Sutton Local Committee 7.00 pm at the Sutton Baptist ...

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Enquiries to: Aimee Wittams-Smith, Committee Services Officer Tel: 020 8770 4990, Email:

Copies of reports are available in large print on request

Sutton Local Committee 5 September 2017 7.00 pm at the Sutton Baptist Church, 21 Cheam Road, Sutton, SM1 1SN To all members of the Sutton Local Committee:- Chair: Councillor Marlene Heron Vice-Chair Councillor Vincent Galligan Councillors:

David Bartolucci, Kevin Burke, Ruth Dombey, Wendy Mathys, Ali Mirhashem, Steve Penneck and Simon Wales

Community Representatives (non-voting):

Paul Nathan, Benhill Residents' Association Helen John, Burnell & Lewis Residents' Association Anita Bradford, Burnell & Lewis Residents' Association (Substitute) David Cabot, Chaucer Gardens Residents' Association Michael McFadden, Chaucer Gardens Residents' Association (Substitute) David Browne, Collingwood Residents' Association Maggie Sheppard, Friends of Quarry Park Paula Gowing, Friends of Rosehill Parks Shailesh Jani, Friends of Seears Park Gabrielle Andrews, Friends of Sutton Green Alexander McLeish, Greenshaw Residents’ Engagement Group Janet Ford, Greenshaw Residents’ Engagement Group (Substitute) Barry Brunton, Sutton Garden Suburb Residents’ Association Rob Hardy, Sutton United FC

This meeting will be recorded and made available on the Council’s website. Members of the public also have a statutory entitlement to record meetings to which they are admitted, subject to it not disrupting the meeting. They should record only the meeting and not the audience. Anyone proposing to make a recording must inform the Committee Services contact below before the meeting. Mobile devices can interfere with the wireless microphones and induction loop, and if that is the case the Chair may require that such devices are turned off. Niall Bolger Chief Executive Friday 25 August 2017



1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Apologies for absence

3. Declarations of Interest

4. Minutes of the last meeting To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2017.

3 - 8

5. Parking Strategy Update Highways Officer Mehmet Mazhar to deliver a presentation and verbal update on the current parking strategy.

Indicative timing: 20 minutes

6. Resident Safety Theme Residential safety theme to inform and advise local residents on local safety issues. Guest speakers to include representatives from the London Fire Brigade, Sutton Housing Partnership, Sutton Council, Police and Trading Standards.

Indicative timing: 1 hour 40 minutes

9 - 48

7. Epsom & St.Helier University Hospitals Trust ESTH 2020 - 2030 to provide an update/consultation on the longer-term plans for delivering local health care in the area.

Indicative timing: 30 minutes

49 - 58

8. Appointment of Community Representatives An application for the appointment of a Community Representative has been received. It is recommended that the Sutton Local Committee appoint Tony

Cullen to represent Manor Park Friends' Group on the Local Committee.

Indicative timing: 5 minutes


9. Public Realm Projects and Neighbourhood Grants Locality Lead Officer, Paul Brockwell, to deliver a report on the Public Realm budget, introduce new schemes for consideration by the Committee and remind committee members of new Neighbourhood Grant Schemes agreed through delegated decision.

Indicative timing: 10 minutes

59 - 70

10. Any urgent items brought forward at the discretion of the Chair The Chair must approve the reason for urgency.

11. Date of next meeting The next meeting of the Sutton Local Committee will take place on 5 December 2017 at 7pm at a venue to be confirmed.

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Reminder – Declaration of Interests

Members should consider the following interests and whether they have any they should declare. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Where you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any business of the Authority at this meeting and you have either declared it beforehand in the Register of Members’ Interests or to the Monitoring Officer for entry in the Register you must state at this meeting that you have such an interest and then withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered. Where you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any business of the Authority at this meeting and have not previously declared it you must declare the nature of that interest at this meeting and then withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered.

Other Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Where you have any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any business at this meeting you must declare that interest, but may continue to speak and vote on the matter. However, if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest then you should declare the interest and withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered. Further information on these matters can be found in the Council's Code of Conduct and Constitution. If you are in any doubt as to whether you have an interest you should seek advice before the committee meeting from Alexa Coates. If, during the course of the committee meeting, you consider you may have an interest you should always declare it.

