Susan D. Patrick President and CEO International Association for K-12 Online Learning Future of...

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Susan D. Patrick

President and CEO

International Association for K-12 Online Learning

Future of Education:

Solutions through Online Learning

International Association for K-12 Online Learning (INACOL)

NACOL is the leading non-profit association in K-12 online learning. Conference - Virtual School Symposium (VSS): “Creating Solutions

Through Online Learning” in Austin, TX on November 15-17, 2009 2500 members in K-12 virtual schools & online learning Provides leadership, advocacy, research, training and networking with

experts in online learning. “Ensure every student has access to the best education available

regardless of geography, income or background.”

National Online Learning Facts Higher Education:

1 in 5 undergraduate and graduate student enrolls in an online course in higher education in the U.S.; in 2007, there were 3.94 million online learning enrollments in higher education (Sloan-C, 2008)

81% percent of all institutions offer online courses (Sloan 2007) The 12.9 percent growth rate for online enrollments far exceeds the 1.2 percent growth of the

overall higher education student population. (Sloan 2008) K-12

70% of school districts in the United States had one or more students enrolled in a fully online course (Sloan-C 2008)

44 states have significant policies and/or programs for online learning (Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning, Watson 2008)

32 states have statewide virtual schools offering supplemental courses (Watson 2008) 18 states allow for 173 full-time virtual schools (CER 2008) More universities are offering K-12 courses online

Stanford, John Hopkins, University of Miami, etc. K-12 Online Learning enrollments growing 30% annually nationwide

Online Learning Demand: Students and Parents Forty percent of all middle and high school

students are interested in taking online courses NACOL (2007)

Sixty-nine percent of parents surveyed said they would be willing to let their child take a high school course online for credit - Education Next and Harvard study (2008)

Michigan Online Learning HS Graduation Requirement

First state to require “online learning” in 2006 as part of updated, more rigorous high school graduation requirements

In new requirements: “every student must have an online learning experience or course” before graduating from high school

Why? “Need for online learning is greatest with students to access skills they will need to get ahead and compete in an increasingly technological workplace.”

Alabama ACCESS: Online Learning Goal: To deliver high quality, advanced courses to students

statewide via online learning $30M over 3 years: upgrade network, 21st century classrooms, train

teachers, invest in content Alabama Supercomputer Authority (ASA) is the networking

technology partner for the ACCESS project Funding 21st century classrooms using online learning ACCESS students: Chinese, French, German and Latin; advanced

placement (AP) calculus, AP English literature and composition, AP macroeconomics, and marine science are courses now available

"Using technology to provide those opportunities not only increases the rigor of instruction, but it also acclimates students to the use of technology and prepares them for a 21st century workforce.” -Governor Riley

#1 Online Learning Expands Options “The first impetus to the growth of K-12 distance education was an interest in

expanding educational options and providing equal opportunities for all learners.” (p.7)

#2 Online Learning Is Rapidly Growing “Surveys show that K-12 online learning is a rapidly growing phenomenon.” (p.4)

Clark: 40,000-50,000 enrollments in 2000-2001 USED/NCES: 328,000 enrollments in distance ed 2002-3 Peak Group: 500,000 enrollments in 2005 Sloan-C: 700,000 enrollments in 2006 Sloan-C: 1,030,000 enrollments in 2007-2008

#3 Is Effective: “Equal or Better” “One conclusion seems clear: On average, students seem to perform equally well or

better academically in online learning.” (p. 17) #4 Improves Teaching

Teachers who teach online reported positive improvements in face-to-face, too. “Of those who reported teaching face-to-face while teaching online or subsequently,

three in four reported a positive impact on their face-to-face teaching.” (p. 25)

NCREL’s Synthesis of New Research on K-NCREL’s Synthesis of New Research on K-12 Online Learning12 Online Learning

National Survey for Student Engagement (NSSE 2008)

• Online learners reporter deeper approaches to learning than classroom-based learners.

• “Those who teach classes online may be making special efforts to engage their students.” - Alexander McCormick, NSSE Director

• “People who teach online classes don’t take engagement for granted.”

• Higher order thinking skills, integrative thinking, reflective learning

Blended/Hybrid Learning

“Combining face-to-face with fully online components optimizes both environments in ways impossible in other formats” -Educause Research Bulletin, 2004 Digital content, curriculum, LMS, online assessments,

data system, AI, simulations Shift in instructional model and training

Self-direction, high engagement, (Less direct student support needed)

Struggling student, low-engagement, (More direct student support needed)

Changing the Course of Education: the “Best of Both Worlds”

• “Blended online learning should be approached as not only a temporal construct, but rather as a fundamental redesign of the instructional model with the following characteristics:

• “A shift from lecture- to student-centered instruction where students become interactive learners (this shift should apply to entire course, including face-to-face sessions);

• Increases in interaction between student-instructor, student-student, student-content, and student-outside resources; and

• Integrated formative and summative assessment mechanisms for student and instructor.” - Educause, Blended Learning (2004)

New Models North Carolina: Improving college-readiness

New programs for HS-college, dual enrollment – online courses from UNC-G at high school computer lab/library

New Mexico P-20 E-Learning Network Universities Community Colleges K-12 Pre-K

States creating endorsements for teacher licensure in online learning Georgia Idaho

Global Trends in Online Learning

Results of the iNACOL International Survey China: Digital Curriculum & Strategy Mexico: Digital Content & Teacher Training European Union: IB Online

