Surgical treatment of aneurysms of the ascending

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Thorax 1984;39: 305-310

Surgical treatment of aneurysms of the ascendingaorta associated with severe aortic regurgitationMJ ANTUNES, AL BAPTISTA, PR COLSEN, RH KINSLEY

From the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Johannesburg Group of Teaching Hospitals and theUniversity ofthe Witwatersrand, South Africa

ABSTRACT From January 1979 to June 1982 31 patients have had simultaneous ascending aorticaneurysm repair and aortic valve replacement. Fifteen patients (group 1) received a compositegraft; seven patients (group 2) had separate aortic valve and supracoronary ascending aortaprostheses; and nine patients (group 3) had aortic valve replacement and "tailoring" of theascending aorta. The mean age was 50 (SD 14) years. Nine patients had acute dissection, fivewith the coronary ostia affected. Emergency surgery was performed in 10 cases. There were sixearly deaths (19.4%), none of them due to technical complications during surgery. The mortalityrate was 56% for patients with acute dissection operated on as an emergency and 4-5% forpatients having elective operations. Appreciable haemorrhage occurred in four patients (12.9%).No neurological complications occurred. There was one late death. The survivors were followedup for one to four years. There was one case of recurrence of aneurysm. No ischaemic complica-tions resulted from coronary reimplantation. There were no significant differences in the resultsof the three groups. Simultaneous ascending aortic aneurysm repair and aortic valve replacementcan be accomplished with an acceptable mortality rate and little morbidity.

Successful surgical treatment of aneurysms of theascending aorta associated with aortic regurgitationis a major challenge to the cardiovascular surgeon.The initial results of surgical treatment' and ofhypotensive drug treatment (Wheat regime2 3) werepoor. Improvements in the techniques of car-diopulmonary bypass and recent advances inmyocardial protection, however, as well as improvedpreoperative and postoperative management, haveresulted in a dramatic decrease in the operative mor-tality for resection of dissecting and non-dissectinganeurysms,46 which is now much lower than that ofmedically treated patients.7When appreciable aortic regurgitation is present,

concomitant aortic valve replacement or repair andresection of the aneurysm are essential.8 9 Becauseof the diffuse characteristics of the disease, this typeof surgery frequently does not cure.45 Consequently,in certain circumstances limited resection of the aor-tic wall ("tailoring") after aortic valve replacementor repair may be justified.

Address for reprint requests: Dr MJ Antunes, Department of Car-diothoracic Surgery, University of the Witwatersrand MedicalSchool, York Road, Parktown, Johannesburg 2193, South Africa.

Accepted 28 November 1983

In this paper we report 31 cases of concomitantaortic valve replacement and ascending aorticaneurysm resection performed during three and ahalf years, from 1979 to 1982.

Patients and methods

From January 1979 to June 1982 26 black and 5white patients had aortic valve replacement withascending aortic aneurysm repair. The mean age was50 (SD 14) years (range 16-70); 24 were men andseven women. All but one patient had moderate tosevere aortic valve regurgitation. Acute dissectionoccurred in nine patients, while the other 22 patientshad fusiform or saccular aneurysms. Ten patients,including the nine with acute dissection, were oper-ated on as an emergency. Acute left ventricular fail-ure was the presenting feature in all but three ofthese. Five patients had significant angina and dis-ease of the coronary ostia was confirmed at surgeryin all. While acute dissection presented moreurgently, there were no other differences in symp-toms between these patients and those in the chronicgroup. All but three patients had radiological fea-tures of left ventricular and aortic root enlargement.The nature and extent of the lesions were confirmed

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Antunes, Baptista, Colsen, Kinsley

Table 1 Results ofsurgery in 31 patients having ascending aortic aneurysm repair and aortic valve replacement

No of Complicating Type of No (%Y) Postoperativepatients features operadon* ofdeaths complications

Acute dissection 9 5 (55.6) Haemorrhage (1)Emergency operation 9 Angina (5) 1 (3) 3

Renalfailure (3) 2 (6) 2Chronic aneurysm 22 1 (4.5)Emergency operation 1 Infective endocarditis 1 1) 0Elective operation 21 1 11) 0 Haemorrhage (3)

