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Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree ofMaster of Business Administration

SESSION: 2013-15

Submitted ToDr. Atul PandeyHOD (DBA)A.P.S.U. Rewa (M.P.)

UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Mr. Anil SharmaDeputy Manager (P&A)HEW RewaSUBMITTED BYAtul Singh BaghelM.B.A.(HR)


INTRODUCTION Due to globalization there is a need for the employee empowerment in every Organisation so that employees will be in position to make quick decision and respond quickly to any changes in the environment. Organisation that are committed to employee empowerment they are in position to motivate and retain their employees, although its a complex management tool which needs to be nurtured and handled with a lot of care. Employee empowerment is a motivational technique that is designed to improve performance if managed properly through increased levels of employees participation and self determination. Employee empowerment is concerned with trust, motivation, decision- making and breaking the inner boundaries between management and employees. Employee empowerment will lead to improving productivity, performance and job satisfaction. Employee empowerment has been associated with the concept of power, implying that power in organisation should be re-shared from the top management to the lower management. Employee empowerment represents the most recent manifestation of involvement practice. Empowerment as a principal agent to transform control-orientated organisations to commitment driven ones in response to competitive pressures. In most work organisations, a larger number of employees feel that they have little control over their work and are dependent on others. They believe that their own efforts have little impact on their job performance. This sence of powerlessness creates frustration among employees and they do not perform to their full potential. In order to overcome the feelings of employees and to involve them in the planning and execution of their jobs, the concept of empowerment has been introduced. A primary goal of employee empowerment is to give workers a greater voice in decisions about work-related matters. Their decision-making authority can range from offering suggestions to exercising veto power over management decisions. Although the range of decisions that employees may be involved in depends on the organisation, possible areas include; how jobs are to be perfumed, working conditions, company policies, work hours, peer review, and how supervisors are evaluated many experts believe that organisations can improve productivity through employee empowerment. This occurs in one of two main ways. First, empowerment can strengthen motivation by providing employees with the opportunity to attain intrinsic rewards from their work, such as a greater sense of accomplishment and a feeling of importance. In some cases , intrinsic rewards such as job satisfaction and a sense of purposeful work can be more powerful than extrinsic rewards such as higher wages or bonuses. Motivated employees clearly tend to put forth more efforts than those who are less motivated. The second means by which employee empowerment can increase productivity is through better decisions. Especially when decisions require task-specific knowledge, those on the front line can often better identify problems. Empowering employees to identify problems combined with higher-level management involvement in coordinating solutions across departmental boundaries within the firm can enhance the overall decision- making process and increase organisational learning. What is empowerment? Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behaves, take action, and control work and decision making in autonomous ways. It is the state of feeling self-empowered to take control of ones own destiny. Empowerment comes from the individual. An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organisational success. Stephen Covey Empowerment refers to enlargement of an employees job responsibility by giving him the authority of decision making about his own job without approval of his immediate supervisor. Empowerment is the degree of responsibility and authority given to an employee. By empowerment, the employees are supported and encouraged to utilize their skills, abilities and creativity by accepting accountability for their work. Empowerment occurs when employees are adequately trained, provided with all the relevant information and the best possible tools, fully involved in key decisions, and are fairly rewarded.Empowerment includes supervisors and employees working together to establish clear goals and expectations with agreed-upon boundaries.We suggest that three components of our definition are basic to any understanding of empowerment; empowerment is 1.multi-dimensional 2. Social and 3. a process.1. It is multi-dimensional in that it occurs within sociological, psychological, economic, and other dimensions. Empowerment also occurs at various levels, such as individual, group, and community.2. Social process, since it occurs in relationship to others.3. Empowerment is a process that is similar to a path or journey, one that develops as we work though it.

Meaning:Employee empowerment in an is creating an environment where others are equipped and encouraged to make personal decisions and to feel that they are in charge of the outcomes of the tasks for which they have assumed responsibility.Employee empowerment can be achieved where the organizational culture aims at generating a strong and healthy communication climate and where M&E processes are aimed at fostering organizational development and learning. In organizations where senior managers do not empower junior managers decisions are continuously passed up the hierarchy for resolution. Valuable time is lost and creativity is satisfied.Empowering employees is the ongoing process of providing the tools, training, resources; encouragement and motivation your workers need to perform at the optimum level. If your organization is looking for a way to speed processes and still produce quality materials and services, focus on employee empowerment. When you show an employee you trust her, and give her timely information and the authority to find solutions, she will be able to solve problems and provide solutions more rapidly than someone without that empowerment.According to Oxford Dictionary Empowerment means: the action of empowering someone or the state of being empowered. In the organizational context, Empowerment is sharing of power withemployees with the hope that it enhances their feeling of self-efficiency.-Employee Empowerment : A workplace strategy for motivation Employee Empowerment : Concept and Definition Empowerment means allowing a person to run the show by himself. Empowerment does not only include delegating job authority, it also means job enhancement via decision making. The traditional bureaucracy, and the age old emphasis on control and standardization are now things of the past. The new vistas involve innovation, flexibility and commitment and improvement.Employee empowerment puts power in hands of workers. The concept of employee empowerment involves a manager delegating authority to subordinate employees. Empowered employees make decisions based on predefined limits set by their manager. They do not have to consult the manager to make a decision, but they must accept responsibility for the consequences of each decision, according to authors William Nickel, James McHugh and Susan McHugh in Understanding Business . In this regard let us examine a few explanation given for the employee empowerment. Empowerment is the process coming to feel and behave as if one is in power (autonomy and control ) and to feel as if he/she owned the firm. Empowerment is the process of sharing power with employees. Employee empowerment predominantly about encouraging front line staff to solve customer problems on the spot, without constant recourse to management approval. Employee empowerment refers to management strategies for sharing decisions- making power. Empowerment is giving subordinates the resources, both psychological and technical, to discover the varieties of power they themselves have and/ or accumulated, therefore which they can use on anothers behalf. Empowerment is a process of risk taking and personal growth; it is the creation of work environment, which allows each individual to work his highest capacity. Randolph(1995) asserts that employee empowerment is a transfer of power from the employer to the employees. STANDARD DEFINITION OF EMPOWERMENT:Empowerment in the context a self-reliant and resourcefulness is about expectation, self-image, motivation and commitment.(Robinson,1998) Empowerment combines both the ability and opportunity to judge correctly and do the right thing, as well as a preparation to do what must be done.(Edgeman&Dahlgaard,1998 IMPORTANCE OF IMPOWERMENTEmployee plays a major role in the success of an organisation. Many organisations today have adopted these strategies that help them archive growth and success in their business undertakings, The importance of employee. Employee empowerment is the ongoing process of providing the tools, training, resources, encouragement and motivation for the workers that enhance to perform at the optimum level.Creativity: When an employee feels a sense of accomplishment and feels valued, he is more likely to engage in critical and creative thinking. He will feel more capable and inspired to devise situations in unconventional ways, which can lead to better product development. When an employee is empowered to think for himself and take initiative, he may find unique ways to add to your companys worth, market your services to clients and receive processes or policies that no longer are efficient. This removes some of the pressure on management to constantly innovate and stay ahead of the industry.Job satisfaction:Empowerment provides the employee with a sense of autonomy, which will increase her job satisfaction. He will be more comfortable at work because it develops confidence and a sense of worth. A happy employee provides the best customer service, and leaves a good impression of your company with whomever he speaks. This translates into personal or career growth for your worker and increased sales for the company.Decision- Making: In a world in which technology changes daily, and customers find information, products and serve increasingly diverse ways, the employees need to make quick decisions that benefit your operation. If the management spends time and efforts by providing training in decision-making, the employees most likely will respond to change quickly and find new ways to meet customer demands.

