surgery elevators

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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elevators used in dentistry


types of elevators

1.straight elevators : wedge principle.

They are used to displace:

-residual root tips

-supernumerary teeth


-luxation of the last tooth in the arch mainly the wisdom

Straight apexo elevator : more for anterior lowers


Straight London hospital pattern : more for last lower posterior tooth

Coupland chisel elevator : more for anterior lower

Straight warwick james elevator: used in maxilla more than mandible (root tip)

2. curved elevators : lever action.

Mostly used to remove a root tip from its socket.

The elevator engages the tooth through a purchase point ( placed by a bur ) or through gripping the tooth with the edge of the blade and using the bone as a fulcrum to lift the tooth out of the socket.

Curved apexo elevator : called the jocker because of its use on all the teeth ( more for upper)

Used to deliver the remaining roots, if there is more than one root → sectioning .

Also used to deliver upper eight with full crown(used mesio buccaly ).

Curved London hospital pattern: lower remaining roots or for the delivery of the upper wisdom tooth.

Buccal applicator = cryer elevators : contra indicated on maxillary teeth(fear of bone fracture) because it is used buccally and needs a dense bone , used on lower 6,7,and 8 , placed buccaly on the furcation( right and left)

Curved warwick james elevator (root tip) : used on upper eight mesio buccally ,thus, creating space for curved London hospital pattern. ( right or left)

Potts : for upper eight delivery ( right and left)

Root tip pick : may be used on the upper socket , looks like curved apexo elevator but has a longer and thinner blade . to deliver the tip of the roots.

Crane pick elevator : like curved apexo elevator but the blade has no groove.

Socket applicator and upper 8 delivery.

3.T-Bar ( cross bar) right and left: force is 5 tmes applied . wheel and axle mode of action.

The elevator engages a purchase point, using the bone as an fulcrum, rotating the handle.

Indicated for elevating root tips from mandibular molar.

Contraindicated on uppers.

Cross bar buccal applicator :

Cross baar socket applicator :

Thank you Prepared by Marwa Merheb

Presented to Dr. moh. shokry