SUREedge Migrator Install Guide for Amazon...SUREedge Migrator installers, tools and documentation...

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SUREedge® Migrator Installation

Guide for Amazon AWS


1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 SUREedge Migrator Deployment Scenarios .................................................................................. 3

1.2 Installation Overview .................................................................................................................... 4

2. Obtaining Software and Documentation .............................................................................................. 5

2.1 Obtaining SUREedge Software and Tools ..................................................................................... 5

2.2 Obtaining Documentation .......................................................................................................... 15

3. Pre-requisites ...................................................................................................................................... 16

4. Installing SUREedge Migrator ............................................................................................................. 19

4.1 Deploying SUREedge Migrator .................................................................................................... 19

4.2 Configuring SUREedge Migrator ................................................................................................. 25

4.2.1 Configuring the SUREedge Migrator MC............................................................................. 26

5. Obtaining Licenses .............................................................................................................................. 33

6. Next Steps ........................................................................................................................................... 34

7. Contacting Support ............................................................................................................................. 34

Appendix: Creating Private AMIs from Shared AMIs .................................................................................. 35



1. Introduction

Welcome to SUREedge Migrator! SUREedge® Migrator is a proven enterprise-class software appliance

for Application Mobility, significantly simplifying and improving the process of moving enterprise

applications and systems across disparate environments. With a multi-tier application migration

planner, agentless architecture, WAN throttling, application awareness and world class encryption and

deduplication capabilities, SUREedge Migrator is easy to deploy, highly scalable and hardware- and

hypervisor-agnostic. With the ability to capture and migrate applications, data and servers between

disparate virtualization environments, data centers and public, private and hybrid clouds, SUREedge®

Migrator is the most complete and easy-to-use solution available in the market.

1.1 SUREedge Migrator Deployment Scenarios

SUREedge® Migrator can be deployed in various configurations to meet the needs of the situation:

* A single instance of SUREedge Migrator can be deployed to move systems, applications and data off of

physical systems into virtualization environments, between different virtualization environments or onto

new storage devices. This process is referred to as on-boarding.

* A pair of SUREedge Migrator instances can be used to move systems, applications and data between

compute environments - from one data center to another, from physical systems into private or public

clouds, across compute clouds and other virtualization environments, or any computationally "distant"

environments. This process is referred to as migration.

The main difference between migration and on-boarding scenarios is the number of SUREedge Instances

that are needed: on-boarding requires installing one SUREedge Migrator instance in the target

virtualization environment, whereas migration requires two - one at the source site where the systems

to be migrated reside, and one at the target site where they will live after the migration.

Note that the same SUREedge Migrator software is installed and same installation procedures are

followed for both the source and target instances; the role of a given instance (target or source) is

determined solely by its configuration. Therefore these installation instructions apply to both source and

target site installs.


1.2 Installation Overview

To set up an environment for on-boarding or migration you should first determine the location(s) where

SUREedge Migrator should be installed. You can then:

Obtain the required documentation and software for the environment(s) you have identified.

You should have an Install Guide (this document) for each environment and, if required, the

software packages for installing SUREedge Migrator in those environment(s).

Perform the installation of SUREedge Migrator software as instructed using the Installation


License and configure SUREedge Migrator as appropriate for each environment, as described in

the Installation Guide and the User Guide.

This Installation Guide covers the steps necessary for installing SUREedge Migrator in an Amazon AWS

environment. The following sections will take you through the steps to obtain installation materials and

to install, license and configure SUREedge Migrator to run in an Amazon AWS environment. You can

then use the User Guide to configure and start using SUREedge Migrator for on-boarding or migration.


2. Obtaining Software and Documentation

SUREedge Migrator installers, tools and documentation are all available online for download. It’s not

necessary to download any files to install SUREedge Migrator in AWS; all installation binaries are

available within AWS already. However, if you need any additional tools or documentation the following

sections detail how to obtain them.

2.1 Obtaining SUREedge Software and Tools

This section contains the instructions for downloading SUREedge Migrator installer and some

accompanying tools that may be of use. SUREedge Migrator software can be obtained via secure FTP

(SFTP). Please use an SFTP client (such as WinSCP - to download

the SUREedge Migrator software installer and tools from the SFTP site. The examples in this section

show the download process using WinSCP.

1. Please use the following information to connect to the SFTP host:

IP Address:

Port: 995

Username: sure01

Password: Please write to for the password


2. Click "Yes" to accept the server fingerprint and continue to log in.


3. Open the folder named "Download."

4. The Download folder contains the following subfolders:

SUREedge Installation Package contains SUREedge Installer binaries.

Tools contains SUREedge Pre-Requisite tools, some useful Third Part Apps and Deployment

scripts for various cloud platforms.


a. SUREedge Installation Package: This folder contains installation binaries for various platforms.

