Surface Plasmon Polariton

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Surface plasmon-polariton study of the optical dielectric

function of titanium nitride


Thin Film Photonics Group, Department of Physics,

University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QL, Enlan!



 Defence Evaluation an! "esearch #ency, Farn$orouh GU%4 &LX,



This work presents the first detaied st!d" of the opti#a diee#tri#

f!n#tion of opti#a" thi#k TiNx  fi$s !sin% %ratin%&#o!pin% of

radiation to s!rfa#e pas$on&poaritons. An%e&dependent

refe#ti'ities are o(tained in the wa'een%th ran%e )**+,-) n$ and

(" #o$parison with %ratin% $odein% theor" we deter$ine (oth

the i$a%inar" and rea parts of the diee#tri# f!n#tion. This

$ethod pro'ides an aternati'e to traditiona #hara#terisation

te#hni/!es 0e'' 1ra$ers+1roni% ana"sis2 that $a" re/!ire

additiona infor$ation a(o!t fi$ thi#kness or the sa$pe3s opti#a

properties in other parts of the ee#tro$a%neti# spe#tr!$. We


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ha'e fitted the deter$ined diee#tri# f!n#tion to a $ode (ased on

a #o$(ination of inter(and a(sorptions and free&ee#tron response

e'a!atin% (oth the pas$a ener%" and rea5ation ti$e.

1. Introduction

Titani!$ nitride 0TiNx2 (eon%s to a %ro!p of transition $eta

#o$po!nds that are of #onsidera(e interest (e#a!se the" ha'e a

 'ariet" of properties whi#h end the$se'es to $an" potentia

appi#ations. 6or e5a$pe TiNx has (e#o$e wide" !sed as a wear&

resistant #oatin% on toos (e#a!se of its $e#hani#a resistan#e ow

fri#tion #oeffi#ient and hi%h $etin% point 748. Its hi%h #he$i#a

sta(iit" and ow resisti'it" aso $ake it a %ood #andidate as a

diff!sion (arrier in se$i#ond!#tor $etai9ation s"ste$s 7:;8.

TiNx is aso fas#inatin% in that it appears %od in #oo!r owin% to

the dispa#e$ent of the pas$a ed%e into the 'isi(e ran%e (" the

onset of inter(and transitions 7<)8. Hen#e it is often !sed as a

s#rat#h&resistant aternati'e to %od on de#orati'e =eweer". Its

hi%h >r!de&ike refe#tan#e in the infra&red and hi%h a(sorpti'it" in

the 'isi(e and near infra&red ha'e en#o!ra%ed its !se as a

see#ti'e a(sor(er and heat $irror. ?nfort!nate" the pas$a ed%e

is o#ated at too hi%h an ener%" to $ake it an effi#ient soar

a(sor(er in its stoi#hio$etri# for$ 7<@-8. Howe'er it is we

known that the pas$a ener%" and the opti#a and ee#tri#a

properties of TiNx fi$s are stron%" dependent on the deposition

#onditions fi$ thi#kness and titani!$&nitro%en ratio 7@&4:8. This


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present st!d" is #on#erned with e5porin% these interestin% opti#a

#hara#teristi#s in the 'isi(e part of the spe#tr!$ !sin% the opti#a

e5#itation of s!rfa#e pas$ons.

To o!r knowed%e the first $!ti&wa'een%th st!d" of the opti#a

#onstants of TiNx was #arried o!t (" Bh$ et al' 7,8 in 4-:. The"

#a#!ated the opti#a dispersion and a(sorption para$eters of

Ti0CN2 soid so!tions (" $eans of eipso$etri# $eas!re$ents

(etween ener%ies of *.@ and ).) e. Their res!ts i!strate the

>r!de&ike response of TiN*.< at ow ener%ies and its dist!r(an#e ("

the onset of inter(and transitions as the photon ener%" is

in#reased. S#he%e et al'  7)8 #hara#terised TiNx  sa$pes !sin%

1ra$ers&1roni% ana"sis 74;8 of refe#ti'it" $eas!re$ents #arried

o!t (etween *.; and 4: e. Sa$pes were prepared (" #he$i#a 'apo!r deposition 0C>2 on to heated #r"stas of TiNx. 1arsson et

al' 7<8 and Ri'or" et al' 7@8 (oth o(tained the diee#tri# f!n#tion of

opa/!e 0thi#kness !  D 4** n$2 stoi#hio$etri# TiNx  sa$pes

prepared (" rea#ti'e sp!tterin% on to f!sed&sii#a and %ass

s!(strates respe#ti'e". 1ra$ers&1roni% ana"sis was a%ain !sed to

deter$ine the opti#a per$itti'ities (etween *.*: and @.: e

01arsson2 and *.) and @ e 0Ri'or"2. S9#9"r(owski et al' 74*8 and

 akonen et al' 74:8 deter$ined the opti#a #onstants of sp!ttered

TiNx  fi$s in the 'isi(e and near infrared spe#tra re%ions fro$

$eas!re$ents of trans$ission refe#tan#e and fi$ thi#kness 0d

;4 n$2. Pas#!a et al' 7448 deposited opa/!e TiNx fi$s (" pas$a&


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assisted #he$i#a 'apo!r deposition 0PAC>2 and deter$ined its

diee#tri# f!n#tion (" $eans of spe#tros#opi# eipso$etr" in the

?+'isi(e ran%e.

