Survival Training for Marketers Who Dare to Make a Change

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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SURVIVAL TRAINING for marketers who dare to make a change

Anyone can become a marketer. But the going may get tough. Because: Reality often bites.

To meet the challenges of a typically wild and

dangerous corporate environment, consider

following some tried and tested principles.

[Based on real life experience.]

Get to know your environment

Walk in your customers‘ shoes. Wear your colleagues‘ clothes. Put on your boss‘s rose-coloured glasses.

The key to making the right decisions is a great variety of perspectives.

Find true companions

Ever wondered why theories from business books sometimes don’t work out in real life? People. They make mistakes, they can get nasty and they are unpredictable.

Always be kind. And look for allies on every level.

Step back to see the big picture

What are your company’s goals? What is your contribution to achieving them? You don’t have to do anything because other people think it’s best.

Think for yourself. Challenge odd decisions.

Use your energy wisely

You can‘t change everything and everyone. Stop tilting at those windmills.

Choose your battles.

Don‘t stop thinking about tomorrow

The world is changing at a very fast pace. If you intend to shape things, you better prepare.

Learn something new, read books, talk to strangers and think outside that corporate box.

Speak clearly and plainly

Bullshit Bingo is a game many so-called experts like to play.

Do not join them. Your companions will appreciate that – a lot.

Do not complain about your budget

If you are not in the position to decide how much money will be spent, take what you are given.

Be creative. Make the best of it.

Take on responsibility

Do not wait for others to tell you what to do.

Be bold. It is your life after all.

And if you feel like this is going nowhere


There is always another challenge waiting for you somewhere out there.

Any other suggestions?


Do you need support in

challenging the status

quo at your company?

Let‘s talk…