Sustainable food · actor in a future...

Post on 26-Sep-2020

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Sustainable food systemA vision-building exercise to provide a holistic and future-proof EU position on sustainable food systems for the debate on UN post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.


ContactFor more information emailJRC-DDG-02-FBIU@ec.europa.euor call +32 229-58650

longer-term focus of the Sustainable Development Goals.

- systemic: considers the positions and policy-options of the all relevant Commission services and the various components of the global food system

- strategic: focuses on how to advance the goal of ending hunger while preserving Europe's position as a crucial actor in a future global food system.

HowCo-design, vision-building, and creating a roadmap

Through a process of co-design with the concerned Commission services, and through a series of workshops and expert consultations, the EU Policy Lab aims to:

- build a shared vision of a future food sustainable system

- test the vision against current EU policies

- develop an actionable roadmap towards reaching the vision

- transform the vision and the roadmap into a common Commission position on food systems, which will help the Commission in negotiating the Sustainable Development Goals.

WhyNegotiating the Sustainable Development Goals

The Food and Nutrition Unit of the European Commission's Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) alongside the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and member countries are negotiating positions on ending hunger as one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The negotiation calls for a 'systems-approach' to food security governance - unprecedented at the international level - and requires a common understanding of global food systems.

A vision and roadmap for a future global food system will also support the Commission in remaining a relevant global actor in an increasingly complex and multipolar global environment.

WhatA shared EU vision of the future global food system

Through a foresight approach, the EU Policy Lab will help to build a shared vision of the future global food system amongst relevant Commission services. It signals a first step in a shist in thinking about food security that considers the entire global food system, including the role of major socio-economic trends.

The project follows three guiding principles:

- future-oriented: medium and





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