The !se of %ratin%&#o!ped s!rfa#e pas$on&poaritons 0SPP2 74<8

in the st!d" of the profie and per$itti'it" of $eta s!rfa#es

pro'ides an aternati'e $ethod to the te#hni/!es des#ri(ed a(o'e.

The SPP #o$prises of a s!rfa#e #har%e densit" os#iation and

asso#iated ee#tro$a%neti# fieds propa%atin% aon% a

$etaFdiee#tri# interfa#e. Gwin% to the re'ersa of the nor$a

#o$ponent of the ee#tri# fied at the s!rfa#e the SPP is 'er"

stron%" o#aised in the pane and so is e5tre$e" sensiti'e to the

diee#tri# properties of the $edia either side of the interfa#e.

Howe'er on a fat s!rfa#e the wa'e 'e#tor of the SPP is %reaterthan the $a5i$!$ photon wa'e 'e#tor a'aia(e in the ad=a#ent

diee#tri# and therefore it #an neither (e dire#t" #o!ped to nor

#an it radiate. The enhan#ed wa'e 'e#tor re/!ired to #o!pe into

the $ode $a" (e pro'ided (" either in#reasin% the wa'e 'e#tor of

the in#ident radiation (" !sin% a hi%h inde5 pris$ 74)4@8 or a

#orr!%ated interfa#e. The atter is !s!a" in the for$ of an opti#a

diffra#tion %ratin% where the in&pane wa'e 'e#tor enhan#e$ent is

in $!tipes of the %ratin% wa'e 'e#tor (   74-8. B" 'ar"in% the

$a%nit!de of the in#ident wa'e 'e#tor in the pane of the %ratin%

wa'e 'e#tor 'a!es are fo!nd at whi#h in#ident radiation $a"


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#o!pe resonant" to the SPP $ode. E5peri$enta" the e5#itation

of a SPP is o(ser'ed as a dip in the an%e&dependent refe#ti'it".

Pre'io!s" the %ratin%&#o!ped SPP $ethod has s!##essf!" (een

!sed to #hara#terise $etas in#!din% #opper 74,8 and si'er 748

and Stein$er+Neth et al' 7:*8 ha'e reported the e5#itation of

SPPs on a thin TiNx fi$ sp!ttered onto a sin!soida" $od!ated

s!(strate. The" re#orded an%e&dependent refe#ti'ities at fo!r

in#ident wa'een%ths in the 'isi(e re%i$e and #o$pared the$ with

those predi#ted fro$ a rather si$pisti# treat$ent of the

intera#tion of radiation with the s!rfa#e. This aowed the$ to

esti$ate the diee#tri# f!n#tion of TiNx at these wa'een%ths. The

%ratin%&#o!ped SPP $ethod presents $an" ad'anta%es o'er the

other te#hni/!es des#ri(ed pre'io!s". 6or e5a$pe it does notre/!ire trans$itti'it" data or the deter$ination of fi$ thi#kness

hen#e per$ittin% the !se of opti#a" opa/!e $etai# fi$s. It #an

aso (e !sed to #a#!ate the per$itti'it" of a $ateria o'er a

i$ited wa'een%th ran%e witho!t the knowed%e of its opti#a

response esewhere in the ee#tro$a%neti# spe#tr!$ & there is no

1ra$ers&1roni% (ased interpretation.

This present st!d" !ses %ratin%&#o!pin% of radiation to SPPs on a

TiNx  s!rfa#e to o(tain the dispersion reation of the TiNx fi$.

 a!es of ε  are deter$ined at 'isi(e wa'een%ths (" #o$parison of

the in&pane refe#tan#e fro$ the #orr!%ated TiNx&air interfa#e as a


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f!n#tion of the an%e of in#iden#e to the predi#tions fro$ a

ri%oro!s %ratin% theor" $ode whi#h !ses the differentia

for$ais$ of Chande9on et al'  7:48. B" 'ar"in% the %ratin%

para$eters !sed to %enerate a theoreti#a refe#ti'it" tra#e it is

possi(e to o(tain a %ood /!ait" fit to the e5peri$enta data and

hen#e deter$ine the shape 7::8 and opti#a per$itti'it" 74,48 of

the TiNx s!rfa#e.