Loyalty: An employee's exhibits loyalty if he has been well-trained, supported, respected, listened to and valued within an organization. He is more likely to work hard and promote the company when the opportunity arises. He also is less likely to leave the company, and is more likely to recommend other qualified individuals for job openings.Other importance:Employee plays a major role in the success of an organisation. Many organizations today have adopted these strategies that help them achieve growth and success in their business undertakings, the importance of employee include:1. Positive environment: Employee empowerment leads to the creation of positive environment in the workplace, this will lead to increased productivity and boost employee morale, as a result the organisation gains due to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace. Employee empowerment will increase employees learning, growth, improvement and enhancement of performance ability.2. Creativity: Empowerment involves letting employees make decision on their own and also solve problems, this increases their creativity and also improve the working environment, and this encourages a positive working environment where employees are in a positive to become more creative and productive to the organisation.

3. Productivity : Empowerment ensures that the employees perform their tasks in the most effective way that saves time and energy, as a result the employees become more productive than in an organisation does not empower its workers, as a result there is increased productivity of the workers which will benefits the organisation.4. Motivation :Employee empowerment will motivate workers which will in turn increase employee productivity, motivation as a result of empowerment will increase commitment by employees and as a result the employee will more satisfied with work.5. Team work : Empowerment will encourage team work and as a result there will increase motivation to undertake tasks.6. Conflicts : It will reduce conflicts between managers and workers, also there will be a decline in the demand for supervisors and administrators reducing the cost of production in the organisation resulting to increased competitive advantage of the organisation over its competitors.7. More skilled workers: Through empowerment the employees become more skilled through education and training offered by the organisation, this will lead to increased employee productivity, employee will also increase competence as a result of training offered.

Employee Empowerment ToolsA key style feature of modern management, employee empowerment is about managers sharing their powers with those they supervise. Empowering employees can help workers perform more effectively, enhance problem- solving skills and aid with decision making. Empowerment takes employee participation a step further and allows workers to be more autonomous in regards to making decisions based on their expertise.1. Employee value Employees who feel underappreciated do not perform as those who feel valued. A manager can show regard for her employees through her actions , words, facial expressions and body language. Demonstrating appreciation for each employees unique value can help encourage and empower them. A manager should demonstrate value and respect for the employee as a human being that never falters regardless of employee performance.2. Visions and Goals Shared When a company shares its leadership visions and goals with its employee and the visions and goals are realistic, employees can feel like are part of a task that is bigger than their individual roles in the company. Sharing strategic plans and the overall mission with employees can empower them and give them a sense of ownership and pride.3. TrustTrust is a tool where managers have faith that employees will do the right thing and make sound decisions that get job done. This comes about by guiding employees by asking questions and allowing them to grow in knowledge and skills. It is also a tool that develops after employees have clear expectations from their managers so they can focus their energy on accomplishing tasks and being productive.4. Delegation of AuthorityDelegation of authority as an empowerment tool can help employees develop new skills and grow as professionals. Rather than just delegate tedious unwanted tasks, managers should involve employees in tasks that will impart opportunities, such as engaging in product development projects, leading meetings and participating on committees. Additionally, allow employees to help problem- solve when setbacks occur to see if an issue with the work system caused others to fail. Advantages of Employee Empowerment Now a day's environment changes rapidly and exhibits a challenging situation to organisations and companies. In order to be successful and stay competitive in the future they have therefore to look beyond the traditional directive management. The contribution of more than a single individual is necessary, and employees are not only expected but also needed to assume an active rather than a passive role in the organisation.Further advantages initiated by a successful implementation of empowerment in organisation:1) Increased productivity2) Greater employee enthusiasm3) Increased morale and creativity4) Higher quality products and services5) Improved teamwork

Disadvantages : Empowerment in the organisation is important however there exist some disadvantages that arise as a result of employee empowerment and they include:

1. Increased costs:The organisation may experience a rise of costs as a result of training and educating workers, an organisation has to invest in the training and education of its workers and a result there will be increased costs.2. Abuse of power:Some of the organization workers may abuse the power given to them, this include making decisions that may not be in line with the objectives of the organisation and may use the power to meet their own needs. Also the responsibility that the employees arc given may be too much a responsibility tosome workers.3. Time wastage:There may be time wastage in an organisation where time may be spent in groups and committees that are important in the process of empowerment and this will reduce the total time the employees spend undertaking their tasks.4. Conflicts:Employees may tend to struggle for power among them as a result of group work, every worker may tend to acquire power on what should be done and how it should be done, for this reason therefore empowerment may result to conflicts among workers.

