July 1 - 3: 2 nights, 5 meals $99 per familyJuly 14 - 17: 3 nights, 8 meals  $149 per family

Single Moms Family Camps off er moms and their children a fun and relaxing weekend away together. The weekend includes water ac vi es, delicious meals, some scheduled ac vi es for everyone, family me, age-group mes with camp staff , "mom me" with other moms, worship, and free me.

The camp staff leads ac vi es and looks forward to ge ng to know your family. You will have fun in a safe, encouraging atmosphere that will help you make won-derful memories!

SMFC off ered by Hope Church/Hope Shores Bible Camp + Retreat Center in col-labora on with Abiding Hope Ministries.

Filling jerry cans in Rwanda

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Celebrating a Season of Great Ministry!Sunday recep on, May 2212:00 noon, AtriumJoe Selness and Erik Haugen will conclude their leadership of the con-temporary worship service on May 22. We will thank them with a re-cep on that day following the 11:00 am worship service in the Atrium.With deep gra tude we celebrate the 11 years of leadership that Joe Selness and Erik Haugen have given to Hope Church. Joe has led with a though ulness and passion for helping the congrega on to rightly enter the Lord’s presence. Erik has led with enthusiasm and joy allow-ing the worship service to be full of life and energy. Their teamwork has been a gi to the people of Hope Church. They have given of their me, talents, and passions. Each has juggled other jobs and a busy family life. We bless them for their dedica on and devo on to the Lord’s work and say “Well done, good and faithful servants!”

A Fond Farewell and New BeginningsBy Nancy Ma

A er 11 years of working at Hope as Parish Nurse and Minister to Seniors, I have decided to re re and explore what God has next for me.

I will cherish all of the mes I was able to be with the church family when members were ill or in grief, a ending a diffi cult doctor’s appointment, considering moving from their home, going through rehabilita on a er surgery, or adjus ng to care facili es. It was a privilege to pray together and share in these important conversa ons, and your faith in Jesus Christ ministered to me as well.

Hope Church cares for its people. I have seen so many of you visi ng friends and other members who are homebound, sharing your love for Jesus in all you do. Thank you for more than a decade of partner-ship in care for one another. I will con nue to worship at Hope with my husband, Dave, and look forward to volunteer opportuni es with the church family. Thank you for your love and support.

Join us as we thank Nancy at a recep on on Sunday, June 12 from 10:00 - 11:00 am in the Atrium.

Legacy Gifts to Hope ChurchPlease consider how you can leave a legacy gi at Hope Church that will nurture the faith of future genera ons. You can designate Hope Church in your estate planning, memorial gi s, bequests and other legacy gi s. Contact the main church offi ce at 612/866-4055 for details.

Legacy Tip: Pre-Tax Charitable Giving Naming Hope Church as a benefi ciary on your 401K or IRA is an easy way to include Hope in your estate planning—no lawyer required! Just contact your HR offi ce or fund manager and request a benefi ciary designa on form. You can designate a percentage to Hope along with your other benefi ciaries. To name Hope as a benefi ciary, write “Hope Presbyterian Church of Richfi eld, a MN non-profi t Corpora on.” A big advantage to using your 401K or tradi- onal or rollover IRA as a vehicle for legacy giv-

ing is that the gi is tax free. Normally, 401Ks and IRAs are taxed on withdrawal, but by naming Hope as a direct benefi ciary you avoid taxes on that por on and maximize your gi !

In addi on, tax rules now contain a permanent provision for direc ng as much as $100,000 annually from your IRA to a qualifying char-ity such as Hope Church. The IRA owner must be at least 70 ½, which is the age mandatory annual minimum distribu ons must begin. Such charitable dona ons will count toward the required annual distribu on, when paid directly from your investment holder to Hope Church. Most individuals will realize extra tax savings by comple ng pledges and other gi s in this manner.

Where are you in your stewardship commitment?Many of you have asked for update on your giving. Look for a statement of year-to-date giving in July. Our fi nancial year ends on Au-gust 31 and it helps so much to fi nish strong.

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yAlso two of our students received housing a er being homeless for many months, and several of our students will be registering for Hope Academy to start their K-12 educa on (a wonderful Christ- centered high academic school).

Last, but certainly not least - we were so blessed with many wonderful godly adults who gave up their me to come to be Jesus to our children on a regular basis. Praise God! All the glory goes to Him! Lin Peterson Barre

With Our Sympathy and Prayers to the...

• Spande family in the loss of Nancy’s sister on February 21

• Lindvall family in the loss of Vivian on March 2

• Deming family in the loss of Les on March 8

• Lorence family in the loss of Becky and Larry’s dad on March 19

• Fondell and Shreffl er families in the loss of Beth’s father March 23

• Johnson family in the loss of Tom (Ann) on April 2

• Pathoumthong family in the loss of Souphan on April 5

• Peterson and Slinger families in the loss of Coral on April 5

• Hjellming family in the loss of their niece on April 10

• Kendall family in the loss of Iris on April 11

• Urlaub family in the loss of Aaron’s grandfather on April 12

• Nimerfro family in the loss of Sco on April 17

• Mar n family in the recent loss of Chad’s maternal grandmother

• Pathoumthong family in the recent loss of Lisa’s mother

Next Deadline: Noon Monday, August 8(Covering September - November)Word count for stories: 300 Please send items to Leslee Day at


Jeff Berkness and Judy Bollar were married at Hope on February 6.

BJ Skoog and Lexi Soldo were married on February 26.

Babies Baby boy Marcus was born February 2 to Colin and Lisa Pathoumthong

Caliah Mae was born February 8 to Cesar and Kate Cas llejos

Linnea Rhea was born February 19 to Dan and Emily Gooch

Orion Joel was born March 5 to Dave and Stephanie Schnizlein. Brian and Barb Schnizlein are his grandparents.

Rilynn Irene was born March 7 to Kyle and Samantha Swanson. Brian and Lois Swanson are her grandparents.

Joshua David was born March 29 to Jon and Monica Nichols. Jim and Karen Nichols are his grandparents.

Ava Maureen was born March 31 to Dave and Minh Thuy Danner. Maureen Danner is her grandmother.

June Elizabeth was born March 24 to Anders and Beth Holine. John and Karen Holine are her grandparents. Lois Walen is her great-grandmother.

Breann Pamela was born March 29 to Sco and Jenny Cooper. Rex Cooper is her grandfather.

With ThanksWe would like to express our sincere thanks to all who con nuously prayed for us as Sco fought his ba le with cancer this past year. We are so thankful that God gave him another year to spend me with his loved ones. God’s love and compassion was certainly manifested through all of you. This gave us the strength we needed to make it through each day. Also thank you for all the cards, phone calls and words of encouragement that meant so much to me. Sco is now at home with his Savior and we can rejoice that one day we will see him again. Praise be to God!  In Christ’s love,  LaVonne and Kevin Nimerfro

We at Time for Tots want to thank every-one for their amazing generosity to help us through our fi rst year of paying monthly rent at Christ Church Interna onal. God provided every penny we needed and we had a won-derful year - full of blessings -children being touched by the Lord, igni ng the fl ame of faith, and advancing in academics to prepare for kindergarten in the fall.

Mind the Gap LunchesSundays, June 26, July 17, August 1412:15 – 1:30 pm, GymWe invite everyone of all ages to join us for take-out lunch a er church. There will be a short me of teaching on a topic and in-terac on among the tables. We want to get to know each other be er across the genera ons! Suggested dona on for lunches: $5/meal $20/family.