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Sutton Local Committee

20 July 2017



20 July 2017 at 7.00 pm

MEMBERS: Councillor Marlene Heron (Chair), Councillor Vincent Galligan

(Vice-Chair) and Councillors David Bartolucci, Kevin Burke,

Ruth Dombey, Wendy Mathys and Simon Wales

ABSENT Councillor(s) Ali Mirhashem and Steve Penneck


The chair welcomed all those present.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Penneck and Mirhashem.


There were no declarations of interest.


RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2017 were agreed

and signed as a correct record.


The chair announced that item 12 on the agenda would be the next item of business




London Fire Brigade (LFB) officers Ian Frame and Keeley Smith gave a verbal

update on the work the LFB have been doing in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower

fire. The work included:

Carrying out fire risk audits on all buildings 4 floors and higher, focussing on

community safety and operative responses

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20 July 2017


Conducting joint visits and working with housing providers to rectify any safety

issues that are identified

Offering home fire safety assessments, which residents can schedule through

the LFB on website or by calling the switchboard

The LFB officers explained that within the borough fire crews have visited the

Chaucer and Balaam Houses to familiarise themselves with the blocks, and also

invited crews in Croydon and Merton to do the same as they provide back-up

services. The number of fire engines that attend high rise building fires have been

increased and will now also include a fire ladder as standard.

The LFB officers encouraged residents to:

To book fire home safety assessments

Keep communal areas in building clear

Park responsibly to allow for access for emergency service vehicles

Close communal doors to protect the exit routes for residents

Pick up a free fire alarms from either fire stations or council offices

Local residents raised questions regarding the locations of high ladders in proximity

to Sutton and public access to the fire risk audit outcomes. LFB officers explained

that the high ladders are placed strategically around London, with the closest to

Sutton located in Forest Hill. Minor risks identified in audits are shared with the

responsible person of the building, but enforcement notices issued for higher risks

are held on a public register.

Trevor Smith, local resident, asked for clarification on whether Sutton has a major

incident strategy and what agencies it works with. LFB officers said the LFB were

currently working on the New London Safety Plan which councils can contribute to.

Victoria Jeffery, Head of Local Place and Engagement, clarified that council

emergency plans are tested on a regular basis and following the Grenfell Tower fire

all plans will be updated.

The Chair commented that the next Sutton Local committee meeting will have a

‘keeping yourself safe’ theme.


Due to apologies this item was withdrawn.


Jeff Hayward, local resident, questioned how far the council and TfL have been

involved with the proposal for 5 doctor’s surgeries to be merged at the Robin Hood

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20 July 2017


Lane site. Councillor Simon Wales responded that the site is owned by the Council

but they have no jurisdiction over GP practice locations or transport provisions.

Emily Brothers, local resident, raised concerns regarding data protection breaches

and questioned why she received an email from a ward councillor about the Sutton

Local committee meeting, which included a request for donations to the Liberal

Democrat Party. Councillor Ruth Dombey responded that data and email addresses

held by the Council are held separately from political parties, so it is unknown why

the email was sent.

Alexander McLeish, of the Greenshaw Residents’ Engagement Group commented

that the Council’s position in relation to the potential GP surgery merge was passive

and argued the council should start to make any impact it can. Councillor Ruth

Dombey responded that the Council will seek to persuade and influence the GP

practices and Transport for London (TfL), and will formally respond during any

consultation period.

Tony Collins, of Friends of Manor Park, queried whether the ecology centre in

Carshalton had closed down. A local resident confirmed the ecology centre had

moved to Stonecourt Lodge.


Mehmet Mazhar, Strategic Management Consultant for Highways & Transport, gave

a presentation regarding the parking strategy within the local area.

Local residents asked for clarification regarding electric cars, CO2 emission based

resident permits and walking as part of the strategy. The Strategic Management

Consultant explained that electric cars and a walking strategy were being considered

and developed within the strategy, and more details regarding CO2 emission based

permits was available on the Council website.

Members asked how fluid and adaptable the strategy will be. The Strategic

Management Consultant responded that a holistic and adaptive approach was being

taken and that Highways are flexible and do go back and review schemes to ensure

they are fit for purpose.