2. Experimental

The #orr!%ated s!rfa#e !sed in this work was prepared in sii#a ("

standard interfero%raphi# te#hni/!es 7:;8. The $ethod of

preparation in'o'es the e5pos!re of spin&#oated photoresist on a

sii#a dis# to the interferen#e pattern prod!#ed (" first spittin%

and then re#o$(inin% an ar%on&ion aser (ea$. After e5pos!re the

photoresist is #he$i#a" de'eoped and the res!tin% profie

transferred into the sii#a (" fast ato$ et#hin%. This prod!#es a

ro(!st and ar%e area diffra#tion %ratin% with a we&defined pit#h

0in this #ase λ  =B;* n$2 and a !nifor$ s!rfa#e profie that is

so$ewhat distorted fro$ a p!re sin!soid. S!(se/!ent deposition

of an opti#a" thi#k ( )! ≈ @** n$  a"er of titani!$ nitride prod!#es

a $etai#&air interfa#e that $a" s!pport SPPs.


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The TiNx fi$ was deposited (" TEER Coatin%s Ltd 01idder$inster

?12 !sin% the #osed fied !n(aan#ed $a%netron sp!tter ion

patin% s"ste$ 7:<8. The s!(strate is ion&#eaned (efore deposition

whi#h ens!res a hi%h de%ree of adheren#e to the sii#a s!rfa#e.

Initia sp!tterin% is fro$ a p!re titani!$ tar%et whi#h is poisoned

(" (eedin% nitro%en into the #oatin% #ha$(er. In order to atte$pt

to #ontro the titani!$Fnitro%en ratio of the sp!ttered sa$pe the

intensit" of )*4 n$ radiation e$itted fro$ the tar%et is $onitored.

6ro$ past e5perien#e it is tho!%ht that appro5i$ate"

stoi#hio$etri# TiNx $a" (e deposited on the s!(strate when the

intensit" of radiation fas to @*K of the ori%ina 'a!e. The #oatin%

press!re in the #ha$(er (a#k fied with Ar %as was < 4* ;×

  −  Torr

and the s!(strate (ias 'ota%e and te$perat!re were ;* and

appro5i$ate" 4)* °C respe#ti'e".

Pre'io!s workers for e5a$pe 7448 ha'e shown the rea part of the

diee#tri# f!n#tion of TiNx  to (e ne%ati'e and therefore a(e to

s!pport interfa#e $odes at wa'een%ths in e5#ess of appro5i$ate"

)** n$. The wa'e 'e#tor of the in#ident radiation in the diee#tri#

is n (! *   0where ( c* *

:= =ω π λ  and n!   =4***;.   is the refra#ti'e

inde5 of air2 and we $a" on" #o!pe to the SPP when the in&pane

#o$ponent of this has (een s!ita(" enhan#ed. This $e#hanis$ is

pro'ided (" the %ratin%3s periodi#it" whi#h $a" in#rease or

de#rease the in&pane #o$ponent of n (! *  (" inte%er $!tipes of


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the %ratin% wa'e 'e#tor (   0(   = :π  λ % 2. This %i'es rise to

diffra#ted orders whi#h no on%er propa%ate in the diee#tri# when

their in&pane wa'e 'e#tor is in#reased s!#h that it (e#o$es

%reater than that of the in#ident radiation. It is the enhan#ed wa'e

 'e#tor of these e'anes#ent fieds that aows in#ident radiation to

#o!pe to the SPP a##ordin% to the #ondition

( )( n ( x )(*PP  !

= ±* sin   θ 


Here  )   is an inte%er (*PP   is the wa'e 'e#tor of the SPP and

n (! * sinθ    is the pro=e#tion of the wa'e 'e#tor of the in#ident

radiation parae to (   0aon% the x&a5is2. If the an%e (etween

the pane of in#iden#e and the %ratin% 'e#tor 0#aed the a9i$!tha

an%e  ϕ 2 is e/!a to 9ero then a the diffra#ted (ea$s ie in the

pane of $eas!re$ent and e/!ation 4 red!#es to a s#aar e/!ation.

The SPP resonan#es were $onitored (" re#ordin% the spe#!ar"

refe#ted intensit" fro$ the TiNx+air interfa#e as a f!n#tion of the

an%e of in#iden#e 0fi%!re 42. Mono#hro$ati# p&poarised0trans'erse $a%neti#2 radiation of wa'een%th ran%in% fro$ )** to

,-) n$ in :) n$ steps was in#ident in a pane parae to the

%ratin% wa'e 'e#tor ( )ϕ  = °* . The nor$aised e5peri$enta an%e&

dependent refe#ti'it" data was fitted (" a east&s/!ares pro#ed!re

!sin% a s#atterin% $atri5 7:)8 te#hni/!e (ased on the differentia

for$ais$ of Chande9on et al'  7:48. This theor" in'o'es


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transfor$in% the $athe$ati#s into a new fra$e in whi#h the

(o!ndar" #onditions at the #orr!%ated s!rfa#e are $ore readi"

so'ed & effe#ti'e" fattenin% the s!rfa#e. This re/!ires that the

in#ident fied is represented as a 6o!rier e5pansion. The s!rfa#e

itsef is aso des#ri(ed (" a 6o!rier series

( ) ( ) ( ) # x a ( x a ( x a )( x ) 0 2 #os #os #os= + + + +4 :



B" fittin% the refe#ti'it" data to the $odein% theor" it is possi(eto para$eterise the %ratin% profie and #hara#terise the diee#tri#

f!n#tion of the $etai# $ateria.