Please note - For AWS Platform SUREedge Migrator is installed via proxy images and

deployment scripts. Therefore no installation binaries need to be downloaded.

Tools: The “Tools” folder contains tools useful for the installation and operation of SUREedge

Migrator. It contains three sub-folders: Client_Pre_requisite_tool, Third Party Apps and Cloud




The “Client_Pre_requisite_tool” directory contains binaries that could be useful in preparing

Clients to be migrated. (Please see the SUREedge Migrator User Guide for information on using

the pre-requisite tools).


The “Third Party Apps” directory contains programs that can help during the operation of

SUREedge Migrator:

Firefox: SUREedge Migrator is best viewed using the Firefox Browser; an executable for

installing Firefox is provided in this folder.

Notepad++ is a text viewer/editor that can be helpful for viewing log files or other text files.

MobaXterm is a terminal program that can be used to make an SSH connection to the SUREedge

Store virtual machine if necessary


Adobe Reader can be used to read the SUREedge Migrator documentation, which is provided as

PDF files.

The “Cloud Scripts” directory contains deployment scripts for various cloud platforms. For

example, it contains scripts that automate the creation and management of resources for

SUREedge Migrator deployments on AWS.



The “AWS” folder contains “,” which contains deployment scripts.

Please download this file as it will be used during the deployment process.


2.2 Obtaining Documentation

SUREedge Migrator documentation is available for download as PDF files from the Sureline Systems

website. To get access to SUREedge Migrator documentation, navigate to this URL in your browser:

You will need an account in order to log in and access the SUREedge Migrator documentation. If you are

a new user, please register by filling in the form and clicking “Register”. If you are already a registered

user, please click the “Sign in!” button and provide your credentials to access the download area.

After successfully signing in you will have access to the download area:


3. Pre-requisites

To deploy SUREedge Migrator in AWS you will need access to Sureline AMIs, which will be shared with

you upon request. To request access to the AMIs, you need to provide your AWS account ID number.

You can find your account ID number by logging into the AWS Management Console - - and clicking “Support” in the navigation bar in the upper-

right corner. Next select “Support Center” from the pulldown menu. Your current account ID will appear

below the Support menu:

Please contact SUREedge Support at and send your “AWS account ID

number” to request access to the SUREedge Migrator AMIs. When the AMIs are accessible you should

receive a response indicating you can access these AMIs from Sureline’s account:





To confirm you have access to these AMIs:

Open the Amazon EC2 console at

In the navigation pane, choose AMIs.

In the first filter, choose “Private images.” You should see the three AMIs that were shared with

you in the resulting list.

The images “sureedge-linux-minimal“ “sureedge-linux-proxy-471” and “sureedge-windows-

proxy-471” are pre-configured for use in deploying SUREedge Migrator.

These images will be used by the deployment script you downloaded above which uses the AWS SDK

powershell tool, so you will need a system on which the AWS SDK powershell tool has been installed.

To Download AWS SDK powershell tool for windows machine visit

The Powershell version needs to be 4.0 as shown below :


You will need to change the Windows PowerShell Script Execution Policy to Unrestricted Mode.

Please refer to this article for details:


4. Installing SUREedge Migrator

There are two steps to creating a SUREedge Migrator instance in Amazon web services: deploying the

system images and configuring the newly installed instance.

4.1 Deploying SUREedge Migrator

As detailed previously, SUREedge will be installed in the Amazon web services using a pre-configured

proxy image. To install and configure SUREedge follow these steps:

1. Copy or download the file “” to a system with the AWS SDK

PowerShell tool installed, which will be used for the deployment process. Extract the contents of

The extracted folder will contain three files as shown below:

README.txt contains instructions for using deployment script.

SUREedgeDeploymentForAWS.ps1 is the deployment script to be executed.


AWSToolsAndSDKForNet_sdk- is the installer for AWS SDK

platform required for this deployment.Please run this installer to set up the AWS tools on the

local machine.

2. To execute the script and deploy SUREedge Migrator, run the following command filling in the

values as described below:

.\SUREedgeDeploymentForAWS.ps1 –access_key <access_key>

-secret_access_key <secret_access_key> -zone <zone_name>

-data_disk_size <data_disk_size> -deployment_name


The values should be filled in as follows:

<access_key>: This is a Unique Key Provided by AWS for your Account.

<secret_access_key>: This is a Unique Key Provided by AWS for your Account.

<zone>: The zone where you want SUREedge Migrator to be deployed.

<data_disk_size>: The size, in gigabytes, of the storage to be allocated for storing the images of

the systems to be migrated.

