Sustainable Development Practices in Washington, DC - By Lily Hamburger

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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This presentation showing what can be improved to optimize sustainable development in Washington, DC was created for the 2014 IMBA application for IE. Download to see animation.


Answered by: Lily Hamburger of Washington, DC

IMBA Applicant for Nov. 2014

Do you think that the lifestyle of the inhabitants of your town or city reflects behavior that is in line with the concept of sustainable development? In your opinion, what should be improved?

WASHINGTON, DC:Plenty of sustainable lifestyle options…

… but we must use each to its full capacity to optimize a green future for our city







What we are doing right:

• Residents use the multiple rail and bus options within the city.

• The city is actively extending public transit to reach suburban commuter destinations and airports.

• Residents use a bike share program frequently for commuting and pleasure. Tourists also access the program.

• Demand has prompted the city to grow its network of bike lanes.

• Car sharing options such as Car2Go and ZipCar are widely used.

What we can improve:

• Too many drivers still clog the roads. More reliable and convenient transit options in the suburbs could improve this.

• The city should implement a reliable ride-share program.• The bike share program should continue to expand to

outlying suburbs.• We can continue expanding the network of bike lanes, along

with bike safety education for both drivers and cyclists.• Investing in electric and biodiesel infrastructure will save



What we are doing right:

• DC subsidizes renewable energy sources through public utility commissions.

• Residents of the metro region are increasingly choosing solar to heat their water and their homes.

• Local utilities implement variable rate structures that encourage businesses to reduce energy consumption during peak hours through the use of smart meters.

What we can improve:

• We can better incentivize businesses to also adopt alternative energy options.

• The city could penalize workers and companies that leave electronics and lights on unnecessarily over nights, weekends, and holidays.

• Utility companies can promote further use of smart meters in homes


What we are doing right:

• DC’s recycling is co-mingled, making it convenient and easy so that most residents recycle at home.

• Many public places in the city also offer recycling bins on the street next to trash receptacles.

• Residents increasingly use existing urban composting options.

• A $0.05 charge for plastic shopping bags has largely freed the rivers in Washington of choking plastic pollution. Most residents use re-usable shopping bags regularly.

What we can improve:

• DC can increase its compost rate by picking up as a municipal service.

• More recycling options in public places that are more clearly labeled could decrease landfill waste and promote recycling as a community value.


What we are doing right:

• Business in DC and Montgomery County, MD have active food recovery operations to redistribute food that would be thrown away to feed hungry people.

• Urban gardens are on the rise throughout the region.• Many residents choose to patronize farmers markets year

round.• Demand from residents is driving up local and organic

food options in general grocery stores.

What we can improve:

• Poor residents of our city do not have the same access to organic and healthy food options as residents of wealthier neighborhoods. We must encourage farmers markets and organic grocers to serve our entire city.

• Food recovery should be more publicized and accessible to residents as well as businesses.

• The city could support urban farms by providing compost collection as a municipal service.


What we are doing right:

• The DC on Tap campaign has encouraged residents to re-use water bottles instead of buying bottled water.

• River clean-up has been a priority of environmental activists for years.

What we can improve:

• By ensuring that tap water is potable, DC can encourage residents who choose bottled water to choose tap instead.

• Businesses, particularly at meetings or conferences, currently rely on bottled water and soft drinks, which can be replaced with tap water and pitchers of more natural drinks.

• Our sewage system is outdated and often contaminates our streams and surface water. Such massive infrastructure overhaul can be possible using creative financing models.

• A similar charge to the plastic shopping bag tax might discourage using plastic bottles.

• Residents could be more concerned about water conservation.


What we are doing right:

• High rise apartments efficiently provide habitable space.

• Several non-profits in DC build green rooftops.• Residents use, value, and care for our parks. DC offers

abundant green space. • Rock Creek Parkway, a main thoroughfare, closes to

cars on Sundays and holidays to be overtaken by cyclists and pedestrians.

• Trees are abundant throughout the city.What we can improve:

• DC could actively involve more homeowners, business owners, and federal office buildings in reducing impermeable surface cover by putting parking underground and further developing green roof infrastructure.

• The city should continue to develop with priority placed on pedestrian- and bike-friendly paths and green space, rather than on sprawl or highways.








• To optimize sustainable development, social media and smart phone applications could improve residents’ participation in activities such as recycling and ride sharing.

• Most current sustainable lifestyle practices could expand if better publicized and/or promoted using contests and other incentives.

• All practices should be employed by city government and public schools to set the example for all residents.

WASHINGTON, DC:Plenty of sustainable lifestyle options…

… but we must use each to its full capacity to optimize a green future for our city