In order to pro'ide an a##!rate des#ription of the #o$pe5

diee#tri# f!n#tion of TiNx it is first ne#essar" to (e #onfident of

the s!rfa#e profie. In the 'isi(e re%i$e it is we do#!$ented 7for

e5a$pe 48 that the rea part of the diee#tri# f!n#tion of si'er is

$ore ne%ati'e and the i$a%inar" part $!#h s$aer than the

#orrespondin% 'a!es for TiNx. Hen#e the s!rfa#e pas$on

resonan#es on a si'erFair interfa#e are far (etter defined

#onse/!ent" %i'in% $ore sensiti'it" to the %ratin% profie.

Therefore in order to o(tain a %ood first appro5i$ation to the

profie of the TiNx&#oated s!rfa#e we ther$a" e'aporate an

opti#a" thi#k a"er of si'er on top of the TiNx. The pit#h of the

%ratin% was #hosen so that when ϕ = °* in#ident i%ht of

wa'een%th λ * )B*=  n$ wi e5#ite first se#ond and third order

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SPP resonan#es 0 )   4:;2 whi#h $a" (e o(ser'ed as resonant

feat!res in an an%e of in#iden#e s#an. B" fittin% the opti#a data

fro$ the si'er s!rfa#e to the predi#ted opti#a response !sin% the

theor" des#ri(ed a(o'e we are a(e to pro'ide a %ood esti$ate of

the three 6o!rier a$pit!des of the #orr!%ated s!rfa#e that pro'ide

the dire#t #o!pin% $e#hanis$ for the three SPP resonan#es. This

tr!n#ated 6o!rier series #an then (e !sed in the fittin% of data

o(tained fro$ the TiNx&#oated s!rfa#e o'er the whoe spe#tra

re%i$e. S!(se/!ent" after f!rther fittin% aowin% a the s!rfa#e

para$eters to 'ar" we o(tain a new profie for the TiNx s!rfa#e ("

a'era%in% the 6o!rier #o$ponents o'er a wa'een%ths. This new

a'era%e profie is then hed #onstant at a wa'een%ths and the

data fina" refitted in order to o(tain the #o$pe5 diee#tri#

#onstant at ea#h of the wa'een%ths st!died.

3. esults

6i%!re : shows two sets of t"pi#a refe#ti'it" data at in#ident

wa'een%ths of @)* n$ and ,** n$. The soid ines are the

theoreti#a fits whi#h are in 'er" %ood a%ree$ent with the data

0#ir#es2. The opti#a properties of TiNx are often ikened to those

of %od (!t the off&resonan#e refe#ti'it" of ess than )*K is #ear"

ess than the ~*K to (e e5pe#ted fro$ %od 7:@8. In addition the

resonan#es the$se'es are (road and shaow. This indi#ates that


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TiNx #o$pared to %od has an in#reased ε  i  and pro(a(" a ess

ne%ati'e ε  r .

 As indi#ated a(o'e the profie of the %ratin% is initia" esti$ated

fro$ the opti#a #hara#terisation of the si'er s!rfa#e and then

i$pro'ed (" fittin% to the TiNx data. The pit#h as defined (" the

an%!ar positions of the pse!do&#riti#a ed%es in the e5peri$enta

refe#ti'it" data was #a#!ated to (e λ  = ±B;*4 *). . n$ with the

per$itti'it" of the diee#tri# 0air2 set as ε ! !n= =: 4***@. .  The

 'a!es of the #o$pe5 diee#tri# #onstants of the TiNx fo!nd fro$

the fina fits to the refe#ti'it" data are isted in ta(e 4

( )ε ε ε TiN   = +r ii . The errors in these 'a!es are do$inated (" an

!n#ertaint" in the 6o!rier #oeffi#ients of the %ratin% profie. This is

attri(!ted to the ow sensiti'it" of the (road and shaow resonan#e

feat!res to the 'ario!s 6o!rier #oeffi#ients. There is aso a

 'ariation in the !n#ertaint" o'er the wa'een%th ran%e d!e to a

#han%e in the n!$(er of SPP resonan#es o(ser'a(e at different

wa'een%ths in the an%e of in#iden#e s#ans. In addition there is

an in#rease in the !n#ertaint" when two refe#ti'it" $ini$a

o'erap and aso as the #o!pin% stren%th to the resonan#es

de#rease as we approa#h the i$it ε r   = *. The res!ts presented in

this work aon% with those of 1arsson et al' 7<8 Ri'or" et al' 7@8


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S9#9"r(owski  et al'  74*8 Pas#!a et al' 7448 akonen et al' 74:8

and Stein$er&Neth et al' 7:*8 are i!strated in fi%!re ;.