5. Decisions:The employees may not have the ability to make appropriate decisions that arc important in the organization, therefore the decisions made by the employees may be biased, decisions may conflict where employees will make personal decisions rather than use logical reasoning to make decisions.PROCESS OF EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT:Empowerment is a process by which we increase the capacity of an individual or group in order to enable them to make choices and for them to transform their choices into the desired actions. These actions help build collective and individual assets and improve and as a result the efficiency of use of these assets IS improved.Rapport (1984) states that employee Empowerment is the process of unleashing an individual's potential and enhancing his abilities to nurture growth in the organisation, therefore empowerment involves a process by which an individual IS provided with proper information regarding performance or the organisation. In an organisation empowerment is important in that it helps remove the feeling of powerlessness through enhancement of self efficiency, of the individual. It therefore enables the individuals to coupe with problems that face them Empowerment can be defined as the process, by which we can increase the capacity of an individual or a group in order for them to make their 0\\11 choices which will lead to increased productivity in an organization, Empowerment enables or gives authority to an individual to take action and take control of his work by making decisions on his own. The organization in which the individual works is therefore has a responsibility, to enable the existence of an environment which helps the employee to undertake their tasks in an empowered manner. The organization also has to remove any barriers that limit the process of empowerment.a) Valuing employees:This involves appreciating workers b) managers or executive members in an organisation, this will aid .in the process of showing that you appreciate and value them for the work they perform in the organisation and this helps in empowering workers. This is achieved through the words used in communicating with workers and also body language and fiscal expressions which should show appreciation to workers.b) Sharing visions:According to Narayan (2002) Employees arc also empowered by sharing information on the company's vision and objectives. This helps the employees to feel they arc part of something big. Therefore the organisation should share the mission and the strategic plans of the organisation and this helps empowering workers, therefore communication of organization goals and strategies plays an important part in employee empowerment process.c) Direction and goal sharing with workers:Sharing goals and directions according to Narayan (2002) is also a way to empower workers. This involves sharing information with workers on the goals and also the direction of the organisation. this involves sharing information on observable and measurable goals and this aids in empowering workers In accomplishing these goals.d) Trust:The organisation should extend trust to then employees whereby they will allow workers to make their decisions which may not be In line with the decided way of performing tasks. This is according to Rapport (1984) and it is a way in which trust is extended to workers which aids in empowering them

e) Provision of decision making information:This involves the provision of information to employees that will help them make decisions on their own, this involves making sure that all workers have access to this information and this will help them to make sound decisions as they perform their tasks.f) Involvement of workers in decision making:This involves including workers in decision making of the organisation, this helps in empowering workers because they will find a sense of power in the organisation future and they will have a feeling of worth in the organisation.g) Feedbacks:It is important to frequently provide feedback to employees to show how they have performed in the organisation for a given period. this ensures that the employees feel a sense of recognition and also helps them develop their skills and knowledge.h) Solving problems:When problems occurs there is a need for the organisation to implement ways in which to deal with these problems, it is not right to blame the workers and instead of blaming them there is need to address the problem by asking the workers what problem is in the work system and not what is wrong with the workers,i) Communication:An organisation should ensure that it listens to its workers and at the same time provide guidelines to them. The organisation should avoid telling the workers what to do but should provide guidelines on how to undertake tasks and what should be done to accomplish organizational goals.

j) Social reinforcements:This involves giving encouragement to workers for the purpose of boosting their self confidence in the work place, this involves giving praise and rewarding workers for their achievement and this aids in the empowerment process.k) Training:Training and the provision of information is a major way in which an organization can empower its workers, this is because information itself is power and this should also be accompanied by proper communication channels in the organization. As workers receive more training they experience an increase in their skills and knowledge and this will increase their confidence when undertaking their tasks.

I) Emotional support:An organisation should also provide emotional support to its workers as a form of empowerment. This process should be accomplished through clear role definition of employees and also providing assistance at work and encouraging team work in the work place to solve problems that face workers such anxiety and stress.OTHER PROCESS:PROCESS OF EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT:Six steps to empower employees. The steps arc in sequence and in a logical order and each is necessary to fully empower employees.Step #1: Acquire empowerment upper management starts the empowerment process. They must be willing to relinquish authority and decision-making power to lower levels of the organization.Step#2: Choose employees to empower Employees must want to be empowered. Some employees are unwilling to accept additional responsibilities and decision-making power regardless of potential rewards. They need skills to make correct decisions and accomplish additional responsibilities.Step #3: Provide role information. Upper management defines your role and assigns responsibilities, authority. and decision-making power to meet company and department goals. Define your role to employees. Define the responsibilities, authority, and decision making power that you will assign to employees. Define boundaries to clarify decisions employees will and will not make. Also specify performance criteria and rewards for outstanding achievementStep#4 : Share company information [11 their hook. Three Keys to Empowerment. Blanchard. Carlos. (mil Randolph state. "Help people to understand the need for change, teach company financials, share some sensitive information, list facts people have and need, share good and had information, and view mistakes positively. Explain company vision and values, clarify priorities, and teach decision-making and problem-solving skills.Step#5 : Provide training to employees. Fragoso states in her article that "employees must have a clear vision of success. Teach them the basics of cost and revenue. Open financial books and inform employees of the situation so they can feel more related to the company. Let employees decide how to handle clients, and give them discretionary power when deciding what to spend in order to mend a certain problem. Most companies will train new employees. Current employees with experience and knowledge also need training. Training should be continuous because it is a major key to the success of a business.Step#6 : Inspire individual initiatives. An inspired employee is a highly, productive resource to a company and department. Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal in their book. The Individualized Corporation, state that to "build 011 the belief of the individual [one must] create a sense of ownership (create small performance units. Decentralize resources and responsibilities), develop self-discipline. Establish clear standards and expectations, and provide a supportive environment (coaching. openness to challenges, and tolerance for failure).TEN PRINCIPLES OF EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT:These arc the ten most important principles for managing people in a way that reinforces employee empowerment, accomplishment. and contribution.1. Demonstrate You value PeopleThe regard for people shines through in all of actions and words is the facial expression, body language, and words express what we are thinking about the people who report to us. The goal is to demonstrate appreciation for each person's unique value. No matter how an employee is performing on their current task value for the employee as a human being should never falter and always be visible.2. Share Leadership VisionHelp people feel that they are part of something bigger than themselves and their individual job. Do this h) making sure they know and have access to the organization's overall mission, vision, and strategic plans.3. Share Goals and DirectionShare the most important goals and direction for the group. Where possible, either make progress on goals measurable and observable, or ascertain that have shared picture of a positive outcome with the people responsible for accomplishing the results.4. Trust PeopleTrust the intentions of people to do the right thing, make the right decision, and make choices that, while maybe not exactly what you would decide, still work.

