Suntech Hawaii Brochure

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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Trade show brochure for Suntech Hawaii, now Sunetric.


Suntech Hawaii is helping businesses like yours convert from

petroleum-derived electricity to clean, economically-feasible

solar electricity. Our success is based on our ability to manage

each project from start to finish, providing complete control and

accountability over each stage of the process, from analysis and

design to installation and beyond.

If solar is right for you, Suntech Hawaii

will use our knowledge of the solar

energy industry to help you select the

system that delivers the best value for

your particular circumstances. And,

we’ll help you secure the appropriate

financing option for your firm’s goals,

needs, and constraints.

For businesses that prefer to purchase

systems outright, we can install solar

systems that eliminate much or all of

your electricity bill with equipment that

has a functional life of 25 years, and

provides generous tax incentives along

the way. For those who want to avoid

capital expenditures entirely, we offer

power purchase agreements (PPAs) that

allow users to simply purchase electricity

produced on-site for a fixed period of

time at a guaranteed rate. In between

these extremes, an array of debt, lease,

and lease purchase options are also available.

All of these solutions share several important benefits. First, they

lower energy costs now and provide a hedge against future price

increases from grid power. Second, they provide the stability of

self-generated electricity without giving up access to the grid

as a backup power source. Finally, they yield timely marketing

opportunities for businesses like yours to take advantage of the

pro-environment shift in consumer consciousness.

At Suntech Hawaii, we stand behind the quality of our work.

We provide reliable solar technology, economically feasible

systems and financing, and renewable, non-polluting electricity

that helps your business—and our state—become more energy

independent. Let us help you initiate change.

oil prices are chipping away your profits

Nowhere in the country are business profits so closely tied to

electricity rates. According to the Department of Energy, Hawaii’s

commercial electricity rates are the highest in the country and

more than double the national average (Fig. 1a).

Neighbor island rates are especially high (Figure

1b). Statewide, retail electricity rates rose 130

percent from 1991 to 2006.

Whereas the rest of the country gets just 3 percent

of its electricity from petroleum, Hawaii gets 78

percent (Fig. 2). This imbalance leaves electricity

rates unusually vulnerable to the future oil price

increases predicted by leading investment firms

and energy industry groups. Looking further ahead,

the National Petroleum Council predicts that—due

to population increases and improving living

standards—global demand for oil will substantially

exceed supply for the next 25 years.i

In addition to market-driven price growth, Hawaii’s

electricity costs are also vulnerable to regulatory

changes such as the imposition of carbon taxes

intended to shift the country’s energy supply

away from fossil fuels. Such taxes are gaining

momentum internationally, and one U.S. city,

Boulder, Colorado, imposed such a tax in 2006.

Another recent report by Goldman Sachs argues that regulatory

risk associated with greenhouse gas emissions is a “significant

investment risk.”ii

is solar right for your business?

electricity costs and Hawaii’sbusiness community







U.S. Maui Big Island Kauai Molokai


California Hawaii

ResidentialAverage Business Rate

We need more laws to enforce energy efficiency

The environment in the U.S. is getting worse

Would consider buying and alternative fuel vehicle

Global warming is a “serious problem”

It is a “good idea” to build more solar power facilities

Dependence on foreign oil is a “serious problem”

percent of respondents























U.S. Maui Big Island Kauai Molokai


California Hawaii

ResidentialAverage Business Rate

We need more laws to enforce energy efficiency

The environment in the U.S. is getting worse

Would consider buying and alternative fuel vehicle

Global warming is a “serious problem”

It is a “good idea” to build more solar power facilities

Dependence on foreign oil is a “serious problem”

percent of respondents

















Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy EIA.

Fig. 2: Petroleum Dominates Electricity Production


Fig. 1a







U.S. Maui Big Island Kauai Molokai


California Hawaii

ResidentialAverage Business Rate

We need more laws to enforce energy efficiency

The environment in the U.S. is getting worse

Would consider buying and alternative fuel vehicle

Global warming is a “serious problem”

It is a “good idea” to build more solar power facilities

Dependence on foreign oil is a “serious problem”

percent of respondents

















Fig. 1b







U.S. Maui Big Island Kauai Molokai


California Hawaii

ResidentialAverage Business Rate

We need more laws to enforce energy efficiency

The environment in the U.S. is getting worse

Would consider buying and alternative fuel vehicle

Global warming is a “serious problem”