!. "iscussion

It is we known that the opti#a properties of TiNx  fi$s are

stron%" dependent on the deposition #onditions fi$ thi#kness and

the titani!$Fnitro%en ratio. Therefore the 'ariation in the 'a!es

ofε  r   and

ε  i as i!strated in fi%!re ; is not s!rprisin%. The

works of 1arsson et al'  7<8 and Ri'or" et al'  7@8 (oth #onsider

opa/!e sa$pes 0! >4** n$2   of si$iar stoi#hio$etries 0 2x=4

and !se identi#a #hara#terisation te#hni/!es in order to o(tain the

opti#a #onstants. As a res!t the diee#tri# f!n#tion of their

respe#ti'e sa$pes #o$pare fa'o!ra(". S9#9"r(owski et al'  74*8

and akonen et al' 74:8 ha'e (oth sp!ttered $!#h thinner fi$s 0

! <;4 n$2 and atho!%h their 'a!es of ε  r   are #o$para(e to

those of other workers their 'a!es of ε  i  are #onsidera(" hi%her

d!e to in#reased ee#tron s#atterin%. The thin fi$s o(tained ("

PAC> and in'esti%ated o'er 'isi(e wa'een%ths (" Pas#!a et al'

7448 show the $ost ano$ao!s res!ts. It is not #ear wh" their

res!ts %i'e 'a!es for (oth parts of the #o$pe5 diee#tri# f!n#tion

whi#h are s$aer in $a%nit!de than other st!dies. Stein$er&

Neth et al' 7:*8 !sed a %ratin%&#o!ped SPP te#hni/!e to

#hara#terise the opti#a properties of their $a%netron&sp!ttered

fi$ at fo!r wa'een%ths. The" appear to ha'e (een the first to


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re#ord SPP e5#itation on TiNx. Their fi$s were of #o$para(e

thi#kness to those of S9#9"r(owski et al' 74*8 and akonen et al'

74:8 0! =)* n$2 howe'er the" do not show the asso#iated

in#rease in ε  i . Howe'er it sho!d (e noted that their data fittin%

te#hni/!e is (ased on a pert!(ati'e approa#h to 6resne e/!ations

and the" ass!$e shaow 0depthFpit#h *.*-2 p!re" sin!soida

%ratin%s. In 'iew of the fa#t that their %ratin% is prod!#ed ("

interfero%raphi# e5pos!re foowed (" ion&et#hin% then the profie

is ike" to (e distorted si%nifi#ant" fro$ the ass!$ed shape. This

res!ts in poor /!ait" fits and the errors asso#iated with their

ded!#ed 'a!es of ε  r  and ε  i  wi (e ar%e.

In this work we present a #o$prehensi'e st!d" of the SPP on TiNx

!sin% a ri%oro!s $ode of the opti#a response of $etai# %ratin%s

to fit the e5peri$enta refe#ti'it" data fro$ an opti#a" thi#k

0! ≈@** n$2   sp!ttered fi$. The %ratin% profie is a##!rate"

$odeed as a distorted sin!soida s!rfa#e (" representin% it as a

tr!n#ated 6o!rier series and !sin% the theoreti#a $ode des#ri(ed

pre'io!s". 6ro$ this we prod!#e fits that show e5#eent

a%ree$ent with the e5peri$enta refe#ti'ities 0fi%!re :2. The

e5peri$enta" deter$ined diee#tri# f!n#tion 0fi%!re ;2 i!strates

that ε  r   is si%ht" s$aer in $a%nit!de than ded!#ed (" other

workers for si$iar fi$s 7<@8 howe'er ε  i  shows %ood a%ree$ent

with these other st!dies.


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If the diee#tri# f!n#tion of TiNx  is do$inated (" a free&ee#tron

(eha'io!r at the wa'een%ths st!died in this work we wo!d

e5pe#t o!r data to #onfor$ to the >r!de $ode i'e'

( )ε ω ε ω τ 

ω τ r 

p= −


: :

: :4



( ) ( )ε ω 

ω τ  

ω ω τ  i




: :4


where τ  is the rea5ation ti$e ω p is the pas$a fre/!en#" and ε  *  is

resid!a diee#tri# #onstant 0#on'entiona" ass!$ed to (e !nit"2.

Therefore we sho!d (e a(e to pot ε  r  a%ainst λ :  and ε  i  a%ainst

λ ; and e5pe#t inear reationships. Pottin% o!r data in this wa"

%i'es the #!r'es of fi%!re < 0a2 and 0(2 respe#ti'e". 6i%!re < 0a2

shows a hi%h de%ree of inearit" the  y &inter#ept indi#atin% a

resid!a diee#tri# #onstant of appro5i$ate" ;. This #an (e

attri(!ted to a positi'e #ontri(!tion to ε  r  fro$ the o##!rren#e of

inter(and transitions as predi#ted (" a n!$(er of pre'io!s workers

7<&,8. The inear fit toε  i   is ess #on'in#in% and hen#e aso

s!%%ests that the opti#a response of TiNx is not p!re" >r!de&ike

in nat!re. In addition pre'io!s workers ha'e i!strated that the

point at whi#h ε r   = * is sit!ated at a $!#h ower ener%" than the


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 15/31


predi#ted pas$a resonan#e. The #rossin% of the ε r    = *  a5is is

asso#iated with a s#reened pas$on $ode whi#h has (een shifted

to ower ener%ies (" the onset of inter(and transitions at photon

ener%ies a(o'e :.) e 7<8. Conse/!ent" an" treat$ent of the

#o$pe5 diee#tri# #onstant #ose to this re%ion $!st in'o'e

spittin% it into two parts one part #orrespondin% to intra(and

e5#itations des#ri(ed (" the >r!de $ode and an inter(and part

#orrespondin% to resonant a(sorptions (ased on a Lorent9

os#iator $ode i.e.