2 (1 O Embolism ( 1)3 (9 1 Recurrence (1)

Total 31 6 (19-4)

* 1-composite graft; 2-separate aortic graft and supracoronary ascending aorta prostheses; 3-aortic valve replacement and "tailoring"of the ascending aorta.

by aortic arch angiography in most patients. In fourpatients, however, the aneurysm (three saccular,one fusiform) was unsuspected before operation andthe indications for surgery were based on the aorticvalve disease alone. More recently, the presence andcharacteristics of the aneurysms or acute dissectionor both were confirmed by echocardiography. Dila-tation of the aorta and an intimal flap were clearlyseen in the proximal segment of the ascending aortain the case of dissections. On three occasions theaneurysm was diagnosed only by echocardiography,the chest radiograph being within normal limits (fig).Contributing factors included hypertension in sevenpatients and atherosclerosis in two. Five patientshad typical Marfan's syndrome and syphilis wasdiagnosed in four. In the remainder no aetiologicalfactors could be established.

Standard techniques of cardiopulmonary bypasswith moderate hypothermia (22-28°C) were used inall patients. In most cases a single venous drainagecannula was placed in the right atrium, but morerecently double cannulation of the vena cava hasbeen preferred. Arterial cannulation of the ascend-ing aorta was chosen when there was sufficient nor-mal aorta between the aneurysm and the innominateartery. In the other cases and in acute dissections theright femoral artery was cannulated. Myocardialprotection was achieved in all patients by directintermittent perfusion of both coronary arteries withcold asanguineotis cardioplegic solution (potassium24 mmol (mEq)/l). Additionally, topical coolingwith ice slush in the pericardial sac was used. In allpatients the aortic valve (alone or in a conduit) wasimplanted with interrupted figure of 8 2/0 Tycron

Diagnosis ofascending aortic aneurysm (AAA) by two dimensional echocardiography. The chest radiograph (left)was within normal limits. The echocardiogram (right) shows a large ascending aortic aneurysm, 6 cm in diameter.LV-4eft ventricle.

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Surgical treatment of aneurysms of the ascending aorta associated with severe aortic regurgitation

sutures. Eighteen, nine, and four patients respec-tively received the Hall-Kaster, Bjork-Shiley, and StJude Medical (SJM) prosthesis.The choice of technique used for repair of the

aneurysm was influenced by the anatomical charac-teristics of the lesion. Fifteen patients received acomposite graft (group 1), while in seven the aorticvalve and ascending aorta were replaced with sepa-rate prostheses (group 2). In the remaining ninepatients (group 3), after aortic valve replacement,the aneurysm was repaired by excision of the exces-sive, abnormal aortic wall segment, followed bydirect closure.

In the cases where aneurysmal dilatationextended to the aortic sinuses a composite grafttechnique (as described by Bentall and de Bono'°)was preferred. When the Hall-Kaster and SJM pros-theses were used and where a composite graft wasnot commercially available it was constructed duringthe operation. The valve cuff was sewn to a wovenDacron tubular graft of appropriate size (30 or35 mm) with a continuous 3/0 Tycron suture. Theprosthetic sewing ring was then sutured to the aorticannulus with the same interrupted suture technique.The coronary ostia, surrounded by a small cuff ofthe native aortic wall (often not detached), wereimplanted into the Dacron tube with continuous 5/0prolene sutures.

In seven patients with a non-dilated aortic rootthe aortic valve was replaced first. The ascendingaorta was then replaced with a woven Dacron con-duit, in a supracoronary position by a "buckethandle" technique." In some of these cases theposterior segment of the proximal anastomosis wasconstructed first with the graft inverted and tuckedinto the left ventricle through the aortic annulus.The graft was then everted out of the ventricle andthe aortic valve prosthesis sutured to the annulus inthe usual way. Finally, the anterior half of theproximal anastomosis was completed. With thistechnique a more accurate and therefore haemosta-tic suture line was constructed. The risk of haemo-rrhage from the inaccessible posterior aspect of theanastomosis is minimised. In all cases the distalanastomosis was constructed with a double evertingcontinuous suture of 4/0 prolene, buttressed with astrip of Teflon felt. In no case was the Dacron con-duit preclotted. In a few cases the aneurysm wall wasclosed over the conduit after resection of excess tis-sue.

