Sunday, May 10, 2020 Domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020 › 17769 › ... · de los Muertos y el día en...

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Liturgy Schedule

Weekend Masses—Livestreamed Saturday: 5PM English Sunday: 1PM Spanish

Weekday Masses (English) Livestreamed

9AM: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 6:30PM: Tues.

Anointing of the Sick By Appointment

Parish Information 141 156th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98007 425-747-4450 See page 10 for a full listing of Parish Staff.

Consulte la página 10 para obtener una lista completa de Personal de la Parroquia.

Parish Office Hours: Closed until further notice.

Sunday, May 10, 2020 • Domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020


141 156th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98007 | 425-747-4450

Masses are being livestreamed on

From the Pastor • Del Pastor


Queridos Parroquianos de Sta. Luisa: ¡Feliz Día de las Madres! Estoy escribiendo esta columna el 1° de mayo, el día que el Gobernador Inslee extendió la orden de “Quédate en Casa, Quédate Saludable” hasta el 31 de mayo. Para el tiempo en que ustedes lean esto, tendremos un mejor entendimiento de lo que los servicios religiosos “En automóvil” pueden significar para nosotros bajo la Fase I de esta orden. El regreso a las celebraciones que teníamos antes de que todo esto empezara será largo y doloroso . . . ¡algo como lo que fue para nuestras madres el darnos a luz! Buena parte de la discusión entre los líderes de la Iglesia se centra en el “renacimiento” que el Espíritu Santo nos está llevando a experimentar por medio de la “muerte” que significa estar lejos unos de otros y no poder celebrar juntos los sacramentos por tanto tiempo. Aquí hay unas cuantas cosas que me gustaría invitarlos a considerar:

La Eucaristía es algo más que lo que recibimos, es a quién experimentamos. La Eucaristía es la verdadera presencia de Cristo, y Cristo viene a nosotros en muchas maneras cuando celebramos la Misa. Cristo está presente en la “asamblea de creyentes,” en el sacerdote, en la celebración de la Palabra, en la ofrenda del pan y el vino – en la celebración activa de la Eucaristía. Por esta razón, la comunión usualmente no es “distribuida” de forma aislada, aparte de la celebración completa de la Eucaristía.

El Domingo es el Día del Señor. Quizás este tiempo nos ha obligado a recordar que el Domingo es el día en que Jesús resucitó de los Muertos y el día en que el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre los discípulos, el día en que nació la Iglesia. Nuestra participación en la Misa cumple los mandamientos de santificar el día del Señor, guardarlo como un día de descanso (Ex. 31:15 y Deut. 5:12) y no olvidar reunirnos (Heb. 10:35). La Eucaristía es el corazón de la vida de la Iglesia (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, o CCC, #2177.)

Celebrar la Eucaristía da testimonio de nuestra forma de vida cristiana: “La participación en la celebración comunitaria de la Eucaristía es un testimonio de pertenencia y de ser fieles a Cristo y a su Iglesia. Los fieles dan testimonio de su comunión en fe y caridad.” (CCC # 2182)

La celebración eucarística es una expresión de la Iglesia como nuestra Madre, que nos alimenta en Cristo: Miren estas bellas palabras de San Juan Crisóstomo: “Como una mujer alimenta a su hijo con su propia leche, así Cristo alimenta sin cesar con su propia sangre a aquellos a quienes él mismo les ha dado vida.”

Un agradecimiento especial a todas las madres y el ofrecimiento para orar por ellas. . . ¡incluyendo a María, la Madre de Dios y a nuestra madre, la Iglesia! Padre Gary Zender

Dear Parishioners of St. Louise, Happy Mother’s Day! I am writing this column on May 1, the day that Governor Inslee extended the “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order to May 31. By the time you read this, we will have a better understanding of what “Drive-In” religious services can mean for us under Phase I of this order. Our return to the celebrations we had before all this began will be long and painful . . . something like it was for our mothers to give birth to us! Much of the discussion among Church leaders these days centers on the “rebirth” that the Holy Spirit is leading us to experience through the “death” of being apart from one another and not being able to celebrate the sacraments together for such a long time. Here are a few things that I would like to invite us to consider: The Eucharist is something more than what we receive, it is

who we experience. The Eucharist is the very presence of Christ, and Christ comes to us in many ways as we celebrate the Mass. Christ is present in the “assembly of believers,” in the priest, in the celebration of the Word, in the offering of the bread and wine – in the active celebration of the Eucharist. For this reason, communion is usually not just “handed out” in isolation apart from the complete celebration of the Eucharist.