( ) ( ) ( )ε ω ε ω ε ω  r r 


 + = +



( ) ( ) ( )ε ω ε ω ε ω  

i i




= +


We fit o!r data to a $ode that ass!$es on" one resonant

inter(and transition. This is a reasona(e ass!$ption to $ake

sin#e we e5pe#t peaks in ( )ε ω  i  #orrespondin% to stron% inter(and

transitions at appro5i$ate" ;.- e and ).: e 7<@:-8 (!t ha'e

on" deter$ined the diee#tri# f!n#tion at ener%ies !p to :.) e.

Hen#e we wi on" e5perien#e the effe#ts of the win% of the ower

ener%" resonan#e. The two parts of the #o$pe5 diee#tri# f!n#tion

are therefore


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 16/31


( )( )

( )ε ω ε 

ω τ  

ω τ  

τ ω ω ω  

τ ω ω ω  

p p= −

+  +

− +*

: :

: :

: :*: :

:*: : : :4



( )( )   ( )

ε ω 

ω τ  

ω ω τ  

ω ωτ  

τ ω ω ω  


p p=


− +


: :


:*: : : :4


B" rearran%in% e/!ations - and , and p!ttin% ε * 4= we ei$inate

ω  p  s!#h that

( )

( )

( )

( ) ( )

ε ω 

ε ω 


ω ω τ 

ω ω τ τ ω ω ω  




+ + − +





4 4



: : :

: : : :


: : : : 


6ro$ this it is possi(e to o(tain the #onstants ω * ;B= . eC   and

τ  =44. eC   (" fittin% the f!n#tiona for$ of e/!ation to

e5peri$enta" deri'ed data 0fi%!re )2. The fit to the e5peri$enta

data i!strated in fi%!re ) is rather poor (!t it is i$portant to note

that refe#ti'it" $eas!re$ents were #arried o!t o'er a 'er" i$ited

fre/!en#" ran%e. Howe'er the %enera !pward trend in the

e5peri$enta data is apparent in the $ode and the 'a!e of ω  *  

#o$pares fa'o!ra(" with the ener%" of the first peak in ( )ε ω  i  

deter$ined (" pre'io!s workers 0;., ±  *.4 e 7<@:-82. We $a"

then fit to ω  p (" !sin% e/!ations - and , 0fi%!re @ a and (2. A


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 17/31


#o$parison of o!r 'a!es of ω  p  and τ  to those of pre'io!s workers

is shown in ta(e :.

Gn e5a$ination of ta(e : it is apparent that there is a ar%e

spread of 'a!es of (oth ω  p   and τ  dependent on the deposition

#onditions and stoi#hio$etr" of the sa$pe. The pas$a fre/!en#"

and rea5ation ti$e #a#!ated in the present st!d" are a$on% the

owest o(ser'ed indi#atin% a sa$pe of red!#ed $etai# nat!re

whi#h #an at east in part (e attri(!ted to a ar%e nitro%enFtitani!$

ratio 0x2. Indeed this is #onfir$ed (" ee#tron ener%" dispersi'e

spe#tros#op" $eas!re$ents whi#h indi#ate that x is we in e5#ess

of !nit".

#. onclusions

In this paper for the first ti$e we ha'e deter$ined the diee#tri#

f!n#tion of TiNx  thro!%ho!t the 'isi(e re%i$e !sin% a %ratin%&

#o!ped SPP resonan#e te#hni/!e. This te#hni/!e presents a

n!$(er of ad'anta%es o'er $ore #on'entiona #hara#terisation

$ethods. 6or e5a$pe we need on" take refe#ti'it" data at the

indi'id!a wa'een%ths at whi#h we wish to #a#!ate the diee#tri#

f!n#tion and we re/!ire no $eas!re$ent of the fi$ thi#kness. We

ha'e i!strated that we are a(e to o(tain e5#eent a%ree$ent

(etween the differentia for$ais$ of Chande9on and e5peri$enta


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 18/31


refe#ti'ities and the res!tin% diee#tri# f!n#tion #o$pares

fa'o!ra(" with that deter$ined (" pre'io!s workers. B" $akin%

the ass!$ption that TiNx  is on" free&ee#tron ike in its opti#a

response we ha'e shown that the >r!de $ode aone is too

si$pisti#. Instead we ha'e fitted the e5peri$enta" deter$ined

diee#tri# f!n#tion to a >r!de&Lorent9 $ode that ass!$es a sin%e

resonant inter(and transition in order to o(tain the pas$a

fre/!en#" and rea5ation ti$e. A #o$parison of #onstants

deter$ined fro$ this work and pre'io!s st!dies shows a ar%e

spread of res!ts i!stratin% the dependen#e on the stoi#hio$etr"

and deposition #onditions of the sa$pe.