It is a “good idea” to build more solar power facilities

Dependence on foreign oil is a “serious problem”

percent of respondents

















Source: Fig. 1a: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration, data for 2006. Fig. 1b: HECO, KIVC, schedule J, general service demand January 2008

Hawaii’s Electric Rates by island (cents/kWh)

Hawaii Electric Rates vs. U.S. Mainland/California

power your business with solar

An equally important challenge facing Hawaii businesses is

the need to keep up with changing cultural attitudes favoring

greener, lower-impact lifestyles and an evolving mandate that

business activities be “socially responsible.” A recent Yale

University study found that 83 percent of Americans consider

global warming a “serious” problem and that 63 percent think

the country is in as much danger from environmental hazards

as from terrorists (Fig. 3). Fully 96 percent of the study’s

respondents also said that dependence on Middle East oil

is a “serious problem.” The director of the study concludes

that “the U.S. is in the midst of a revolution” and that a public

“frustrated with the limits of government action increasingly

wants business to solve environmental problems.”iii

social responsibility brings a greener bottom line

Solar energy has finally come of age

and is now a proven technology.

This, together with a multitude

of financing options, generous

tax incentives and a change in

consumer consciousness, are

compelling many businesses to make the shift.

At Suntech Hawaii, we can help you seamlessly convert to solar

power. For a free on-site cost and benefit analysis, contact us

at 808-262-6600 or

sustainable &economicallyfeasible

Taken together, Hawaii’s high and unstable electricity prices pose a

variety of challenges to the state’s business community. High rates

severely undermine the competitiveness of those firms that compete

nationally and internationally. And, the inability to control or anticipate

costs makes formulating and implementing long range strategies

extremely difficult for businesses with significant power demands.

In this context, alternative energy offers a hedge against future price

fluctuations and can make business planning much more manageable

for Hawaii firms.

predictability to anunpredictable world

National Petroleum Council. Facing the Hard Truths about Energy. July 2007. Cohen, Abby. Goldman Sachs and Co. Portfolio Strategy. Capital Markets at the Crossroads: Sustainable Investing: Environmental Focus. September 2006. Quote from Dan Esty, Director of Yale University’s Center for Environmental Law and Policy regarding results from the Center’s poll of environmental attitudes and behavior. The poll was conducted in February 2007 and released in March.



905 Kalanianaole Hwy. Bldg. 28A | Kailua, HI 96734 | 808-262-6600 | |

Source: Yale University Center for Environmental Law and Policy, 2007.







U.S. Maui Big Island Kauai Molokai


California Hawaii

ResidentialAverage Business Rate

We need more laws to enforce energy efficiency

The environment in the U.S. is getting worse

Would consider buying and alternative fuel vehicle

Global warming is a “serious problem”

It is a “good idea” to build more solar power facilities

Dependence on foreign oil is a “serious problem”

percent of respondents

















Fig. 3: Changing Environmental Attitudes Research by Goldman Sachs argues that issues related to climate change pose risks

Project ContextActus Lend Lease holds 50-year contracts to own, manage and maintain 3,500 housing units on five Army and Air Force installations on Oahu. They approached Suntech Hawaii for solar solutions to significantly lower operating costs by converting from grid power to solar electricity, maximize tax benefits and inspire their tenants to conserve energy through individualized billing—all while maintaining the aesthetic integrity of the neighborhoods.

Our SolutionSolar power holds many advantages for Actus Lend Lease. Because of their long-term ownership of the individual housing units there was a natural match between the long life of solar power systems and the company’s ability to capture the full value of its investment. Suntech therefore focused on two issues - 1) achieving the necessary electricity production capacity with minimal aesthetic intrusions; and 2) designing the systems to take maximum advantage of available tax incentives.

In order to preserve the aesthetic vision of the original architectural plans, we recommended building-integrated PV laminates which adhere directly to the standing seam metal roofing. This decision saved Actus the cost of installing conventional mounting hardware. Each of the 3,500 homes included in the project will produce roughly 65 percent of its own electricity, yet appear indistinguishable from those in adjacent neighborhoods.

Our plan addressed the tax issue by phasing the project over seven years (2006-2014) so that Actus could maximize their state and federal tax incentives. We were also able to meet their need for individualized billing by metering each home/system and allowing both power generation and power consumption to be measured individually.

