Super delegator top tip tuesday

Post on 07-Jan-2017

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How to become a “super delegator”

Not having time to delegate is short term thinking. Taking time to delegate effectively today, will save you time tomorrow. Once you have delegated a task successfully, you can continue to delegate that task in future. Giving you time to concentrate on the tasks that need your undivided attention.

Time management is a myth!

You can’t manage time so manage yourself

Delegate to someone who is relatively under-occupied or someone who has a skill that could be easily developed for the new task. Alternatively, look for the most talented in your team. Talent thrives on being given new challenges.

Be fair about who you delegate to. Avoid being tempted to delegate to the person who always says “yes” (and avoid being the person who always says “yes”).

What to delegate?

Delegate those tasks with the lowest level of importance. Early delegation will prevent those tasks from becoming important – urgent, high priority tasks, that only

you can accomplish.

The most important thing to remember is that, although the task is second nature to you, it may be new to them. Prepare to delegate, explain what you want done, show them how to do it and then let them try for themselves!


Set SMART objectives. Ensure you are specific about what you want the person to achieve. Explain how they know they have achieved what they set out to do. Ensure that the task is achievable and relevant and give them a timescale. Write it down!

Set reminders to periodically review how the person is doing, ask whether they need any help and to confirm that the task will be completed within timescale.