The a!thors wo!d ike to a#knowed%e the finan#ia s!pport of the

>efen#e E'a!ation and Resear#h A%en#" 6arn(oro!%h and wish

to thank Jeffer" Jones 0Earth Reso!r#es Centre ?ni'ersit" of

E5eter2 for his #ontri(!tion to the E>S st!d".


748 M?N W. >. HG6MANN >. and H ARTIO 1. 4,@ Thin *ol! Films

'$ -.

7:8 1  ANAMGRI S. 4,@ Thin *oli! Films, 13$ 4).


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 19/31


7;8 O AONGN O. C?RRIE J. 6. BREBNER  J. L. and > ARWELL T. 4@ '

 #ppl' Phys', %' -@4:.

7<8 1  ARLSSGN B. S?N>OREN J.&E and JGHANSSGN B.&G 4,: Thin *oli!

 Films', &% 4,4.

7)8 SCHLEOEL A. W ACHTER  P. NIC1L J. J. and LINOO H. 4-- ' Phys'

-, 1, <,,.

7@8 R IGR  J. BEHAOHEL J. M. BERTHIER  S. and L A6AIT J. 4,4 Thin

*oli! Films, %& 4@4.


BGNNGT A. M. 4,) Thin *oli! Films, 12% :*).

7,8 BHM O. and OGRET1I H. 4-: ' Less.-ommon /etals 2%


78 1 ?RT S. R. and OGR>GN R. O. 4,@ Thin *oli! Films, 1!,



H ARTIO 1. 4,, 0a(uum.Techni(, 3% 4<.

7448 P ASC?AL E. PGLG M. C. ESTEE J. and BERTRAN E. 44

*urface *cience, 2#1-2#2 :**.

74:8   AL1GNEN E. R IBBINO C.&O. and S?N>OREN J.&E. 4,@  Proc'

*P+E, $#2 :;).

74;8 WGGTEN 6. 4-: 1ptical Properties of *oli!s 0New ork

 A#ade$i# Press2 #hapter @.

74<8 R  AETHER  H. 4,,, *urface Plasmons on *mooth an! "ouh

*urfaces an! on Gratins 0Berin Sprin%er2.

74)8 1 RETSCHMANN E. and R  AETHER  H. 4@, 2' )aturf' 23a :4;).


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 20/31


74@8 GTTG A. 4@, 2' Phys' 21$ ;,.

74-8 TENO .&. and STERN E. A. 4@- Phys' "ev' Lett' 1' )44.

74,8 N ASH >. J. and S AMBLES J. R. 4) ' /o!' 1pt' !2 4@;.

748 N ASH >. J. and S AMBLES J. R. 4@ ' /o!' 1pt' !3 ,4.


4< Thin *oli! Films, 23% :--.

7:48 CHAN>EGN J. >?P?IS M. T. CGRNET O. and M ASTRE >. 4,: '

1pt' *oc' #m' %2 ,;.

7::8 WGG> E. L. S AMBLES J. R. CGTTER  N. P. and 1 ITSGN S. C. 4)

 ' /o!' 1pt !2 4;<;.

7:;8 H?TLE  M. C. 4,:  Diffraction Gratins  0London A#ade$i#


7:<8 MGNAOHAN >. P. TEER  >. O. L AINO 1. C. E6EGOL? I. and A RNELL

R. >. 4; *urf' an! -oatins Technol' #' :4.

7:)8 CGTTER  N. P. 1. PRIEST T. W. and S AMBLES J. R. 4) ' 1pt'

*oc' #m' 12 4*-.

7:@8 W ATTS R. A. S AMBLES J. R. and H ARRIS J. B. 4- 1ptics

-ommun' 13# 4,.


C. 4,; *ol' Enery /ater', % <*4.

able aptions


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 21/31


able 1. The opti#a diee#tri# f!n#tion of titani!$ nitride

e5peri$enta" deter$ined in this work to%ether with esti$ated


able 2.  A #o$parison of the 'a!es of ω  p   and τ    of TiNx

e5peri$enta" deter$ined in this work aon% with the 'a!es

o(tained (" a n!$(er of pre'io!s workers. The nitro%enFtitani!$

ratio 0x2 and deposition $ethod is aso isted for #o$parison.


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 22/31


/i+ure aptions

/i+ure 1. S#he$ati# representation of the e5peri$enta set !p

!sed to re#ord an%e dependent refe#ti'it" data fro$ a diffra#tion

%ratin%. In order for the si%na dete#tor to tra#k the spe#!ar"

refe#ted (ea$ the si%na dete#tor rotates at twi#e the rate of the

%ratin% $o!nted on the ta(e.

