Suvarnaprashan plus @ sadamangalam ayurved

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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In this world of smart-phones, we always try to update the latest and the smartest version of softwares and applications… then why not updated your children?

Well, Your blessings and huge response are reasons behind the great success of Suvarnaprashana program.

During this program, we met various parents, expecting more ayurvedic ways to nourish and develop their child’s over all growth and personality.

so herewith we are presenting a unique way to meet your expectations under one roof.

The only program, specially designed for children. Our aim is to develop your child’s growth in all possible aspects for us.

This program is dedicated to the children, who changed the course of the history.


Herbal water Deworming Immunity booster Height growth Weight enhancer + memory booster Appetizer Nutrition plus Panchakarma Yoga Pranayama Moral values Personal care products

1.HERBAL WATER To improve health we must start with

drinking water.

And this can’t be the solution to our health complains…

But we can deliver goodness of nature with the every drop of water .

2. DEWORMING Ayurveda says, children

are more susceptible for recurrent worm infection.

Worms are those hurdles between your child’s health and it’s progress.

So… in other words, deworming is the key factor for child’s health improvement.

3. IMMUNITY BOOSTER There are millions of known

and unknown viruses, bacterias hunting around the globe… for which, we don’t know any answer yet. And/or vaccines aren’t available either…

The solution lies in fruits and vegetables around us, which will help in building protective shield against any kind of infection.

In Ayurveda, there are some medicines, which are actually prepared from such highly selected useful natural medicinal herbs and presented in the form, adorable for your children.

4. HEIGHT GROWTH Personality and height

are in direct proportion to each other, and in this competitive world , personality matters a lot.

Ayurveda has developed some medicines, administration of which, causes stimulation of long bones and results in increased height of the children.


Review says, 70% of parents are worried about low weight of their children.

I would say, its 90% of parents.

Results will take time, but periodically, weight gain can be achieved.

Again, result varies from children to children.

6. APPETIZER Nowadays a parent

complaining about child’s anorexia is becoming a common picture, mostly because children have developed a habit of eating food only while they are watching television set.

Don’t we have any better appetizer than a cartoon program ?

Well we’ve solution now.

7.NUTRITION PLUS All children belong to growing

age, hence their body needs sufficient dose of all essential vitamins and minerals to meet the daily requirements.

But market based health drinks aren’t trustworthy at all. So a question arise, which health drink is reliable to satisfy child’s nutritional needs?

Don’t worry, ayurveda holds answers, absolutely reliable.


Nasyam : To enhance sensory capacities of all

senses, to strengthen hairs and teeth.

We all are very much aware about benefits of panchkarma procedures in longevity of healthy life.

Unfortunately, not all panchakarmas can be opted for children, but few like :-

Abhhyangam :To nourish all muscles and bones and helps to maintain health of skin.

Dhoompan : Ancient method of microbes control with

the help of gaseous form of herbs like tulsi,neem


Karnapooran :To enhance hearing capacity.

Head massage : To enhance concentration and the effective blood circulation to brain.

Padabhhyanga: To bring calm sleep and reduce leg pains.

9.YOGA Apart from physical

benefits, yoga also brings disciplinary mind sets. Yoga is an inevitable part of our culture, and yoga keeps us connected to nature in very easy way.

So it is very essential to introduce children to yoga at earliest phase of life.

We conduct :-Warm –up & StretchingSurya NamaskaaramOther Aasanas

10.PRANAYAMAPranayama helps children

to stay focused, safe and happy. Pranayama helps in exhaling not only toxins but negative thoughts as well, leaving only pure thoughts and pure elements in our body.

We conduct :- Anulom-vilom Pranayama Omkaar Pranayama Bhramari Udgeet Pranayama Meditation/ Dhyaan

11.MORAL VALUES Values and morals can not only guide but

inspire and motivate us. Under the influence of modernization, moral

values are lacking day by day. Also, we can purchase almost everything with

the help of money… but not the moral values .

We guide :- Morning & Evening prayer Good habits to live a healthy life Naamsmaran of God

12.PERSONAL CARE Nalpamara soap K.P.Shampoo Ubtan Hair oil Body massage oil Ayurvedic toothpaste

For details, feel free to contact :-

Dr. Sachin Sadashiv Ganeshwadi M.D. (Ayu.)

Contact No. : 9890830541…………………….

Dr. Prajakta Sachin Ganeshwadi

B.A.M.S. Contact no. : 7588277596

Centers for Suvarnaprashana plus:

Shri Sadamangalam Ayu. Chikitsalaya,1st floor,Siddhivinayak complex,

Beside Sandip gas agency,race course naka,

Sambhaji Nagar, Kolhapur….

Seva-Sadan clinicNear Durga mata temple,

College corner,Madhavnagar Road,