5. Provide Information for Decision MakingMake certain that have given people, or made sure that they have access to, all of the information they-need to make thoughtful decisions.6. Delegate Authority and Impact Opportunities, Not Just More WorkDon't just delegates the drudge work; delegate some of the fun stuff too. Delegate the important meetings. the committee memberships that inf1uence product development and decision making. and the projects that people and customers notice, The employee will grow and develop new skills.7. Provide Frequent FeedbackProvide frequent feedback so that people know how, they are doing. Sometimes. the purpose of feedback is reward and recognition. People deserve the constructive feedback, too, so they can continue to develop their knowledge and skills.8. Solve Problems: Don't Pinpoint Problem PeopleWhen a problem occurs, ask what is wrong with the work system that caused the people to fail, not what IS wrong with the people. Worst case response to problems? Seek to identity and punish the guilty.9. Listen to Learn and Ask Questions to Provide GuidanceProvide a space ill which people will communicate by listening to them and asking them Guide by asking questions not by telling grown up people what to do. People generally know the right answers if they have the opportunity to produce them10. Help Employee's Feel Rewarded and Recognized for Empowered BehaviorWhen employees feel under-compensated. under-titled ten the responsibilities the) take OIL under-noticed, under-praised, and under-appreciated. don't expect results from employee empowerment.METHODS USED IN EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT:A vibrant and energetic environment is created when employees feel valued and empowered. This produces increased employee satisfaction, which leads to increased productivity. Employee empowerment is not a task that can be completed easily: it is a living culture that needs to be nurtured. In order to enhance employee empowerment various methods has been adopted in the organization.1. Implement Effective Policies and ProceduresA Policies and Procedures Manual is a communication tool designed to empower employers, managers and employees with a consistent approach to accomplishing their daily tasks. It provides a set of policies, plans, Reports, forms and work routines that convey the pulse of the organization.A properly developed manual focuses everyday business communications between employees and management on what is really important to get the job clone. This focus is the first step in empowering employees. Empowerment requires a shared vision, the communication of necessary information and adequate training.2. Convey Management Policy and VisionAn organization's policies and procedures manual should be used to communicate both corporate policies and the appropriate procedures for implementation of the policy in a combined style format. If employees know the vision, then they feel confident to make decisions. Keep III mind, though. policies should not be confused with procedures.Policy A definite course or method of action to guide and determine present and future decisions. A policy is a guide to decision-making under a given set of circumstances within the framework of corporate objectives. goals and management philosophies. Procedure- A particular way of accomplishing something. or an established way of doing thing. A procedure is a series of steps followed in a definite regular order that ensure the consistent and repetitive approach to actions.3. Improve Communication and Efficiently Run OperationsA policies and procedures manual serves to translate the company's business philosophies and desires into action. A well-designed manual is an invaluable communication tool for efficiently running operations within departments and bridging the gap between interrelated departments. If a department has specific information that it requires processing a task, then this information is easily captured in a form that accompanies the task. Forms arc commonplace in business, acting as a guide for such things as purchase orders, employment applications or asset requisitions.4. Reduce Business Process Training TimeA policies and procedures manual is a functional guide for training new and existing employees. It prevents difficulties in performing duties due to lack of understanding or inconsistent approaches from personnel changes. And' it will assist in developing a consistent method in handling any task.S. Improve Productivity and Decision MakingPolicies and procedures speed up employee decision making by having a handy, authoritative source for answering questions. Well-developed and documented manuals can ensure compliance with regulatory agencies affecting your business, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSIIA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), government contracting authorities and independent certification organizations.6. Strengthen Organization and QualityA comprehensive policies and procedures manual covering all departments within an organization can become a quality manual for the whole company. This will help ensure optimal operations and consistent deli very of the finest in product or service from the company.It will "empower" employees to make decisions independently without the need or time delays of involving various levels of management. A well thought out manual will enable just about everyone in the organization the ability and flexibility to make the right decisions in his or her job responsibilities.For example, a customer service representative should be able to handle a customer's problem and have the authority to resolve the problem right on the spot. In addition, a production team should be able to diagnose a quality problem and formulate and resolve the problem in conjunction with engineering without having to go through various channels up and down the corporate ladder.

7. Meet Objectives with Policies and Procedures ManualThe goal of the policies and procedures manual IS to identify the ways and means of communicating, as well as getting the service performed or the product manufactured at the least cost in the minimal amount of time. Not only will it be used to empower an organization, but it will have the added benefit of increasing Job satisfaction and employee morale.