Sunday is the Lord’s Day. Perhaps this time has forced us to

remember that Sunday is the day on which Jesus rose from the dead, and the day on which the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, the day that the Church was born. Our participation in the Mass fulfills the commandments to keep holy the Lord’s day and to observe it as a day of rest (Ex. 31:15 and Deut. 5:12) and to not neglect to meet together (Heb. 10:35). The Eucharist is the heart of the Church’s life (Catechism of the Catholic Church, or CCC, #2177).

Celebrating the Eucharist gives testimony to our Christian

way of life: “Participation in the communal celebration of the Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful to Christ and to his Church. The faithful give witness by this to their communion in faith and charity.” (CCC # 2182)

The Eucharistic celebration is an expression of the Church

as our Mother who nourishes us with Christ: Notice these beautiful words from St. John Chrysostom: “As a woman nourishes her child with her own blood and milk, so does Christ unceasingly nourish with his own blood those to whom he himself has given life.”

A special thanks to and offer of prayers for all our mothers . . . including Mary, the Mother of God, and our mother, the Church! Fr. Gary Zender

This Week In Our Parish Esta Semana en Nuestra Parroquia

Find our parish calendar online at

*Listed below are the most current updates to our campus

schedule and parish programming. These are effective immediately and will be in effect until further notice:

Parish Office Hours: Closed until further notice

All parish events are cancelled or postponed The Church building will remain closed until further notice.

Sunday, May 10 1PM Livestream Mass (Spanish) Pan Dulce y Chocolate con el P. Gary y el P. Carlos después

de la Misa de 1PM (Spanish) Monday, May 11 9AM Livestream Mass Tuesday, May 12 6:30PM Livestream Mass Wednesday, May 13 9AM Livestream Mass Thursday, May 14 9AM Livestream Mass 7PM Livestream Rosary (English) 8PM Livestream Rosary (Spanish) Friday, May 15 8:30AM Livestream Eucharistic Adoration 9AM Livestream Mass Saturday, May 16 10AM Livestream Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena 5PM Livestream Mass (English) Coffee and Donuts with Fr. Gary and Fr. Carlos after the 5PM

Mass (English) Sunday, May 17 1PM Livestream Mass (Spanish) Pan Dulce y Chocolate (chat) con el P. Gary y el P. Carlos

después de la Misa de 1PM


WELCOME to St. Louise Parish If you are new here, a returning Catholic, or have been a member and don’t feel connected, contact our Parish Office at 425-747-4450 to find out more information about the parish. If you are interested in registering, fill out an information card, found at the welcome desk in the main vestibule of the church, and drop it in the collection basket, or register online at

BIENVENIDO a Santa Luisa Si es nuevo aquí, está regresando a la iglesia católica, o ha sido miembro y no se siente conectado, póngase en contacto con nuestra Oficina Parroquial al 425-747-4450 para obtener más información acerca de la parroquia. Si usted está interesado en registrarse, llene una tarjeta de información que se encuentra en la recepción de bienvenida en el vestíbulo principal de la iglesia, y colóquela en la canasta de la colecta, o regístrese en línea en

Parish Prayer Intentions: Offer prayer intentions for

those you are concerned about. As a community, we will be praying for one another and have the option to pray as a com-munity online. Please submit anything or anyone you would like to pray for to The request will be posted to our website, so please do not include names or details of medical conditions in order to protect people’s pri-vacy.


Heavenly Father, from the beginning you have chosen to entrust the human person to mothers in a special way. We thank and praise you for the gift of mothers;

for their tenderness, care, and compassion, for their intuition and encouragement, For their commitment and sacrifice.

Bless all mothers this day. Keep, strengthen, and refresh them

in your loving care. May they be blessed by our open-hearted

love and gratitude. Amen.


Activities and Events

Forever Young - A group for 55+ and/or Retired

Knitting Group: Cancelled until further notice. Please con-tact Shirley Johnson, 425-746-1161, with questions.

Eileen Conces Book Club: Cancelled until further notice. Please contact Chris Boldizsar, 425-999-0738, with questions.

Let’s Eat Out! Cancelled until further notice. Please contact Kathy Reifers, 425-746-6457, with questions.

Ways to help! In these challenging economic times, many people will

need our help. As a parish, we will focus our response through three organizations: Catholic Community Services, Jubilee Reach in Bellevue and the St. Louise chapter of St. Vincent de Paul.

