Surveys that don't stink

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Writing Surveys that don’t Stink

Susan Mark, Statistics LibrarianWyoming State Library

Wyoming Library Association ConferenceCheyenne WY - Oct. 3, 2013

LiveBinder resources at

The rules:

• Think, THEN do

• Ask the right people

• Ask the right questions



KeepItShort & Sweet


Think, THEN do

Photo made available on Flickr under an Attribution 2.0 Generic license by Mathew Cerasoli.

Survey uses

• Collecting data that cannot be directly observed

• Collecting quantifiable data

• Providing objective information

• Can track changes over time

Check existing sources



• Promotion and marketing

• Objective information for stakeholders

• Internal planning and decision-making

Photo made available on Flickr under an Attribution 2.0 Generic license by thecoolspringpack


• Are patrons satisfied with some aspect of library service?

• Is there a way to better serve certain groups in the community?

• Are there better ways to allocate resources, including space?

• Is there voter support for additional funding for operations or facilities?

Reality check

Surveys collect what the people you ask are willing to say on the survey tool you use.

Some 219 million Americans feel the public library improves the quality of life in their community.

2010 Harris Interactive PollSource: American Library Association

Photo by Amy C. Evans made available by Southern Foodways Alliance on Flickr under an Attribution 2.0 Generic license

Before you start:

• What will you do with this information?

• What do you need to know

• How will you process the results?

What are you going to do with this information?

Want to know vs NEED to know

So what?

Ask the right people

Your survey audience

• Patrons?

• Non-patrons?

• Underserved populations?

• Likely voters?

Sampling methods

• Random sample

• Stratified random sample

• Systematic sample

• Sample of convenience

Ask the right questions

Some question types

• Multiple choice – 1 answer (radio button)

• Multiple choice – more than 1 answer(checkboxes)

• Ranking/rating scales

• Numeric

• Text/comments

Photo made available by Joel Kramer on Flickr under an Attribution 2.0 Generic license

Easy questions

Difficult/sensitive questions

Good survey questions

• Simple language

• Clear choices

• Cover all the bases

• Ask only one thing per question

• Balanced

• Unbiased

George W. Bush:

Great president?


The greatest president?

photo by: Martin Crookmade available by Comedy Central

Say NO to jargon

The survey form

Online surveys

• SurveyMonkey (WSL has account)

• SurveyGizmo

• Google Forms

• More from alternativeTo at

Check both sets of settings

Before you release it

Have someone

• Proof it

• Pre-test it

• Time it

Call us!

We’re happy to help!

Susan MarkWyoming State Library