Surgeons guide plugin development

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Triage Requirements in Mass Casualty Scenarios

A Surgeon's Guide to Plugin Development

Surgical Aphorisms

❖ KISS - Keep It Simple (Stupid)

❖ The enemy of good is better

❖ Should you really do that?

❖ Learn from others

❖ You are "captain of the ship"

Keep It Simple

The Enemy of Good Is Better

Just Because You CAN Do Something; Doesn't Mean You SHOULD You Do Something?

Learn the Good and the Bad

Captain of the Ship

Decisions, not options

Single purpose

Simple, simple, simple

Scratch your own itch

Tools of the Trade



GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, etc.

Tower -

Google, GitHub, WordPress forums

Scratching Your Own Itch

❖ What problem do I want to solve?

❖ Does a solution already exist?

❖ Do current solutions work for you?


Plugin Development

❖ Identify scope of project

❖ Start coding, preference to OOP

❖ Ask questions

❖ Constantly lookup and learn

❖ Core is your best reference

Core is your friend

❖ Transients API

❖ Settings API

❖ add_action()/do_action()

❖ add_filter()/apply_filters() Plugin Repo

❖ The Events Calendar Category Colors

❖ The Events Calendar PRO Alarm

❖ The Events Calendar User CSS

❖ The Events Calendar Outlook Import Fix

❖ Add Custom Header Images

My Goals for GitHub Updater

❖ Simple barrier to entry

❖ Work within core as much possible

❖ Update both plugins and themes

Plugin Requirements for GitHub Updater

/* Plugin Name: GitHub Updater Plugin URI: Description: A plugin to automatically update GitHub, Bitbucket or GitLab hosted plugins and themes. It also allows for remote installation of plugins or themes into WordPress.Version: 1.0.0 Author: Andy Fragen License: GNU General Public License v2 License URI: Domain Path: /languages Text Domain: github-updater GitHub Plugin URI: GitHub Branch: master */

Current State of GitHub Updater❖ Seamless updates for plugins and themes

❖ Works in single or multisite

❖ Works with GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab

❖ Works with public and private repositories

❖ Changelogs, readme.txt, view details, ratings, etc.

❖ Rollback for themes

❖ Settings page

❖ Allows for remote installation of plugins or themes

❖ Branch switching/re-installation for plugins/themes

❖ Integrates with iThemes Sync and InfiniteWP

There's no such thing as a minor surgery; only minor surgeons.


❖❖ @andyfragen - Twitter❖❖ Day job, trauma/acute care surgeon❖ Chief of Staff, Desert Regional Medical Center, Palm Springs, CA❖ WordCamp sponsor and now speaker

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