St. Vincent de Paul - To give to St. Vincent de Paul, visit the donation page,

Catholic Community Services - To give to Catholic Com-munity Services’ response to COVID-19 in King County, visit the donation page,;jsessionid=00000000.app20050a?6601.donation=form1&df_id=6601&mfc_pref=T&NONCE_TOKEN=69E39F6BD040FC023AFA72931DD9AF81.

Jubilee Reach - To donate groceries to Jubilee Reach, for more information or to sign up, visit



St. Louise School News School Closed As you are aware, the Governor mandated the close of public and private schools through June, and so St. Louise Parish School is closed physically for the rest of this school year. But we don’t say “school is over.” School is still taking place virtually, as every Pre-K through 8th grade teacher is daily communicating with their students online, using resources such as Microsoft Teams that allow them to teach “live.” Although online learning/home-based learning isn’t optimal, and although our teachers miss the ability to physically be in the classrooms with their students during this mandated closure, we at least felt some consolation that our parish school is still operating. Thank you for your prayers for our students and teachers during this unprecedented time of a prolonged school closure.

School, Faith Formation, Youth and Young Adult Ministries


Liturgy, Spirituality and Worship

Let Us Pray: PLEASE REMEMBER, IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK, ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED FOR OUR PRAYERS: (To add or remove names please contact David Gehrig at or 425-214-5466.)

This Week’s Mass Intentions

Sunday, May 10, 1PM Spanish

Mother’s Day/ Día de las Madres, Deceased & Spec. Int.

Monday, May 11, 9AM

Harold Schafer, Deceased

Tuesday, May 12, 6:30PM Paul N. Cowgill, Deceased

Wednesday, May 13, 9AM Stan Leszynski, Deceased

Thursday, May 14, 9AM David Carey, Deceased & Anya Hasanov, Deceased

Friday, May 15, 9AM

Harold Schafer, Deceased

Saturday, May 16, 5PM Ints. of Our Parish Community

For the sick. We remember especially: Ada, Diane Albee, Marylou Andersen, Luke Artalona, Terry Baker, Janet Blakely, Dahlia Borromeo, Richard Cortez, Linda Courter, Paul Desimone, Maria (Crum) Droz, Aria Faler, Angelina Folino, Tricia Freeman, Analisa Garcia, Forough Ghoddouss, Jan Ghosn, Fabio Gobbo, Jesse Gonzalez, Martha Gonzalez, Cathy Grainger, Lois Hernandez, Chris Hodneland, Avery Jaque, Elena Javelona, Kristina Kirpatrick, Amma Kumar, Kay Landau, Fr. Jim Lee, Yvette Lozano, Paul MacDonald, Billy Machado, Peyton Marquez, Bill Matson, Jim McBeth, Kris McGowan, D.J. McPherson, Ofelia Mendez, Hilda Michael, Mari Navarre-Fink, Shirley Neal, Freya O’Bryan-Herriott, Susy & Jay Ollis, Bud Olson, Tim Omundson, Regina Paniagua Jacobo, Abe Pachikara, Patti Partington, Gary Pfohl, Christine Philipp, Earl Rial, Elizabeth Rial, Carmelo Ricciardelli, Branen Sanchez, Rosa Maria Santos, Dorothy Shindler, Deanie Smith, Clara Sun, George Thorpe, Fred Tuazon, Rich & Helen Vasek, Stanley Vasek, Mary Velotta, Mary Wirta, Des Zamora, Linda Zender. For the dead: Please pray for our beloved dead and their families. May the Lord receive them unto Himself giving peace, comfort and strength to their families. Amen. For the most current information on parish funerals, go to the homepage of our parish website,

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Everyone is invited to join in celebrating a no-vena to the Virgin Mary under her title, "Our Lady of Perpetual Help," for nine Saturdays, beginning May 2."Our Lady of Perpetual Help" is the name given to Mary as depicted in a famous, centuries-old icon in the Byzantine style. The icon and the devotion to Mary it in-spires is in the special charge of the Redemp-torist order of priests. You can see a picture of the icon and read about its history, miracles and symbolism at their website at

Although anyone can make a private novena at any time, the Church teaches that there is added efficacy in the union of the faithful at prayer. Holding this public novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help is a St. Louise tradition, sponsored by the Fil-Am community. The dates for the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: May 9 livestream at 10AM; May 16, 23, 30 , June 6, 13, 20, 27 in the chapel at 10AM. Novena’s will be livestreamed if we cannot yet gather publicly on these dates.