<deployment_name>: The name you wish to give to your deployment, which will result in two

VMs being created named “<deployment_name>-SUREedge-MC” and “<deployment_name>-


For example, to deploy using “AWS” as a deployment name and a 256GB dedupe store in the zone us-

east-1a, the command would be:

.\SUREedgeDeploymentForAWS.ps1 -access_key *****

-secret_access_key ***** -zone us-east-1a -data_disk_size

256 -deployment_name AWS


Once the deployment process begins do not close the Powershell window. Deployment will take around

15-20 minutes,

During the installation you may see the prompt “Store key in cache? Y/N“ as shown below.

Please note - Do not click on or type in the Powershell window – the script itself will answer the


Please find the screenshots below:




On Completion of Script you will see output similar to what is shown below. This indicates the

deployment was successfully completed.

Now login to AWS Console “” and verify that the instances for

the SUREedge MC and SUREedge Store (named “AWS-SUREedge-MC” and “AWS-SUREedge-Store” in

this example) are present, as shown in the image below:


4.2 Configuring SUREedge Migrator

Once the virtual machine instances have been deployed in AWS, the SUREedge Migrator instance must

be configured with the deployment information before capturing and transferring data and systems.

1. In the AWS console navigate to “VM Instances.” Click on each of the newly deployed instances

("SUREedgeAWS_Demo-SUREedge-MC" and "SUREedgeAWS_Demo-SUREedge-Store") and

note their external and internal IP addresses:


4.2.1 Configuring the SUREedge Migrator MC

To configure the SUREedge Migrator MC, you will need to open a browser window (Mozilla Firefox is

recommended). Then follow these instructions:

Connect to the SUREedge Migrator MC by putting its external IP address in the address bar. You

will then be presented with the following login screen:


Log in with the following credentials:

o Username: administrator

o Password: Sure1234

This will display the main UI screen and dashboard:


Next click on "SUREedge-Store Network Configuration," which will bring up the following form:

In the IP Address field, enter the Public IP address for the SUREedge Migrator Store system that

you noted earlier. Fill in the credentials with the username "sureline" and the password

"Sure1234.” Click “Submit” to save the configuration.


Next click on “Hypervisor Configuration,” which will open following form:

Fill this form as follows:

From the Type dropdown. Select “Amazon Cloud.”

In the Access Key and Secret Key fields, enter the Access Key and Secret Key of an Amazon EC2

user having rights to create and manipulate disks and instances (as described in IAM Permissions


Click “Submit” to save these values.

Next click on “SUREedge-MC Network Configuration” to bring up the following form:


Fill in this form as follows:

IP Address: enter the Public IP address for the SUREedge Migrator MC system (the one you are

currently logged into) that you instantiated and noted earlier.

Username: Make sure the username field is “Administrator.”

Password: Enter “Sure1234.”

In addition, you have the option of assigning a name to the instance and setting its location. This is

purely for informational purposes and is displayed on the login screen and at the top of the SUREedge

Migrator UI.

To assign an instance name, click on "SUREedge Appliance Name" and enter the desired

appliance name:


To set the instance location string, click on "SUREedge Appliance Location" and provide a

location string:


You have now completed the SUREedge Migrator installation.


5. Obtaining Licenses

As mentioned earlier a license is not required to install SUREedge Migrator, though it will operate with

reduced functionality until a license is supplied. In order to start the actual migration of systems you will

need to supply a permanent license.

For a permanent license, click on “Request License” in the upper right corner of the screen. A popup will

appear with instructions and all the information required to request a license.

Please send the Appliance Serial Number to or please call sales ( 408–

331-7940) to request a license. A member from our team will provide a license key via email. For

detailed instructions on how to activate your license key, please see the SUREedge Migrator User



6. Next Steps

Your system is now installed and ready to perform migration or on-boarding operations. Please refer to

the SUREedge Migrator User Guide for more information about on-boarding and migrating applications

and systems. Directions for obtaining the User Guide and other product documentation can be found in

Section 2.2 “Obtaining Documentation.”

7. Contacting Support

The Sureline Systems website ( provides a support page wherein you

can submit your issues and a ticket will be automatically generated and the support team will get back

to you.

Email us:

Alternatively, you can write an email to with a detailed description of the

issue. This will automatically create a support ticket, and a member of our customer support team will

reach out to you soon after.

Telephone Support:

You can also contact us directly on this number 408–331-8750 if you wish to speak with

a Sureline Systems Engineer directly.


Appendix: Creating Private AMIs from Shared AMIs

In order to deploy and use SUREedge Migrator in Amazon EC2 you must have private copies of three

AMIs available in the Availability Zone(s) where you wish the deployment(s) to occur. The following

sections show how to create Private AMIs from the three AMIs shared with you.