In nine patients dilatation of the ascending aortawas asymmetrical-that is, it did not affect thewhole circumference. In these cases the thinneranterior and right wall was resected to reduce theaortic diameter ("tailoring"). It was then closeddirectly, longitudinally, with double continuous 4/0

prolene suture, buttressed with strips of Teflon felt.With these techniques the mean duration of car-

diopulmonary bypass was 98 (SD 26) minutes andthe aorta was cross clamped for 68 (20) minutes. Inone patient circulatory arrest at 22°C was used for29 minutes.

All patients were followed up in our outpatientsdepartment. The survivors of group 3 were recentlyrestudied; chest radiography, echocardiography,and computed tomography were performed to diag-nose recurrence of the aneurysm. The remainingpatients were examined clinically during routineoutpatient visits. The follow up data were retrievedfrom the respective records. Statistical analysis wasperformed by the x2 method with the use of 2 x 2contingency tables.


Six patients died early, giving an operative mortalityof 19.4% (table 1). Of these, two died on the operat-ing table. Both had acute dissections and sufferedcardiac arrest before or during anaesthesia inductionand could not be weaned from cardiopulmonarybypass. Three of the other four patients, who diedsoon after operation, also had emergency operationsfor acute dissection. In one of these patients thedissection extended to the iliac arteries, whileanother dissection had ruptured into the pericardialcavity. All died with renal failure among otherthings. Hence the operative mortality for emergencyoperations for acute dissection was 55-6% (5/9).The last of the four died of respiratory insufficiency.He presented with moderate left ventricular failureand was operated on electively for a saccular aneur-ysm and free aortic regurgitation. Thus the mortalityrate for patients who had elective surgery was 4 5%(p < 0.01). In none of these cases was death directlyrelated to technical complications during surgery.There was no significant difference in the mortalityrates for the three types of repair (table 2).

Despite the fact that preclotting of conduits wasnot routinely used in this series, appreciablehaemorrhage occurred in only four patients(12-9%). Three survived without further complica-

Table 2 Operative mortality related to the type ofrepair (nosignificant differences between groups)

Type of No of No ()orepair patients ofdeaths

1 15 3(200)2 7 2(28.6)3 9 1(11.1)

Total 6 (19-4)

*See footnote to table 1.

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tions, but one died in the intensive care unit fromrenal failure that preceded surgery (see above).There were no important neurological complicationsresulting from surgery.

Only one patient has died at a late stage. He had"tailoring" of the aneurysm and the postoperativecourse was uncomplicated. The time and cause of hisdeath are unknown. Two patients were lost to followup and the remaining 22 patients were available forclinical assessment after a mean follow up period of2*5 (range 1-4) years. All but three are in class Iaccording to the New York Heart Associationcriteria. One patient, who was not anticoagulated,had had a major embolic episode, with a minimalresidual neurological deficit. All patients had radio-graphs taken recently and there was evidence ofrecurrence of the aneurysm in only one patient. Inthis patient, who is symptom free, there was consid-erable widening of the mediastinum. Computedtomography showed a recurrent aneurysm of theascending aorta measuring 6 cm in diameter at itswidest. The patient had had a " tailoring" procedure(group 3) performed three years previously for a

moderate sized aneurysm, probably due to Marfan'ssyndrome. No electrocardiographic evidence ofischaemia was found in patients who had compositegrafts and coronary artery reimplantation (group 1).There are no cases of perivalvular leaks or infection.


The natural history of acute ascending aortic dissec-tion associated with aortic valve regurgitation isdismal. More than 65% of patients die in the first 24hours and only 8% survive longer than one week.'2On the other hand, non-operative hypotensive med-ical treatment of this disorder has an early mortalityof 67% and progression of the disease occurs in25-35% of survivors.'3 "4 For this reason most surgi-cal units consider dissecting aneurysms of theascending aorta with regurgitation as a surgicalemergency.45 '3 1S-1 Any delay in interventionresults in an increase in the mortality and morbidityrates, especially in cases with established or impend-ing rupture and in those with coronary disease or

occlusion of a major arterial branch.5 In these casespreoperative angiography is not essential andechocardiography may be sufficient to confirm thediagnosis of dissection.'8 Hypotensive treatmentbecomes only a temporary measure while prepara-tions are made for surgery.5 13 19The need for aortic valve replacement in cases of

acute dissection with regurgitation is controversial.In most cases valve dysfunction is due to loss ofcommissural support. Hence many favour resuspen-sion of the aortic leaflets.4 6 17 20-22 There are, how-

Antunes, Baptista, Colsen, Kinsley

ever, several reports of late failure and subsequentvalve replacement.523 We routinely replace thevalve where there is more than moderate regurgita-tion.