Local residents queried whether Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) were assessed on

a street-by-street to basis or based on specific areas as a whole. The Strategic

Management Consultant confirmed that decisions are taken on a street-by-street


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Sutton Local Committee

20 July 2017



Hitesh Wadher, Senior Professional Engineer for Highways & Transport, presented

the report.

Alexander McLeish, of the Greenshaw Residents’ Engagement Group questioned

why a 20mph limit across the board could not be introduced as part of the parking

strategy, as has been done under Wandsworth Borough Council. The Senior

Professional Engineer explained that this would have to be looked at as a separate

issue from the parking strategy, and that there were no currently no plans to

introduce a blanket 20mph limit.

Members commented that feedback received from other boroughs is that targeted

zones work better than set limits as drivers aren’t reminded of the 20mph limit in

wider zones. Members asked that officers contact Wandsworth Council to discover

more about their plans.

Councillor Ruth Dombey motioned for the first two proposed schemes at 3.8 of the

report to be prioritised with equal importance to which members were in agreement.

RESOLVED: that the proposed schemes within the report be agreed for inclusion in

the submission to TfL in October 2017 for the 2018/19 programme.


Hitesh Wadher, Senior Professional Engineer for Highways & Transport, presented

the report.

Emily Brothers, local resident, asked what progress had been made about protecting

people on Burnell Road. The Senior Professional Engineer responded that they

would be looking at those concerns in time, when the resources are available.

Members and local residents raised concerns regarding the bus garage and buses

backing up on Bushey Road and requested officers enter discussions with the bus

garage and look at what enforcement could be used, to address the issue


1. The schemes listed in the table at paragraph 3.4 of the report be agreed as

schemes to be progressed using the £16,505 Local Transport Fund (LTF),

allocated to this committee

2. Authority be delegated to the Assistant Director, Environment, Housing and

Regeneration Directorate, Safer and Stronger Communities to take all

necessary steps to implement the agreed LTF schemes, including

commencing any necessary statutory consultations.

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Sutton Local Committee

20 July 2017



RESOLVED: that Dave Cabot be appointed to the Sutton Local Committee to

represent Chaucer Gardens Residents’ Association, and Michael McFadden be

appointed as his substitute.


Paul Brockwell, Lead Locality Officer, presented the report.

Local residents questioned whether a neighbourhood grant could be applied for in

addition to funds from the Military Community Covenant for a veteran’s event.

Victoria Jeffery, Head of Local Place and Engagement responded that she would

need to check whether funding is still available with the Military Community

Covenant and would put local residents in contact with the WWI steering group in


Maggie Sheppard Friends of Quarry Park raised concerns with the Neighbourhood

Grant application procedure. The Head of Local Place and Engagement responded

she would be in touch to discuss feedback and review the process.

Alexander McLeish, of the Greenshaw Residents’ Engagement Group commented

that the group was not fully consulted regarding the implementation of completed

scheme SL/1516.13. Members requested the Lead Locality Officer go back to

assess the bin locations in consultation with the residents, and look at the processes

and procedures regarding the implementation of agreed schemes.

Members requested a new scheme to request for at least 10 replacement trees in

Sutton West. Members requested a further scheme to address speeding on the

sharp bend of Grennell Road. The Chair confirmed that highway officers have

agreed to address this as one-off scheme and requested the costings be presented

to the next committee.

Ron Faithful, local resident, asked in relation to the gas works site parking, when

consultation would begin with local residents. The Chair confirmed that there has

been a meeting with the residents of Vale Road which is being used as a pilot for the

blue zone.

The Chair commented that public realm scheme SL/ 1617.12 regarding the Sutton

Green toilet block refurbishment, may need to come back to the next committee

meeting to request approval for further funds, for the installation of two toilets as

opposed to one.

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Sutton Local Committee

20 July 2017



1. The sum of £2,580 from Public Realm capital be approved to supply and fit

black coated gates and posts to the Bushey Road entrance of Victoria

Gardens. Also to supply and fit two sections at the High Street entrance.

2. The sum of £2,000 from Public Realm capital be approved to supply and

erect one lockable, black heritage design noticeboard for the Benhill

Residents Association.

3. The sum of £180 from Public Realm revenue be approved to supply and plant

a tree in Orchard Road.