By converting to solar electricity, Actus will reduce their carbon footprint by about 381 billion tons and enjoy bottom line savings expected to exceed $150 million over the project’s life. Now that’sa lot of green goodwill.

“We knew there were economic

benefits to building energy

systems into the homes we were

constructing at the five Hawaii

military bases. What surprised

us was that as the homes

were occupied, the residents

started taking the lead on other

environmental issues in their

communities. The benefits of our

relationship with Suntech go far

beyond the bottom line goals we

had initially established for the

project.” — James Sullivan VP of

Sustainability, Actus Lend Lease

905 Kalanianaole Hwy. Bldg. 28A | Kailua, HI 96734 | 808-262-6600 | |

Actus Lend LeaseIsland of Oahu

Residential PV on New ConstructionSchofield Barracks, Fort Shafter, Hickam Air Force Base,Bellows Air Force Station, Aliamanu Military Reservation

Project ContextHonda Windward approached Suntech Hawaii about powering its new Auto Spa and Truck Wash using solar electricity. Honda Windward’s goal was twofold: to reduce their combined monthly electricity bill of $5,000, and increase “green” awareness of their new auto spa. Both facilities are located on Oahu’s Windward Coast in an area with persistent cloud cover.

Our SolutionFrom the start, our goal was to maximize energy production due to the customer’s high power demand and the intermittent generating capacity due to the weather. This meant covering a variety of small roof surfaces with photovoltaic panels in addition to the main roof planes. The result is a 106 kW array that not only identifies Honda Windward as an environmental leader among its fellow auto retailers, but is the largest commercial rooftop solar facility on the island.

The total system contains 20 sub arrays. Panels are mounted to the roof via stand off mounts in order to provide sufficient wind flow to keep the panels cool and running efficiently while keeping wind loads manageable. Because it covers more than 85 percent of the roof surface it also reduces the structure’s cooling load substantially by eliminating heat gain through the roof. The installation is fully leak-proof. And, in keeping with Honda Windward’s good neighbor policy, we selected non-reflective panels, eliminating concerns from neighboring homes and business, property owners in the hills above the site and low-flying aircraft—a concern especially for tourist helicopter flights on the scenic Windward Coast.

The power produced on its roof eliminates over 40 percent of Windward Auto Spa’s power bill—saving approximately $2,000 per month—even after a significant expansion in operations following the project’s completion. It’s equivalent to removing about 18 cars from the road each year.

“Honda Windward looked into

solar power to address our

rising energy costs. We also

saw an opportunity to make a

statement about our commitment

to alternative fuel use. The system

Suntech Hawaii designed and

built at our Kaneohe site makes

economic sense, makes our

customers feel good about dealing

with Honda Windward, and makes

my employees feel good about

working here.” – Morrie Stoebner,

Owner, Honda Windward

905 Kalanianaole Hwy. Bldg. 28A | Kailua, HI 96734 | 808-262-6600 | |

Windward Auto SpaKaneohe, Oahu

Commercial Retrofit and Power Upgrade

Suntech Hawaii is a full-service solar energy company that is committed to helping

sustainability-minded businesses and homeowners save money while reducing their

consumption of petroleum-derived electricity. We provide a complete range of

services, from power use analysis to design, installation and even rebate paperwork.

Together with our solar energy finance partners, we’re also able to offer a wide range of

financial options that make converting to solar economically feasible as well as socially

responsible. Suntech Hawaii is a HECO-approved contractor.

As a general rule, solar power is cheaper than grid power and provides an excellent

hedge against future electricity rate hikes. Hawaii has the highest commercial power

rates in the country with 78 percent of the state’s electricity generated by burning

petroleum. When oil prices rise, so do your rates.

Companies that make an environmental commitment attract green customers.

Research conducted earlier this year by Yale University shows that 83 percent of

Americans view global warming as a ‘serious problem’ – up 19 percent from just three

years earlier and, in a study conducted in 2006 by researchers at MIT, respondents

identified global warming as their number one environmental concern. By embracing

consumers’ changing attitudes, you can lower your electric bill and improve the green

credentials of your brand.

Can solar energy eliminate my existing power bill?

The answer depends on several factors including your monthly power demand,

the amount of land and/or roof space you have to devote to your solar system

and the size of the system that we install. All systems differ but under typical

conditions a company will need about 2,500 square feet of roof and/or ground

space to offset each $1,000 of monthly electricity expenditures on Oahu. Because

neighbor island electrical rates are higher, the electricity generated by 2,500

square feet of space is worth well over $1,000.