TECHNIQUE USED FOR ENHANSING EMPLOYEE EMPOVERMENT:Employee empowerment techniques introduce and emphasize productive communications between management and staff When a company empowers its employees, they take responsibility for decisions they are free to make, Employee empowerment creates a sense of ownership in company daily operations, investing pride in carrying out the mission of a company. Loyalty and productivity serve as key consequences of employee empowerment.Step 1Change management roles from supervisory to coaching. Coach employees to identify and implement solutions to problems. Reward proactive employees with recognition and a greater sense of investment in the company. According to John Powers, writing as an Employee Satisfaction Specialist for Nextel Communications, Inc, managers must express willingness and ability to adapt from supervisory roles to coaching roles.Step 2Grow employee empowerment through productive coaching through an employee empowerment website, advises applying coaching techniques, such as motivation, questioning and adapting your management style to an employee ability to function at a given level It, for example, you need to bring a employee up to speed on a project, begin by communicating basic information, building upon that foundation with more in- depth knowledge. Interact with each employee to determine how to help her to become invested in her position in the company.Step 3Delegate to empower employees. Given team members the information and power to make decisions and to take action make. Train team members to make offers to clients in the most strategic way Effective delegation depends upon clear communication. Rely on delegation as a preferred coaching method.Step 4Communicate confidence in and set goals for employees. Express confidence and expectations for solid performance to the employees. Conduct regular employee reviews and staff meetings. Inspire employees by setting realizable goals, according to Powers. Offer performance incentives to raise the bar higher by realistic increments.PRE-REQUISITES FOR EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENTEmployee empowerment provides people the responsibility and authority to make decisions. Empowerment frequently results in greater commitment and cooperation: creative ideas and solutions: and greater ownership from employees. Creating an empowered workforce is a great to increase organizational effectiveness and success. Empowerment works arc given the necessary recourses, property trained and managed. Then only they will be able to successfully perform and make effective decisions.Employee empowerment requires the following pre-requisites:1. Involvement:Employees feel more committed to the organization when they are involved in the decision making process.2. Quick decision-making:Employees sometimes need on the spot decisions for the benefit of the organization. Employees work say in customer service need to be able to quickly respond to customers need and problems without having constantly go lip the chain of command.

3 .Solving complex problems:Employees directly involved with a problem can better determine the optimal solution. For example, a work group can figure out how to re-engineer its work process far better than employee's/managers that does not directly work on the process/project.DIMENSIONS OF EMPOWERED EMPLOYEES:The characteristics of empowered employee suggest more complex view, of employer. Empowered employee has flow characteristics rather than specific management practices, these characteristics reflect the personal experience or feelings of empowerment. Empowered people have a sense of self determination ( this means that people are free to choose how to do their work, they are not at micro- managed) Empowered people have a sense of meaning (this means that people feel their work is important to them; they care about what they are doing) Empowered employee have a sense of competence ( this means that people are confident about their ability to do their work well: they know that they can perform) Finally empowered employee have a sense of impact (this means that people believe they can have influence on their work unit; others listen to their ideals)These are the four dimensions ret1ect the experience of empowerment rather than a set of managerial practices people must feel empowered. Empowerment is not something that management does to employees, but rather a mindset that employees have about their role in the organization While management can create a context that is more empowering, this assumes that employees must choose to be empowered. They must sec themselves as having freedom and discretion. as feeling a personal connection to the organizations, as confident about their abilities, and has able to have an impact on the system in which they are embedded Management cannot mandate these things on employees: instead, employees must experience these characteristics as authentic.THE IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT:"Empowerment is not giving people power; people already have plenty of power, in the wealth of their knowledge and motivation, to do their jobs magnificently. It encourages people to gain the skills and knowledge that "ill allow them to overcome obstacles in life or work environment and ultimately, help them develop within themselves or in the society, Empowerment may also have a negative impact on individuals and productivity depending on an individual's views and goals. It can divide the genders or the races. Strong skills and critical capabilities are often held back to open doors for those who meet the empowerment criteria. Those who use empowerment as a selfish advantage tend to become difficult, demeaning and even hostile colleagues. This end result is a weak business model.EMPOWERMENT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING OR SIMILAR CAPABILITIES:- The ability to make decisions about personal/collective circumstances The ability to access information and resources for decision-making Ability to consider a range of options hom which to choose (not just yes/no, either/or.) Ability to exercise assertiveness in collective decision making Having positive-thinking about the ability to make change Ability to learn and access skills for improving personal/collective circumstance. Ability to inform others' perceptions though exchange. education and engagement. Involving III the growth process and changes that is never ending and self initiated. Increasing one's positive self-Image and overcoming stigma Increasing one's ability, in discreet thinking to sort out right and wrong.

GUIDELINES FOR EFFECTIVE EMPLOYEE EMPOWERMENT Select the right managers. Choose the right employees. Provide training. Offer guidance. Hold everyone accountable. Build trust. Focus on relationships. Stress organizational values. Transform mistakes into opportunities. Reward and recognize. Share authority instead of giving it up. Encourage dissent. Give it time. Accept increased turnover. Share information. Realize that empowerment has its limitations. Watch for mixed messages. Face your own ambivalence Involve employees in decision-making. Be prepared for increased variation

company profile


COMPANY PROFILEUnit-I: It was commissioned in 1986 with a capacity of 1.0 million MT.Unit - II: It was commissioned in 1991 with a capacity of 1.5 million MT.Jaypee Rewa Cement Unit-I was fully engineered by Holtee Engineer's Pvt. Ltd. and for Jaypee Rewa Cement Unit-II, the engineering and consultancy services were provided jointly by Holtee Engineers and Holdcrbank management and consulting ltd, Switzerland. The choice of machinery from equipment manufactures of world reputed and the extent of sophistication and modernity incorporated in the cement plant reflect the concern of the management to customers, The JA YPEE REWA plant with two units has a capacity of 3 MTP A and grinding & blending units of 1.6 MTPA are in Uttar Pradesh.Our VisionTo be dynamic & vibrant, responsive to the changing economic scenario & flexible enough to absorb environmental & fiscal fluctuation harness the inherent strength of available human recourse & material have the capacity to learn from success & more than learn am thing else ensure growth with human face.Our MissionTo ensure growth for improving the quality of live with a human face & contribute to the growing economy. Maximizing benefits to our customers & the nation at large by serving the core sector of the economyJAYPEE GROUPJaiprakash Associates Limited IS a premier organization in India, which commenced its activities in 1972, when a group of engineers got together in a partnership firm known as Jaiprakash Associates under the visionary leadership of Shri Jaiprakash Gaur.Seven years of rapid growth led to Its convention into a private limited company in l979. Further growth continue as a part of diversification, a new company was launched in 1983 to set up it modern cement plant with one million tone capacity in August 1986 the construction company and the cement were merged into. Jaiprakash Rewa Cement Limited (.JRL).Today Jaypee Group is a well-diversified infrastructure industrial group with a turnover of over 18000 crores.CORPORATE PHILOSOPHYAny corporate entity needs to be dynamic and vibrant, responsive to the changing economic scenario and flexible enough to absorb environmental and physical fluctuations, It must harness the inherent strengths of available resources and must possess the capacity to learn from success. More than anything else, it should ensure growth with a human face.MAJOR AREAS OF OPERATION CEMENT CIVIL CONSTRUCTION HYDRO POWER CONSTRLCTION HOTEL AND TOURISSM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION & WELFARE JAIPRAKASH POWER VENTURES LTD.