IB Diploma Program Online Foreign Languages

Singapore Secondary Schools 100% Online & Teacher Training

South Korea Virtual School India EduComp Digital Content & $10 Laptop Plan

Singapore Today

All teachers know how to teach online

100% of secondary schools using online learning

Singapore holds E-Learning week each year

They close physical schools down and ensure e-learning is used for continuity of learning & disaster preparedness

Next step? All teachers in Singapore trained to

use Second Life (virtual worlds) for educating youth

Pandemic and Disaster Planning Co-chaired “Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness

Committee of the HELP Team” (post-Katrina)

Report: “Preparing for a Human Influenza Pandemic in Singapore” Recommended Measures:

1. Close schools – “social distancing” to prevent spread

2. Ensure continuity of academic learning – “students will continue to receive education through the Internet”

Pandemic and Disaster Planning Steps for Schools

1. Review past disaster & contingency plans

2. Include “continuity of learning” goals during school closures through online learning

1. Train for online delivery:1. Online learning operations/management, online teaching

and Internet access from home

3. Communicate1. Set expectations for telecommuting and online

learning during school closures

2. Practice during winter/weather school closures; drills with e-learning days

Disaster & Pandemic Plans: Academic Continuity Academic Continuity Plans should include virtual

learning Continuity of Essential Services during pandemic

requires training and changes in work operations “Telecommuters” and school children learning online requires

access to the Internet for work and online education

Checklist: Have an emergency plan with “continuity of learning” Establish and have ready access to online courses

Provided by your institution or partner to provide them

Federal Funding 2009-2010

Stimulus (ARRA) Overview

Stimulus Funding

President Obama signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) into law on Tuesday, February 17.

President Obama signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) into law on Tuesday, February 17.

K-12: Stimulus BillState Stabilization Fund

– $48.6 billion for school districts using existing funding formulas to prevent cutbacks/layoffs, support school modernization, or other purposes.

– $5 billion in “Race to the Top” competitive grants to states that pursue higher standards, better assessments, data systems and teacher quality initiatives. $650 million Innovation fund to support school systems and non-profits to expand practices that close the achievement gap, reach AYP, and improve graduation rates.

Direct Education Funding– Title I ($13 billion), IDEA ($12.2 billion), Enhancing Education Through Technology ($650

million), State Data Systems ($250 million).

School Modernization– $8.8 billion to states for high priority needs such as “green” renovations, public safety,

modernization, educational technology infrastructure, and repairs of public school facilities and institutions of higher education facilities.

– Authorizes states and school systems to issue $24.8 billion dollars in bonds for renovation, repairs and school construction.

Source: &

When to Expect Funds$44 billion March/April

$44 Billon Summer/Fall

State Stabilization Fund $32.5 billion (67%) $16.1 billion (33%)Title I $5 billion (50%) $5 billion (50%)IDEA, Parts B & C $61 billion (50%) $6.1 billion (50%)Vocational Rehabilitation $270 million (50%) $270 million (50%)Homeless youth $70 million (100%)Impact Aid $40 million (100%)Statewide Data Systems $250 million (100%)Teacher Incentive fund $200 million (100%)Teacher Quality Enhancement $100 million (100%)Title I School Improvement $3 billion (100%)EETT $650 million (100%)

Obligation Timelines

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund: must be obligated by September 30, 2011

Title I, Part A: in absence of a waiver, 85% by Sept 30, 2010; any remaining by Sept 30, 2011

IDEA, Part B: majority during school years 2008/09 and 2009/10 and remainder by September 30, 2011

Broadband• $4.7 billion for “Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (B-TOP)”

– Administered by the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

– $200 million for competitive grants to expand public computer center capacity (e.g. community colleges and public libraries); $250 million for competitive grants to encourage adoption of broadband service; $350 million for nationwide mapping of broadband facilities.

– Uses of funds remaining include: acquire equipment, networking capability, hardware and software, and infrastructure for broadband services;  ensure access to broadband by “community anchor institutions";  facilitate broadband access by low income, unemployed, aged and other “vulnerable” groups.

• $2.5 billion in grants, loans and loan guarantees. – Administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS)


• Tension between spending the funds quickly, spending them wisely, and spending them on projects that have minimum ongoing costs.

• Provides opportunities to fund technology projects that have high initial ramp-up costs.

Opportunities for Online Learning• Build or expand state virtual schools.• Restore funding cuts.• Helping states meet their assurance

requirements related to college ready standards.

• Upgrades or new technologies.• Become one of the demand drivers for a

B-TOP grant.

Resources Pandemic and Disaster Planning

HELP website: Professional Development

INACOL hosts annual conference: Virtual School Symposium November 15-17, 2009 in Austin, TX

INACOL Monthly Webinars (Elluminate) & TeacherTalk webinars Quality Issues in K-12 Online Learning

INACOL published National Standards of Quality for Online Courses (2007) INACOL National Quality Standards for Online Teaching (2008) National Quality Standards for Online Programs (in development 2009)

K-12 Online Learning Reports & Research National Primer on K-12 Online Learning (2007) Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning (2008) Access and Equity in K-12 Online Learning (2007) Professional Development & Teacher Training for Virtual Schools Promising Practices in K-12 Online Learning Series

Identifying Online Needs of States INACOL Needs Assessments Project (10 states)

INACOL Advocacy, Access to Member Experts Advocacy for improving state laws and policies supporting online learning Membership forums, job posting, grants, advice and networking

Thank you!