Supernaturalist Magazine May June 2013

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Supernaturalist Magazine May June 2013


  • MAY / JUNE 2013No. 9 - Year 2


  • King Jesus International Minsitry14100 SW 144 Ave - Miami, FL 33186305-382-3171 /

    CREDITSSupernaturalist Magazine

    No. 9 - Year 2 - May/June 2013

    ERJ Publicaciones Director:Addilena Torres

    General Editor Supernaturalist Magazine:

    Jacqueline Delgado

    Copy Writers/Editors:Jos Anhuaman

    Jacqueline Delgado

    Translation:Adriana Cardona

    Art & Graphic Design:Laura Marquina

    Photography:ERJ Photography Team

    Printing:Original Impressions

    Called to bring the supernatural power of God to this generationSUPERNATURALIST MAGAZINE IS A PRODUCT



    The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Power (1 Co-rinthians 4:20) and Jesus invites us to make seeking Him a priority. He taught us that the Kingdom of the light of God is in constant war against the kingdom of darkness. However, Jesus, as the good King, promises those who align to His armythose who submit to His lordshipthat all of their needs will be supplied (Luke 12:31). When Jesus announced the Kingdom, He also demonstrated it. He was anointed to teach, preach, heal, and deliver those who were captive and subject to the power of the kingdom of darkness. Perhaps you are saying: Well, Jesus did that because He was a holy man but, how do I apply this to my life? First, Jesus would never ask us to do some-thing that He has not done. Second, before ascending to heaven, He empowered us to do greater things (John 14:12). Jesus said that these signs would follow us: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Advancing the Kingdom requires that all of us get involved and bear fruit (Matthew 21:43). I repeat, the Kingdom of God is not about words but about demonstrating His power. Are you ready to demonstrate the Kingdom of God with

    power, here and now?

    The Kingdom of God is Within You

    Need Jesus? Pray this prayer: Heavenly Father, I recognize that I am a sinner and that my sin separates me from You. I believe that Jesus died for me on the cross and that God the Father raised Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. I repent of all my sins and break every covenant made with the world, with my !esh, and with the devil, and I make a new covenant with Jesus. I ask You to come into my heart and change my life. If I were to die right now, when I open my eyes, I know I will be in Your armsAmen!


  • Testimonies of King Jesus



    How to Walk in the Supernatural

    The Power of the Blood &

    the Resurrection

    Capture the Spiritof the Vision

    Do I Have a Calling from God?

    The Kingdom of God is Within You

    Events at King Jesus








  • During Module 6 of the SFMS, March 13-16,2013, the leaders in attendance were empowered to walk bgZlmkhg`^kZg]\hgmbgnhnlfZgb_^lmZmbhgh_@h]lsupernatural power which is demonstrated through miracles, healing, provision, signs, and wonders. Everyone had an experience with the presence of God, so upon returning to their cities, they were able to impart it unto others. Furthermore, they were activated by the fresh impartation of the Word of God which allows them to act in the fullness of their

    calling and purpose. 3

  • Apostle Guillermo Maldonado


  • Pastor Simon Hlalale, of Leso-tho, met Apostle Maldonado in 2011, when he attended the conference Days of Glory, or-ganized by TBN South Africa; there, his faith was activated to believe in the supernatural. When he returned to his coun-try, he founded the Ministry Wind of Change (Viento de Cambio) in his home garage, with only eight people, and preached what he had lear-ned in the book How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God. Immediately, the mi-racles began to take place, and the congregation began to grow. All kinds of miracles and healing took place con-tinue to happen. Among the many cases are those of wo-men who for years had been unable to conceive that are now happy mothers. To date, they have seven documented cases of people who were healed of AIDS! Today, his congregation surpasses 3,000 people after only 18 months.