Our Financial Gifts

APRIL 26, 2020 Offertory $36,784.00

Other collections and donations: Social Concerns .................................................. $195.00 St. Vincent ....................................................... $2,536.00 Building Fund ........................................................ $20.00 Holy Day ............................................................. $385.00 Improvements ....................................................... $40.00 Flowers ................................................................. $25.00

Thank you for your generosity!

Will You Join Us in Our Mission? Have you wondered how you might support the Church during this time?

Persevering in living out our parish mission to Ignite Faith and Witness God’s Love through a pandemic is not easy – we need your help. Will you consider the opportunity to join us in this effort? Your prompt financial support will make a direct impact and sustain the good work that we are doing at St. Louise Par-ish.

Though parish life feels and looks different right now, our faith in Christ and our determination to witness his love is unwaver-ing. We are grateful for your consideration to financially support St. Louise Parish. We look forward to connecting with you to go over different giving options; please contact Barbara Abbott at 425 214-5471 or or Jonathan Taasan at

425 214-5473 or

Stewardship • La Corresponsabilidad


¿Te unes a nuestra misión?

Te has preguntado, ¿cómo puedo apoyar a la parroquia duran-te este tiempo? Perseverar a vivir la misión de nuestra parroquia de Encender Fe y ser Testigos del Amor de Dios durante esta pandemia no es fácil – necesitamos tu ayuda. ¿Podrás considerar la oportun-idad de apoyarnos? Tu ayuda impacta de manera directa el buen trabajo y sostén que estamos haciendo en la parroquia de Santa Luisa. Aunque la vida parroquial se ve y siente muy diferente hoy en día, es nuestra fe en Cristo y nuestra determinación a ser testi-gos de su amor lo que nos mantiene firmes. Estamos muy agradecidos por tu consideración en apoyarnos financieramen-te. Por favor, contáctanos para ver las diversas maneras que puedes contribuir. Puedes contactar a Barbara Abbott al 425 214-5471 o, o a Jonathan Taasan al 425 214-5473 o

Sección en español


Padre celestial, desde el principio has elegido confiar

la persona humana a las madres de una manera especial. Te agradecemos y te alabamos por el regalo de las madres;

por su ternura, cuidado y compasión, por su intuición y aliento,

por su compromiso y sacrificio. Bendice a todas las madres este día. Guárdalas, fortalécelas y renuévalas

en tu cuidado amoroso Que sean bendecidas con amor y gratitud


Peticiones Ofrezca intenciones

de oración para aquellos que le pre-ocupan. Como comunidad estaremos orando los unos por los otros y tendremos la opción de orar como comunidad en línea. Envíe cualquier cosa o persona por la que le gustaría orar a La solicitud se publicará en nuestro sitio de web, por lo tanto, no incluya los nombres ni el estado de las afec-ciones médicas para proteger la pri-vacidad de las personas. Puede escribir algo como... Por favor, ora por un amigo por su recuperación rápida o Por favor, ora por un compañero de trabajo y su familia.

If you are interested in having an announcement published in the bulletin, please visit the parish website to read the bulletin publishing guidelines. Questions: email

• Si está interesado en tener un artículo publicado en el boletín, visite por favor el sitio web de la parroquia, para leer las pautas editoriales para el boletín. ¿Preguntas? Email

Pastoral and Administrative Staff

Pastoral Counseling

Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA ……..…425-440-1162,

Eastside Pastoral Care Ministry/

Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral Eastside ……..…...…..425-655-3200

Pastor (habla español) Fr. Gary Zender …..………….425-747-4450 x5463,

Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial (habla español) Fr. Carlos Orozco…..……….425-747-4450 x5462,

Deacon Dcn. Sam Basta………..….…..425-214-5382,

Seminarian Brody Stewart……..……..425-747-4450x5461,

Pastoral Assistants / Asistentes Pastorales

Community Life/Pastoral Associate Faith Formation, & Sacraments (English) Geri Hanley ……………………....425-747-4450 x5464,

Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish) / Preparación Sacramental (español) *Para Bautizos, Primera Reconciliación, Comunión, Confirmación para niños y adultos, contactar Berenice Brambila.

Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano (habla español) Advocacy for Annulment Process/ Defensa del Proceso de Anulación para matrimonios Ma. Berenice Brambila ……425-747-4450 x5474,

Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process / Cuidado Pastoral y Defensa del Proceso de Anulación David Gehrig …………………...425-747-4450 x5466,

Worship Liturgy and Music Ministry / Ministerio de la Música Lynette Basta ………………....425-747-4450 x5467,

Evangelization Evangelization/Evangelización/Initiation (RCIA) Katie O’Neill …………………….425-747-4450 x 5477,

Youth Ministry / Ministerio para Jóvenes Amy Baumgardner……………….425-747-4450 x 5465,

Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the Archdiocese of Seattle should con-tact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762.

Cualquiera que tenga alguna inquietud o alegatos relacionados con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros niños en relación al clero o líderes laicos en la Ar-quidiócesis de Seattle puede llamar a la línea especial 1-800-446-7762.

The Archdiocese of Seattle has established a confidential telephone hotline, 1-844-815-8236, and website,, for parish staff and parishioners to anonymously raise concerns about suspected unethical behavior by church personnel. Learn more about this hotline by visiting the website or by getting a copy of the “We Never Sleep” brochure from the main vestibule of the church.

La Arquidiócesis de Seattle ha establecido una línea telefónica confidencial, 1-844-815-8236 y un sitio de web, ,, para que el personal de la parroquia y los feligreses expresen de forma anónima las preocupaciones sobre el comportamiento poco ético sospechado por el personal de la iglesia. Obtenga más información acerca de esta línea directa visitando el sitio web u obteniendo una copia del folleto "We Never Sleep" en el vestíbulo principal de la Iglesia.

Parish Administrator / Administrador Parroquial Jonathan Taasan ……….425-747-4450 x5473, Bookkeeper—Capital Campaign / Contadora—Campaña de Capital Barbara Abbott ………...…425-747-4450 x5471, Parish Receptionists / Recepcionistas Parroquiales Nila Agostini ..(habla español) 425-747-4450 x5460,

Michael Johnson ………...425-747-4450 x5460, Administrative Assistant for Fr. Gary / Asistente Administrativa

para el Padre Gary (habla español) Fabiola Ward …….…425-747-4450 x5476, Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor / Supervisor de Instalaciones y Mantenimiento Paul Trussell ……………..…...425-746-4220 x5442,

Parish School / Escuela Parroquial Principal / Director Dan Fitzpatrick …….…425-746-4220 x5454, Vice Principal / Subdirector Mike Fuerte …………425-746-4220 x5406, Secretary / Secretaria Lola Bazan ……….…..425-746-4220 x5400, Mindy Morgan ….…425-746-4220 x5400, Development Director / Directora de Desarrollo Cindy Wagner …...425-746-4220 x5386,


Ways to stay connected to your faith and your parish community

Livestream Mass: Watch Mass at St. Louise via livestream. Mass is offered Mon-day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 9AM and Tuesday at 6:30PM. Weekend Masses are Saturday at 5PM (in English) and Sunday at 1PM (in Spanish).

Livestream Eucharistic Adoration: Pray before the Blessed Sacrament with the community via livestream. Eucharistic Adoration will be offered at the following times:

Friday, 8:30AM – 8:50AM

Livestream Rosary: Pray the Rosary with our priests.

eventsonline The Rosary will be offered at the following times:

Thursday, 7PM (English) Thursday, 8PM (Spanish)

Coffee and Donuts with Fr. Gary and Fr. Carlos:

Saturday, after the 5PM Mass (English) Sunday, after the 1PM Mass (Spanish)

Maneras de mantenerse conectado con su fe y su comunidad parroquial

Mire la misa en Sta. Luisa a través de la transmisión en vivo en

Entre Semana Lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes en Ingles a las 9AM, Martes a las 6:30PM en Ingles

El Fin de Semana Sábado a las 5PM en Ingles, Do-mingo a la 1PM en español

Adoración Eucarística por el web: Ore ante el bendito Sacramento con la comunidad a través del inter-net.

Viernes de 8:30AM a 8:50AM

Rece el Rosario: Reza el Rosario con nuestros sacer-dotes por el internet.

Jueves, 7PM en ingles Jueves, 8PM en español

Pan Dulce y Chocolate con el P. Gary y el P. Carlos:

Sábado, después de la misa de las 5 PM (inglés) Domingo, después de la misa de la 1 PM (español)

Escuche la reflexión del evangelio diaria “Alimento Para El Alma” con el Diacono Abel visitando a

Stay Connected—Mantente Conectado