Super Nitro 28 -€¦ · SUPER NITRO 28® is the perfect formulation to supply...

Post on 01-Oct-2020

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SUPER NITRO 28® is the perfect formulation to supply nitrogen to crops in a quick way to the plant to absorb each one in a sequence thatallows you to use it for its SUPER NITRO 28® is the perfect formulation to supply nitrogen to crops in a quick way to the plant to absorb each one in a sequence thatallows you to use it for its different and respective functions without causing excess problems and manifesting disordered growths and elongationstypical of nitrogen. Nitrogen represents life, different and respective functions without causing excess problems and manifesting disordered growths and elongationstypical of nitrogen. Nitrogen represents life, and is present in various parts of cells. Nitrogen plays a predominant role withinnutrients from the soil, but nevertheless, it is much easier to observe its effects on the and is present in various parts of cells. Nitrogen plays a predominant role withinnutrients from the soil, but nevertheless, it is much easier to observe its effects on the color and growth of the leaves of the plants, where it will produce a greenintense and vigorous, essential to capture solar energy and convert it into sugars. The color and growth of the leaves of the plants, where it will produce a greenintense and vigorous, essential to capture solar energy and convert it into sugars. The nitrogen found in the soil is called organic and inorganic, theMore nitrogen is an integral part of complex organic materials in the soil. The most important inorganic nitrogen found in the soil is called organic and inorganic, theMore nitrogen is an integral part of complex organic materials in the soil. The most important inorganic forms of soil nitrogenThey are: NH, NO and NO. Nitrogen is necessary for the decomposition of organic matter by heterotrophic microorganisms in the soil and if the forms of soil nitrogenThey are: NH, NO and NO. Nitrogen is necessary for the decomposition of organic matter by heterotrophic microorganisms in the soil and if the materialorganic that decomposes has little nitrogen in relation to the carbon present (wheat straw, mature cereal stalks), the microorganisms use ammoniaor nitrates materialorganic that decomposes has little nitrogen in relation to the carbon present (wheat straw, mature cereal stalks), the microorganisms use ammoniaor nitrates present in the fieldpresent in the field

SUPER NITRO 28® is the perfect formulation to supply nitrogen to crops in a quick way to the plant to absorb each one in a sequence thatallows you to use it for its different and respective functions without causing excess problems and manifesting disordered growths and elongationstypical of nitrogen. Nitrogen represents life, and is present in various parts of cells. Nitrogen plays a predominant role withinnutrients from the soil, but nevertheless, it is much easier to observe its effects on the color and growth of the leaves of the plants, where it will produce a greenintense and vigorous, essential to capture solar energy and convert it into sugars. The nitrogen found in the soil is called organic and inorganic, theMore nitrogen is an integral part of complex organic materials in the soil. The most important inorganic forms of soil nitrogenThey are: NH, NO and NO. Nitrogen is necessary for the decomposition of organic matter by heterotrophic microorganisms in the soil and if the materialorganic that decomposes has little nitrogen in relation to the carbon present (wheat straw, mature cereal stalks), the microorganisms use ammoniaor nitrates present in the field

Prepare a dose of 1 (one) to 5 (five) liters per hectare, as many times as necessary. Dissolve the recommended dose in a clean container,containing 150 liters of water. Prepare a dose of 1 (one) to 5 (five) liters per hectare, as many times as necessary. Dissolve the recommended dose in a clean container,containing 150 liters of water. Shake the container before opening. To open the container, wear gloves. To measure the required quantity use a graduated containervolumetric; and to dilute first add Shake the container before opening. To open the container, wear gloves. To measure the required quantity use a graduated containervolumetric; and to dilute first add the diluent and then the required amount of SUPER NITRO 28 ®. The mixture already prepared, is applied with a backpack viafoliar, trying to wet the entire foliage of the diluent and then the required amount of SUPER NITRO 28 ®. The mixture already prepared, is applied with a backpack viafoliar, trying to wet the entire foliage of the hectare with it..the hectare with it..

Prepare a dose of 1 (one) to 5 (five) liters per hectare, as many times as necessary. Dissolve the recommended dose in a clean container,containing 150 liters of water. Shake the container before opening. To open the container, wear gloves. To measure the required quantity use a graduated containervolumetric; and to dilute first add the diluent and then the required amount of SUPER NITRO 28 ®. The mixture already prepared, is applied with a backpack viafoliar, trying to wet the entire foliage of the hectare with it..



Registro RSCO-160/IV/13

Inorganic fertilizerInorganic fertilizerLiquidLiquid

Inorganic fertilizerLiquid

Super Nitro 28Super Nitro 28Super Nitro 28

Tall our products must be used in conjunction with a balanced fertilization program, where analysis is recommendedfoliar and soil to achieve optimal growth and production. Consult your advisers at AGRONUTRIENTES DEL NORTE, SA DE CV


Cucurbit Vegetables (Melon, Watermelon,etc.) Tomatoes and ChiliesOnion and Garlic


Deciduous fruit treesVine, Apple, Walnut, Peach

Perennial Fruit TreesRaspberry, Blackberry, Mango, Citrus

GrainCorn, Wheat, Sorghum, Beans, etc

5 - 10

5 - 10

8 - 10


10 - 20

8 days after transplant andrepeat every week during the cycle

8 days after transplant andrepeat 5 - 8 times in the cycle

10 days after the fruit tie andrepeat weekly up to 15 days beforeof the harvest

Before flowering and repeat every 15 daysduring the cycle until harvest.

From 3 to 4 applications in cycle a15-day intervals





Carretera Colombia Km. 7.2 Col. Andrés Caballero, General Escobedo, Nuevo León C.P. 66050Tel: (81) 81545660 /

www.agronutrientes.comAgronutrientes del Norte SA de CV