    Reverend Daniel Henubau, Senior Pastor of Gekari Damai Sejahtera (Church of Grace), in Jakarta, Indonesia, was ]^^ierbfiZ\m^][r:ihlme^FZe]hgZ]hl[hhd%Ma^@ehkrh_@h]4lhfn\alhmaZma^[hn`amZg]]blmkb[nm^],))\hib^lmhabliZlmhklZg]e^Z]^kl'A^eZm^km^lmb^]maZmZlZk^lnemh_ma^fbkZ\e^lZg]a^Zebg`maZma^pbmg^ll^]Zg]Z_m^kreceiving the impartation of the supernatural, he was able to guide his team of leaders in the same direction. The glory of God has invaded Indonesia and the atmosphere in that territory is changing, for the glory of God. He was so hungry for fhk^h_ma^lni^kgZmnkZeihp^kh_@h]%maZma^^pmhFbZfbmhZmm^g]L?FLZehg`pbmamablfZbge^Z]^klabi'




    We cannot learn to move in Gods anoint-ing if we dont act under this knowledge. When we receive it, share it, hear it, and communicate it, it is because we have learned it, and it belongs to us. Other-wise, it is like a lake full of stagnant water or like a seed on rocky ground.

    Between chapters 5 & 7 of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus taught the Sermon at the Mount, but by chapter 8, He begins to do miracles and to demonstrate what He previously taught. You would be sur-prised at what could happen if you were to lay hands on the sick, declaring the Word of God; people would be healed, delivered, and restored.

    We are Christ-likethe word Christ means anointed one, from which the word Christian comes from, meaning little anointed one. Today, God wants to ask us a question: Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Will you be able to answer: Here I am, Lord, send me?

    - Taken from How to walk in the su-pernatural power of God by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado.



    in the

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    Church ChannelWednesday 6 & 11

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    TBNWednesday 8:00 AM


  • ?khf
  • MabliZlmhkm^lmb^lthat after reading the book, How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God, by Apostle Maldonado, he has seen the supernatural power of God manifest in his church. An impacting miracle that took place was of a woman who had polyps in the uterus and as a result was unable to have children. After praying for her, the Lord healed her and she was able to conceive and give birth to a beautiful baby!

    ?khfO^g^sn^eZ%mabliZlmhkm^lmb^lmaZmZ_m^kk^\^bobg`ma^bfiZkmZmbhgto walk in the supernatural power of God, amazing miracles began to be seen in his ministry. Among many of the miracles, he shared the testimony of a woman who received healing in a previous session of SFMS. Doctors had removed a fallopian tube and an ovary, but after Zkhnmbg^^qZfbgZmbhg%ma^]h\mhk\hgkf^]maZmla^pZlhg\^Z`Zbgable to conceive. God restored what she needed!

    This pastor from Madrid received a prophetic word during Deborahs 2013

    concerning growth and prosperity for her ministry. Since then, she has seen

    ma^gZg\bZeikhoblbhgZg]lni^kgZmnkZegrowth in her ministerial life. She

    m^lmb^lmaZmbgLiZbg%ma^rhng`i^hie^passionately serve and follow Jesus.


  • Apostle Guillermo Maldonado

    Dr. Andre Roberts

    Prophet Ana Maldonado

    Dr. Marina McLean



  • Dr. Renny McLean

    Bishop Duane Swilley

    Prophet Cathy Lechner

    Pastor Bryan Maldonado




  • THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOUJesus made this remarkable dec-laration to His disciples: Do not fear, little !ock, for it is your Fa-thers good pleasure to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32). This statement applies to Jesus fol-lowers today, as well. No matter what troubles or fears we may contend with in our lives, God has given us His kingdom, which shines powerfully into the dark-ness of our world, sweeping away sickness, sin, demons, lack, and even death. I invite you to enter into Gods kingdom of power so that you may see it demonstrated in the here and now!

    There is a striking image of the earth at night that was produced by NASA through combined satel-lite data. Each white dot of light in the image represents the light of an individual city or other light source, and the collective lights of various metropolitan regions show up as brilliant patches of il-lumination.