/i+ure 2. The e5peri$enta an%e&dependent refe#ti'ities 0 one

point in fi'e potted for #arit"2 #o$pared with the theoreti#a"&

$odeed refe#ti'ities 0

2 #reated fro$ a sin%e set of para$eters

des#ri(in% the %ratin% profie. (a) and (b)  show R pp  refe#ti'it"

$eas!re$ents 0i.e. p&poarised 0TM2 radiation was in#ident and

dete#ted2 at in#ident wa'een%ths of @)* n$ and ,** n$

respe#ti'e". The 'a!es of the diee#tri# #onstants at these

wa'een%ths that were o(tained (" fittin% the $ode to the

e5peri$enta data are shown in ta(e 4.

/i+ure 3.  A #o$parison of the 'a!es of the diee#tri# f!n#tion of

TiNx deter$ined in this work 02 with the res!ts of 1arsson et al'

7<8 0 2 Ri'or" et al' 7@8 02 S9#9"r(owski et al' 74*8 0& & &2 Pas#!a

et al' 7448 0 2 akonen et al' 74:8 0 2 and Stein$er&Neth et al'

7:*8 0U2.


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 23/31


/i+ure !.  A pot of (a)ε  r  a%ainst λ *:  and (b) ε  i   a%ainst λ *

;  for

the data presented in this work. A hi%h de%ree of inearit"

s!%%ests that the TiNx sa$pe is free&ee#tron ike. Howe'er the y &

inter#ept of 0a2 is %reater than ε  *

4= attri(!ta(e to a positi'e

#ontri(!tion toε  r   fro$ the o##!rren#e of inter(and transitions.

The errors i!strated in the 'a!es of the diee#tri# #onstants are

do$inated (" an !n#ertaint" in the %ratin% profie.

/i+ure #. B" ass!$in% a one&resonan#e >r!de&Lorent9 $ode we

o(tain a f!n#tion reatin% the two parts of the #o$pe5 diee#tri#

f!n#tion dependent on" on ωω   *   and τ   0e/!ation 2. a!es of

this f!n#tion #a#!ated !sin% the e5peri$enta" deter$ined

diee#tri# #onstants and !n#ertainties 0error (ars2 are #o$pared

with the fitted theoreti#a f!n#tion 0soid ine2. We are th!s a(e to

deter$ine the 'a!es of ω  *  and τ .

/i+ure $.  The (a) rea part (b) i$a%inar" part and the

asso#iated !n#ertainties in the diee#tri# f!n#tion of TiNx

deter$ined in the present work. We ha'e $odeed the

e5peri$enta data 0error (ars2 !sin% e/!ations - and , in order to

o(tain the pas$a fre/!en#"ω  p . The res!tin% fit is shown as a

soid ine.


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 24/31







i   ,






)** &*.:*   ±

*.*):.<4   ±

*.4)-** &;.),   ±

*.4*).;@   ±

*.4*):) &*.@<   ±

*.4*;.4:   ±

*.:)-:) &<.:;   ±

*.4*).-<   ±

*.:*))* &4.*-   ±

*.4*;.;-   ±

*.4*-)* &<.,<   ±

*.4*@.*-   ±

*.:*)-) &4.<;   ±

*.4*;.-   ±

*.4*--) &).4   ±

*.*)@.:<   ±

*.:*@** &4.4   ±

*.4*<.4-   ±

*.4*,** &).,   ±

*.*)@.@<   ±

*.:*@:) &:.;)   ±

*.*)<.;*   ±

*.;*,:) &@.*;   ±

*.4*@.@   ±


,&:.@4   ±

*.*)<.;@   ±

*.;*,)* &@.@-   ±

*.4*-.@*   ±

*.:)@)* &:.,,   ±

*.:)<.-)   ±

*.;*,-) &-.)4   ±

*.:*,.4)   ±

*.;*@-) &;.*:   ±

*.4)).4,   ±



7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 25/31






 x   ωp 





0! (")4 @.: *.;*


0# (")& @.+-.* *.@+*.,

i5ory 0$



≈4 ,.- 4.;


0& (solidsolution)

*.< ,. 4.::




& ).@:+@.:) *.;+4.:-


01, (reacti5e


4.4@ -.) 4.4


012 (reacti5e


& -.*+-.4 *.<+*.@

9resent "ata



D4 )., 4.4


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 26/31



7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 27/31


10 15 20 25 30







angle of incidence, /degrees


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 28/31


1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4






ε r 


1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.40



15 (b)


ε i


7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 29/31


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.70





ε i




0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8








ε r L;.4)&4.<* 5 4*4;.λ*:

ε r 





7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 30/31


2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8-1.4









4Fτ  L 4.- 5 4*4)


ω*  L ).B 5 4*



        0      ε

      r    &

        4        2        F      ε





7/23/2019 Surface Plasmon Polariton 31/31


2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.8









ε r 


2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.80








ε i