4. The sum of £600 from Public Realm revenue to supply and plant two trees in

Beauchamp Road.


The next meeting of the Sutton Local Committee will be taking place on the 5

September 2017 at 7pm. The venue is yet to be confirmed.

The meeting ended at 9.46 pm



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Kingston and Sutton Shared

Environment Service

Trading Standards

Sutton Local Committee

PresentationKingston and Sutton Shared

Environment Service

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Trading Standards

Who are we?

Trading Standards are part of

The Kingston and Sutton Shared

Environment Service working

across Sutton and Kingston.

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Trading Standards

What is our aim?

To protect our most vulnerable

and elderly residents

from becoming victims

of crime.

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Elderly / vulnerable resident are most likely

to become victims of:


Prize draws

Telephone scams

Rogue traders

Bogus callers

Criminal Damage

Distraction Burglary

The problem

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What can we do?

• Raise an awareness of scams and

doorstep crime, we aim to protect our

residents from becoming victims.

• Take enforcement action against the

rogues and scammers when possible.

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What we can’t do!

Respond immediately to every single

complaint or incident that we become

aware of.

Prosecute every rogue trader.

Prevent all our residents from becoming


Save the world!!!!!

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Environment Service

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What we can do together?

Keep our eyes and ears open when we meet

vulnerable or elderly neighbours

and residents.

Report serious concerns in respect of their ability

to handle their everyday finances to the Police

Action Fraud Social Services or Trading


Join Neighbourhood Watch

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ScamsScams are schemes to con you out of your

money. The scammers are clever and all

kinds of people from all

walks of life get duped.

Fraudsters can be very

convincing so it’s

important to stay vigilant

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Types of Scams• Phishing – fake emails that look genuine

they will harvest your personal details

• Pyramid Schemes - get rich quick

• Lottery Scams – you’re a winner!

• Ticketing websites - bogus tickets

• Racing tipster – the service doesn’t exist

• Missed call scams – keep you on the line

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Types of Scams• Prize draw scams

• Foreign money scams

• Clairvoyant and psychic scams

• Investment scams

• Homeworking scams

• Miracle cure / slimming pills

• Bogus holiday clubs

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What you can do to help

See what the conman would see:

Is the garden over grown? (good indicator of

possible victim)

House in poor condition – windows,

driveways, roof, piles of rubbish?

Parcels containing unwanted goods delivered

by post?

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What you can do to help?

When visiting neighbours and residents,

be aware of what else may be going on.

Look out for piles of letters, special offers

and prize draws which may be scams.

Watch out for shoddy building work being


Ask questions

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Environment Service

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Scams – what are we doing

about it?We are working in partnership with Adult Social

Services, the Police, the postal industry and

Trading Standards Officers across the UK

developing a strategy to identify the silent victims

of telephone and mailing scams.

Supporting victims

Targeting mass mailing fraudsters

Raising the awareness of scams with partners and

through publicity and events across the borough

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Cheque Book Sticker

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Phone Sticker

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Distraction Burglary

The main offenders:

Uninvited Coldcallers/Bogus Tradesmen

An elderly person’s life savings could


.........and cut short their LIFE.

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A family of offenders: the Brazils Conspiracy to obtain £55,000

by deception from brain-injured man.

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Distraction burglary: £840 taken from

victim’s bank account using her

cashpoint card, stolen from her home…

…The brothers had previously conned

the victim out of £50 by claiming she

had “dangerously loose” roof tiles.

Aaron & James VINCENT,

each jailed for 30 months

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Environment Service

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Cold Callers who make uninvited visits to your

neighbours may well be committing Trading

Standards offences, as well as more serious

Police matters such as Fraud, Criminal Damage

and Blackmail–




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Environment Service

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The offenders will usually use false

names, false addresses, pre-pay

mobiles, 0800 numbers glossy fliers

(accommodation addresses phone

lines), incorrectly-registered vehicles…

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…So when it goes wrong,

there is no realistic prospect

of ‘Civil’ recovery.

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But it’s not just about money.

The impact of these crimes on

such elderly victims can

sometimes be enough

to kill them…

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Repeat targeting of a 78yr old man, including

being driven to the bank to withdraw cash.