********Creating a SUREedge-Linux-Proxy AMI

To create the sureedge-linux-proxy AMI:

Open the Amazon EC2 console at

In the navigation pane, choose “Images” -> “AMIs” and locate the shared AMI named

“sureedge-linux-proxy” under “Private Images” and click “Launch.”

This will bring up the first page of the instance configuration wizard:


Keep the default values. You can skip to setting the instance name by clicking on “5. Tag

Instance” at the top of the screen to bring up the Step 5: Tag Instance page:

Enter the name “sureedge-linux-proxy.”

You can skip other settings and click on “Review and Launch” to bring up the review page:


Click “Launch”.

When prompted for a key pair, select “Proceed without a key pair,” and select the

acknowledgement check box. Then choose “Launch Instances” to create the instance named



This will create an instance named “sureedge-linux-proxy.”

To create an AMI from the newly created instance:

Choose “Instances” in the navigation pane.

Select the instance named sureedge-linux-proxy, right-click to bring up the context menu and

choose Image > Create Image:

This will bring up the “Create Image” form:


Enter an Image name exactly as sureedge-linux-proxy.

Click on “Create Image”. You will see a confirmation message:

Close the confirmation dialog box.


This will create an AMI with name sureedge-linux-proxy in your AWS Account which will be visible under

AMIs “Owned by me.”

Once the sureedge-linux-proxy AMI is created successfully in your account, you can terminate the

instance named sureedge-linux-proxy that you created from the shared AMI.

Select the instance with the name sureedge-linux-proxy and right-click to choose Instance State

> Terminate from the context menu. Then choose “Yes, Terminate” in the confirmation dialog.



********** Creating SUREedge-Windows-Proxy AMI

To create the sureedge-windows-proxy AMI:

Open the Amazon EC2 console at

In the navigation pane, choose “Images” -> “AMIs” and locate the shared AMI named

“sureedge-windows-proxy” under “Private Images” and click “Launch.”

This will bring up the first page of the instance configuration wizard:


Keep the default values. You can skip to setting the instance name by clicking on “5. Tag

Instance” at the top of the screen to bring up the Step 5: Tag Instance page:

Enter a name “sureedge-windows-proxy”.

You can skip other settings and click on “Review and Launch” to bring up the review page:


Click “Launch.”

When prompted for a key pair, select “Proceed without a key pair,” then select the

acknowledgement check box. Choose “Launch Instances” to create the sureedge-windows-

proxy instance.

This will create an instance named “sureedge-windows-proxy.”


To create an AMI using newly created instance:

Choose “Instances” in the navigation pane.

Select the Instance named sureedge-windows-proxy, then right-click and choose Image > Create

Image from the context menu.

This will bring up the “Create Image” page:


Enter the Image name as “sureedge-windows-proxy.”

Click on Create Image. You will see a confirmation message:

Close the confirmation dialog box.


This will create an AMI with name sureedge-windows-proxy in your AWS Account which will be visible

under AMIs “Owned by me.”

Once sureedge-windows-proxy AMI is created successfully in your account, you can terminate

instance with the name sureedge-windows-proxy.

Select the Instance with the name sureedge-windows-proxy, right-click and choose Instance

State > Terminate from the context menu. Choose “Yes, Terminate” in the confirmation dialog.



******** Creating SUREedge-Linux-Minimal AMI

Open the Amazon EC2 console at

In the navigation pane, choose “Images” -> “AMIs” and locate shared AMI named “sureedge-

linux-minimal” under “Private Images” and click “Launch.”

This will bring up the first page of the instance configuration wizard:


Keep the default values. You can skip to setting the instance name by clicking on “5. Tag

Instance” at the top of the screen to bring up the Step 5: Tag Instance page:


For the name, enter “sureedge-linux-minimal.”

You can skip other settings and click on “Review and Launch” to bring up the review page:

Click “Launch.”

When prompted for a key pair select “Proceed without a key pair,” select the acknowledgement

check box, and then choose Launch Instances to create an instance with the name sureedge-



This will create an Instance named “sureedge-linux-minimal.”

To create an AMI using newly created instance named sureedge-linux-minimal in the navigation pane,

you will need to:

Choose Instances in the navigation pane.

Select the Instance named sureedge-linux-minimal, then right-click and choose Image > Create

Image from the context menu.


This will bring up the “Create Image” page:

Enter the Image name as shown above, “sureedge-linux-minimal.”

Click on Create Image.


Close the confirmation dialog box.

This will create an AMI with name sureedge-linux-minimal in your AWS Account which will be visible

under AMIs “Owned by me.”


Once sureedge-linux-minimal AMI is created successfully you can terminate the instance named

sureedge-linux-minimal that was created from the shared AMI:

Select the Instance with the name sureedge-linux-minimal, right-click and choose Instance

State > Terminate from the context menu. Then choose “Yes, Terminate” in the confirmation