Review of Literature LITERATURE REVIEWPotterfield (1999) indicates that through personal conversation with management and employee empowerment experts. he found that these experts were uncertain about when and where the term was used in management and organizational studies.Liden & Tewksbury (1995) empowerment IS an important construct because it offers the potential to positively influence outcomes that benefit both individuals and organizations. Besides Quinn and Spreitzer (1999) mention that there is a growing consensus that employee empowerment can be a source of competitive advantage for contemporary organizations.Conger and Kanungu (1988) categorize empowerment as having two key relational and motivational - dimensional concepts. The rational concept of empowerment focuses on issues to do with management style and employee participation. The motivational concept of empowerment has to do with discretion, autonomy, power and control. Under the motivational concept of empowerment, the empowered must feel a sense of personal worth, with the ability to effect outcomes and having power to make a difference.Lashley (1999), the multidimensional nature of empowerment arises in service sector due to the different service offers being made to the customers. Some services require employees to exercise discretion in detecting and delivering customer service needs whereas in other cases the service offer is highly standardized and requires employees to practice service delivery in .. the one best way".Bvham (1994), argues that empowerment provides energy for continuous improvement and an ethic of continuous improvement focuses on vision. He further purports that a functioning performance management system based on organisational vision. key success factors and values, guide the energy created in empowerment towards meaningful organizational goals and If this system is not in place" empowered efforts are wasted because energy is dissipated by unimportant activities.Nicholls (1990), states that the ultimate goal fur empowerment is a committed workforce. Whole heartedly ; devoting their lull energies to the achievement o l a common ISIOl1 . Jensen (2001) purports that it empowers the organization to picture or envision itself a difference maker as It continues to be in existence The question. Though is whether individuals own the vision.Garatt (1996), it should ensure that sufficient numbers arc pointing in the same direction, committed to a common purpose. with similar values and behaviors so that the organization can function effectively and efficiently.Bergenhenegouwen, Horn & Mooijman (1996), when organizations make too little use of the capabilities of their employees, they fail to present employees with challenges to develop the skills necessary for doing the job successfully.Jurie (2000) also purports that capability also involves empowerment for we cannot realize our values or goals without power, which is the capacity to act publicly and effectively to bring about positive change.Hradesky (1955) said, The scope to use the employee's knowledge and talents to the best advantage of the firm by instilling involvement and a sense of ownership in employees and there by promote their productivity. Networking of problems-solvers across the organization. which in turn builds an environment that IS conductive to continual improvement in productivity, product quality, etc. of individual and as well as groups and The scope fostering open communication at all levels in the organization.(Laschinger and Finegan, 2005; Ulrich, Buerhaus, Donelan, Norman and Dittus, 2007). Extrapolating then. empowerment implies that social and organization support in and of themselves, arc empowerment tools and considers that organizational and supervisory support arc more empowering than coworker support. Empowerment is one of the latest terms to have cloyed to describe a condition of employment believed to have the ability to positively influence an employer's competitive advantage.Boje and Rosalie (2011) draw on Mary Parker Follett's Theory of Co power and Clegg's circuits of power theory to bridge the gap between these different perspectives in the empowerment literature. They describe how thinking about power as 'power to' rather than" power over" reconciles the notion of their power is in empowerment theory. Thus on examining the three perspectives. one finds that although each one views empowerment differently, they complementary to one another.Conger and Kanungu (1988). empowerment describes working arrangements which engage the employee who has been empowered at an emotional level. Bowen and Lawler (1991) define empowerment as the management strategies for sharing decision making power; It is the act of vesting substantial responsibility in the people nearest to the problem.(Barbee & Bott, 1991) Empowerment involves the need for employees to feel in control . have a sense of personal power together with freedom to use that power and a sense of personal efficacy and self determination.Spreitzer (1996) found that a participative organizational climate in which the acknowledgement creation and liberation of employees are valued and individual contributions and initiatives are emphasized rather than a top-down command and control was positively related to employees feeling empowered as was socio-political support that is. approval from one's boss, peers. subordinates and workgroup members.(Gordon 1995) Empowerment is an act of building, developing and increasing power through co-operating, sharing and working together. In other words. empowerment means managing organizations collaboration where workers have a choice. Empowerment can be defined to relate to individuals, groups of people, employers or employees of an organization.Kanter, (1997) defines empowerment as giving power to people who arc at a disadvantaged spot in the organization. An empowered organization is one where managers supervise more people than in a traditional hierarchy and delegate more decisions to their subordinates (Malone. 1997). Superiors empowering subordinates. by delegating responsibilities to them leads to subordinates who arc more satisfied with their leaders and consider them to he fair and ill turn perform up to their superiors expectations.Dachler and Willpert, (1978) state that the ideal way of empowerment IS the immediate and direct involvement of the members of the organization in the decision making process.Bowen and Lawler (1991) define empowerment as the management strategies tor sharing decision making power It IS the act of vesting substantial responsibility in the people nearest to the problem (Barbee & Bott, 1991).Empowerment involves the need for employees to feel in control, have a sense of personal power together with freedom to use that Power, and a sense of personal efficacy and self determination.(potter, 1994; Ripley, 1993 ) from the definition of empowerment, it is clear that it has to take a form in order to be felt. That is initiatives that organizations claim to be empowering employees have to be translated into concrete practical arrangements. Which set a framework within which the empowered operate.Geary (1994) state that the employee who has been given power should be able to influence the policies that influence him her. The power dimension also has to do with the extent to which the management's efforts to share power foster feelings of empowerment in employees. and the tensions that exist between strategic objectives and limits on individual power.Harley (1995), Empowerment should be considered as releasing power of human beings into organizational improvement initiatives in order to balance human and operational issues. Harley (1995) came up with eight critical principles including the protection of the dignity of employees. the management of employee perception not Just the "facts": the use of organizational authority to release rather than inhibit human potential: the use of consensus decision making: the clarification of vision. Mission, objectives. goals and job descriptions: unshackling the human desire to be of service to others: the development of initiatives from values: and the provision of feedback requested by employees. It is argued that these principles would allow organizational improvement initiatives to be unifying, innovative. Continuous, and permanent.(John Gilbert, 1996), state that empowerment to act is a cornerstone for motivating people to be committed to what they do. But empowerment is not about abdication of management responsibility; it is about training, communication, recognition and motivation. Empowerment involves the acceptance of responsibility by employees for their also actions, but also giving them the right to be wrong. It is about trust and. most importantly, it is about accountability.Bowen and Lawler (1992) also include their definition of empowerment the sharing of information relating to the organizations performance, rewards based on the organizational performance. Berry (1995) goes further and argues than empowerment is a state or mind. An employee with an empowered state of mind experiences feelings of;a) Control over the job shall he performed;b) Awareness (lithe context in which the work is performed;c) Accountability for personal work output;d) Shared responsibility for unit and organizational performance; ande) Equity in the rewards based on individual and collective performance.Beach (1996) empowerment remains with the individual and cant are imposed from above. How the can an environment conducive to empowerment be created') Organizations wishing to instill a culture of empowerment must find a way of establishing systems and processes that don't restrict employees. By concentrating on what behavior is considered optimal for the employee and what they do well. Management ca adopts, develop and change the organizational structure to produce the sought after behavior. Employees dedicated to learning, growing and developing: employees who are self managed: leadership not only existing at the top: a high level of trust between management and employees as well as among employees: employee participation in decision making; a high level f vertical and horizontal communication: employees able to deal with conflict management and resolution effectively and efficiently.Collins (1996) looks at historical debates on democracy to gain insight on how a redial change to organizational culture for empowerment can he developed. He looks at reasons why people fail to participate in a democratic system and attributes this to either lack of education and knowledge of group to be able to participate or a failure to see the connection between the participation and political decisions. From this historical analysis, there appear to be essential ingredients for a successful implementation of empowerment in organizations.Liden & Tewksbury (1995) empowerment is an important construct because it offers the potential to positively influence outcomes that benefit both individuals and organizations. Besides Quinn and Spreitzer (1999) mention that there IS a growing consensus that employee empowerment can be a source of competitive advantage for contemporary organizations. The concept of empowerment is defined in a variety of ways, by a number of researchers.Quinn and Spreitzer (1999) discovered two very different perspectives of empowerment during interviews in an organization that had started an empowerment program. The researchers advocate two approaches. a mechanistic approach, referring to a top down process in which empowerment IS about delegating decision making within a set of boundaries. and an organic approach implying d bottom up process 1Il which empowerment IS seen as a process of risk taking and personal growth.(Torani, et al, 2008) states environmental changes and increased global competition leads the employee empowerment has a main importance role in management. Because organizations with strong employees committed, skilled and motivated will be better able to compete and adapt to changes.Randolph (2003) believes that empowerment is not only "giving power to the people to decide" but he believes empowerment is intelligent decision-making powers to help the company to perform the effective activity. So, in practice. he knows empowerment as indulge organizational power and believes that people should be helpful with knowledge and internal motivation.Zollers and Callahan (2003), say that open communication IS absolutely essential in the organization to reduce stress and defuse ambiguity and anger same communication. is like training. Permeates all other peace promotion strategies.


