Summer Literacy Institute 2014 - SanJac...

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Summer Literacy Institute 2014 San Jacinto College

Pasadena, Texas

Critical Thinking: A Thread

Woven Karen F. Boyce

College Preparatory and ESOL Dept.

Critical Thinking: A Thread Woven...

Throughout the Fabric of the Course

Critical Thinking is the conscious processing of information at different levels of complexity.

• Students must be given explicit instruction and guided practice in critical thinking from the beginning to the end of the semester.

• There are many models on which to base instruction:

• Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (pyramid)

• Bloom’s Bakery (layer cake)

• Kathy Schrock’s “Bloomin’ Apps” (gears)


• The key to unlocking critical thinking is self-awareness.

• Students need to be shown how to listen to their own thoughts and purposefully focus them at different levels of complexity.

• Students must also be shown ways to record their thoughts and use them to construct appropriate responses to academic tasks.

A Place for Everything... (classification)

Students develop an interactive notebook divided into sections (3-ring binder required).

• Class notes

• Reading/Writing Assignments

• Vocabulary list

• Journal

• Portfolio

What’s in a Word?

Students complete a weekly vocabulary log.

Reading: A Complex Process

Students need to understand that there is a sequence of steps that they should follow to maximize comprehension of academic texts.

Annotation and note-taking are carried out concurrently with each step.

• Pre-read

• Skim

• Reread (Deep Read)

Reading Comprehension

Deep reading requires students to analyze a text with the objective of recognizing and articulating implicit aspects of that text: • author’s assertions, assumptions, biases, and


• generally held assumptions relating to a subject

• students’ own assumptions

Annotation – “Not Just For Decoration”

• Students explore and identify important parts of text.

• Students insert their own comments and questions in and around text.

Annotation is a worthwhile

investment of a student’s time.

investment = something on which you spend (time or money) in order to receive some benefit in return

I‘m going to try this on my next reading assignment.



Organizing Information

The Cornell Notetaking System is an interactive model for arranging notes on a page.

Course: Student’s Name:

Date: Topic:



information from previous experience, print, or

audio-visual sources)


Key Ideas





unanswered questions arising from text

insights arising from text/connections to personal

knowledge and experience; to previous print and

audio-visual sources; to events in other places

SUMMARY: main idea and major supporting points in the order they

are presented in the reading

(Do not include your personal opinions or evaluations of the author’s


Sample Cornell Notes

Assessment: Aligned to Levels of


• Test Preparation: Study guide items are based on levels of complexity.

• Exams: Exam items contain the same language as those on the study guide.

Sample Study Guide Item


• Remember the definition of argument: state orally or in writing the reasons that support a particular viewpoint.

Sample Test Item


• Write the definition of the word argument as it relates to persuasive writing. (remember)

Writing to Communicate

Students need to understand that there is a sequence of steps that they should follow to communicate effectively in writing for academic purposes. • Planning, Organizing, and Drafting (prewriting

form) • Revise (review Turnitin and/or Smartthinking

feedback) • Edit • Proof

Sample Prewriting Form

Writing in Response to Reading

• Students benefit from have stimulating input to prepare them for processing information from text.

• Short video clips are a good resource for eliciting critical thinking in preparation for reading.

• Encourage discussion and elaboration of responses.

Assessment: Reading Comprehension

and Writing Skills

Sample 1:

• Based on the article (included in exam), what is the position of the CCFC, and what argument do they use to support that position? (Write complete sentences.)

Assessment (continued)

Sample 2:

• Based on the reading, what is the position of the Fisher-Price Company, and what argument do they use to support that position? (Write complete sentences.)

Assessment (continued)

Sample 3

• Based on the reading, what is the author’s counterargument to the Fisher-Price argument? (Write complete sentences.)

Assessment (continued)

Sample 4: Based on the reading, write a standard length persuasive paragraph that includes the following:

• Include your position on this issue?

• Support your argument citing information from the passage as well as other sources.

• Make a specific recommendation to parents regarding the use of electronic devices and infants.

Assessment: Portfolio

• Scope: all semester

• Format: section of interactive notebook

• Contents: table of contents, reading/writing self-assessment, checklist for each assignment, completed assignments

Portfolio: Reading/Writing Self-Assessment

Portfolio: Final Evaluation

Resources • Slide 3: cartoon

• Slide 4: woven fabric

• Slide 6: Bloom’s Taxonomy original and Revised (pyramid)

• Slide 7: Animated Interactive Bloom’s Taxonomy (layer cake)

• Slide 8: Bloom’s Taxonomy iPad App (gears)