    Lights Shining in the Darkness

    [Jesus said,] You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heav-en. (Matthew 5:14, 16)

    Jesus described His followers

    as having spiritual luminosity. What if we were able to map the radiance of Gods light emit-ted from believers throughout the earth, so that the degree of luminosity indicated peoples spiritual condition and activity for God? We would be able to detect

    UIF OBUJPOT PS SFHJPOTXIFSFGods light is shining the bright-est on earth today.

    IPXGBSBOEUPXIBUEFHSFFwe have spread the kingdom of God throughout the earth.

    The combined spiritual lumi-nosity data of Christians all over the world would tell us to what extent we are shining as lights in the world (Philippi-ans 2:15). If we are truly letting our light shine, we should see patches of brilliant spiritual light in our cities, states, regions, and nations. Believers joining to-gether in unity as shining cities can dispel the spiritual darkness wherever they live, work, and travel.

    - Taken from The Kingdom of Power How to Demon-strate It Here & Now, by Apostol Guill-ermo Maldo-nado


  • of thecapturethe spiritVISION

    March 24th was proclaimed as Vision Day at King Jesus International Ministry. On that day, new House of Peace leaders and mentors were sent with the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God throughout the city.



  • The lights on the Miami-Dade County map show that we are making the difference. We are light in the midst of darkness.


  • :g`^em^lmb^lmaZma^pZlZ[bmm^kZg]obhe^gmfZgpahtried to commit suicide by taking drugs and alcohol. When he felt that he was at the brink of death, God spoke to someone to call him at that exact moment who \hffZg]^]abfmh`am_hkabl eb_^'A^]b]cnlmmaZm'When he arrived at King Jesus a little later, someone else prayed for him and the power of God delivered him from the spirit of death and addiction. Today, he is a person full of joy and peace. The supernatural power of God completely transformed him!

    Mabl phfZg m^lmb^] maZm la^ aZ] [^^g ngZ[e^to have children because of three abortions she had done, but in 2012, after Apostle Maldonado prophesized thirty days of miracles, she appropriated this word and God granted the desire of her heart to become a mother. Today, she holds her precious baby in her arms as testimony of the supernatural power of God.



  • MablfZgm^lmb^]that for over 20 years he had been unable to hear out of his right ear. When the supernatural power of God came upon him, he heard something open up. He says that now he can hear out of that ear and is completely healed by the power of God!

    Mabl e^Z]^k m^lmb^] maZm a^ Zg] Z m^Zf ^oZg`^ebs^] bg Z ahlibmZe Zg] ikZr^] _hk ma^ lb\d% pa^k^ ma^ ihp^k h_@h]manifested greatly. He said that they prayed for a woman in critical condition and the next day she was in stable condition and was completely healed of kidney disease. After she was released from the hospital, they visited her at home, led her to make the Prayer of Salvation again and to renounce past beliefs. The supernatural power of God has the power to transform lives, save, heal, and restore!


  • MableZ]rm^lmb^lmaZmlbg\^ma^Z`^h_*/la^aZ]ebo^]a disorderly life. She and her daughter had suffered physical and verbal abuse, her marriage failed, and she said that she felt spirits that would torment her at night. Because of these, she was contemplating suicide. Someone invited her to a church under the spiritual covering of King Jesus and she was delivered there from the pain caused by the physical and verbal abuse and of the spirits that oppressed her. Her life was completely transformed, and today she is a leader in her church. Praise God!

  • Three hundred evangelists evangelized at the Calle Ocho Carnival, in Miami. The fruit of this outing hundreds of people received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the sick were healed, and much more. The supernatural power of God gloriously manifested, and many lives were touched in one day! The Gospel of the Kingdom and the power of God makes the impossible possible, here and now!

    Minister Ondina Laszlo traveled with a team of leaders to Tampa to attend a conference in a church under our covering. When they activated the people in supernatural evangelism, 74 souls were saved in two hours! The same day, a man left behind his wheelchair and began to walk, and another who was contemplating suicide gave his life to God and was delivered.