Non-dissecting aneurysmal dilatation of theascending aorta may affect the aortic sinuses andannulus (annuloaortic ectasia).24 Consequently, it isbelieved that if recurrence of the aneurysm25-27 is tobe avoided the entire ascending aorta should bereplaced down to the annulus.'02829 This requiresreimplantation of the coronary arteries, which maycreate additional complications, such as stenosis ofthe orifice and the formation of pseudoaneur-ysms.2730 Although we have not encountered anyinstances of recurrence of the aneurysm in patientswho had separate aortic valve replacement and sup-racoronary implantation of tubular grafts, we nowprefer a composite graft for total replacement of thevalve and supraannular ascending aorta to forestallthis theoretical complication. This composite grafttechnique might appear to be more complicated, butthe complexity is more apparent than real.23303' Inour series similar aortic cross clamp times wererecorded with the two techniques. Appreciablehaemorrhage occurred in four patients and thesewere anastomotic bleeds. This confirmed our earlierfindings32 and consequently we prefer not to usepreclotted grafts when using low porosity wovenDacron.The nine patients who had " tailoring" of the aorta

were operated on earlier in the series. This simpleprocedure, which aims at reducing the diameter ofthe aorta and therefore the wall tension (Laplace'slaw), conflicts somewhat with the principle of com-posite replacement to minimise the risk of recur-rence. But the diffuse characteristics of the diseasealso make tubular replacement of a segment of theascending aorta an "incomplete" operation.33 To thebest of our knowledge this technique has not beenpreviously described. We have not yet observed anycases of progressive enlargement of the "tailored"ascending aorta (and some patients operated onbefore the period of this study have now been fol-lowed up for up to six years). Recently, however, inone patient who had appreciable enlargement of thesuperior mediastinum computed tomographyconfirmed a recurrent aneurysm of the ascendingaorta. None of the remaining patients with "tailor-ing' of the ascending aorta who have been studiedsubsequently has any signs of recurrence of theaneurysm. At this stage the significance of this caseis not clear, particularly since this complication hasbeen reported with all other types ofrepair.25 27 30 34-36 We believe, however, that inappropriate anatomical circumstances a simplertechnique may lead to better results. At present we on February 17, 2018 - Published by from

Surgical treatment ofaneurysms of the ascending aorta associated with severe aortic regurgitationcontine "tailoring" to patients with aortic valve dis-ease and a localised right lateral dilatation of theascending aorta.

Simultaneous ascending aortic aneurysm repairand aortic valve replacement can be accomplishedwith an acceptable mortality rate and relatively littlemorbidity. The overall mortality rate of 19-4%,including that for acute dissection, comparesfavourably with the rates of most other series4 14 17 24given the added risk of aortic valve replacement.Nevertheless, mortality for acute dissection (55.6%)was high, presumably as a result of the high inci-dence of coronary disease and renal failure, wheremedical treatment rarely leads to a survival. Themortality rate after elective ascending aortic aneur-ysm repair and aortic valve replacement was only4-5%. The most important predictor of surgicalmortality is the preoperative state of the patient,with age, preoperative angina, congestive heart fail-ure, and acute dissection as the main risk factors.23None of the three techniques appeared to besuperior to the others. Any benefit of one over theother might, however, have been masked by theanatomical features that dictated which procedurewas used. We will continue to tailor the procedure tothe anatomical features of the case to avoid thetheoretical possibility of a recurrence of the aneur-ysm.

We wish to thank Mrs M Krengel for the prepara-tion of the manuscript.

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with severe aortic regurgitation.of the ascending aorta associated Surgical treatment of aneurysms

M J Antunes, A L Baptista, P R Colsen and R H Kinsley

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