How long will a photovoltaic system last?

At Suntech Hawaii, we use the most durable and efficient products in the industry,

relying exclusively on components that have been extensively tested. Our solar

photovoltaic modules are under warranty to collect energy for at least 25 years.

905 Kalanianaole Hwy. Bldg. 28A | Kailua, HI 96734 | 808-262-6600 | |

Can my business benefit from green marketing?

Who is Suntech Hawaii?

Can solar energy save my business money?

FAQs For an on-site, customized assessment of the cost and benefits of switching to

renewable energy, call us at 808-262-6600.

Who performs the installation? We do. Everything from your initial energy analysis to the installation and maintenance

of your system is performed by experienced Suntech Hawaii personnel. We do not use


Who handles the permitting? Suntech Hawaii handles all permitting and project coordination. Once a design is

agreed upon between your company and Suntech Hawaii, we arrange for drawings

and other information required by the City and/or State. We also handle the

interconnection between your system and the existing power grid.

What finance options existto enable firms to convert to

solar power?

A range of financing options are available, from funding the system outright to making

no upfront investment at all via a power purchase agreement. Specialized leasing and

debt options, as well as hybrid arrangements, are also available. The costs and benefits

of the various approaches vary substantially and no single solution is appropriate to the

needs of all businesses. In general, however, the range of alternatives available is such

that financing issues are rarely an impediment for firms converting to solar electricity.

Are there tax incentives for solar energy systems?

Both the State of Hawaii and the Federal government offer substantial tax incentives

to businesses installing solar electricity systems. Federal tax credits equal 30 percent

of the total project cost. Hawaii offers a 35 percent tax credit. Both state and federal

governments also offer accelerated depreciation schedules.

How do I get started? We begin with a site visit to discuss location characteristics, power usage and system

options. Based on this information, we will recommend the system that is most

appropriate for your business, then plot costs and savings over the economic life of

the equipment.

905 Kalanianaole Hwy. Bldg. 28A | Kailua, HI 96734 | 808-262-6600 | |

FAQs continued...


MacNaughton Group

Actus Lend Lease

Enova & US Air Force

ABC Stores

Heide and Cooke

D’ Otani Produce

Forest City & US Navy

Honda Windward

US Coast Guard

AMG Energy


Pacific Health

Alan Shintani

US Air Force

Elite Pacific Construction

JK Investment Trust

Bering Sea Eccotech

Benedictine Monastery

Pankow Construction

Metcalf Construction


Kona Commons

Schofield Barracks


Red Hill


Hydrogen Fuel Cell Facility

Island Gourmet Foods

H & C Warehouse & Office

D’Otani Warehouse & Office

Halsey Community Centers

Windward Auto Spa

Aliumanu Military Reservation

Sigs Body Shop

Convalescent Center of Honolulu

Maui Cancer Center

Shintani Warehouse & Office

Hickam Air Force Base

Nawiliwili US Coast Guard

The Sullivan Estate

BSE Warehouse and Offices

Monastery Retreat Center

Hawaii Loa Neighborhood

State of HI Homeless Shelter

System Discription

803 kW Roof Mount - Non-penetrating

773 kW Roof Mount - BIPV

516 kW Roof Mount - BIPV

268 kW Roof Mount - BIPV

60 kW Roof Mount - BIPV

146 kW Ground Mount Array

107 kW Roof Mount - Non-penetrating

232 kW Roof Mount - Penetrating

223 kW Roof Mount - Non-penetrating

107 kW Roof Mount - Penetrating

106 kW Roof Mount - Penetrating

376 kW Roof Mount - BIPV

120 kW Roof Mount - Penetrating

2,500 Gallon Solar Water Heating

78 kW Covered Parking / Roof Mount

61 kW Roof Mount - Non-penetrating

62 kW Roof Mount - Penetrating

40 kW Roof Mount - BIPV

50 kW Roof Mount - BIPV

Multiple Solar Water Heating Systems

36 kW Roof Mount - Penetrating

22 kW Roof Mount - Non-penetrating

247 Home Solar Water Heating Retrofit

2,500 gallon Solar Water Heating

905 Kalanianaole Hwy. Bldg. 28A | Kailua, HI 96734 | 808-262-6600 | |

Project List