The victim was so ashamed that he attempted


£10,000 For this bodged windowsill

at London Road, Staines

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£5000 obtained by deception.

Targeting by offender

Believed to have contributed

to victim’s death.

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So how do these cons work?

Targets: usually the elderly & vulnerable

Persuasive, with plausible stories

Cheap initial prices quoted

Inability of victims to verify need for work

to be done (e.g. climbing ladders)

Befriending victims over many weeks or

months More…

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So how do these cons work?� The offenders create fear of the

consequences of not having the work done

� Prey on loneliness of victims

� Often don’t give victims a choice

– they just turn up and start digging

� Exploit enforcers’ confusion re status of the crime (“Sorry, it’s Civil ”)

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And what happens afterwards?

� Victim feels shame & embarrassment

� No traceability - so no civil redress

� If the victim pays: Repeat Targeting

� If the victim refuses to pay:

- Intimidation & Harassment…

- Threats of violence & damage…

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What are Trading

Standards doing

about it

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Trading Standards receive

reports from:

� the Public

� the Police

� Banks/Building Societies via the Sutton

Banking Protocol

� Citizens Advice consumer service

� Adult Social ServicesKingston and Sutton Shared

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…About uninvited builders/conmen

(esp. roofers, tarmac, pavers, tree surgeons…)

Charging extortionate prices…

Usually to vulnerable victims…

For unnecessary, poor quality work…

Aggressive practices ……..

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So what do Trading

Standards do?

• Doorstep crime related incidents are

investigated by Trading Standards


• Trading standards have the power to

prosecute where necessary

• Reassure and advise residents

• Advise reputable traders on the lawKingston and Sutton Shared

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Safer Sutton Trader Scheme

A list of reputable traders checked and

vetted by Trading Standards Officers

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Door stickersThousands of door stickers have been

distributed to warn traders not to call at

homes uninvited

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Cold Call Control Zones

Work in partnership

with police and


associations NHW to

set an area where

cold callers are not


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Bank ProtocolPartnership with police to train front line bank staff to

recognise when large amounts of cash withdrawn to pay

rogue traders and report to police and trading standards

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ASSH Housing Partnerships

& Trading Standards Working


Protection for the elderly / vulnerable

Joint co-operation / investigation

Information sharing / intelligence

Contacts with residents

PresentationsKingston and Sutton Shared

Environment Service

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Any questions?

Trading Standards can be

contacted by calling the Citizens Advice

Consumer Helpline on

03454 04 05 06

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Environment Service

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Our future

Epsom and St Helier

2020 - 2030

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2016 - 2017

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We are spending record

amounts in critical

infrastructure backlog

circa £80 million

Record investments

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2020 onwards

We have committed to keeping all of acute

services on both our sites until 2020

There are 3 significant issues to resolve to

secure delivery of acute services into the future

• Our buildings

(latest data shows over 80% are not deemed

suitable for delivery of modern healthcare)

• Clinical sustainability

• Financial sustainability

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2020-2030 vision

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• In every scenario 85% of our patients will continue to receive

care as they do now from Epsom and St Helier hospitals

• We need to secure £300 - £400m for a new acute hospital

facility from 2020, which will care for and treat our sickest and

most at-risk patients:

• Major A&E

• Inpatient paediatrics

• Babies born in hospital

• Complex emergency medicine

We have already consolidated emergency surgery and critical care

In summary

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In summary

• We want to keep this facility on one of our three hospital


• We are at an early stage of a lengthy process which will take

several years - we genuinely want to know what you think

• It strengthens our case if local people support our vision to

keep services locally and our mission to secure a new hospital

facility to treat our sickest and most at-risk patients

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What we are asking in the

engagement phase

1. Do you agree with our aim to provide as much care

as possible from our existing hospital sites?

2. Do you think we have made the case for a new

specialist acute facility on one site?

3. Do you think we should consider any other


4. How would you like to be involved in these

discussions in the future?

5. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

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The process

• Engagement - end of Sept

• Analyse and complete Strategic Outline Case – this


• NHS decision-making

• Public consultation on preferred solution expected

autumn 2018

• New specialist acute facility opens 2024

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Thank You

Your questions

• Website:

• Twitter: @epsom_sthelier

• Facebook:

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Report to: Sutton Local Committee Date: 5 September 2017

Report title: Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme - Progress Report

Report from: Mary Morrissey - Strategic Director of Environment, Housing and Regeneration

Ward/Areas affected: Sutton North, Sutton Central, Sutton West

Chair of Committee/Lead Member:

Councillor Marlene Heron

Author(s)/Contact Number(s):

Paul Brockwell, Locality Lead Officer, 0208 770 6020

Corporate Plan Priorities:

● An Open Council ● A Green Council ● A Fair Council

Open/Exempt: Open



Date: 21 August 2017

1. Summary 1.1 This report contains information on Public Realm spending since 20 July 2017, details

any new requests for Public Realm funding and shows the available budgets for 2017/18.

2. Recommendations Sutton Local Committee is recommended to:

2.1 Approve £1,500 for a planting scheme on the green space in Grennell Road from

Public Realm capital converted to revenue.

2.2 Approve £6,500 to supply and install an outdoor gym along the footpath area connecting Perrett's Field to Seears Park from Public Realm capital.

2.3 Approve £1,800 to supply and plant 10 replacement trees in Sutton West ward from

Public Realm revenue.

2.4 Approve £10,460 to conduct feasibility study to investigate potential highways adoption of Rosebery Gardens from Public Realm capital converted to revenue.


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3. Background 3.1 This Committee has been allocated Public Realm funding to invest in area


3.2 The work of the Local Committees, including their management of the Public Realm budget, plays a pivotal role in the development of Sutton Council’s localism agenda and makes a significant contribution to resident engagement in locality decision making.

3.3 The approved schemes have a positive effect on the local area by promoting community activity and improving shared spaces everyone can enjoy.

4. Issues

4.1 Schemes for Consideration of Funding

Appendix A, Section 1 shows Public Realm schemes for consideration by the committee, at this meeting.

4.2 Current Public Realm Scheme Programme Appendix A, Section 2 shows all other current Public Realm schemes, within the Programme, previously agreed by the Committee and updates on progress

4.3 Completed Public Realm Schemes As in appendix A, Section 3 there are no Public Realm schemes completed since the last meeting of the Committee.

5. Options Considered

5.1 Public Realm schemes can be proposed by ward councillors or community representatives. Consultation is then undertaken to agree which schemes should be proposed. These are then voted on at each meeting of the Local Committee

6. Impacts and Implications


6.1 The total Committee budget for 2017/18 is £95,629 made up of £68,639 Public Realm capital, £16,505 transport related schemes and £10,485 direct revenue funding.

6.2 The Local Committee has previously allocated £29,080 of Public Realm funding for 2017/18 made up of £4,580 Public Realm capital, £16,505 Transport for London Funding and £7,995 Public Realm revenue.


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6.3 The total cost of the new proposed schemes for 2017/18 (Appendix A, Section 1) is £18,460 funded by Public Realm capital (of which £11,960 needs to be converted to revenue) and £1,800 funded through Public Realm revenue, a total of £20,260.

6.4 The current available budget for Sutton Local Committee including previously agreed schemes, the agreement of the proposed schemes, is a total of £46,289 made up of £45,599 Public Realm capital and £690 direct rev enue funding. This is detailed in Appendix A, Section 5.

Legal 6.5 There are no specific Legal Implications arising from this report.

Other impacts and implications (Equalities)

6.6 When Public Realm improvements are made as a result of decisions taken by the

Local Committee, particular account is taken of the requirements under the Equality Act 2010.

6.7 Consideration is also given to the contribution public realm investment and improvements make to the social and developmental assets of the borough, in line with the Council’s approach to outcomes based commissioning.

6.8 The schemes described in this report have been subject to consultation with local residents, councillors, community representatives and partner organisations. Meetings are held in accessible venues and everyone is encouraged to take part and put forward their ideas.

7. Appendices and Background Documents

Appendix Title

A Area Improvements and Public Realm Programme

Background documents


Audit Trail

Version Final Date: 17 August 2017

Consultation with other officers

Finance Yes Tony Cooke

Legal No N/A


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Other Officers Yes Consultation sought with relevant Officers regarding Appendix A, Sections 1, 2, and 3.