RESEARCII METHODOLOGYResearch methodology is a systematic and scientific method to know the truth and reality behind phenomena. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. When we talk about research methodology we not only talk about the research methods hut we also consider the logic behind methods we use in the context of our research study and explain why we use a particular method or technique and why we arc not using others, so that research results are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or the others.The aim of research is a process recording and analyzing the critical and relevant facts about my problem in any branch of human activity Research methodology is the systematic method of discovering new facts or verifying old facts, their sequences, interrelationship, casual explanation & the natural laws that govern them.DEFINITION:-According to Hudson, "All progress is born of inquiry. Doubt is often better than over confidence, for it leads to inquiry and inquiry leads to inventions."Method of Data Collection: -While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, there arc two types of data: -Primary data & Secondary dataThe primary data arc those which arc collective a fresh and for first time & this happen to be organizational in characterSecondary data are those which have already been collected by some one else & which have been already pass through the statistical process.Sample unit: - JAYPFE CEMENT REW A (M.P,)Sample Size -One hundred and seventy SIX tilled ill questionnaires were collected from members out of two hundred questionnaires distributed.ANALYSIS OF DATAThe data arc collected through survey and books, reports, newspapers and internet etc. The survey conducted among the employees of JP cement Rewa. The data collected by the researcher are tabulated and analyzed in such a way to make interpretations.Various steps, which are required to fulfill the purpose. i.e,. editing, coding, and tabulating. Editing refers to separate. correct and modify the collected data. Coding refers to assigning number or other symbols to each answer for placing them in categories to prepare data for tabulation refers to bring together the similar data in rows and columns and totaling them in an accurate and meaningful manner .The collected data are analyzed and interrupted Using statistical tools and techniques.


1. To know about the different type of employee empowerment with in the organization.

2. To analyse the assessment of employees towards employee value within the organization with respect to age, gender, designation.

3. To analyse the assessment of employees towards their involvement in shared vision and goals within the organization by the superior with respect to age, gender, designation..

4. To analyse the assessment of employees towards superiors trust within the organization with respect to age, gender, designation.

5. To analyse the assessment of employees towards delegation of authority within the organization with respect to age, gender, designation.