  • 19

  • If the church knew the true power of the resur-rection, many things would return to life. Many know of the resurrection of Christ as a histor-ical event, but they need that knowledge to be revealed to them in the now. A large part of the church is still on the cross and has never experienced the power of the resurrection. We know principles, and that is a good thing, but no one can obey them while their hearts is not transformed. What would we celebrate if Jesus had not res urrected? Christs resur-

    rection established His lordship and Kingdom. There is no Kingdom without the resurrec-tion. When Jesus res-urrected, He conquered death, sickness, and in!icted an eternal,

    irrevocable, and irrefutable defeat against Satan. Some

    denominations try to omit the word blood from their songs and Bible studies;

    however, without blood, there is no life. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Rev-elation 12:11If we say this Scripture in modern terms, we could say that Christians have defeated the devil by what Jesus blood has done in them and by testifying of what the Word of God has done in their lives. The Lord warned His people that a plague would come upon Egypt and kill the "rstborn of that nation. He also asked the Jews to apply the blood of the lamb on the doorposts to avoid being touched. The destiny of those who lived in a house depended on the blood. If they had le# their homes, they would have died by Gods judgment because the blood only protects the obedient. Therefore, when sickness, poverty, sorrow, or oppression pass by your house, declare what the blood of Christ has done in you. Make a covenant with God and testify. Recognize that Jesus died on the cross for you. Declare that the power of the blood of Jesus and the power of His resurrection are upon your home and in every area of your life. He has given us the victory, and we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.





  • Sometimes, we "nd ourselves on the path of life, asking, Could I really have a calling in God? And if this is true, why cant I recognize it? The points that follow will help you to "nd and follow your calling in God.

    KNOWING OUR CALLING. To know our calling, we should know what Gods will is for our life. If we dont know what it is, yet, then

    we must begin by asking, What is my passion? What gi#s has God given me? What makes me happy? When we answer these questions, we will "nd our true calling.

    ACCEPTING THE CALLING. Once we know what our call-ing is, we should talk to God and tell Him that we accept it. We should make a covenant to serve Him. Many people know their calling, but they have never made a covenant with God,

    saying, Lord, I accept my calling as a pastor, evangelist, doctor, musician.

    OBEYING THE CALLING. There are times in which God interrupts our comfort and asks us to leave our job or to accept conditions that we consider crazy. For example, He could ask us to accept a pay reduction, to surrender our business to Him, or to give an o$ering that is greater than the tithe. This is how God knows that we are obedient.

    EXPECT TO BE SENT. We cannot be impatient. God will testify to our pastor or to our spiritual covering, so they can send us.

    Many things can stand in the way of our calling. Sometimes, it can be our spouse, our family, our job, or our friends, but when we say YES to God, He will back us up. God is not looking for our abilities but for our availability. When God calls us, we must be ready to hear His voice and say, Yes, Lord, here I am. Send me. In the meantime, we should

    learn to wait on God, begin to prepare ourselves in the knowledge of the Word, form our character, and serve the brothers and

    sisters in the church so when the time comes to be sent, we will be prepared for all good deed.

    - Taken from Discover Your Purpose & Calling in God by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado.





    Apostle Guillermo Maldonado with the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott

    Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen visit King Jesus MinistryApostle Guillermo Maldonado at the Marlins Stadium, in Miami, during the Night of Hope event hosted by Pastor Joel Osteen.

    March 17, 2013

    April 20, 2013 April 18, 2013

  • Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen visit King Jesus Ministry Renewal of Marriage Vows of Pastors under Spiritual Covering

    Apostle Guillermo Maldonado at TBN StudiosApril 5, 2013

    March 12, 2013



    April 18 - 20, 2013

    Prophet Ana Maldonado Prophet Cathy Lechner

    Prophet Sarah Acosta

    Comunidad Cristiana Agua VivaPastor Peter Hornung

  • Praise God for this blessing &THANK YOU for your support!





    SFMSSupernatural Fivefold

    Ministry School

    King Jesus International Ministry



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    American Airlines Arena



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    King Jesus International Ministry




    King Jesus International Ministry

    Miami, Fl

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