Equality Impact Assessment required?

No N/A


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Appendix A Section 1 - New Schemes for consideration

Project ID

Description Ward Project Sponsor

Comments Project Officer Lead

Type of Project Funding

Estimated Cost

SL/ 1718.9

Planting Scheme in Grennell Road near Greenshaw School

Sutton North Cllr Heron Planting scheme on the green area of Grennell Road to include a mix of plants, shrubs and flowers to improve the aesthetics of the immediate area

Robert Woodbridge

Public Realm Capital Converted to Revenue


SL/ 1718.10

Outdoor gym in land connecting Perrett's field to Seears Park

Sutton West Cllr Burke To install an outdoor gym along the pathway that connects Perrett’s field to Seears Park to include 5 to 6 pieces of gym equipment for general use

Robert Woodbridge

Public Realm Capital


SL/ 1718.11

Replacement trees in Sutton West

Sutton West Cllr Wales Replacement tree program in Sutton West to replace 10 trees recently lost in the area

Ben Morris Public Realm Revenue


SL/ 1718.12

Rosebery Gardens Feasibility Study

Sutton Central

All A feasibility study to look into the costs associated with potential adoption of Rosebery Gardens to include: footway carriage way construction, street lighting, legal costs, drainage and future maintenance.

Highways Public Realm Capital Converted to Revenue


FUNDING Public Realm Capital £6,500

Public Realm Capital Converted to Revenue £11,960

Public Realm Revenue £1,800



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Section 2 - Progress on Schemes Being Delivered

Project ID

Description Ward Request Date

Comments Anticipated Completion Date

Project Officer Lead

Type of Project Funding

Estimated Cost


SL/ 1617.12

Sutton Green toilet block refurbishment

Sutton North

September 2016

To refurbish the block to make it a usable commercial space. Officers are currently developing the marketing plan/strategy for the space. Asset Management have advertised the premises and have appointed an experienced catering proprietor. The architect and the proprietor together have produced designs to include two toilets and the cafe. Planning permission is now being sought and the proprietor is obtaining a total build cost.

December 2017

Alison Boote

Public Realm Capital


SL/ 1718.3

Benhill Residents Association Noticeboard

Sutton Central

July 2017 To supply and erect one lockable noticeboard in order to provide the residents of Benhill with local community information. A contractor has been instructed to begin the manufacturing of the noticeboard with a later date to be agreed for the installation in partnership with Benhill Residents Association.

September 2017

Paul Brockwell

Public Realm Capital


SL/ 1718.4

Plant cherry tree outside number 10-12 Orchard Road

Sutton Central

July 2017 Cherry or similar tree to those that are further down the road to be planted outside number 10-12 Orchard Road to replace previous tree lost a local resident has volunteered to water this to help reduce cost. A third party contractor has been instructed to order the tree and arrange the installation.

November 2017

Ben Morris Public Realm Revenue



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SL/ 1718.5

Two trees in Beauchamp Road

Sutton Central

July 2017 2 trees to be replaced in Beauchamp Road due to infection. A third party contractor has been instructed to order the tree and arrange the installation.

November 2017

Ben Morris Public Realm Revenue


Parks and Open Spaces

SL/ 1718.2

Victoria Gardens lockable gates and railings

Sutton North

July 2017 Bushey Road entrance to the park, to supply and fit black gate posts and gates, as well as repair one end post. At the High Street entrance to the park, to supply and fit gate and two sections with black posts and railings. A third party contractor has been instructed to begin manufacturing of the gates and railings with the installation and required repairs to be carried out at a later stage.

December 2017

Adam Brind Public Realm Capital


Traffic / Transport

SL/ 1617.7

New Sainsbury’s site parking and traffic changes

Sutton Central

June 2016 Current parking controls around the new Sainsbury’s site do not extend to cover a long enough period and demands may escalate on completion of the current building works. Funding is for extending existing parking controls. This work to be combined with the on-going parking strategy workstream to ensure changes are part of a holistic approach. This is part of developing delivery of Phase 1 of the Parking Strategy that focuses on making sure the existing controls are 'fit for purpose'. This includes a CPZ extension of hours proposal for the Sutton Town Centre area, the funding is required to support the engagement/consultation process.