The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents. Hence 100% accuracy cant be assured. The researcher was carried out in a short span of time, where in the researcher could not widen the study. The study could not be generalized due to the fact that researcher adapted personal interview method. Some of the respondents hesitate to give actual feedback. We have limited resources. There was some confidential information about the company which was not shown.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Data Analysis and InterpretationTable No. 1My superior shows regard for my work.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied42.32.32.3




Highly Satisfied2011.411.4100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 61.9% of employees are neutral that my superior shows regard of my work , 23.9% are satisfy and 11.4% are highly satisfy while 2.3% of employee are highly dissatisfy and rest .6% of employees are dissatisfy.Table No. 2My superior appreciates my work from time to time.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied21.11.11.1




Highly Satisfied1810.210.2100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 80.1% of employees are satisfy that my superior appreciates my work from time to time , 10.2% are highly satisfy and 7.4% are neutral while 1.1% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.1% of employees are highly dissatisfy.Table No. 3My superior treats me as a human being regardless of my performance.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied9956.356.356.3




Highly Satisfied3017.017.0100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 61.9% of employees are neutral that My superior treats me as a human being regardless of my performance ,23.9% are satisfy and 11.4% are highly satisfy while 2.3% of employee are highly dissatisfy and rest .6% of employees are dissatisfy.Table No. 4My work is recognized in the organization.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied42.32.32.3




Highly Satisfied4425.025.0100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 31.3% of employees are dissatisfy. that, My work is recognized in the organization , 26.1% are satisfy and 25.0% are highly satisfy while 15.3% of employee are neutral and rest 2.3% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 5I get necessary information to make thoughtfull decision.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied21.11.11.1




Highly Satisfied2212.512.5100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 43.8% of employees are satisfy. that, I get necessary information to make thoughtful decision, 40.9% are neutral and 12.5% are highly satisfy while 1.7% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.1% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 6My superior keeps me informed of company vision and goals.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied52.82.82.8




Highly Satisfied3922.222.2100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 45.5% of employees are satisfy. that, My superior keeps me informed of company vision and goals , 23.3% are neutral and 22.2% are highly satisfy while 6.3% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 2.8% of employees are highly dissatisfy.Table No. 7Higher management values, the ideas and suggestions given by the employees of my level.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied52.82.82.8




Highly Satisfied3017.017.0100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 40.9% of employees are satisfy. that, Higher management values ,the ideas and suggestions given by the employees of my level , 28.4% are neutral and 17.0% are highly satisfy while 10.8% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 2.8% of employees are highly dissatisfy.Table No. 8Superior freely talk about upcoming changes within and outside the organization.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied105.75.75.7




Highly Satisfied2815.915.9100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 39.8% of employees are satisfy. that, Superior freely talk about upcoming changes within and outside the organization, 26.1% are neutral and 15.9% are highly satisfy while 12.5% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 5.7% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 9Superior share strategic planes and overall mission with all the employees.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied105.75.75.7




Highly Satisfied2413.613.6100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 40.9% of employees are satisfy. that, Superior share strategic planes and overall mission with all the employees , 23.9% are neutral and 15.9% are dissatisfy while 13.6% of employee are high satisfy and rest 5.7% of employees are highly dissatisfy.Table No. 10My superior believes that I will do right things and make sound decision.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied42.32.32.3




Highly Satisfied4022.722.7100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 41.5% of employees are satisfy. that, My superior believes that I will do right things and make sound decision , 25.0% are neutral and 22.7% are high satisfy while 8.5% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 2.3% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 11My superior guide me to increase my knowledge and skills.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied31.71.71.7




Highly Satisfied3419.319.3100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 46.0% of employees are satisfy. that, My superior guide me to increase my knowledge and skills, 25.0% are neutral and 19.3% are high satisfy while 8.0% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.7% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 12My superior enforce good communications with all the employees.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied31.71.71.7




Highly Satisfied3419.319.3100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 47.2% of employees are satisfy. that, My superior enforce good communications with all the employees, 23.3% are neutral and 19.3% are high satisfy while 8.5% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.7% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 13Employee have freedom to do their job effectively and making decisions.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied31.71.71.7




Highly Satisfied3318.818.8100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 47.2% of employees are satisfy. that, Employee have freedom to do their job effectively and making decisions, 23.3% are neutral and 18.8% are high satisfy while 9.1% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.7% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 14My superior gives opportunity to individual for improving the performance.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied31.71.71.7




Highly Satisfied3218.218.2100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 46.6% of employees are satisfy that , My superior gives opportunity to individual for improving the performance , 25.6% are neutral and 18.2% are high satisfy while 8.0% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.7% of employees are highly dissatisfy.Table No. 15My superior delegate me the tasks which are full of opportunities.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied21.11.11.1




Highly Satisfied2715.315.3100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 43.8% of employees are satisfy that , My superior delegate me the tasks which are full of opportunities, 27.3% are neutral and 15.3% are high satisfy while 12.5% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.1% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 16My superior engage me in product development process.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied21.11.11.1




Highly Satisfied2614.814.8100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 45.5% of employees are satisfy that , My superior engage me in product development process , 33.3% are neutral and 14.8% are high satisfy while 5.7% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.1% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 17My superior sometimes give me the opportunity to lead the meetings and participation in committees.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied52.82.82.8




Highly Satisfied158.58.5100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 50.6% of employees are satisfy that , My superior sometimes give me the opportunity to lead the meetings and participation in committees , 26.7% are neutral and 11.4% are dissatisfy while 8.5% of employee are high satisfy and rest 2.8% of employees are highly dissatisfy.

Table No. 18

My superior gives me the opportunity to solve a problem if any setback occure.

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

ValidHighly dissatisfied31.71.71.7




Highly Satisfied3117.617.6100.0


INTERPRETATION:- From the above chart , it can be interpreted that 40.9% of employees are satisfy that , My superior gives me the opportunity to solve a problem if any setback occur, 33.0% are neutral and 17.6% are high satisfy while 6.8% of employee are dissatisfy and rest 1.7% of employees are highly dissatisfy.Table No. 19Age

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent
