SUPERCOLLIDER 2 - Springer978-1-4615-3728-1/1.pdf · International Industrlal Symposium on the...

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Edited by

Michael McAshan Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory

Dallas, Texas

Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

Llbrary of Congress Cataloging-ln-Publicatlon Data

International Industrlal Symposium on the Supercollider (2nd 1990 Miami Beach, Fla.J

Supercollider 2 I edited by Michael McAshan. p. cm.

"Proceedings of the Second International Industrial Symposium on the Supercoll jder held March 14-16, 1990. in Miami Beach, Florida"­-CIP t.p. versa.

Includes bibliagraphical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4613-6659-1 ISBN 978-1-4615-3728-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-3728-1 1. Superconductjng Super Collider--Congresses. I. McAshan,

Michael. II. Title. III. Title: Supercollider two. QC787.P7I57 1990 539.7'3--dc20 90-49839


Proceedings of the Second International Industrial Symposium on The Supercollider, held March 14-16, 1990, in Miami Beach, Florida

© 1990 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by P1enum Press in 1990

AII rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming,

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The Second International Industrialization Symposium on the Supercollider, IISSC, was held in Miami Beach Florida on March 14-16, 1990. It was an even bigger and more successful meeting than our ftrst in New Orleans in 1989. There were 691 attendees and 75 exhibitors. The enthusiasm shown by both the speakers and the audience was exhilarating for all attendees. The symposium again brought together the physicists and engineers designing the machine, the industrial organizations supporting the design and construction, the education community, and the governmental groups responsible for the funding and management of the SSC project. We believe it is this unique rnix which makes this particular meeting so valuable. The theme of this symposium was "The SSC-Americas Research Partnership" and the varied presentations throughout the meeting high-lighted that theme.

The keynote speakers were:

Dr. Roy Schwitters, Director of the SSC Mr. Paul F. Orefftce, Chairman of the Board of Dow Chemical Company Honorable W. Hinson Moore, Deputy Secretary of Energy Mr. Morton Meyerson, Chairman of the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission Honorable Robert A. Roe Congressman from New Jersey and Chairman,

House Science and Technology Committee Honorable Tom Bevel, Representative from Alabama, Chairman House Energy and Water

Development Appropriation Subcommittee

In addition there was a discussion of issues by a panel of four Congressmen:

Honorable Jim Chapman, Representative from Texas Honorable Vic Fazio, Representative from California Honorable James A. Hayes, Representative from Louisiana Honorable Carl D.PurceU, Representative from Michigan

There were a total of 108 presentations on a wide variety of subjects related to the SSC, including reports on other U. S. accelerators, on non U. S. large accelerator projects and details on the design of the SSC accelerator, detectors and conventional facilities.

Representative Joe Barton of Texas received an award from the IISSC Board of Directors for his meritorious service to the SSC project.


The very able program committee for this symposium were:

Carl Rosner Chainnan Owen Anglum David Berley Tom Bush K. Wendel Chen Paul Gilbert M. G. D. Gilchriese Tom B. W. Kirk W. Arthur Porter W. Parke Rohrer

Intermagnetics General Corporation Armco, Inc. National Science Foundation SSC Laboratory University of Texas at Arlington Parsons Brinkerhoff Quade and Douglas SSC Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory Houston Area Research Center Brookhaven National Laboratory

The 1990 International Industrial Symposium on the Supercollider was produced by nssc Corporation a nonprofit company organized solely to conduct an annual symposium. The Board of Directors for the 1990 Symposium were:


Mr. Charles E. Anderson Mr. Robert Baldi Dr. Edward Bingler Dr. K. Wendell Chen Mr. Owen Anglum Dr. David Bedey Dr. Tom Bush Mr. Paul Gilbert Dr. M. G. D. Gilchriese Dr. Eric Gregory Dr. Tom Kirk (*) Mr. Robert Marsh Dr. W. Arthur Porter Dr. Leonard M. Goldman (*) Mr. A. J. Jarabak Dr. Paul Mantsch (*) Dr. Michael McAshan Mr. Paul Reardon (*) Mr. M. Parke Rohrer Dr. Giuseppe Scarfi Dr. Clyde Taylor Dr. Carl H. Rosner Mr. Sven Svendsen Mr. Kuniyasu Toga

(*) Designates Officers of the Corporation


Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. General Dynamics Space Systems Texas National Laboratory Commission University of Texas, Arlington Armco, Inc. National Science Foundation SSC Laboratory Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc. SSC Laboratory IGC Advanced Superconductors, Inc. Argonne National Laboratory Teledyne Wah Chang, Albany Houston Area Research Center Bechtel Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory SSC Laboratory Science Applications International Inc. Brookhaven National Laboratory ANSALDO Componenti S.p.A. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Intermagnetics General Corporation Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall Hitachi Ltd.

The fact that the Symposium proceeded smoothly and effectively was due to the effective work carried out by members of the Board on the working committees. Equally important was the contribution of the Conference Manager, Ms. Pamela Patterson, who tended to all the myriad of details that must be addressed to produce a successful meeting.

The nssc sincerely wishes to thank the Department of Energy for their $20,000 grant which helped to finance the initial costs for the Symposium. We also wish to thank the many companies and organizations which contributed money and effort to the IISSC for this meeting.


The following companies, organizations, societies, and agencies assisted us in producing the IISSC 1990:

ABB Technology Company Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Ansaldo Componeneti S.p.A. Argonne National Laboratory Armco,Inc. Bechtel Corporation Brookhaven National Laboratory CRS Sirrine Daniel, Mann, Johnson, and Mendenhall EG&G, Inc. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory General Dynamics Space System Division Hitachi Ltd. Houston Area Research Center IGC Advanced Superconductors, Inc. Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers Intermagnetics General Corporation Kawasaki Steel Corporation Knight Architects, Engineers, Planners, Inc. Koch Process Systems, Inc. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory LeCroy Corporation Lester B. Knight and Associates, Inc. Martin Marietta Corporation Morrison Knudsen National Science Foundation National Society of Professional Engineers Parsons Brinkerhoff Quade and Douglas, Inc. Science Applications International Corporation SSC Laboratory Teledyne Wah Chang Albany Tempel Steel Company Texas National Research Laboratory Commission The University of Texas at Arlington UNISTRUT Corporation U. S. Department of Energy Westinghouse Electric Corporation

The Board of Directors met in Miami Beach on March 14, 1990 and took the following actions to prepare for the 1991 Symposium. The officers of the IISSC Corporation for the period March 1990 to March 1991 elected by the Board are as follows:

President and Meeting Chainnan Vice President Secretary Treasurer

New members of the Board are:

Ms. Regina Borchard Ms. Catherine Burns Dr. Tony Favale Ms. Phyllis Hale Mr. John Nonte Dr. Satoshi Ozaki Mr. Robert Tener

Paul Gilbert Andy Jarabak Chuck Anderson Paul Mantsch

Martin Marietta Corporation TNRLC Grumman SSC Laboratory Lockheed Brookhaven National Laboratory SSC Laboratory


The Board wishes to thank Dr. Mike McAshan and all the people at the sse Laboratory who have assisted him in editing this volume. We believe it is a valuable record of progress in the development of the sse.

I and the Board of Directors of the IISSe cordially invites all readers to the 3rd IISSe meeting to be held in Atlanta, Georgia in March of 1991.


~~ Leonard M. Goldman Chairman IISSe '90


The editor is greatly indebted to Pam Patterson, conference manager, for her great organizational skills.

The success of this volume resulted on the dedication of Valerie Kelly and the Technical. Information and Publications Group at the sse Laboratory. Again it has made this project a great pleasure during the production process.



1. Worldwide Experience and Challenges

Chairman: W. N. Ness U. S. Department of Energy

Past and Future of the U.S./Japan Cooperation in High Energy Physics K. Kikuchi ............................................... ........................................................................ 3

Accelerator Projects in the USA N. Samios ................................................ ....................................................................... 9

2. Accelerators

Co-Chairmans: H. Edwards and R. Stiening SSC Laboratory

Studies of Cold Protection Diodes R. Carcagno and 1. Zeigler .......................................................................................... 25

Numerical Studies of the SSC Injection Process: Long Term Tracking T. Garavaglia, S. K. Kauffmann, R. Stiening, and D. M. Ritson .................................. 39

Application of the SSCTRK Numerical Simulation Program to the Evaluation of the SSC Magnet Aperture

T. Garavaglia, K. Kauffmann, and R. Stiening ............................................................ 59

Collider Ring Particle Loss Tracking with SSCTRK T. Garavaglia, S. K. Kauffmann, and R. Stiening ........................................................ 77

Low Energy Booster Resonant Power Supply System C.lach ......................................................................................................................... 85

The SSC Collider Ring Correction Magnet System S. R. Stampke, 1. M. Peterson, and D. V. Neuffer ........................................................ 97


Early Instrumentation Projects at the SSC D. J. Martin, L. K. Mestha, S. A. Miller, andR. Talman .......................................... 109

3. Computers/Controls

Co-Chairman: S. C. Loken Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Versatile Computer Program for Solenoid Design and Analysis M. P. Lakshminarayanan and R. Rajaram ................................................................ 129

Trends in Data Acquisition Instrumentation G. J. Blanar ............................................................................................................... 135

The Magnet Components Database System M. J. Baggett, R. Leedy, C. Saltmarsh, and J. C. Tompkins ..................................... 145

Computing Requirements for the SSC Magnet Test Laboratory C. Day, D. Balaban, W. Greiman, D. Hall, C. Sa#marsh, and J. Tompkins ......................................................................................................... 155

Real-Time Data Acquisition and Computation for the SSC Using Optical and Electronic Technologies

C. D. Cantrell, E. J. Fenyves, and B. Wallace .......................................................... 163

4. Conventional Construction

Co-Chairman: L. R. Smith SSC Laboratory

Scheduling the SSC Construction T. Kozman ...... .......... ...... .......... ...... .............. .......... ............................ ................ ....... 177

Super Collider Egress Spacing and Life Safety P. L. Clemens and R. R. Mohr ................................................................................... 185

5. Cryogenics

Co-Chairman: R. Byrns Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

A Refrigeration Plant Concept for the SSC R. Powell and H. Quack ............................................................................................ 199

Transverse Cooling SSC Magnets R. P. Shutt and M. L. Rehak ..... .......... ...... .... ............ ...... ........ ............ .......... ............. 209

The Cryogenic System for the SSC Magnet Test Laboratory R. Byrns, B. Heer, P. Limon, M. McAshan, J. Rasson and P. VanderArend ......................................................................................................... 219


A Dynamic Model for Helium Core Heat Exchangers W. E. Schiesser, H. J. Shih, D. G. Hartzog, D. M. Herron, D. Nahmias, W. G. Stuber, and A. C. Hindmarsh .......................................................................... 227

Simulation of the SSC Refrigeration System Using the ASPEN/SP Process Simulator J. Rasson and J. Dweck ............................................................................................. 245

6. Detectors I

Co-Chairman: T. B. W. Kirk Argonne National Laboratory

Cad Tools for Detector Design J. Womersley, N. DiGiacomo, and K. Killian ........................................................... 257

A Projective Geometry Lead Fiber Scintillator Detector H. Paar, D. Thomas, M. Sivertz, B. Ong, D. Acosta, T. Taylor, and B. Shreiner .......................................................................................................... 267

A High Resolution Barium Fluoride Calorimeter R. Y. Zhu .................................................................................................................... 269

Fast Liquid Scintillators Based on Organic Dye-Polymer Conjugates G. Jones II and E. Megehee ...................................................................................... 287

A Detector for Bottom Physics at the SSC P. Skubic .................................................................................................................... 299

Supercortducting Air Core Toroids for Precision Muon Measurements at the SSC S. R. Gottesman, P. Bonanos, T. Brown, A. Carroll, I. H. Chiang, A. Favale, J. S. Frank, J. Friedman, E. Hafen, J. Haggerty, P. Haridas, L. W. Jones, H. W. Kendall, K. Lau, L. Littenberg, J. N. Luton, M. Marx, R. McNeil, W. Morse, J. Mueller, L. Osborne, I. Pless, B. G. Pope, J. A. Pusateri, L. Rosenson, P. Spampinato, R. C. Strand, E. Schneid, R. Verdier, and R. Weinstein ............................................. ........................................................... 311

Rand D Programme In Switzerland for Future Detectors H. Rykaczewski, D. Bernat, M. Bourquin, H. Brandle, R. Castella, G. Faber, W. Farr, H. Hofer, M. Jongmanns, W. LeCroy, P. A. Munch, E. Rosch, W. G. Ruegg, and S. Stueflotten ................................................................................ 319

7. Materials and Magnets I

Co-Chairman: J. Peoples Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

NBTI Superconductors with Artificial Pinning Structures L. R. Motowidlo, P. Valaris, H. C. Kanithi, M. S. Walker, and B. A. Zeitlin ................................................................................................................ 341

Recent Development of SSC Cable in Furukawa M. Ikeda, H./i, S. Meguro, and K. Matsumoto ......................................................... 349


A New Device for Production Measurements of Field Integral and Field Direction of SC Dipole Magnets

H. Preissner, R. Bouchard, P. Liithke, A. Makulski, R. Meinke, and K. Nesteruk ........................................................................................................ 357

An "In House" Cabling Facility H. Kanithi, F. Krahula, and B. Zeitlin ..................................................................... 365

Conceptual Design for the SSC High Energy Booster T. H. Nicol, F. A. Harfoush, M. A. Harrison, J. S. Kerby, K. P. Koepke, P. M. Mantsch, T. J. Peterson, andA. W. Riddiford ................................................ 371

Self-Propelled In-Tube Shuttle and Control System for Automated Measurements of Magnetic Field Alignment

W. N. Boroski, T. H. Nicol, S. V. Pidcoe, and R. A. Zink ......................................... 381

Correction of Magnetization Sextupole in One-Meter Long Dipole Magnets Using Passive Superconductor

M. A. Green, R. F. Althaus, P. J. Barale, R. W. Benjegerdes, W. S. Gilbert, M. I. Green, and R. M. Scanlan................................................................................ 389

Electrical Insulation Requirements and Test Procedures for SSC Dipole Magnets G. F. Sintchak, J. G. Cottingham, and G. L. Ganetis ............................................... 397

Multiple Coil Pulsed Magnetic Resonance Method for Measuring Cold SSC Dipole Magnet Field Quality

W. G. Clark, J. M. Moore, and W. H. Wong............................................................. 405

8. Systems and Controls

Co-Chairman: J. Nonte Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company

Overview of Fermi Natonal Accelerator Lab Control System P. W. Lucas ............................................................................................................... 417

A Suggestion for Extension of Magnet Cryogenics into Acquisition and Computation Electronics and Photonics

B. E. Briley ............................................................................................................... 427

9. Poster Sessions

Co-Chairman: M. A. Green Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

The SSC Superconducting Air Core Toroid Design Development J. A. Pusateri, P. Bonanos, A. Carroll, I. H. Chiang, A. Favale, T. Fields , J. S. Frank, J. Friedman, S. R.Gottesman, E. Hafen, J. Haggerty, P. Haridas, L. W. Jones, H. W. Kendall, K. Lau, L. Littenberg, J. N. Luton, M. Marx, R. McNeil, W. Morse, L. Osborne, I. Pless, B. Pope, L. Rosenson, R. C. Strand, E. Schneid, R. Verdier, and R. Weinstein ............................................ 437

Zeus Magnet Tests A. B. Oliva, O. Dormicchi, G. Gaggero, M. Losasso, G. Masullo, S. Parodi, R. Penco, P. Valente, Q. Lin, and R. Timellini.. ........................................................ 445


Manufacture of 10 T Twin Aperture Superconducting Dipole Model for LHC Project

L. Loche, P. Gagliardi, and A. Martini ..................................................................... 451

Analysis of Collar, Yoke and Skin Interaction for the Mechanical Support of Superconducting Coils

T. K. Heger and J. S. Kerby ...................................................................................... 457

SSC Dipole Magnet Measurement and Alignment Using Laser Technology A. Lipski, J. A. Carson, and W. F. Robotham ........................................................... 469

SSC 40mm Short Model Construction Experience R. C. Bossert, J. S. Brandt, J. A. Carson, C. E. Dickey, I. Gonczy, W. A. Koska, and J. B. Strait ..................................................................................... 483

Process Control Oriented Quench Analysis of A SSC Magnet T. J. Fagan and P. W. Eckels ................................................................................... 501

Bulk Modulus Capacitor Load Cells C. E. Dickey ............................................................................................................... 519

Radiation Effects on Integrated Circuits Used in High Energy Research A. S. Kanofsky, B. Yost, and W. Farr ........................................................................ 527

Sensor Array for Characterization of Magnetic Fields in Cold Bore Dipole SSCMagnets

P. M. Starewicz ......................................................................................... ................. 533

The LSU Electron Storage Ring, The First Commercially-Built Storage Ring R.Sah ................................................................................................. ....................... 537

10. Program Schedules and Challenges

Co-Chairman: R. Diebold U. S. Department of Energy

Project Organizations and Schedules R. Briggs .................................................................................................................... 547

11. Materials and Conductors II

Co-Chairman: W. Fietz U. S. Department of Energy

Superconducting Cable for HERA S. L. Wipf.................................................................................................... ............... 557

Design of Multifilamentary Strand for Superconducting Super Collider Applications­Reduction of Magnetizations Due to Proximity Effect and Persistent Current

E. W. Collings, K. R. Marken Jr., and M. D. Sumption ............................................ 581

Development of NbTi Superconducting Cable for the SSC by Sumitomo Electric Industries S. Saito, T. Sashida, G. Oku, K. Ohmatsu, and M. yokota ........................................ 593


A Status Report on the Development of Inner and Outer Conductors for the SSC Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets

H. Kanithi, M. Erdmann, P. Valaris, F. Krahula, R. Lusk, E. Gregory, and B. Zeitlin................ .............................................. ............................................... 60 1

Evaluation of SSC Cable Produced for the Model Dipole Program during 1989 and through February, 1990

D. Christopherson, R. Hannaford, R. Remsbottom, M. Garber, andR. M. Scanlan .................................................................................................... 611

Current Developments of the Cu/Nb-Ti Superconducting Cables for SSC in Hitachi Cable, LID.

G.lwaki, S. Sakai, Y. Suzuki, H. Moriai, and Y. Ishigami ........................................ 621

Development and Large Scale Production of NbTi and Nb3Sn Conductors for Beam Line and Detector Magnets

H. Krauth ................................................................................................................... 631

Tests of DC Cable-in-Conduit Superconductors for Large Detector Magnets P. G. Marston, J. R. Hale, J. Ludlam, and A. M. Dawson ........................................ 645

12. Detectors II

Co-Chairman: M. Marx SUNY, Stony Brook

Monolithic JFET Preamplifier for Ionization Chamber Calorimeters L. A. Rehn and D. E. Robens .................................................................................... 659

Rad-Hard Electronics Development Program for SSC Liquid-Argon Calorimeters A. Stevens, J. Dawson, H. Kraner, V. Radeka, and S. Rescia ................................... 671

Performance Measurements of Hybrid Pin Diode Arrays J. G. Jernigan, J. F. Arens, G. Kramer, T. Collins, J. Herring, S. L. Shapiro, and C. D. Wilburn ..................................................................................................... 681

A Straw-Tube Tracking System for the SSC C. Lu and K. T. McDonald ........................................................................................ 693

A Straw Tube Design Suitable for Mass Production L. Schieber .................................................................................... ............................. 699

13. Education

Co-Chairman: K. W. Chen University of Texas at Arlington

Building Blocks of the Universe E. Malamud, C. O'Connor, and A. Cooper ............................................................... 709

Educational Opportunities from the SSC G. J.Doddy,A. H.Rider, andA. H. Halff ................................................................. 719


14. Magnets II

Co-Chairman: P. Reardon Science Applications International Corporation

An Automated Coil Winding Machine for the SSC Dipole Magnets S. Kamiya, T. Iwase, I. Inoue, I. Fukui, K. Ishida, S. Kashiwagi, Y. Sato, T. Yoshihara, S. Yamamoto, E. Johnson, andC. Gibson .......................................... 725

Experimental Evaluation of Vertically Versus Horizontally Split Yokes for SSC Dipole Magnets

J. Strait, K. Coulter, T. Jaffery, J. Kerby, W. Koska, and M. J. Lamm .................... 731

Summary of Construction Details and Test Performance of Recent Series of 1.8 Meter SSC Dipoles at BNL

C. Goodzeit and P. Wanderer ................................................................................... 743

Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Superconducting Coils F. W. Markley and J. S. Kerby .................................................................................. 753

Development of High Manganese Non-Magnetic Steel for SSC Dipole Superconducting Magnet Collar

K. Nohara, Y. Habu, S. Sato, K. Okumura, and H. Sasaki ........................................ 765

15. Technology Transfer

Co-Chairman: D. Berley National Science Foundation

Industrial Participation in Tristan Project at KEK, Japan S. Ozaki ...................................................................................................................... 783

Possible SSC Dipole Design/Manufacturing Improvements Based on HERA Experience

D. Bresson, T. Evrard, P. -J. Ferry, G. Grunblatt, and C. Koch-Mathian ............... 789

Technology Transfer - Past, Present and Future G. J. Doddy ................................................................................................................ 795

Attendees ............................................................................................................................ 805

Author Index ................... .............. .............. .................................... ............ .............. ......... 821

Subject Index ...................................................................................................................... 825