November 2017

Mehmet Mazar

London Transport Fund



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This scheme also includes the Vale Rd CPZ Review, the statutory TMO formal consultation will take place immediately during the school summer holiday period with works on the ground beginning in early September 2017. Following a site visit to Vale Road arranged with residents and Councillors a number of changes have been implemented that include.

1. New posts installed for loading bay, shared use bay and permit bays.

2. Bay signs have been refreshed and are now enforceable.

3. Pay and display machines have been relocated to nearer the shared use bays.

4. Targeted enforcement has commenced and will continue as requested by residents.

No objections have been received in respect of removing the disabled bay from outside no. 14 so this can be included in the proposed Traffic Management Order. The statutory consultation period commenced in Mid August and a letter has gone out to all Vale Road residents informing of the planned works in September.

SL/ 1617.6

Highways Parking Strategy consultation

All June 2016 At the June 2016 meeting, Councillors proposed and agreed for funding to be utilised for a Parking Strategy consultation for the local committee area. Highways officers will liaise with councillors on consultation strategy. Liaison with Ward Councillors is ongoing in developing delivery of Phase 2, Year 1, of delivery

June 2018 Mehmet Mazhar

London Transport Fund



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of the Parking Strategy that focuses on reviewing the existing parking controls in the Sutton Town Centre area, as well as areas on the periphery where parking displacement exists. The funding is required to support the engagement/consultation process for this .

SL/ 1718.6

Bollards on The High Street/Burnell Road

Sutton Central

July 2017 To install traffic bollards on both corners of the High Street/Burnell Road to prevent vehicles mounting the footway. Bell bollards will now be used instead as they are considered to be effective for this location. The kerb line will also be reduced slightly on each corner to help alleviate the issue.

January 2018 Hitesh Wadher

London Transport Fund


SL/ 1718.7

Bushey Road/Bushey Lane Traffic Island

Sutton North

July 2017 To install a traffic island site to provide safe crossing facilities for pedestrians. Concept design and options are being considered by highways engineers with a site visit planned with ward Councillors to agree the final plan. Any works will be in conjunction with the parking strategy work in the area to ensure a holistic approach.

March 2018 Hitesh Wadher

London Transport Fund


SL/ 1718.8

Sutton Green Cycle Stands

Sutton North

July 2017 To provide upto 4 cycle stands to be located near the existing toilet block currently being refurbished into a Cafe. A site plan has been submitted to the project team for toilet block refurb to agree the optimum location for stands that will benefit the project and encourage use of cafe.

October 2017

Hitesh Wadher

London Transport Fund




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Totals By Funding £

London Transport Fund £29,050

Public Realm Capital £24,580

Public Realm Revenue £780

Grand Total £54,410


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Section 3 - Completed Schemes since the last meeting

Project ID Description Ward Notes Estimated Cost

Nothing to report since the last meeting

Section 4 - Unfunded Public Realm Schemes for future consideration

Project ID

Description Ward Project Sponsor Request Date

Comments Project Officer Lead

Type of Project Funding

Estimated Cost

SL Bandstand for Manor Park

Sutton Central

Cllr Heron 2012 To purchase and install a bandstand in Manor Park. £50,000 (not including procurement and tendering exercise). Costs based on costs for Wallington Bandstand - which is ten feet in diameter.

Robert Woodbridge

Public Realm Capital


Sutton Garden Suburb, Phase 3

Sutton Sutton Garden Suburb Residents Association

2013 Third phase of Sutton Garden Suburb Paul Dillon Public Realm Capital



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Section 5 - Sutton Local Committee Financial Position

Budget Position Public Realm

Capital Funding

Transport for London Funding

Direct Revenue Funding Total

£ £ £ £

Balance from 2016/17 £27,376 £0 £485 £27,861

Allocation for 2017/18 £41,263 £16,505 £10,000 £67,768

Budget for the year 2017/18 £68,639 £16,505 £10,485 £95,629

Previously allocated to projects in 2017/18 -£4,580 -£16,505 -£7,995 -£29,080

2017/18 Schemes proposed (Appendix A - Section 1) -£18,460 £0 -£1,800 -£20,260

Balance to be allocated in 2017/18 £45,599 £0 £690 £46,289


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